How best to grow #MITOCW-centric wiki #ArabicLanguageWUaS in its 25 out of ~200 #NationStates #WUaSunivs per Olympics, #SpanishWUaS in 21/~200, & in 54 countries in Africa in main langs & in 5/~200 #ChineseLanguageWUaS #countriesWUaS for #freeWUaSdegrees ?
How best to grow #MITOCW-centric wiki #ArabicLanguageWUaS in its 25 out of ~200 #NationStates #WUaSunivs per Olympics, #SpanishWUaS in 21/~200, & in 54 countries in Africa in main langs & in 5/~200 #ChineseLanguageWUaS #countriesWUaS for #freeWUaSdegrees ?
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Thanks for retweeting these Prof @geochurch #BiologyCloud & NSF
F Nov 29, 2024
Thanks for retweeting these Prof @geochurch #BiologyCloud How best to create a #
RealisticVirtualEarthForBiology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics +? Think #GoogleStreetView with #GTimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView #TensorFlowAI #TensorStore ~
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Alfredo Andere
Biological data is growing exponentially.
It’s difficult to reconcile and work with all of it.
That’s why we’re building a Cloud for Biology.
Thanks for retweeting these Prof @geochurch #BiologyCloud How best to create a #
RealisticVirtualEarthForBiology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics +? Think #GoogleStreetView with #GTimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView #TensorFlowAI #TensorStore ~
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We've met with over 500 people in climate biotech, and we see that some go further than others.
As scientists, hobbyists and entrepreneurs, we must realize the water in which we swim is writing.
Homeworld presents a $10k prize to encourage practice and joy of this skill.
create a #NDimensional #RealisticVirtualEarthForBiology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics @WorldUnivAndSch
NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program Virtual Town Halls
9/14 & 9/15
in #GoogleStreetView w #TimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView ?
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Chase bank branch, Shadyside community in Pgh PA, M 12/11/23
JP Morgan Chase bank and credit card & regarding the WUaS Corporation
Dear JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, Peter (Norvig, Google AI), US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Lt. John Tadler (having attended a FBI workshop in 2013 from Pgh), attorney Shawn Flaherty in Pgh PA, Chase bank Shadyside Pgh Shauna McNally, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP 1st consultant for WUaS Jenny Ling, All ...
Dear JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, Peter (Norvig, Google AI), US Senator and former Harvard Law Professor Elizabeth Warren, Lt. John Tadler (having attended a FBI workshop in 2013 from Pgh), attorney Shawn Flaherty in Pgh PA, Chase bank Shadyside Pgh Shauna McNally, Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP 1st consultant for WUaS Jenny Ling, All,
Greetings! In growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS abolition movement worldwide, and in continuing to seek to stay alive (re the 'murder' word in Chase bank Shadyside Pgh in March of 2024, mentioned by VP Shauna McNally, above, to me at the close of our session) ... AND the closure of my Chase Freedom credit card and 2 Chase bank accounts ... and re JP Morgan Chase's involvement in international organized crime internationally, I received some further Chase communications with regard to my new Chase Freedom Flex credit card on paper on Tuesday 11/26/24 at my 2nd asylum house in Pgh, as well as 2 spurious??? Chase bank emails on W 11/27/24 while in the Quaker "Friends Place on Capitol Hill" in Washington DC.
How are the US federal investigations going into Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pgh 15221... and potentially re the egregious misconduct by Chase bank employee jenifer weber and geroge nicolai? and affiliated international organized crime company?
