NVIDIA keynote talk -
'GTC 2022 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang'
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Hi Jim,
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“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook
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Minutes from 2/19/22 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting - https://
333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 92025
Russia's assault on Ukraine illustrates that the world is fracturing. How can investors, founders, and executives navigate this landscape? Join us for our first in-person event in 2022.
Featuring speakers from
IBM Ventures, Nomura, Hyundai, SRI International,
and Post-Industrial Institute.
- the changing global innovation landscape
- information, energy, and infrastructure security
- overcoming innovation barriers and threats
- finding new trillion-dollar opportunities
- creating a more free and prosperous world
Silicon Valley Forum
Post-Industrial Institute
Future Innovation, Nomura Holding America
New Horizons Studio, Hyundai Motor Group
IBM Ventures
Oil and Gas Global Network
SRI Computer Science Laboratory
Post-Industrial Institute
Wine, beer, sodas, and light snacks will be served.
Nomura Investment Banking
IBM Ventures
Deborah Magid represents IBM’s high growth software and hardware businesses in the company’s IBM Ventures. She is responsible for sharing insights about emerging markets, technologies, and business models with venture firms and entrepreneurs around the world. She also brings insight from the venture community to the development of IBM’s growth strategies. Deborah is responsible for fueling IBM’s ecosystem pipeline in high growth strategic areas such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, sustainability, security, analytics, and cloud computing; and contributes to filling out the IBM product portfolio through M&A. She leads the IBM team of venture partners based in innovation ecosystems around the world.
Deborah is based in Silicon Valley. Her relationships are global and extend into emerging geographies. Deborah is a frequent spokesperson on topics of relevance to entrepreneurs and investors, such as open innovation, disruptions in various industries, ESG and climate, women in technology and trends in investing. She is a former board director and past Chair of Silicon Valley Forum, and a member of the Corporate Venture Advisory Board of the NVCA.
Mark LaCour, Editor-in-Chief
Oil and Gas Global Network
Mark LaCour has lived and worked in the Oil and Gas industry for over 25 years. Later he started his own market research company and has a well-earned reputation as an industry “insider” and independent 3rd party researcher. This led to him becoming a part of the new media, where he has the top Oil and Gas podcasts in the world, with a million daily listeners. He is a sought-after public speaker, author, sits on several oil & gas boards, and has one of the top oil & gas presences in social media.
Dr. John Suh, VP & Founding Director
New Horions Studio, Hyundai Motor Group
John Suh runs Hyundai Motor Group’s New Horizons Studio, which is focused on the development of Ultimate Mobility Vehicles (UMVs). New Horizons Studio is expected to push the extreme limits of vehicle development, building vehicles to traverse off-road with unprecedented mobility. He has held several leadership roles at Hyundai since 2011, serving as founding director of Hyundai Ventures, and then led Hyundai CRADLE (Center for Robotic-Augmented Design in Living Experiences) as its founding director based in Silicon Valley. He brings over 35 years of expertise in the automotive and emerging technology sectors, including roles at Stanford University, Xerox PARC, and General Motors. John has a BS degree in electrical engineering from Kettering University and an MS and Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Stanford University. He has six patents and patents pending in the fields of robotics, artificial nose technology, and location-based services.
With more than 20 years of experience guiding the strategic operations for nonprofit, corporate, and small business, Denyse Cardozo is regarded as a strong leader with the ability to elevate organizational success across a wide range of operational areas, including partner development, finance, human resources, program management, and stakeholder engagement. She is passionate about community and creating diverse, inclusive & welcoming programs in which everyone’s unique backgrounds, identities, cultures and perspectives are respected, embraced and celebrated.
Dr. Ulf Lindqvist, Senior Technical Director
Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International
Ulf Lindqvist manages R&D programs regarding infrastructure security for government and commercial clients. He leads SRI’s IoT Security and Privacy Center as well as SRI’s support for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate. Ulf’s areas of expertise include cyber security, infrastructure systems, intrusion detection in computer systems, and security for systems that interact with the physical world. Ulf holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Chalmers University in Sweden. He was named an SRI Fellow in 2016.
