In ongoing learning about eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, I've recently found the Boston Baroque live stream channel - & am observing subtle #lovingbliss #NeuralCascadesOfPleasure while listening to this very varied music ~
In ongoing learning about eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, I've recently found the Boston Baroque live stream channel - & am observing subtle #lovingbliss #NeuralCascadesOfPleasure while listening to this very varied music ~— ScottMacLeod (@scottmacleod) August 7, 2019
Re sending love and the above - 'In ongoing learning about eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology' - am also exploring in NEW ways ... and by writing about this ....
Guidelines for practicing a musical instrument
Guidelines for practicing loving bliss vis-à-vis practicing a musical instrument
See, too, especially:
Loving bliss and practices to elicit this ...
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Hi Scott,
Nice to hear about your small pipes challenges and progress. I liked your demonstration (of Scottish small pipes) when you were here. I learned a lot. Nice to get the word straight from the horse’s mouth.
Things are fine here. The weather has held, hot in the daytimes, and cool at night. Peg left this morning. Next visitors are Trish Sylvester and Teresa later in the week. The birds are a delight.
Reading a book ‘Where the Crawdad’s Sing’ on someone’s recommendation. The back deck is cool and quiet.
Glad to hear from you.
Sending love,
Scott MacLeod
9:03 AM (55 minutes ago)
to Janie
Hi Ma,
Thanks for this nice piping email from you. As I focus on my 'HONEY IN THE BAG' first Scottish small pipes' album in 2020 - a "compilation of mp3s' " idea in the internet age - I think I want to lower expectations re my own perfectionism (which inhibits or binds), play with the beauty of simplicity in mind (and tunes which are 'favorites'), - and yet with jigs hornpipes and reels, pipe with lyrical, and play great fast fingering very well executed, to create far-reaching kinds of 'flow' experiences for listeners (a kind of beauty that could lead to 'loving bliss neurophysiology' elicitation). D combo drone - newly opened - is cutting out some ... will keep playing it in. Am seeking too some sweet spots for the chord drone sound, and with which tunes .... on both A & D chanters (but not yet on new B flat chanter). Liking newly the 'tenor' voice of the D chanter ... looking for some harmony making possibilities - re composing too (in MuseScore on digital sheet music perhaps) - opportunities, with recording, for both chanters at same time.
Just saw 1956 film "Moby Dick" with Gregory Peck, Ray Bradbury as screenplay writer, Orson Welles as Father Mapple delivering sermon in the Seamen's Bethel in New Bedford, MA, and produced by John Huston
(See, too, about Ray Bradbury -
Ray Bradbury concerning 'Moby Dick' script (2007)
Definitely worth seeing re life in New Bedford and on whaling ships, and re Melville's great writing as well ...
Did the old Quaker Meeting House on Spring St in NB reopen recently? (See below).
Click here for great music - :)
Glad you're having more friends come soon to visit on Cuttyhunk! (Meeting a 28 yo MD as partner would be wonderful re connecting, who could be from a different country too ... and re my bringing a friend to Cuttyhunk ... still circulating).
Was drawing a blank re what food to serve on Saturday at 5, but Gazpacho and Mint tea just came to mind
Sending love, Scott
More about the Moby Dick film which I shared with non-theism Friends recently ... ... :
Missed a good sermon recently -
"The sermon on Jonah from Moby Dick" - ? Was just watching yesterday the film "Moby Dick" (1956) with Gregory Peck, directed by John Huston, where Orson Welles is the minister - and in the Seaman's Bethel (which I know fairly well personally from having grown up in SE Massachusetts in summers) in New Bedford Massachusetts, which sent many a crew in the name of religion to the south Pacific on a bloody lucrative quest. The film also portrays Herman Melville's ship owners of the Pequod (which means "Destruction") who are Quakers ... newly represented in this film compared with the book "Moby Dick." (This film is worth seeing in many ways:). Film offers great insight into a very different culture, which included Quakers significantly (NB in the 1700 and 1800s) and which has changed religion-organization-wise.
The old Quaker Meeting House in New Bedford, long closed but still in decent shape, is interesting because it has male and female entrances.
Glad we're having this "[NTF-talk] Translating Religion Into Nontheistic Beliefs" conversation partly about "change" via the creation anew of non-theist Friendly discourse / culture ... beliefs as neurophysiology even :)
NtF cheers, Scott
Actually the New Bedford Quaker Meeting House may have been opened again fairly recently,-70.928128,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x3ed3f3f7ab73bc53!8m2!3d41.633507!4d-70.928128 -
I think I last visited its outside 2-3 years ago, and it was in dilapidated condition.