And having heard from my friend David Thurston (and in the US federal government too?) that I can move forward MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS into a newly safe Canyon 94516 potentially departing Pittsburgh PA by the end of December, I signed up for a further Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP session on Sunday 11/24/24 earlier this week with this new WUaS google mail email address - - and learned too that a Susan B would again be the session moderator (and see my email to many of you from 11/17/24 in the PS below regarding susan berman ... ) ... Having not heard back from you JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, or the Chase Executive Office about the name and contact information for a senior lawyer at JP Morgan Chase bank, having asked many times for this by now, how best to proceed, and regarding WUaS REQUESTS that the Chase Bank Executive office called WUaS weeks ago asking for - ? Is Curated Coaching TAP consultant susan berman involved in international organized crime with Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP organizations, and even in cahoots with chase bank criminal employees' jenifer weber?, and george nicolai? and Chase coders and even trader j's coders, and other JP Morgan Chase bank executives even (in some of all 100 countries where JP Morgan Chase bank has operations, out of 200 countries in the world)? Lt John Tadler, and FBI, and Peter Norvig (Google AI Director) could you please potentially monitor the Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP session with me of the WUaS Corp on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 12 noon ET, and further extend a possible US federal investigation into the Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP individuals in organizing this about ~15th session WUaS has registered for? In seeking to stay alive, am concerned how the video recording even of this upcoming Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP session on 12/2/24 could be used tragically by criminals affiliated with JP Morgan Chase bank and involved in international organized crime, re US federal law, international law, uniformed armed services' law and states' law too. And in seeking to stay alive, I'm going to cancel here in this email, attending this upcoming Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP session on 12/2/24.
Senator Elizabeth Warren, regarding the Chase paper mail to me which I received on Tu 11/26/24, saying it was changing some underwriters and company's to Virginia-based companies newly affiliated with my new Chase Freedom Flex credit card (a Mastercard this time, - after my Chase Freedom Visa credit card of 27 years with an excellent credit rating was closed I first learned in a trader j's grocery store on Penn Avenue in Pgh PA on 2/28/24 ), and in seeking US federal protection for my mother, my brother in Maine, and myself ...
and having paid off the credit card balance for this a second time since 9/16/24, when I first received the new (newly secured with information technologies too, after 6.5 months of no credit card?) ... early in mid November 2024 and due by December 1,2024, AND with my credit rating having gone down very curiously I learned in one of the spurious emails I received at Friends Place on Capitol Hill on W 11/27/24 ...
could you and your fellow lawyers and similar on your staff in the US Senate (and as the Chair of the Finance and Banking committees or similar), please further investigate this, potentially with the FBI or similar ... so that my new Chase bank Freedom Flex credit card keeps functioning?
And US Senator Elizabeth Warren how best to get a second backup credit card, potentially with the aid of the US federal government, regarding these Chase credit card events of the past 8 months ?
In seeking to stay alive, and re possibly Chase bank organized crime internationally, how best also could the FBI, and related US federal law enforcement agencies follow this new Chase communications' trail further, and to abolish organized international organized crime affiliated with JP Morgan Chase bank, other banks, trader j's ... and similar ?
Thanks, and glad that US federal law may be working effectively with states' law, with international law too (& re JP Morgan Chase bank in 100 out of 200 countries) and even uniformed armed services' law (and re my father GKM MD's first subdural hematoma on univ pitt med ctr? managed semester at sea in Belize on 12/30/04 ... and in my seeking to de-extinct my father GKM MD in some decades re Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church's heralding of de-extinction of species, and possibly individuals as well even) ...
How best too to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet - - for free universal education, and to end poverty worldwide with - (ANY CHANCE I COULD FURTHER GET A NEW CREDIT CARD SOMEHOW INTEGRATED WITH THIS MINE PI APP somehow???) - as well as potentially to use the Pi Cryptocurrency with all 200 nation states' governments and for reimbursement of tuition to the WUaS Corporation, as well in the Physical-Digital WUaS Educational Services' stores for books, computers, robots, groceries as retail and department stores also in all 200 countries AND for speakers of ll 7164 known living languages?
Chase Executive Office - how best for WUaS Corp to proceed and with WUaS no longer planning on participating in Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP sessions, and in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS abolition movement worldwide?
