Glad @WorldUnivAndSch will take part in "#FDA2024 #OneHealth #VirtualSymposium" Tue 11/19/24
How to develop #RandomizedClinicalTrials #RCTs w #AIandML &
How to dev #RandomizedClinicalTrials #RCTs w #AIandML & for pharmaceuticals, but esp for #ExtremeLongevity & #AgingReversal #GeneDrugs & #forPets @ & could #SharedEnvironment refer to #RealisticVirtualEarth -
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 6, 2024
— Dr. Robert M. Califf (@DrCaliff_FDA) November 5, 2024
which is also
Glad @WorldUnivAndSch will take part in "#FDA2024 #OneHealth #VirtualSymposium" 11/19/24 re 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForVeterinaryMedicine #VeterinaryMed & ~200 startup #VeterinaryMedSchsOnline @ #MITOCW-centric wiki #WUaSUnivs - ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 7, 2024
Retweeting -
* * *
Email before about the 15th JP Morgan Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP meeting session today on November 7, 2024, on "Building Your Brand Strategy" for WUaS (registering on W Nov 6 2024, with newly as
Time: 12:00 PM (America/New_York)
Coach: Susan B
Google Meet Link:
Topic: Building Your Brand Strategy
And if #ExtremeLongevityGeneticDrugs emerge with an #AgingReversalMachine, what kind of #WUaSsociety do we educate for (eg in America w Democracy in the year 2458 so ~434 years from now) & what kinds of too?
— (@scottmacleod) May 10, 2024
How to dev #RandomizedClinicalTrials #RCTs w #AIandML & for pharmaceuticals, but esp for #ExtremeLongevity & #AgingReversal #GeneDrugs & #forPets @ & could #SharedEnvironment refer to #RealisticVirtualEarth -
— QuakerYogaMacFlower (@Q_YogaMacFlower) November 6, 2024
Glad @WorldUnivAndSch will take part in "#FDA2024 #OneHealth #VirtualSymposium" 11/19/24 re 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForVeterinaryMedicine #VeterinaryMed & ~200 startup #VeterinaryMedSchsOnline @ #MITOCW-centric wiki #WUaSUnivs - ~
— QuakerYogaMacFlower (@Q_YogaMacFlower) November 7, 2024
Retweeting -
* * *
Ann Brown (1st cousin and veterinarian) at Wisdom Creek Ranch in NE Oregon, would you like to explore attending this US FDA veterinary conference on Tue 11/19/24 (and even together, me regarding a realistic virtual earth for veterinary medicine and clinical trials too, at WUaS)?

How to develop #RandomizedClinicalTrials #RCTs w #AIandML &
which is also
Retweeting -
AND just found this #WisdomCreekRanchOR #VeterinaryMed set of Tweets I did around January 1, 2023 as well -
for #VeterinaryMed, & esp #AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevityGenetics' #AnimalClinicalTrials' in a #PhysicalDigital #
#WisdomCreekRanchOR @WorldUnivAndSch for #VeterinaryMed, & esp #AgingReversal & #ExtremeLongevityGenetics' #AnimalClinicalTrials' in a #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthforGenetics #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics How will Animal #AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRecords differ?