For your interest, here's more information the New Bedford Quaker Meeting House and Quakers in New England
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Re the following NtF (Non-theist Friends) conversation, see -
Wild garlic (Allium ursinum): "Loving bliss and practices to elicit this" ... where I head with "translating religion Into nontheistic beliefs" and "what value religion has for us nontheists" among Nontheist Friends / Atheist Quakers
- -(I have some UU background as well, although I didn't grow up as a Unitarian per se ... )
On Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 4:45:29 AM UTC-5, John Moorman wrote:
Religion has some valuable spiritual beliefs often lost when theistism is rejected. Howi do you prevent the baby from going out with the bath water? Anyone interested can follow this thread. I will give examples in my next post.
Waiting for your next post. I note that you are speaking of "theism rejected" as though theism is the default, and I'm not sure what group I am in where that is so. I am also puzzled by your certainty re those flying babies--really? Nontheists reject "valuable spiritual beliefs"? Perhaps they are not valuable! Consider the Golden Rule, as the Judeo-Christian tradition calls it, which has more or less exact duplicates in dozens of other faiths--which to me indicates that millions of people do and have found the concept valuable. Many monotheistic traditions have important spiritual beliefs which many many nontheists AND theists find simply untenable on ethical or scientific grounds.
I am struck by comments in some of the older (by one or two days!) messages. Perhaps it's my UU upbringing, but I have never felt a need, or a call, to explain my messages to Christians or theists. Other people stand in meeting and speak without footnotes or parentheses--why should I do otherwise? We are a creedless religion; Quakers long dead defended their and your right to be a nontheist Quaker.
I've had a long life on this side of the reformation--the one where people's beliefs are allowed to change and still be welcome. I have noticed in myself and others that as your theological center shifts, so do your expectations and needs. Now that you have answered many old questions for yourself and are comfortable calling yourself nontheist, you can learn to be comfortable speaking out from the heart of your new self without excuses or explanations. It's important to practice that right; practice will help you be more certain of who you have become.
Diggitt McLaughlin
Twin Cities Friends Meeting
St Paul, MN
Diggitt and NtFs,
Thanks for your email questioning "theism as the default" - & re the conclusion of your email "practice will help you be more certain of who you have become."
Diggitt - is this you? ...
"Diggitt revised sermon Midnight Ride and Transformation" (in 'digital' video format too - and as practice as well!) -
Am liking your sermon here ... and re Father Mapple's sermon in the 1956 film Moby Dick representing the year 1841 or so in Quaker New Bedford, Massachusetts ... (re email post "Missed a good sermon recently - "The sermon on Jonah from Moby Dick" - ?)
Here are some Non-theist Friends' #hashtags as another form of practice, this time digitally - ... ...
Cheers, Scott
Appreciating the experiential & PRACTICE aspects of non-theistically Friendly explorations & creations. Have blogged about some aspects of this thoughtful '[NTF-talk] Translating Religion Into Nontheistic Beliefs' NtF thread here (link: https://scott-macleod.
Re bathwater ...
And with regard to #RealisticVirtualHarbin
>(link: https://scott-macleod.
Actually the New Bedford Quaker Meeting may have been opened again fairly recently
Actually the New Bedford Quaker Meeting may have been opened again fairly recently,-70.928128,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x3ed3f3f7ab73bc53!8m2!3d41.633507!4d-70.928128 -
I think I last visited its outside 2-3 years ago, and it was in dilapidated condition.
Wild garlic (Allium ursinum): "Loving bliss and practices to elicit this" ... where I head with "translating religion Into nontheistic beliefs" and "what value religion has for us nontheists" among Nontheist Friends / Atheist Quakers
- -* * *
Hi Ma, just created a Tweet about 'best online classical music streaming' ...
'best online classical music streaming'
- (Seattle)
- (NorthCarolina)
- (London)
- (Cincinnati)
- @WorldUnivAndSch~
- (Seattle)
- (London)
- (Cincinnati)
'best online classical music streaming'— ScottMacLeod (@scottmacleod) August 3, 2019
- (Seattle)
- (NorthCarolina)
- (London)
- (Cincinnati)
- @WorldUnivAndSch~
In this process of exploring some of these streaming internet 'radio' stations, have observed some new aspects / approaches to exploring or eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology. Am interested in connecting this with playing and practicing and re developing my "Honey in the Bag" album for 2020.
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In ongoing learning about eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology (see blog entry above too), I've recently found the Boston Baroque live stream channel -
So, how and in what ways might it be possible to send love through making music, for example? :)
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