Wednesday, March 12, 2014

“Forest hermit” Indian pittas: ‘Neurophysiology, subjectively experienced’

‘Neurophysiology, subjectively experienced’

Neurophysiology, subjectively experienced, and navigating this ‘weather’ or ‘chemistry,’ like sailing a little boat, hand on the tiller, metaphorically, seems like such far-reaching and good concepts, and ways to think of life, and a potential conversation in different languages, and biologically, too, yet 
‘neurophysiology, subjectively experienced’ isn’t common discourse, - and even in free thinking or ‘New Age’ California.

I’ve explored the idea of neurophysiology in my blog for some years now, with its own label … … and ... 

Neurophysiology - (as distinct from Neurobiology, as partly brain chemistry and biology science, for WUaS - ... and ...

Loving Blis (eliciting this neurophysiology) - ...

and while it may be implicit in some psychological language of the past century, and to some degree, in our age of pscyho-pharmaceuticals (e.g. anti-depressants, etc.), yet I haven’t found many people with whom to talk about this coherently. As an idea, it has the potential to displace religion, etc. … or explain religion and critical thinking in new ways. Neurophysiology is a widespread concept, implicitly, however, e.g. with MIT brain science research in MIT OCW and in brain science and psychology departments at great universities, for example, but it isn’t an idea that philosophers, for example, have engaged fruitfully that I’ve seen in UC Berkeley or Stanford philosophy colloquia, or, especially, and importantly, in intelligently talking about loving bliss, vis-à-vis MDMA, as one wondrous example of this and the manifest variety of neurophysiologies.


... adding this blog entry to Neurophysiology - - at WUaS.


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