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) January 1, 2024
Warmly, Scotty
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Dear Annie, Ma (Janie), Cathy, Sandy, Alden, family shared genes, All,great to talk on Sunday 10/27/24 morning, Annie, ... Wisdom Creek Ranch to an asylum place in Pittsburgh ! Regarding genes, veterinary animals - how is genetic information entered into animals' electronic health records (if at all ... and regarding breeds of animals, for example? ... and when such health records get complex too) - and even extreme longevity genetics, and aging reversal genetic drug therapies possibly emerging FOR non-human ANIMALS (and re possibly physical-digital clinical trials at WUaS) too, I explored this idea-wise in some brand new ways here - planarians-triclads-flatworms. html and with the extraordinary Gemini AI(and search on, for example, 2 possible new book titles I'm exploring writing -'The Way of the Gene, and Ethics:AND'The Way of the Gene, and Ethics:
Aging Reversal, Extreme Longevity, and Sex ' - Scott GK MacLeod - another new book title?Genealogy genetics? ... +)And thanks for your thinking and knowledge, Annie, about why mules for example are sterile and regarding genetics, - but why therefore breeds, and mutts, and wild species can reproduce (for e), e.g. with dogs and canines.Have a great time in Maine this weekend, Ma! ... Your traveling from Boston to Portland ME by bus, due to the winter season and no easy flights from Pgh to Portland, I think, sounds like possible 'cold winds' potentially ... please dress warmly - and might you even take the Water Taxi from the Boston airport to South Station if it's going at this time of year? - and see you Friday morning at 7;20 to journey to the Pittsburgh airport.Looking forward to talking further, Annie, in the not too distant future (I appreciate your thinking and understanding much) .. and in the centuries even ahead potentially (?)!(and also 94516 from 11/30/24 ?)Canyon ( .... Might Donna Leet MD in SF be a great life partner I wonder?)SGKMacLeod%20family%20history On Sun, Oct 27, 2024 at 10:35 AM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear Ann, Ma (Janie), Cathy, Sandy, Alden, family shared genes, All,Great to talk, Annie, just now, and thanks for your call back!So nice to hear you have a new 4 month puppy, Chipper the 3rd! (And glad you'll be warm this winter!)Warm regards,ScottyMuch of this email thread here, and much more as well, and regarding this wild idea re genetics, in particular -PSHere's the Stanford talk regarding what's on the hearts and minds of Americans, which will take place 7 days after the Presidential election, with Stanford Political Scientist Emeritus Dave Brady and others on November 12, 2024, if you might be interested -
The Hoover Institution's Center for Revitalizing American Institutions invites you to join us for the third session of the "Reimagining American Institutions" webinar series to discuss
Polling: What Is on the Minds of Americans
David Brady
Senior Fellow, Emeritus, Hoover Institution
Bowen H. and Janice Arthur McCoy Professor of Political Science, Emeritus, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Doug Rivers
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
Daron Shaw
Professor and Chair of State Politics,
University of Texas at Austin
Lynn Vavreck
Professor of American Politics and Public Policy,
University of California, Los Angeles
Moderated By:
Brandice Canes-Wrone
Director of the Center for Revitalizing American Institutions
and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Professor of Political Science, Stanford University
Attempts to understand what is in the hearts and minds of American voters has become increasingly difficult, and recent polls leading up to elections have often turned conventional wisdom on its head. This session will explore some innovative polling practices and what we learned from political polls during the 2024 elections, including from one of the largest national panel surveys that started in December 2023. Panelists will discuss what was on the minds of Americans as they entered the voting booth this fall, and the strengths and limitations of our attempts to understand voters through polling.
This webinar is co-sponsored by the Center for Revitalizing American Institutions (RAI), the Center on Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law (CDDRL), and the Institute for the Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS).
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am Pacific