Post-Industrial Institute
Frode Odegard studies how enterprises, investors, and policymakers can best navigate the transition to a post-industrial civilization and economy. He is the founder of the Post-Industrial Institute, which provides advisory, educational, and strategic services to corporates and investors to help them turn disruption into opportunity. Frode is also the founder of the Post-Industrial Forum, a global community formed to develop and promote a better understanding of the post-industrial transition and how to navigate it. Its members include investors, executives, founders, and policymakers.
Jim Spohrer
Wed, Mar 30, 12:17 PM (22 hours ago)
to me
Hi Scott,
Sorry to miss you at the event - I will not be attending.
For me, still doing mostly things online except for hikes with family.
Will keep technology scouting activities going, and believe the WUaS vision will be realized before the end of the decade.
Check out this long - but good - NVIDIA keynote video - it shows realtime language translations at about minute 20.
Huang J (2022) GTC 2022 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang. [online at YouTube] URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ubNuxnrK8 Note: Digital twin of Earth climate more accurate and faster than physics based models.
Thanks, -Jim
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
Wed, Mar 30, 3:34 PM (19 hours ago)
to Jim
Thanks for letting me know, Jim,
Blogged, and riffed, a bit about the Nvidia Keynote video - https://youtu.be/39ubNuxnrK8 - here, including regarding 'landing' most everything Jensen Huang suggests into 'fields' of Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth TensorFlow Artificial Intelligence, and at the cellular and molecular levels too and with FilmTo3D Apps in microscopes and smartphones, into a virtual earth -
male coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) spawners: Build in Google Stanford Duke's #ProjectBaseline into #SmartWatch * * * Yogic Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations and Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency coin Free Money Daily, ~ https://minepi.com/sgkmac ~ & with UBI experiments .... * * * riffs with Inspiring #Nvidia #StarWars Youtube FILM with CEO Jensen Huang: * * * For #Olympics? #YogaGenetics? For performance - higher faster stronger athletics - & #ETHICS? What? How? If & when #vaccines for #YogaAthletes w #WUaSLongevity & #WUaSAgingReversal genetic drugs develop & give us younger -at age 150 yo?, -more supple bodies, how #YogaEthics work? * * * How best to 'LAND' so much in this film, in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAI, Translate ... so with machine learning and AI ... from GPUs and chip design to virtual server farms to game creation, and in a realistic virtual earth for computing history - and for everything?
Primula capitata: India students for Autumn 2022 recruiting? * * * Mwende in Africa - CC-4 LICENSED "Computer Science CS FIRST WITH GOOGLE AT WUaS" Scratch programming language * * * #RegenerativeYoga online? (with major update to these #HippyAnjaliYogaNotations ~ * * * Inspiring #Nvidia #StarWars Youtube FILM with CEO Jensen Huang: * * * Thanks so much again for your $50 donation to 501 c 3 World Univ & Sch * World Univ & Sch also has a growing CAMPUS in Google Street View with Time Slider, - and not just of Harbin Hot Springs, but potentially the whole earth, and at the cellular and molecular levels too ... and with AI and machine learning!, Thank you again! * * * * "Wondering how specific molecules of genes will be added to our bodies and what their myriad effects will be ! 🙂 * * * MIT Tech Review: "In this debate, George Church just called mRNA vaccines gene therapy. This is sufficient to be banned from further speech" ? * * Virtual hiking with data in digital masks from 2 different places (eg in CA) in the virtual Sierras associated with All Trails, - and then meet in person?
but haven't watched the whole video. Have cancelled, as you may have seen, going to the SRI event, but if I do hear back positively from Stanford itself, I may go to this in-person event after all.
Digital twins' idea is great ... and blogged today a bit in response to some Google Business questions about realistic virtual avatars, and avatar bot electronic medical records for all 7.9 billion people on the planet and for genetics too - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/03/nanda-devi-mountain-in-india.html - which may take longer than 8 years to build out ... but may get some matriculating classes for Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD and IB degrees in each of all 200 countries before 2030 ... Thanks for your support, and scouting, and thinking, and champion-ing!
Am not sure if WUaS OCW.MIT.EDU-centric Sloan Business degrees, both PhD and Bachelor might be a form of IT scouting for you and ISSIP, but they're in the works, and for speakers in and of all ~200 countries' languages.
