Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chimpanzee (playful species): LONGEVITY <> AGE REVERSAL * MIT Tech Review article with a Spanish scientist at UCSD, I think, who thinks we may be able to extend life span presumably past 122 another 30-50 years . . . Talk with you in 2132? :) . . * Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer'? * * Didn't know you might be wanting a personal gene sequencer in a few years - like you didn't know you'd be wanting a personal laptop computer or a smartphone a few years ago, did ya? :) * Brainstorming-wise, am wondering if we'll each be able to sequence our own genome, and then would I be able to sculpt personally a solution to my "eustachian tube dysfunction" - re the little 'wound' in there - and with regards to MIT Professor Kevin Esvelt's Sculpting evolution & promoting responsive science, MIT Media Lab * Could be better to integrate this gene sequencer chip into a smartphone itself. How long does it take to sequence the genetics of my ear? :) ... and then sculpt it in there? :) * * * * FURTHER in an innovation vein, just found this: 'Aim' by @artefactgroup is a #selfdriving hospital envisioning an on-demand version of doctor visits * RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE' ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too

Hi Ma and Ed,

Fascinating from Harvard Genetics' Professor George Church - a gene sequencer we may be able to use from home, like a personal computer, or a smartphone, to sequence our own genome (not sure how it would work with other species) - and with its own chip (by one of his students, and soon to be publicly available):

Some related Tweets:

Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline


Crowdsourcing #longevity #AgeReversal questions like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer' (Project Baseline's Topol on Board) INTO #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? in StreetView > Longevity wiki page at World Univ & Sch - ~


And here's a MIT Tech Review article with a Spanish scientist at UCSD, I think, who thinks we may be able to extend life span presumably past 122 another 30-50 years :

This scientist believes he has found the elixir of life, and thinks we can extend human life span by another 30 to 50 years, at least.

The information technology revolution which I teach about - - has already been radically transformative.

Have blogged about this here -

Talk with you in 2132? :)

Fondly, Scott


Water on Mars: 'To Mars together @RZembo . . ." AND 'Astronauts to be . . . ' with #FilmTo3D App to write for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital 1-1? @RZembo & in #RealisticVirtualUniverse @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics wi #ReinforcementLearning re #GRFE #QuantumComputing ~ * * * Wow! Are we going to be able to crowdsource #longevity #AgeReversal questions with millions of people having 'GenapSys Sequencer' piped INTO a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLongevity #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics? think Google StreetView / Project Baseline - like with 6 billion smartphones and newly re 'GenapSys Sequencer * * * Mental health at WUaS: Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychotherapy & as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW * * * World Univ and Sch seeks to create all museums of all time in all 7,111 known living languages in virtual reality as virtual museums - Think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Translate, conceptually; and each with their own wiki subject page for open teaching and learning to begin

* *

A little humor:)

Didn't know you might be wanting a personal gene sequencer in a few years - like you didn't know you'd be wanting a personal laptop computer or a smartphone a few years ago, did ya? :)


Scott @WorldUnivAndSch
Translated? @sgkmacleod ~

6.5 billion of us out of 7.5 billion may have a smartphone in a few years! Incredible! :)

Brainstorming-wise, am wondering if we'll each be able to sequence our own genome, and then would I be able to sculpt personally a solution to my "eustachian tube dysfunction" - re the little 'wound' in there - and with regards to MIT Professor Kevin Esvelt's 'Sculpting evolution & promoting responsive science, MIT Media Lab' -

Could be better to integrate this gene sequencer chip into a smartphone itself. How long does it take to sequence the genetics of my ear? :)

I.T. revolution is a different kinda electricity outage! :)

X, S

* * * *
FURTHER in an innovation vein, just found this:

'Aim' by @artefactgroup is a #selfdriving hospital envisioning an on-demand version of doctor visits@nowthisnews#HealthTech #AI #AutonomousVehicles #AugmentedReality@alvinfoo @enricomolinari @chboursin @Julez_Norton @mvollmer1 @JoannMoretti @Fabriziobustama @ArkangelScrap

Methinks it'll be via Electronic Health Records re #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords & potentially first in Psychiatry
that we'll focus care
EHR with #SmartPhrases? - ~

Mental health at WUaS:
& as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually OCW

RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE'  ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too - :0) ... and much more here as well, like #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch ~

~ ~ ~

RE a bit further 'ELECTRICITY OUTAGE'  ... check out mobile hospital concept at bottom here too - :0) ... and much more here as well, like #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch ~
Take me to the hospital, or
Call me a hospital 
Or be that rolling hospital ~
a Harbin warm pool 
in, in ... 
in virtual Reality? :0)



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