ABOUT THE SPEAKERS On Sat, Oct 26, 2024, 12:53 PM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear Ann, Ma (Janie), Cathy, Sand, Alden, family shared genes, All,How are you doing?Just texted -Hello Annie Brown Brown! How are you? Might you be chopping and putting up wood for the stove & fire places for the winter ahead? Have you had a frost yet? Still in asylum in PA from CA and seeking to head to a newly safe Canyon 94516 on Sat 11/30/24 if possible! Talk soon - & genetics too re veterinary animal age reversal possibilities & virtual clinical trials, in Oregon? Warm greetings,, Scotty (http://scott-macleod. )jellyfish-turritopsis-dohrnii. html?m=0 Some thinking about possible #LivingEternally and ethics as well regarding Yoga meditation ??? - jellyfish-turritopsis-dohrnii. html On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 2:39 PM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear Ann, Ma (Janie), Cathy, Sand, Alden, family shared genes All,Good afternoon from western Pennsylvania ... and seeking to move forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 from 11/30/24 ... with some further thinking regarding Oregon, religion and genetic extreme longevity possibilities, here - ...jellyfish-turritopsis-dohrnii. html So, could tiny campers be construed as 'religion' too, even - for some? (And I was a 'Religion' major at Reed College in Portland Oregon)And could this 'hippy' son be learning his ethics and values from his (good? seems so) father ... including especially regarding money-making from making silkscreen T-shirts - (and see also lJg2bZOmpMw )?Also -Searched on in Google Search, re a definition of ecology vis a vis religion -"ecology-related religious ethics"Religious or spiritual ecology refers to attitudes, values, and practices regarding nature within the world's religions and outside of those traditions. Religious or spiritual ecology identifies ways of interacting with nature that inspire human responses of respect, protection, and appropriate uses of nature. .display/document/obo- 9780199830060/obo- 9780199830060-0103.xml#:~: text=Religious%20or% 20spiritual%20ecology% 20refers,and%20appropriate% 20uses%20of%20nature display/document/obo- 9780199830060/obo- 9780199830060-0103.xml Fond regards, abolitionally, warmly,ScottyPSAnd here's one attempt at a definition of religion -"religion is a collection of beliefs, practices, and cultural systems that connect humans to the spiritual, supernatural, or transcendental. It can include:
Beliefs: A system of codified beliefs, often involving a faith in a spiritual nature
Practices: Rituals, sermons, festivals, prayer, meditation, and more
Worldviews: A framework of ideas and beliefs that shape how a person interprets the world
Morals: Ethics, religious laws, and a preferred lifestyle " ...
And re Huston Smith's "Religions of Man" (1957) ... a book my grandmother shared with us (sympathetically characterizing what Smith thought to be 7 world religions) ... and regarding probably from the Unitarian Church of Cincinnati Ohio ...PPSOn Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 10:28 AM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear Annie, Ma (Janie), Cathy, Sand, Alden, family shared genes All,Warm greetings ~As a followup and regarding the ranch (Wisdom Creek Ranch) ... what was Ted's thinking about wisdom and in naming the ranch this, Annie? Cathy?And some further follow ups -Presbyterianism, (Quakerism, Unitarianism ... all with Protestant roots ... "Yoga -ism" (re too Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations - ) ... ecology-related religious ethics, which were in the air when I was studying at Reed College and living in Portland OR from 1979-1987 ... Taoism regarding eg non-action (wu wei), and natural-ness (ziran) & Lao Tzu's The Way of Life - Tao Te Ching ... Harbin Hot Springs - Heart Consciousness Church & re "Naked Harbin Ethnography" 2016 book in the Academic Press at WUaS)??? ethics? identity? friendliness? goodness? people? ... for the eternity ahead? with molecular and cellular and synthetic biology and regarding extreme longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging? A new possible book "The Way of the Gene, and Ethics" ...? native American religious connectedness with nature ... All with KARMA (action - the sum total of our good actions with bad actions and their playing out in an individual's life ) and DHARMA (righteousness, duty, law) implications (I POSIT) ...The Presbyterian church in Pendleton, Oregon (as an ethical and musical music-making too community & network???) - and my mother moved into Longwood senior center, a Presbyterian run continuing care center too, and Scots (where I've lived for 2 full years) in Scotland have a long history of formative Presbyterianism (and all identity-wise too)??? ... I asked Gemini AI conversational generative artificial intelligence the other day about Presbyterians, their history, and learned something about what it thought were notable Presbyterians - ... what do you possibly think, Cathy and Steve, in the Pendleton OR Presbyterian church? I don't connect with the first half of these people emotionally and religiously somehow ... and I think I disagree with some of the 2nd half ... but further research may be needed ... and regarding 'connecting' religiously - re inspiration or music or - in Protestant religions these days ... And all with karma and dharma implications too ...Learned yesterday also from Gemini AI that one can create emails with voice by talking into Gmail then editing ... possibly a new great way to write my upcoming "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" book, Academic Press at World University and School in 2025 (and possibly published in a preliminary way from Google Street View with time slider, text in the sidebar, to paper) probably ...Also, and possibly regarding some of the above too, I received two (2) first-time-ever emails from the Chase Executive Office - Chase bank For Business yesterday afternoon, and this morning, after not being admitted (again) to attend 2 Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP sessions on Monday ... AND then a second direct-to-me invitation from Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP's Doreen Hendler (from Ireland originally) ... to attend another Chase bank Curated Coaching TAP session that I schedule ... Regarding the logic of growing WUaS with Chase bank loans, and 3 of my Chase bank & my credit card (for 6.5 months) accounts being closed due to egregious misconduct I posit by Chase bank Wilkinsburg Pgh 15221 employee jenifer weber ... could the risks of murderer??? jenifer weber (and also a craven psychopath??? Swiss or Lebanese soldier? frederic khayat (and chain of command, or sick networkd), and lobos management bryant street rentals' arsonist "keith" and possible warrior in a foreign army in the middle east even, but possibly not an enlisted soldier) and re the murder word mentioned by Chase bank Shadyside Pgh PA VP Shauna McNally ... have been taken care of over night somehow and with US federal law and states' law working effectively together in new ways?Fondly, abolitionally, warm regards,ScottPSA related Tweets regarding genes and ethics and the MIND-BOGGLING (to me, but maybe not to some religious believers) possibility to #LiveEternally -Are we potentially going to #LiveEternally with #ExtremeLongevity & even #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies emerging (heralded by #HarvardandMIT #ProfessorOfGenetics' @GeoChurch), FDA approved @ 1st? #GeneEthics? @WorldUnivAndSch #EthicsWUaS & #LifelongLearningWUaS? Thoughts?
Are we potentially going to #LiveEternally with #ExtremeLongevity & even #AgingReversal #GeneticDrugTherapies emerging (heralded by #HarvardandMIT #ProfessorOfGenetics' @GeoChurch), FDA approved @ 1st? #GeneEthics? @WorldUnivAndSch #EthicsWUaS & #LifelongLearningWUaS? Thoughts?
See new posts
Plan for #DeadlyNuclearWasteStorage TOO 300000 years ahead AND #Deextinct #WoolyMammoth + virtually
from ~4000 years ago … w #50-million-foundation-to-halt- extinction-crisis-76180 AvatarAgentElectronicHealthRec ords coding for #ExtremeLongevity in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth (#GStreetView w #TimeSlider)? PPSYoga ideas
~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss with-machine-learning-and-ai- 2574306
~#YogaWUaS @ wiki/Yoga
#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~ On Thu, Oct 24, 2024, 8:21 AM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Ann, Ma (Janie), Cathy, Sand, Alden, family shared genes All,In thinking about these pictures of the ranch, I had an image of your home/house (which Ted built,) of a Yogi meditating set back or apart (eg in a remote cave in the Himalayas ... also the cloistered idea "away from the outside world; sheltered") eg from the challenges of humans living in too crowded conditions (like cities & towns) and similar, and in subcultures that harm ... (Visionary Yogi Ted ?) ... But with all the forest & trees and nature and green environment and ecology, I see there here in these pictures at Wisdom Creek Ranch, the 'Brown Yogiz ' invented something here very new in Yoga, it seems to me - that is with THE ranch's INCREDIBLE sustainable FORESTS (am thinking in terms of the ethics re Yoga too as an Ethical system as well and with Friendly Quaker ethics and thinking too) ...Just texted this to friends and my mother -Ma, Pin, Ed, ... Per Brewer Airport Toyota on W 1023/24 & my moving into a newly safe Canyon 94516, it could make much sense not to drive into Canyon 94516 after November 30, 2024 in a shiny new cement-colored 2025 Toyota Woodland minivan (if the criminal?? PNC banks could help cover the costs ... due to US federal law mandates as a 1st MIT OCW- centric wiki WUaS vehicle ) ... thanks Donnie Sippel at BAT (and Bob Muller even in the US federal govt somehow???) but drive in in an old 2016 Toyota Prius City c car re (incredibly beautiful) Canyon 94516 as a small town with down and out roots even ... And instead get the 670A Ridgecrest Rd house-let and place? first (for a song) ... And then possibly get a 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland edition minivan in 2025 - July 2025? - and possibly for the 2025 Toyota Sienna Woodland Edition XLE