Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for "8th Annual Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium 2024" (#SDDS2024)
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I am excited to host 2024 Annual Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium #SDDS2024 on April 29-30. We are expecting 800+ in-person and 4000+ virtual attendees. Special

to our sponsors.
@StanfordCVI @StanfordMed @StanfordDeptMed @Stanford_ChEMH @CIRMnews
| 8th Annual Stanford Drug Discovery SymposiumHosted by the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute |
Dear All,
We invite you to join us virtually for the 8th Annual Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium. SDDS 2024 offers an opportunity to explore the latest breakthroughs presented by industry leaders, government agencies, academia, and foundations. CEOs, CSOs, EVPs, and other professionals will discuss various policy, research, and venture topics during the event. For more information, please visit www.tinyurl.com/SDDS2024. Don't miss out on this exciting event! Details are listed below. We hope to see you there! Best wishes, Joe Joseph C. Wu, MD, PhD Director, Stanford Cardiovascular Institute Simon H. Stertzer, MD, Professor of Medicine & Radiology Email: joewu@stanford.edu; Twitter: @Joseph_C_Wu |
April 29, 2024: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm PT April 30, 2024: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm PT Walk-in registration will not be available |
We are unable to accept walk-in registrations. Please join us virtually via our livestream! |
| Stanford Cardiovascular Institute 265 Campus Drive, G1120; MC-5454 Stanford, CA 94305 Phone: (650) 725-7964 | Fax: (650) 736-0234 Update subscription preferences |
Thanks, Joe, for the invitation.
Greetings from an asylum place of western Pennsylvania, as MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeks to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe open Canyon 94516 in 2024.
I thought I had registered before weeks ago, and I also registered again and got a confirmation email saying that I have virtual tickets, but there were a couple of further Events' screens saying take some more steps, possibly phishing too.
Looking forward to the Stanford Drug Symposium on M 4/29 and Tu 4/30.
Thanks, abolition-ally, regards,
Scott GK MacLeod
With much relevance for a Realistic Virtual Earth For Pharmaceuticals too -
Dear John (Cumbers), & Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George (Church), UW Professor David Baker, and Peter (Norvig, a head of Google AI),
Nice to hear from you and e-meet you too & re "...balancing the risks with the opportunities of generative AI for protein design" in your talk tomorrow.
Just filled out the survey. And here are some related questions and thinking -
In the form of a set of tweets regarding a #RealisticVirtualEarthForProteins in 1 iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth (& see Incredible #ToolifyAIWUaS ARTICLE too re virtual earth -
How could a #PhysicalDigital #GStreetViewRoom s & think #StreetView w #TimeSlider #GCellView #GAtomView #GMoleculeView help ameliorate
biological, biochemical, financial & security risks while further creating #AgingReversalMachine s & think too a #HospitalRooms
https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4 in all 200 countries in main languages?
(And see this PS -
How could #PhysicalDigital #GStreetViewRoom s with #StreetView w #TimeSlider #GCellView #GAtomView #GMoleculeView help lessen
biological, biochemical, financial & security risks while creating #AgingReversalMachine & think ~200 countries' #HospitalRooms
https://youtu.be/q9FBhEAXRY4 ?
All 7164 living languages planned at WUaS -
Retweeting -
retweeting your @johncumbers Tweet on @GeoChurch's Twitter feed
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Interested in Generative AI for BIO? Please Join George Church, David Baker and Sarah Carter for an interactive SynBioBeta Town Hall on "Generative AI for Protein Design: Balancing Risks with Opportunities". Tuesday Apr 16th at 12 noon pacific. You can register here:
And even with #FilmTo3DApps ... ?
All -
In part these are iterating dataset questions at warp speed (as I understand these questions, and in MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch seeking to facilitate an iterating realistic virtual earth for everything - and with Generative AI).
WUaS is also seeking to hire 2.5 million people in all 200 countries and speakers of 7164 languages over 50+ years to potentially do some of this work too.
See you in about 24 hours, and thank you.
