Friday, November 9, 2012

French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum): Two programs to develop in the upcoming, new, WUaS Wiki, 1. A course filter for all free online educational services in all programs 2. a program to 'SUBJECT TEMPLATE-ize' any Wikipedia entry, and in any language

Two programs to develop in the upcoming, new, WUaS Wiki in moving from the Wikia wiki, where WUaS is presently hosted, to the upcoming WUaS 'instance in Wikibase,' in the Creative Commons' licensed Wikidata / Wikibase:

1. a filter for all free, online educational services

ADA wrote a few days ago with this great suggestion: 

"Why not offer a service that acts as a filter/front end for all free online educational services? That seems to be a need. For starters, is anyone doing a comprehensive and updated database of available courses and individuals who are willing to teach or mentor? A side benefit to you would be able to find gaps (what courses do students want, but are not available?), then help get them developed. If you do convincingly, it would be significant news, from my standpoint."

to which I replied:

Yes, we are planning to become a metadirectory for free, open courses, courseware and OER and in all 7413 languages and at least 205 countries; WUaS is course-centric. WUaS has a specific focus on this wiki list of great universities' ocw and oer at present - .

While this has long been implicitly planned as a consequence of WUaS's open-ended wiki, main, pages  here ... 'Courses' - - and - 'Subjects' - - it would be great to make this a robust program.

2. a program to 'SUBJECT TEMPLATE-ize' - - and thereby MIT OCW-ize, Yale-ize, and OpenCourseWare-ize potentially any Wikipedia entry, and in any language. (This is all potentially mind-expanding :).


I've just added the above, two programs to the WUaS_Information_Technologies_and_Data_Plan - .


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