AWD minivan tiny camper print out price Donnie Sippel gave me in the SF Bay Area ... Or EVEN in Northeast Oregon (re Alex Muller even)? ... AND so possibly a 'California or west coast Sienna version' ... & after this 2025 minivan has made it to the US market and ironed out out the bugs ... And after I've settled in there in Canyon 94516... Are we potentially going to live eternally with extreme longevity genetic drug therapies (per Harvard & MIT professor of genetics' George Church) emerging, FDA approved initially?It is a fascinating question - with Yogic, Yoga philosophy, and Karmic (ethical & moral too), and scientific (and Religious too - since there's extensive language in religions about immortal life after life) implications and significances ... How to teach and learn from Gemini AI ABD other AIs (artificial intelligences) - and robotics' AI too - Yoga philosophy principles (Patanjali + ... & the Bhagavad Gita, re Karma, Dharma (righteousness or duty or law) the Vedas and Upanishads, extrapolated) articulating with Angela and Victor's Yoga as well as these Yoga Notations - ? And how best to begin a family out west in beautiful Canyon 94516 potentially too? Thoughts, meditations, questions, suggestions, Scott
Thoughts, questions, meditations on this?Talk with you in 350 years ? :) and see you doonFondly, warmly, Friendly Quaker UU greetings,ScottYoga ideas#QuakerYogaMacFlower#DesiderataWUaS~#ToolifyAIWUaS #WUaSBliss~#YogaNotationsWUaS~#YogaWUaS @#FriendlyQuakerWUaS#WUaSabolition in #RealisticVirtualEarth #WUaSYoga ~On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 5:34 PM Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Dear Annie, family, All,These photos just popped up as similar shots ... and a pleasant reminder of the ranch and the incredibly beautiful tree farm too that Ted & Mary built -Wisdom Creek Ranch, Union, Medical Springs, Oregon, from on the road -How are you all doing? (MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is growing --as I and WUaS seek to move WUaS forward into a newly safe Canyon 94516 departing this asylum place in Western Pennsylvania by Sat 11/30/24 ).:) Enjoy,Scott--Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2025, forthcoming)Scottish Small Piping album #2 - Honey Piobaireachd (2022)- (Berkeley)Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune (2020)Order Book #4 To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (2019)Order Book #3 Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering & the Poetry of Loving Bliss (2018)Order Book #2 Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry (2017)Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography (2016)- Scott GK MacLeodFounder, President, CEO & ProfessorCC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,World University & School (WUaS)- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 152061) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public CharityMIT OCW-centric,World University and School - 2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA - AcademicPress.html (o) 415 480 4577 - (m) 412 478 0116 - sgkmacleod@gmail.comWorld Univ & Sch Innovation Research -
* * *
Text messaging to my mother (Jane MacLeod), friends Pin Mazumdar HHS, and Ed Smyth MD, - as well as cousin Ann Brown in Oregon ... and regarding also: "Interestingly, #270toWin has kamala ahead now of don but maybe that's because all votes aren't counted re statistical extrapolations so far. Thoughts? Pin to VP Kamala in US federal govt - hold off the concession speech?
https://wiki.@ewarren ?"
Thu 11/7/24 Nov 7, 2024
@ewarren W Nov. 6 2024
My message about the election results:
Interestingly, #270toWin has kamala ahead now of don but maybe that's because all votes aren't counted re statistical extrapolations so far. Thoughts? Pin to VP Kamala in US federal govt - hold off the concession speech? wiki/Political_Science @ewarren ?
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) November 6, 2024
Appreciating the US federal government in new ways too and re Rob Califf MD FDA chair's recent Tweet - and with WUaS having registered for this
How to dev #RandomizedClinicalTrials #RCTs w #AIandML & for pharmaceuticals, but esp for #ExtremeLongevity & #AgingReversal #GeneDrugs & #forPets @ & could #SharedEnvironment refer to #RealisticVirtualEarth -
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 6, 2024
Glad @WorldUnivAndSch will take part in "#FDA2024 #OneHealth #VirtualSymposium" 11/19/24 re 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForVeterinaryMedicine #VeterinaryMed & ~200 startup #VeterinaryMedSchsOnline @ #MITOCW-centric wiki #WUaSUnivs - ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) November 7, 2024
Interestingly, #270toWin has kamala ahead now of don but maybe that's because all votes aren't counted by statistical extrapolations so far. Thoughts? Pin to VP Kamala in US federal govt - hold off the concession speech? https://wiki.