Abolition-ally, Friendly Quaker greetings, Minding the Light, Yogic-ally, in asylum in PA from CA and glad WUaS is moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 potentially in early January 2025,
Scott GK MacLeod
In the
Chase Executive Office - - Please Call Us email thread
Tue Nov 24, 2024 9:17 am
"Hi Ma (Jane), Pin (Mazumdar HHS) And Ed (Smyth MD in Berkeley), how are you doing? Regarding yet another (Chase bank) Curated Coaching TAP session invitation today (11/11/24), I've grown wary from the last Curated Coaching TAP session re moderator Susan Berman (has she been in prison? is she an ex-convict even? ... and re her mentioning 'accessories' on street corners - and possibly as an accessory to crimes like murder ???) and re the other person in the session Gloria (whose husband is dead) ... and where the picture behind Gloria was suggestive of the illegal sex industry ...a piece of cloth in front of a naked woman's genitals ... and who said curiously in the session that she was talking with PNC bank (and I had mentioned before this I was in Pittsburgh, but I didn't say I was in my 2nd asylum house here) ... and later Gloria clarified that she's in Atlanta GA ... ... And regarding tragic international organized crime even? ... and regarding also the lack of further responses from the Chase Executive Office and in their asking for WUaS requests which WUaS called them back with ... and then not hearing back still from Chase Executive Office ... so I think I'm going to hold off in replying to (Chase bank) Curated Coaching TAP indefinitely ... and in staying alive re the "murder" word mentioned by Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA VP Shauna McNally in March of 2024 ...and was this communication from Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pgh 15221 and Chase criminal employees' jenifer weber and george nicolai ? ... and especially in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's abolition movement worldwide in all 200 countries & in their main languages ... Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Glad I've sought US federal investigations into Chase bank s ... As well as US federal protection as an abolitionist (Glad Senator Elizabeth Warren mentioned Abolitionists on Twitter F Nov 8, 2024 -
"To those feeling despair: remember, every step toward progress in American history came after the darkness of defeat. Abolitionists, suffragettes, Dreamers, and marchers for civil rights and marriage equality all faced impossible odds, but they persisted. Now it is our turn" "
Quercus (Oak): WUaS Corporation requests of Chase bank (with operations in about 100 of ~200 countries) . . . as WUaS seeks to code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet each a Wikidata PIN # from here - - and to distribute this further to people in most of all 200 countries (per the Olympics), so to speakers of all 7164 known living languages
Thanks for retweeting these Prof @geochurch #BiologyCloud How best to create a #
RealisticVirtualEarthForBiology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics +? Think #GoogleStreetView with #GTimeSlider #GoogleCellView #GoogleMoleculeView #TensorFlowAI #TensorStore ~AAAB
Retweeting -
Alfredo Andere
Biological data is growing exponentially.
It’s difficult to reconcile and work with all of it.
That’s why we’re building a Cloud for Biology.
And how best to do this soon for extreme longevity genetic drug therapies emerging in a realistic virtual earth for aging reversal
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David Thurston -
US federal investigations into these organizations / companies - & in seeking to keep people alive ...
Hi David,
Really great to see you in DC, on Wednesday and with T.., William and Inigo too.
I won't mention the A word in writing directly to you ... but please see my and T..'s recent communications below in the PS ... and as I seek further a WUaS US federal investigations into Longwood Senior Care center and to keep my mother alive over the centuries' ahead ...
One thing I learned at Whole Foods was that the automatic check out machines that accept cash too (unlike many Aldi's machines) don't work very well ... as I continue to in some ways boycott nozama and their subsidiaries ... and in growing the physical-digital WUaS Educational Services' Stores / bookstores / grocery stores ... and potentially with Walmart software in the remaining 181 countries in the world they aren't in ... AS WELL AS Walmart infrastructure (ie Walmart check out machines accepting cash and credit cards etc. work really well)
THANKS so much for your email about WUaS and my moving forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516
"Hi Scott,
Good luck with your move and we'll have to catch up another time in the future. I wish you success in California!
a few days before Thanksgiving (and interestingly or not the email address for CA Senator Steve Glazer in district 7 has stopped working ... AND there's still 2 days left before he leaves office as state senator) ... AND I would think it was a California uniformed armed services' CA Guard in uniform who came into the gas station when T.. and I were heading to Harbin Hot Springs in 2012 together, and he was visiting me in Canyon 94516 ... (but it could have been a US federal national guard ... in some kind of integrated uniformed armed services)
Glad I've sought US federal protection for my mother, my brother and Sandy ...
