Quantum Computing & a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? Am thinking Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') & per https://engineering.stanford.edu/events/introduction-quantum-computing-software-engineers-joe-latone … am curious how Qubits of molecules will develop 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?
Quantum Computing & a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? Am thinking Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') & per https://t.co/PWpuRXBuLj am curious how Qubits of molecules will develop 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 30, 2019
Combine chemistry molecule QC Qubits to form new chemical molecules Build out #RealisticVirtualEarth in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') for 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?" https://t.co/Cxf8dnNmb6 ~— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 30, 2019
Combine chemistry molecule QC Qubits to form new chemical molecules Build out #RealisticVirtualUniverse in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') for 1-1 #ActualVirtual w/ algorithms?" https://t.co/Cxf8dnNmb6 ~— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 30, 2019
Combine chemistry molecule QC Qubits to form new chemical molecules Build out #RealisticVirtualUniverse in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') for 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?" https://t.co/Cxf8dnNmb6 ~— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 30, 2019
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Anthropologist friends from Norway (visiting UC Berkeley) 2 years ago #GooglePhotos (https://t.co/ETSvJWuvbn wiki Subject @WorldUnivAndSch and Norway World University and School https://t.co/XMbDJuG90V planned in Norwegian languages Bokmal & Nynorsk https://t.co/8HVyW1cW1e ) pic.twitter.com/gTsnWk3VH4— scottmacleod (@scottmacleod) January 30, 2019
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Quantum Computing & a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? Am thinking Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') & per https://engineering.stanford.edu/events/introduction-quantum-computing-software-engineers-joe-latone am curious how Qubits of molecules will develop 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?
https://twitter.com/Scobleizer/status/1090724597584916482Situational awareness joins bring up lots of new questions in spatial computing. JJ brings our attention to some. https://t.co/vsmZW9vluR— Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer) January 30, 2019
Quantum Computing & a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? Am thinking Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') & per https://t.co/HeQsDACiWK am curious how Qubits of molecules will develop 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?— scottmacleod (@scottmacleod) January 30, 2019
Combine chemistry molecule QC Qubits to form new chemical molecules Build out #RealisticVirtualEarth in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') for 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?" https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1090724580279279616 ~
Combine chemistry molecule QC Qubits to form new chemical molecules Build out #RealisticVirtualUniverse in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') for 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?" https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1090724580279279616 ~
Combine chemistry molecule QC Qubits to form new chemical molecules Build out #RealisticVirtualUniverse in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') for 1-1 #ActualVirtual w/ algorithms?" https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1090724580279279616 ~
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ISSIP Board Of Directors Call - Jan 30, 2019
FYI: ISSIP Service innovation progress and update call, Wed Jan 30, 2019, 12noon PT (tomorrow)
Please register here to join https://bit.ly/2TMFrYd.
Slides and recording will be posted here: http://www.issip.org/2401-2/
Some highlights:
AI initiatives
Service Innovation Awards
Honoring 2018 President
Announcing new ISSIP president - and 2019 plan
MOU signing with Society of Serviceology
Publications, conferences, discovery summits, speaker series, SIGs
Thanks to volunteers - ISSIP Ambassadors, Committee Leads, Editors, etc.
2018 end of year financial summary
Thanks, -Jim
Jim Spohrer, PhD
Director, Cognitive Opentech Group (COG)
IBM Research - Almaden
Thanks, and congratulations on the impressive vision, growth, and organization of ISSIP, since June 2012! (You're amazing:).
It would be interesting to follow up on -
- potentially.
The Chancellor of California's Community Colleges is speaking at Stanford tomorrow about The Future of Learning, Opportunity, and Work in California https://t.co/iMht2xg3zY WUaS might network re transfer students & scaling multiple campus databases, online learning & careers+++— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 30, 2019
Thanks for an interesting Board meeting (which is a model too for World University and School). Thank you.
Best, Scott
From Me to Everyone: (11:56 AM)
Hello Jim and Yassi and ISSIP!
From Yassi Moghaddam to Everyone: (11:58 AM)
Hi everyone! Welcome!