Interestingly, #270toWin has kamala ahead now of don but maybe that's because all votes aren't counted re statistical extrapolations so far. Thoughts? Pin to VP Kamala in US federal govt - hold off the concession speech? @ewarren ?
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) November 6, 2024
Searched on at 1:25 pm Wednesday ET
newspapers which aren't calling the us president election unil electoral college votes are confirmed
but didn't find anything
... And two people on Twitter have made comments on this set of Tweets at @sgkmacleod ... one named @ChicagoTom with lots of smiley face emoticons ... replying to both me @sgkmacleod and Senator Elizabeth Warren @ewarren ... with a picture of someone in a white shirt ... re an aspiring white collar worker, even?? ... the other a complete denial to both of our Twitters ... AND with the @ChicagoTom reply to @sgkmacleod ... I looked up former co-denizen Stephon Owens at 1st asylum house for me in Pgh on LinkedIn ... and his profile has disappeared ... although with a picture of him playing Trumpet (still apparent in a Google Search for me) ... it said before he was free-lancing in Chicago, and having seen him in military like clothing in front of 210 East End avenue 15221 possibly 2-3 times, could he have been in training for the US national guard or the US international guard ... and speculating I wondered whether @ChicagoTom could refer not only to the person in the white shirt with a picture of the Chicago water line behind him, but also as a possible destination even for canyon 94516 criminal??? and murderer of kyle??? or accessory to murder, tom wylie possibly, and possibly pedophile re his daughter Lindsay (and could tom wylie have strategized tragically the whacking of my father GKM MD in Belize on 12/30/24 ??? ... and what does the evidence in US federal and state of PA archives show in these regards as well???) ... and ... AND ALSO how some PARTS of US law enforcement, especially African Americans and people of color might be thinking about racist felon don trump ... AND if the 7 so-called battleground states' computer software for those elections for example, to TALLY, the paper ballots could have be corrupted or coded criminally in favor of donald trump to influence those electoral college votes ... with no checks and balances on the coders of such vote-counting software ... (... give don trump 2 votes to every one of kamala harris's in the buggy code idea ... ) ... and thus COULD all 7 of those states' counts of votes be thrown out by the US federal electoral college ... such that Kamala Harris would win this election with 229 electoral college votes to 227 for trump's, brainstorming and inquiry-wise ... ... AND WHO WOULD BE THE PEOPLE, and WHAT WOULD BE THE DISCOURSE among US federal agency people, US law enforcement, the American Black community to navigate this possible perversion of the American Democratic voting process ... and what would happen to racist felon don trump? ... re black US historical rage for example? (eg Blacks couldn't call US law enforcement in the ante-bellum south during slavery tragically ) ... Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions? Fond regards, staying alive, abolition-ally, will be in touch with you in the not too distant future, warmly, Scott (https://scott-macleod.
Languages-World Univ reposted
Chicago Tom
Nov 6
Replying to

— Chicago Tom (@chicago196) November 6, 2024
Interestingly, #270toWin has kamala ahead now of don but maybe that's because all votes aren't counted by statistical extrapolations so far. Thoughts? Pin to VP Kamala in US federal govt - hold off the concession speech? https://wiki.
Interestingly, #270toWin has kamala ahead now of don but maybe that's because all votes aren't counted re statistical extrapolations so far. Thoughts? Pin to VP Kamala in US federal govt - hold off the concession speech? @ewarren ?
— Languages-World Univ (@sgkmacleod) November 6, 2024
- Euphorbia tanaensis: This species is critically endangered, with an estimated population of only four mature individuals in its natural habitat. There are no records of this species in protected areas, and there is no evidence of regeneration. The Kenya Forestry Research Institute (Kefri) is working to restore the population through captive cultivation.
- Euphorbia cussonioides: Also known as the Candelabra tree, this species is critically endang
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