In going to All Souls Unitarian church on 16th in DC these days, are you at all in communcation with Fracka Michaels (son of Chris Michaels, who just moved into Longwood Senior Care ...)
And I'm so sorry to hear about Elliott's colorectal cancer 4th stage ... (and see PS) but any chance its reversible ... if for example its a misdiagnosis ... and by prevention ... and any chance he could stay alive for the next 2 centuries too ... so you could have a full brother around through the potential decades ahead as ally and brother as well?
Cheers, in asylum in PA from CA, warm regards,
Hi T..! So great to see you yesterday and with David too as well! Here is an interesting aging reversal genetic therapies' set of 8 Tweets from Alex Plesa - with Yamanaka factors' OSKM and some safety limitations ... Got back around 1O pm and had a nice Thanksgiving with my mother and Chris Michaels (with whom David my mother and myself had Cmas dinner a few years ago) newly moved in at Longwood which seems to be 'pacific' or 'pacified' re the 2 aggressive goons on my mother's body. 4/2/23 ... and think my mother will be safe there for the foreseeable future from international organized crime ... How was or is your Thanksgiving? Warm regards, Scott (
T.. -
So good to see you! William and Inigo enjoyed as well. Glad you could spend time with Jane. Happy Thanksgiving. Looking forward to next rendezvous!
Scott -
So good to see you, too, T..! And great to meet William and Inigo -thanks for inviting them to our tea! Great that David could be there too! (So sorry to hear about Elliott's 4th stage cancer, in Berkeley - Let's see if we can keep him alive with aging reversal and extreme longevity genetic drug therapies emerging for the next 2 centuries plus ... it will be GREAT for David if he has a full brother alive in these potential centuries ahead ... & if Elliott in Berkeley wants to newly re a possible OPT IN system for all 345 million Americans and all 7.9 billion people on the planet in all 200 countries - which I think is the compassionate thing to do per our conversations at Reed in around 1979-1980 ... AND so sorry David lost Zach Thurston his youngest brother years' ago (potentially due to organized criminality too, as I see this) ... And thanks for listening initially re the crazy further Chase credit card emails to me and further egregious misconduct potentially re 35% of credit used email I received in the Quaker Place on Capitol Hill, AND paper mail I received on W 11/27/24 ... as I and WUaS grow a further MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS abolition movement worldwide, for most of all 7.98 billion people on the planet - ... am going to seek to navigate recent JP Morgan Chase Freedom credit card craziness developments today and re seeking too to abolishing organized crime internationally ... I used this fairly new credit card in a parking meter near the first Teatime place in DC (And sorry I lost my father GKM MD with his first subdural hematoma on univ pitt (med ctr??? upmc too) managed semester at sea on 12/30/04 in Belize) ... So glad we could meet in DC on Wednesday T.. - and greetings to William and Inigo, with an email to come. Hugs, Happy Thanksgiving (& re US Senator Elizabeth Warren's Thanksgiving Tweet - after our tea), and looking forward to the next rendezvous, Scott ( with you in 250 years + possibly, T.. ... roughly as old as the US federal government is today ?.:).. 
