Thursday, July 30, 2009

Jamaican Coraltree: Defend the Truth, World University & School, Jamaica

In the Jamaica-based "Students Expressing Truth - S.E.T" Facebook group, whose executive director is Kevin Wallen, whom I met at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society's 10th Anniversary (started by Harvard Professors' Charles Nesson and Jonathan Zittrain), I recently received this video, "Defend the Truth," in my Facebook inbox:

In reply, I wrote on the group's Facebook wall

Thanks very much for your great DEFEND THE TRUTH video.

Check out also - where people can start teaching what they know in Second Life interactively, or to their web cams, or learning - in Jamaica, around the world, in Jamaican, about Jamaica, and about ideas. Invite students to start teaching.


World University and School is a wiki (editable web pages) which makes it possible to teach and learn freely around the world.

Let's make conversations about the truth wide spread through WUaS.

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