Hi Jim,
Happy Friday too! I'll seek to wait patiently to hear from edX. Am glad the Chairman of WUaS (Larry) recently said that $5000 is now available for CA BPPE licensing for WUaS, but licensing will be potentially a further challenge now, since partnership with edX doesn't seem possible at this time, and BPPE would likely readily license MIT OCW > MITx courses for example, with platform & grades etc (as they said they would a Google platform or similar).
So getting BPPE licensing going for WUaS before considering heading back to Cambridge for this position would be important (and there's another BPPE workshop in mid-March in Sacramento) which would be valuable to go to with draft document in hand, having gone to a first CA BPPE licensing day-long workshop on 2/20/19 in San Jose. Were I to get this "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition" edX position, possibly construed in a slightly different way (for example, with a mandate from the edX Board to edX to engage MIT OCW, -since the edX head of business development says there's no relationship whatsoever now between MIT OCW and MITx, for example - yet he's also said there are 205 course in this regard), it would be an amazing opportunity to grow edX into all ~200 countries' official languages, and with existing certificate edX courses possibly buildable into CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees that would be reimburse-able by departments of education in all 200 countries' languages too. Having just seen in a Tweet from edX CEO Anant Agarwal (in my 4-page cover letter too) that Stanford is becoming a member in edX, and having communicated with Stanford Medicine and Law about online medical schools and online law schools in ~200 countries' languages (Harrington MD and Vogl) over some years now, I see a possible opportunity for WUaS to explore additionally developing online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric PhDs and Bachelor's degrees through Stanford edX too. I think though the edX Board's mandate to develop MIT OCW > edX is the more likely candidate for Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees, - and I think too that edX could potentially seek reimbursement from all ~200 countries' departments of education at the rate of what tuition costs at MIT or Stanford ($55,000 per year), prorated per country by GDP or similar.
I hope online academia will be able to generate ever-unfolding research and teaching "to keep their digital" academic faculty and staff in all ~200 countries' languages busy, Jim, - and would like for World Univ & Sch to be able to help here especially (and on both our 501 c 3 wing, and our for profit general stock company wing - both in ~200 countries' languages as world class universities, and in 7111 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning+).
Have a great trip to Portugal, and I hope it's very regenerative for you especially. Thanks again for your great service science, management and engineering thinking, and your communications here especially regarding edX and this great 'Head of Content Strategy ... ' position I continue to be very interested in. Looking forward to emailing with you when you get back potentially, and thanks so much again for your thinking, suggestions and communications. I'll continue to wait patiently for a call back from edx, with the hopes of hearing about scheduling an interview for this "Head of Content Strategy and Acquisition" position. Thank you, Jim, and bon voyage!
Sincerely, Scott
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -
* * *
bagpiping tunes for my upcoming 'Honey in the Bag' Scottish small pipes' album, newly arranged ...
6/8 Marches
Duncan McGillivray
Seamus MacNeill
The River Creed
Cameron MacFadyen
2/4 Marches
Hugh Alexander Low of Tiree
P/M Tom MacAllister / Links of Forth 6 pt
The Hills of Perth
Johnny Cope
Cabar Feidh
The Fiddler
Captain Horne
The Cameronian Rant
Helen Gladden’s Reel
Loch Carron
Willie Cumming’s Rant
John MacLean, Johnny Red-Rory (Washabuck, Cape Breton)
John Morrison, Assynt House 6 pt
Dolina MacKay
Cabar Feidh
Poisoned Dwarf
Twisted Fingers
The Charms of Whisky
Dancing Feet
The Ale is Dear
Malcolm the Taylor
Muddah Rudh
The Scotsaire Hornpipe
The Jolly Beggarman
The Man From Skye
Angus John’s Fancy - http://plheineman.net/angusjohnsfancy.htm
Calum Beag
Zeto the Bubbleman
The Pumpkin’s Fancy
The Streaker
Honey in the Bag
Cabar Feidh
Archie MacNab
Skyeman’s Jig
Cutting Bracken
James MacLellan’s Favourite
The Banjo Breakdown ?
The Whistling Postman
Out of the Air
Calm Before the Storm
Slow Airs
From Babylon to the Bay
Gaelic Airs
Morag of Dunvegan
The Mermaid’s Song
Tiree Bridal Song
Chi Mi’n Toman
The Black Watch Polka
The Queen’s Own Highlander’s Polka
Amazing Grace in 5 parts (dubbed over?)
Tempos for Tunes - bagpiping tunes
Here are my off-the-cuff suggestions for a beginning soloist for these tune types. Keep in mind that bands and more advanced soloists will often play these faster - especially the marches.
Slow Marches, airs & waltzes ........... 45-60 bpm
2/4 marches ..............................
6/8 marches ..............................
4/4 marches ..............................
Reels ..............................
Strathspeys ..............................
Jigs ..............................
Hornpipes ..............................
Hope that helps.
--Bruce Wright
* * *
Hi Toffy, Cian, Harold, Torsten (and hoping to see you Soren soon-ish) and Mathieu (and Florence and Jean-Claude as well),
Nice to meet, see, and talk with you this evening at the Schoolab San Francisco International evening.
Let's keep in touch about Thailand, Denmark, Japan and France World University and Schools in your countries' official / main languages and emerging from here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages .
Free-to-students' degrees will also emerge at WUaS from MIT OCW here - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/
The five online degrees WUaS seeks to offer in each of all ~200 countries are free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, Medicine, as well as I.B. high schools.
Another fun part of World Univ & Sch are the wiki subjects - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - for open teaching and leanning and planned not only in Wikidata's ~300 languages, but also potentially in all 7,111 known living languages.
I'm also writing to wish you a happy new year, and including my New Year's letter - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - with its 5 initial reasons WUaS seeks to code, brainstorming-wise, for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, and much more.
With best regards, Scott
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.