Scott -
Hi T.., Although I wrote on Thanksgiving night that Longwood senior center in Oakmont PA where my mother is, and newly UUS friends' Chris Michaels, and Joan Adibi (as well as Jean Thomas, and former neighbors on Juniata Ct, Peter and Sue Koehler, who are Presbyterians, and where Peter is also a Pitt Professor of Applied Physics and German) are seemed pacific (compared with the previous time I was in its dining room on 4/2/23 on my mother's birthday with my mother, Jean Thomas, and international criminal/ 'kathie logan' ... with the goons coming at my mother and myself ) ... I note that the 35% email I received from Chase credit card on W 11/27/24 at Friends Place on Capitol Hill could conceivably refer to my mother's year of birth even ... and re international organized crime affiliated with Chase potentially targeting her at Longwood Senior Center at some point (and with SSA alumni too, Rob and Dave Byrne (and sister Deirdre too) with whom I've been completely out of touch for a couple of years, but old friends from the 2nd half of the 1970s from Shady Side having withdrawn their mother from Longwood Senior Center ... and whom I saw I think in NW Connecticut last summer while traveling to Cuttyhunk in an Inn across from my 1st cousin once removed Alden Briscoe's Lakehouse near Lakeville and Salisbury CT, with Alden's Silent Meadow Farm ... both places I visited often as a kid often on the way to from Cuttyhunk ) ... AND when I asked David Byrne whether they had taken Nan Byrne out of Longwood Senior Care center in Pgh was due to even international organized crime concerns (with both the Byrne brothers involved potentially in the international illegal drug, sex and violence industries' even ), David said "It was nothing like that" ... and this was not long after my mother had moved into Longwood ... Glad I've sought US federal protection for my mother, my brother Sandy and myself well as a US federal investigation into Longwood senior center even and repeatedly ... Seeking to keep my mother alive for the centuries' ahead with extreme longevity genetic drugs emerging (and David Thurston too) ... Thoughts or questions? Warm regards, and hugs, Scott (
And might you David explore a different church than UUs even online for example re far-reaching wedginess there ... and eg reverend david herndon's complicity in my father's GKM MD's death by conducting one of my father's 2 funerals there in the 1st UU Church of Pgh ... and re possibly murderous death cults of religion (which is something family friend and brilliant Lacanian Psychoanalystic Psychiatries George L Alexander MD articutled why very clearly ... and George described all religions I think this way ... possibly referring to many of the 7 in "The Religions of Man" by Huston Smith, published around 1958) ... My mother, Jane, I think only goes online to some UU services on Sundays ...
Cheers, Friendly Quaker greetings, Minding the Light, Yogically, So give 3 cheers for Cuttyhunk, love,
Am continuing to seek a US federal investigation into Cuttyhunk as well, and as I seek to stay alive ... and having called for US federal protection....
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
Scott MacLeod <> |
| | | |
Just searched on
colorectal cancer 4th stage reversal
and see below ...
... am an appreciating of Yoga thinking and Yogic approaches to medically reverse life threatening conditions such as Dean Ornish's heart disease reversal lifestyle changes ...
AI Overview
While a complete "reversal" of stage 4 colorectal cancer is very rare, in some cases, with limited metastases, particularly to the liver, aggressive treatment combinations including surgery, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy may allow for a significant reduction in cancer burden, potentially leading to a long-term survival and a state considered "disease-free" by doctors; however, for most patients with stage 4 colorectal cancer, a cure is not possible and treatment focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life.
Key points about stage 4 colorectal cancer and potential treatment approaches:
Limited operable metastases:
If the cancer has spread to only a few small areas, especially in the liver, surgery to remove both the primary tumor in the colon and the metastases might be an option, potentially offering a chance for a cure.
Chemotherapy as primary treatment:
For most stage 4 patients, chemotherapy is the primary treatment option to control the cancer and slow its progression, even if surgery is not feasible.
Targeted therapy:
Depending on the genetic profile of the tumor, targeted therapies can be used alongside chemotherapy to further improve treatment effectiveness.
Ablation or embolization:
In some cases, where surgical removal of liver metastases is not possible, procedures like radiofrequency ablation or chemoembolization can be used to destroy the cancer cells.
Important factors to consider:
Extent of spread:
The location and number of metastases significantly impact treatment options and prognosis.
Patient's overall health:
A patient's overall health and ability to tolerate aggressive treatments are crucial factors in decision-making.
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