From Susan Malaika to Everyone: (11:58 AM)
Heellllllllloooooooooooooooooooooo - Happy 2019 everyone ............................
From hyurko to Everyone: (11:59 AM)
From Ammar to Everyone: (11:59 AM)
From hyurko to Everyone: (11:59 AM)
Heather Yurko - Facebook
From Ammar to Everyone: (11:59 AM)
Ammar Rayes - Cisco
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:00 PM)
Jim Spohrer (IBM) and ISSIP (Board of Directors), also a regular on the CSG speaker series http://cognitive-science.info/community/weekly-update/
From Paula McCarty to Everyone: (12:00 PM)
Hi All - I'm with Persistent and am back after a 4 year hiatus. Salesforce is my deal and Oracle implementations
From Me to Everyone: (12:00 PM)
Hello Everyone - Scott MacLeod, MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, planning online universities in each of ~200 countries’ official / main languages (scottmacleod.com)
From Susan Malaika to Everyone: (12:01 PM)
Susan Malaika, at IBM in open technologies group - based in New York - I run the CSIG speaker series usually - but taking a small "sabbatical" - will restart very soon. Hope to get suggestions for AI speakers for the series today
From Ammar to Everyone: (12:06 PM)
Welcome Heather and Gtnhard!!
From Me to Everyone: (12:12 PM)
Thank you, Jim!
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:12 PM)
thanks you, Jim
From Sunil’s iPad to Everyone: (12:12 PM)
Thank you Rama! Welcome Heather & Gerhard!
From hyurko to Everyone: (12:13 PM)
can you unmute the 646 number?
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:17 PM)
Academic-Industry collaboration are key - so many opportunities for service innovation together
Award nomination are due tomorrow - http://www.issip.org/recognitions/excellence-in-service-innovation-award/
ISSIP Hack-a-thon = contact Yassi and Heather
From Me to Everyone: (12:19 PM)
Reach out to whom?
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:20 PM)
Student projects ,need advice? contact Haluk Demirkan (Washington, and ISSIP Board of Directors)
From Me to Everyone: (12:20 PM)
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:21 PM)
Welcome Christine Leitner, Critina Mele, and Francesco Polese
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:21 PM)
Hi, I’m Cristina.
thanks you
From Me to Everyone: (12:21 PM)
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:21 PM)
thank you
From hyurko to Everyone: (12:21 PM)
great to meet you! welcome!
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:21 PM)
Thank-you Christine and Cristina for joining - I know it is lat in Europe
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:22 PM)
yes, Jim
From hyurko to Everyone: (12:22 PM)
thank you so much for your service!
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:22 PM)
but not too late
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:22 PM)
JST = Japan Science and Technology, and ISSIP institutional member (thank-you JST)
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:36 PM)
Thank-you Susan Malaika for leading CSIG speaker series
Thanks to all the ISSIP SIG leaders - your efforts are much appreciated; an ISSIP BEP book is a nice goal for some of the SIGs as well
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:42 PM)
it is my great pleasure to be ISSIP ambassador
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:42 PM)
Thank-you Cristina - and give our bet to Francesco as well - we are happy to have ISSIP more involved in Naples Forum on Service!!
See you in Ischia in Jun!
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:43 PM)
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:43 PM)
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:44 PM)
Thanks to Salvatore and Michele for great work on ISSIP Newsletter - it is a great summary of materials, and the interviews are very interesting as well. Keep interviewing ISSIP members - they are all unique and interesting - with important innovation stories
Thanks to all the ISSIP volunteers! Your collective efforts are what make ISSIP a great aggregator of global service innovation activities
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:50 PM)
Please contact me Jim Spohrer <spohrer@us.ibm.com> if you wold like to work on a service innovation self-assessment with me and others
Thank-you Rama - we really appreciate all you have done for the community - great work, and fun for us as well!
From Me to Everyone: (12:52 PM)
Thank you, Rama and ISSIP!
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:53 PM)
Thank-you Pankaj!
From hyurko to Everyone: (12:54 PM)
the future of work is now
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:54 PM)
in deed!
