Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gombe Chimps: 'Tradition' > network society > the contemporary > Harbin

'Tradition' (constructions of what this might have been) > network society (or information age, as superseding modernity and postmodernity - see "Gazing at the Box: Tourism in the Context of the Internet and Globalization" (2001) > contemporary (now) > counterculture > Harbin Hot Springs ~ is how I see contextualizing my Harbin ethnography at this point. I'm also curious to think through how our legacies as primates {esp. vis-a-vis our closest ape relatives - see Frans de Waal's "Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape" (1997) or Jane Goodall's "Chimps of Gombe" (1986)}, shaped in ancestral environments over millions of years, might articulate with our interpretations of traditionality, juxtaposed with modernity.


Soaking is happening in the Harbin pools now. The Harbin pool is a kind of unique party (in the way 'religiosity' {e.g. Hinduism} can shape freedom) where reunion happens.

Head to Harbin soon ... :) after a contact improv jam ...

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