All the best, Scott
I invited people to tomorrow's "AI + Bio Town Hall" in today's 4/15/24 WUaS News and Q&A ... and this is also where WUaS is presently ...
M 4/15/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch@WUaSPress #WUaSNewsAndQA #WUaSAccreditation & eg #ScotlandWUaS +
Free #MITOCW-centric #WUaSDegrees ~
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
Dear Joe,
Thanks so much for the first SDDS 2024 panel and with Q&A, and greetings from MIT OCW_centric wiki World University and School and the WUaS Corporation in an asylum place of Pgh PA.
Here's my question re the first panel -
How best #SDDS2024 to grow the massive datasets essential to subsequent #DrugDevelopment, & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals & w esp #AvatarAgentElectronicMedicalRecords & for #WUaSClinicalTrials for speakers of 7164 langs in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth w #GStreetView?
(And furthermore, how could each of these 5 companies potentially add there (older?) datasets to one iterating #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals (and WUaS is thinking in terms of Google Street View with time slider, GMaps, GEarth with TensorFlowAI and at the GCellView, GAtomView, G GeneView and GMolecule levels +)?
Looking forward to further presentations today if they are live streamed. Is there an active SDDS 2024 Youtube Livestream by any chance?
Thanks so much,
* *
How best #SDDS2024 to grow the massive datasets essential to subsequent #DrugDevelopment, & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals & w esp #AvatarAgentElectronicMedicalRecords & for #WUaSClinicalTrials for speakers of 7164 langs in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth w #GStreetView?
Typo in WUaSClinicalTrails
How best #SDDS2024 to grow the massive datasets essential to subsequent #DrugDevelopment, & in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals & w esp #AvatarAgentElectronicMedicalRecords & for #WUaSClinicalTrails for speakers of 7164 langs in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth w #GStreetView?
retweeting -
Day 1
Sharon Barr, PhD
Executive Vice President, BioPharmaceuticals R&D, AstraZeneca
Integrating datasets ?
Paul Biondi - Flagship Pioneering
Third Rock Ventures
Grace Han McMahon - Merck - INSEAD
Catherine Boileau
Day 2
Don Cleveland, PhD
Department Chair, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (CMM); Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of California San Diego
Designer DNA Drug Therapy for Neurodegenerative Disease
Gregory Verdine, PhD
Erving Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University
Toward Universal Druggability
Thomas Lynch, MD
President and Director, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Drug Discovery at Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Greg Verdine
Thomas Lynch jr MD
Don Cleveland - Chair - University of California, San Diego
Abhishek Shukla, MBA
Manager Director, Prosperities7 Ventures
Julie Grant, MBA, MPhil
General Partner, Canaan Partners
Deep Nishar, MBA
Managing Director, General Catalyst
Hallie Kuhn, PhD
Senior Vice President, Alexandria Venture Investments
George Addona, PhD
Senior Vice President and Head, Discovery, Preclinical Development, and Translational Medicine, Merck Research Laboratories
Discovery of an Orally Bioavailable Macrocyclic PCSK9 Inhibitor
PCSK 9 at Merck
molecule design
Paul Burton, MD, PhD
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Amgen
Data & Patients: Novel Partners in Drug Development
Andrew Trister, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Officer, Verily Life Sciences
Plaiting The Golden Braid: Incorporating Patient-Generated Data In Clinical Development
Verily precision health platform
Paulo Fontoura, MD, PhD
Global Head and Senior Vice President of Neuroscience, Immunology, Ophthalmology, and Rare Diseases, Roche
Future Advances in the Treatment of Neuromuscular Disorders
Moderators: Fady Malik, MD, PhD (Executive Vice President of Research and Development, Cytokinetics) and Mark Mercola, PhD (Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine)
Moderators: Carolyn Bertozzi, PhD (Baker Family Director of Stanford ChEM-H, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor, Stanford University), and Kuldev Singh, MD (Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine)
Peter Marks, MD, PhD
Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration
Delivering on the Promise of Genetic Medicines
Patrizia Cavazzoni, MD
Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration
Advances and Innovations in CDER’s Approach to Drug Development
Rosa Canet-Avilés, PhD
Vice President, Scientific Programs & Education, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Update on CIRM Funding Programs
Joni Rutter, PhD
Director, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health
Translational Science: Maximizing the Success of Therapeutic Development
Wade Shen
Director of Proactive Health Office, Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)
AI and Drug Discovery @ ARPA-H
Moderators: Carolyn Bertozzi, PhD (Baker Family Director of Stanford ChEM-H, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor, Stanford University), and Kuldev Singh, MD (Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine)
Peter Marks, MD, PhD
Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration
Delivering on the Promise of Genetic Medicines
Patrizia Cavazzoni, MD
Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration
Advances and Innovations in CDER’s Approach to Drug Development
Rosa Canet-Avilés, PhD
Vice President, Scientific Programs & Education, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Update on CIRM Funding Programs
Joni Rutter, PhD
Director, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health
Translational Science: Maximizing the Success of Therapeutic Development
Wade Shen
Director of Proactive Health Office, Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)
AI and Drug Discovery @ ARPA-H
This was sent to you by Stanford Cardiovascular Institute
Questions about the event?
Contact the
| | | |
#RealisticVirtualEarthForProteins in 1 iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth & w a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium #SDDS2024
Retweeting -
I am excited to host 2024 Annual Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium #SDDS2024 on April 29-30. We are expecting 800+ in-person and 4000+ virtual attendees. Special

to our sponsors.
@StanfordCVI @StanfordMed @StanfordDeptMed @Stanford_ChEMH @CIRMnews
* *
Retweeting -
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
In these intestinal tumor cells, the Sox17 protein is shown red. MIT researchers have found that when tumor cells turn on the Sox17 gene, it helps them evade immune detection, in part by turning off the expression of a protein called Lgr-5, shown in green.
Don Cleveland, PhD
Gregory Verdine, PhD
Thomas Lynch, MD
Thanks for excellent #SDDS2024 panel #AbhishekShuklaMBA, #JulieGrantMBAMPhil, #DeepNisharMBA, #HallieKuhnPhD, @Joseph_C_Wu! How best to fund a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals (thinking #GStreetView w #TimeSlider #GCellView+) w Pegman >#AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords?
Retweeting -
I am excited to host 2024 Annual Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium #SDDS2024 on April 29-30. We are expecting 800+ in-person and 4000+ virtual attendees. Special

to our sponsors.
@StanfordCVI @StanfordMed @StanfordDeptMed @Stanford_ChEMH @CIRMnews
How best w #FilmTo3Dapps & #FilmToNDimensionalapps to add this image Live to a #RealisticVirtualEarthForProteins in 1 iterating #RealisticVirtualEarth & w a #RealisticVirtualEarthForPharmaceuticals Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium #SDDS2024 w #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords?
Retweeting -
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
In these intestinal tumor cells, the Sox17 protein is shown red. MIT researchers have found that when tumor cells turn on the Sox17 gene, it helps them evade immune detection, in part by turning off the expression of a protein called Lgr-5, shown in green.
Excited @WorldUnivAndSch for "8th Annual Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium 2024" (#SDDS2024)
Retweeting -
I am excited to host 2024 Annual Stanford Drug Discovery Symposium #SDDS2024 on April 29-30. We are expecting 800+ in-person and 4000+ virtual attendees. Special

to our sponsors.
@StanfordCVI @StanfordMed @StanfordDeptMed @Stanford_ChEMH @CIRMnews
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
*. *
#WUaSphilosophy? #WUaSMedSch: The motto of #IITKharagpur is "योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्". This literally translates to "Excellence in action is #Yoga" ...implying that doing your work well is (true) yoga...acquire equanimity"
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Last year, RTI data reveals that 33% of students at IIT Kharagpur couldn't secure placements. #IITKharagpur #India