From iPad di Cristina to Everyone: (12:55 PM)
also the future of education is now
From Me to Everyone: (12:56 PM)
Glad to say The Chancellor of California's Community Colleges is speaking at Stanford today about The Future of Learning, Opportunity, and Work in California
https://events.stanford.edu/events/814/81444/ … WUaS might network re transfer students & scaling multiple campus databases, online learning & careers+++
From Jim Spohrer to Everyone: (12:56 PM)
From Me to Everyone: (12:56 PM)
Might there be interest by ISSIP in exploring collaboration here (and re World Univ & Sch too)?
* *
Thanks Scott for attending the ISSIP video call - and for capturing the chat below!Thanks also for formulating an ISSIP-WUaS challenge - recall the drivers test translation in all languages challenge.
We have not gotten much traction yet with Challenges, but Yassi and Heather are keen to experiment with hack-a-thons, and then I think we could try to do a global challenge to collect data that helps realize a part of the WUaS vision.
Have fun at Stanford today - and thanks for the suggestion of connecting with the colleges.
All good ideas - once we find a want to make things more connected. I want my workforce of AI assistants to help me get more of the great ideas done!
Thanks, -Jim
Jim Spohrer, PhD
Hi Jim and Yassi,
Thanks for the ISSIP update (re https://www.eventbrite.com/e/issip-board-of-directors-call-jan-30-2019-tickets-54779175990 ).
Any chance your AI assistants could / will develop as Avatar Bots (am thinking Pegman growing in Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth at the cellular/atomic levels with QC computing / TensorFlow with Hangouts into Avatar Bots in something like Sansar / Second Life / OpenSim, but realistic ... and eventually for physical-digital tele-robotic surgery in conjunction with Stanford Medicine's Center for Digital Health, and as part of emergent online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Stanford Medicine OCW medical schools - in something like Project ECHO - with online teaching hospitals - in something like Duke/Stanford's Google's Project Baseline into avatar bots - and for online clinical care ?
All of this would emerge, conceptually and coding-wise, in a realistic virtual earth -
"Quantum Computing & a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? Am thinking Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') & per https://engineering.stanford.edu/events/introduction-quantum-computing-software-engineers-joe-latone … am curious how Qubits of molecules will develop 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?" ...
https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1090724580279279616 ...
Quantum Computing & a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? Am thinking Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / @TensorFlow (where TensorFlow is 'algorithm machine') & per https://t.co/PWpuRXBuLj am curious how Qubits of molecules will develop 1-1 #PhysicalDigital w/ algorithms?— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 30, 2019
- and potentially with Quantum Computing, per a recent Stanford talk on QC by an IBM colleague who said he knows you well - https://engineering.stanford.edu/events/introduction-quantum-computing-software-engineers-joe-latone .
This realistic virtual earth idea, conceptually with Google Translate / Wikidata/Wikibase (in Wikipedia's ~300 languages), would open avenues for further "formulating an ISSIP-WUaS challenge - recall the drivers test translation in all languages challenge." Conceptually, this is all a very Google Cloud-centric vision, but offers much potential for AI assistants re avatar bots, potentially, and ISSIP Grand Challenges especially.
Thanks again so much,
Thanks Scott - you have no shortage of big ("gigantic") vision!
We have a long way to go to get to where you are suggesting below.
However, in 10-20 years, yes. Since I am 63 now, I hope to make it and sees this world you describe below.
Here are some related links:
Thanks, -Jim
Jim Spohrer, PhD
Thanks so much, Jim,
And great! "Mirror Worlds Software Universe Shoebox" (OUP 1993) may be a kind of executable code for such a vision too, but the Google Cloud TensorFlow Platform re Quantum Computings' possibilities (what will be these algorithms?) with Stanford SLAC holds much promise as I think about this.
Maybe we'll all live much longer than the 122 outer limit (Jeanne Calment - see 'Longevity' at WUaS below), and in these regards,
Here's the MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito's article on longevity re the promise of gene editing research and longevity - https://web.archive.org/web/20180605002848/https://www.wired.com/story/the-responsibility-of-immortality/ - containing the idea that Harvard researcher George Church is doing gene editing research now with dogs, having moved on from mice, (as well as mentioning 9 main scientific approaches to longevity):
"He is currently experimenting with age reversal in dogs using gene therapy that has been successful in mice, a technique he believes is the most promising of nine broad approaches to mortality and aging—genome stability, telomere extension, epigenetics, proteostasis, caloric restriction, mitochondrial research, cell senescence, stem cell exhaustion, and intercellular communication."