Thanks, Scott
Jim Spohrer
Wed, Mar 30, 3:52 PM (19 hours ago)
to me
THanks Scott - my tech scouting for WUaS is focused on language translation technology like in the NVIDIA keynote, as well as AI technology for building coaches and collaborators for learners. Helping learners figure out what they want to learn, how to learn it, and then how to apply it to give life meaningful while contributing to the wellbeing of all and the planet. For example, but really any technology that I think might help WUaS in any of hundreds of ways, I will keep my eyes open for, and send your way when I see them. Thanks, Jim
spohrer@gmail.com 408-829-3112
| Wed, Mar 30, 5:58 PM (17 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
An inspiring stellar ('star fleet commander') keynote, with amazing building-blocks of a realistic virtual earth (Omniverse-wise) for surgery and genetics, and so many other World Univ & Sch projects (Medical School, realistic virtual Harbin), with the GPUs that will run these, as well as so instructive regarding state of the art GPUs and related creative potential for computer companies emerging from them -
I think I'll add this video to ...
... good model for World Univ & Sch presentations too ... re kinds of Virtual Reality represented also ... appreciating too the potential for real real time music making and schools inherent in Jensen's talk!
Thanks so much, Jim!

| 6:19 AM (4 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Video: https://vimeo.com/681877425
Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org>
9:38 AM (1 hour ago)
to Jim
Great to hear from you, and thanks again for your emails, and thinking of me - and sharing further your ISSIP thinking, regarding 'service science systems' innovations' ... .
Thanks too for the article - will check it out. Will we be able to edit our own genome on this digital assistant (like adding Axolotl body decoration around our necks, or healing a right ear 'eustachian tube dysfunction' since the 1960s and perhaps originated in a Saturday morning Yale swimming program, and a far left left eye 'scarring' from the 2nd dose of the non-epidemic, non- FDA approved vaccine, I hypothesize, and aging eyes, with rejuvenate bio approaches, or will I be to 'whack a mole' on medial side of my 3rd toe on left foot, I wonder, with our avatar bot electronic medical records as our virtual self, in this Physical-Digital realistic virtual earth with avatar bots' unfolding (which could be construed as Digital Twinning too)? Or will we also be able to talk with a Stanford philosopher Richard Rorty, for learning in conversation, or a George Alexander MD, a psychiatrist MD, and family friend, now deceased, or similar, for learning in conversation too, and 'AI'-wise?? ... I wonder too? ). Appreciating your service science thinking too.
Thanks again for the NVIDIA keynote talk - https://youtu.be/ZRNZpGfnu3w
Thanks, Scott
Would this be of interest to you, a Stanford digital assistant talk by a graduate student, I think (just Tweeted by Prasanth Karuppasamy) ...
And would this be of interest to you, happening in 2.5 hours, posted by the amazing Stanford's Jonathan Chen MD PhD -
Stanford Medicine talks are happening on Thursdays now here and today ... And possibly re cognitive assistants on smart phones in the future?
Thanks again, Scott
I reference things on the WUaS wiki page, loosely, I think, with an American Anthropology Association citation style, which I hope will become digitized:
Huang, Jensen. 2022. [https://youtu.be/39ubNuxnrK8 GTC 2022 Keynote with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang]. (Note: Digital twin of Earth climate more accurate and faster than physics based models). Santa Clara, CA: NVIDIA Youtube.
Sought to add https://youtu.be/39ubNuxnrK8 to, too -
But initially, I got this message:
"503 Backend fetch failed
Our servers are having issues at the moment.
What can I do?
Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please report this on Phabricator. If Phabricator is also down, you may join our Discord server or IRC (#miraheze-sre) for additional updates. We apologise for the inconvenience. Our system administrators should be attempting to resolve the issue ASAP!"
So I then added the reference above to these 4 wiki pages, and it could be interesting to be able to start a video, in some instances, from when certain information begins (eg like machine translation and language) differentially per wiki subject page ..