"He is currently experimenting with age reversal in dogs using gene therapy that has been successful in mice, a technique he believes is the most promising of nine broad approaches to mortality and aging—genome stability, telomere extension, epigenetics, proteostasis, caloric restriction, mitochondrial research, cell senescence, stem cell exhaustion, and intercellular communication."
I've also updated this blog entry - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/06/koi-longevity-mit-media-lab-eternal.html - also in this tweet - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1004033825691717632 - with this article's new web site address. And I just added this article to the Longevity wiki subject - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Longevity - at World Univ & Sch as well.
I wonder how such gene editing will emerge into a realistic virtual earth (and at World University and School) beyond CRISPR gene editing digital technologies - or with CRISPR gene editing technologies into Google Street View (Again, in terms of a realistic virtual earth, I'm thinking conceptually in terms of Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow AI software / Brain).
(And to my friend-from-childhood, Dr. Richard Robb MD, a retiring Harvard Professor of Medicine, in a related vein: it would be great to explore perhaps co-creating a New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Continuing Education Module (CME) on clinical ophthalmology and eye pathology for online medical students, and medical doctors online too, which could eventually be translated into all ~200 countries' official languages, and offered even in the first two years of online medical schools in same countries and languages (potentially at WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School ). It would also be fascinating to explore how this ophthalmological subject could be developed clinically and research-wise in a realistic virtual earth at the cellular and atomic levels, as well (and perhaps in conjunction with Google's Project Baseline, and Project ECHO). )
I'd like to keep innovating through the centuries if this might be possible :)
Regards, Scott
World University and School - https://twitter.com/
Academic Press at WUaS Corp / Bookstore - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress
Hi Scott,
Thanks for attending the call. And, thank you for sharing your great ideas! As Jim said, may be in a few years….:-).
Also, thank you for the pointer about the event at Stanford. Coincidentally, I got a text this afternoon from another colleague at a Stanford ( Martha Russell, Exec Director, MediaX) about the same event. So, I signed up, and hope to see you there.
Great, Yassi,
And thanks for holding the ISSIP Board meeting in Zoom today!
Looks like there's a reception for - https://events.stanford.edu/events/814/81444/ - beginning at 6:45 in the Stanford Graduate School of Education on the first floor!
See you soon, Scott
Hi Yassi,
Are you here at Stanford? I don't see you yet. Am sitting in the far back stage left.
See you soon I hope, Scott :)
Hi Scott,
I was sitting on the 2nd front row (business class section:-)), and I saw you in the back. I had to run out quickly at the end of the talk. - Yassi
Hi Yassi,
Thanks for your email, and that you were there. Chancellor Oakley, head of California's 115 Community Colleges, was more than great (as was Stanford Prof. Mitchell Stevens). Was glad to meet and talk with both of them afterward, and re MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School.
I'm often somehow sitting in way far out left field, like last night, so perhaps we can sit together at another Stanford gathering. (Didn't see Martha Russell either).
What did you think of the conversation?
Cheers, Scott
Migration via quantum mechanics
A perplexing property of quantum mechanics could be allowing birds to see and navigate the planet’s magnetic fields
One-fifth of Earth's 10,000 bird species migrate over great distances, crossing seemingly insurmountable obstacles as they follow the seasons.
Demoiselle Cranes fly to altitudes in excess of 20,000 feet as they pass over the Himalayan Mountains. The Arctic Tern travels from pole to pole in pursuit of an endless summer, a distance of some 40,000 miles.
Scientists have long speculated that certain animals are making use of magnetic fields to find their way, but biologists are mystified as to how they might do it.
Now some answers might be coming from one of the most perplexing interactions in physics.
Quantum entanglement dictates that if two electrons are created at the same time, the pair will be “entangled” so that whatever happens to one particle affects the other. Otherwise, it would violate fundamental laws of physics.