* * *
Video: https://vimeo.com/
An inspiring stellar ('star fleet commander') keynote, with amazing building-blocks of a realistic virtual earth (Omniverse-wise) for surgery and genetics, and so many other World Univ & Sch projects (Medical School, realistic virtual Harbin), with the GPUs that will run these, as well as so instructive regarding state of the art GPUs and related creative potential for computer companies emerging from them -I think I'll add this video to ...... good model for World Univ & Sch presentations too ... re kinds of Virtual Reality represented also ... appreciating too the potential for real real time music making and schools inherent in Jensen's talk!Thanks so much, Jim!Scott
| 1:23 PM (50 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Tall Blue Lettuce (Lactuca Biennis) - HEALTHY - identify w #SeekbyiNaturalist > 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth > #
3 'infinities' herein M 3/14/22 Hippeastrum https://scott-macleod.
* *
Scott MacLeod
2:12 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Jim
Jim, Thanks again, and as a further follow up, and response:
Digital twins of biomedical advances (so NVIDIA chips:) too will be fascinating in a realistic virtual earth, and the great finale to the NVIDIA keynote talk pointed to this, but also in creative and musical ways!
Property (creative commons' law will help in some spheres) and identity (explore this a bit in the course I teach) ... and I concluded my last talk in UC Berkeley Anthropology on December of 2020 with wondering about bringing my friend and main informant Sunheart Sunheart of Harbin (who had died earlier that autumn I heard) alive (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html?m=0) ... and which could possibly make any perpetrators of possible 'foul play' uneasy even ...
Thanks again, Scott
Slides from 2020 talk are here -
2020 - "Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth for Tourism and Tourism Studies with Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation (slides) - 12/18/20 Fr ~ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SI2U7ssoy52met1OIwDwT5CbVLz98RuYRVE4OY5dj6A/edit?usp=sharing (new slides) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/12/doubledays-hummingbird-cynanthus.html - http://tourismstudies.org/news_archive/MacLeod2020.htm ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html
| 2:12 PM (0 minutes ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Scott MacLeod
2:28 PM (1 minute ago)
to Jim
Great, Jim!
Am appreciating the history of the social gospel - something Richard Rorty talked some of - and regarding abolition too (of the wrongful buying and selling of people, one definition of slavery) ... and after my experiences at the SF Quaker Meeting, and Pacific Yearly Meeting, and Friends General Conference, and with British Quakers too regarding the Non-theist Friends' email list (and having become a member of the RSOF in 2004 in Edinburgh Scotland while studying at the University of Edinburgh), have learned that Quaker process (of Monthly Business Meetings, for example, a unit of organization, are potentially somehow corruptible, or cooptable ... ) ... and regarding law breaking too ... where conscientious objection to war, and the causes of war, can then become a risky process ... and am still living in a 'safe house' north of Berkeley. As you may read i-n today's blog (in an email to my mother, and Ed, Larry, Alden, Sid, and other friends ... regarding also you knowing some IBM people in Canyon), it made me a bit optimistic to hear from you this morning, having not yet heard back from the district 7 California state senator's office, and my friend Ed Smyth MD in quite some days, and potentially in seeking asylum after April 30th . ... My 30 day lease is up then (3rd lease), and I hope state of California law and US federal government law are working together to 'clean up' Canyon too (and Harbin Hot Springs) ... but am not privy to these possible developments ... so I am a bit in a liminal state, and may end up moving the WUaS Corporation (which just paid taxes for the 4th year about 4 weeks ago) ... to New England, or Europe, and out of Contra Costa county (district 7). Please stay tuned. and thanks for the emails.
Thanks for the book recommendation too. Great to be in communication! And thank you!
Best regards, Scott
| 2:28 PM (1 minute ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
* * * *
(I'm thinking too of video potentially into a realistic virtual earth for hospitals, with avatar bot electronic medical records, text in the sidebar of Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlowAi and Translate, - at the cellular and molecular levels too). Thanks for your excellent presentation, Christian!
“Don’t Miss the People for the Data: Gaining Insights Into the Human Systems Underpinning Health IT”
Thursday, March 31st, 2022 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Webinar Passcode: 403428
Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research
— Jonathan H Chen (@jonc101x) March 29, 2022
“Don’t Miss the People for the Data: Gaining Insights Into the Human Systems Underpinning Health IT”
Thursday, March 31st, 2022 12:00 to 1:00 pmhttps://t.co/VdPd97Casb
Webinar Passcode: 403428 pic.twitter.com/gYOWjcwTJ8
Donald Lindberg