Tele-robotic surgery at WUaS - Begin with Lipomas, Vaccine Injections, and Vascular Surgery?
Hi David, Ann, and Ma,
Very nice to have spent time together over Xmas.
How are you? How is your recovery going from your lipoma surgery, David?
Your both having mentioned having had lipomas, Ma & David, leads me to wonder about developing tele-robotic surgery first for lipomas, and first even with dogs, and other house pets - . Looks like there's even a syringe involved to extract cells which could be good for other things to, in creating or training a robot with computer science.
This is the idea with a video -
Begin w lipomas & vaccines in pets #WUaSHomeSurgery re #WUaSTeleroboticSurgery @WorldUnivAndSch (@grok_ Kate Darling @medialab) & #
AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery w #MachineLearning & #RealisticVirtualEarthFoRobotics?
Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions?
I hope you're feeling better, David!
Fondly, Scott
And from before -
The #HomeSurgeon in the future @grok_ ? (Kate Darling studies human-robot interaction, tech policy & ethics at MIT @medialab) & > #
AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery w #MachineLearning & #RealisticVirtualEarthFoRobotics?
It's the images here ... re tele-robotic surgery that are great esp. ...
Feb 21
In a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery & even for #TeleRoboticSurgery at molecular level with #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpecies re in what ways could WUaS best plan for Toyota Ambulance Vans as Medical Schools
Veterinary Medicine at WUaS:
For #ActualVirtualRobotics re robotic veterinary surgery see MIT - & in Africa & all ~200 countries for online Vet Degrees for online Veterinary Medicine & #TeleRoboticSurgery > -
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Holiday Greetings Peter Bothe In Bremen, Germany, and regarding tele-robotics' surgery too
Hello Scott!
...and is it working for you? Just went to my calendar to create an event, but I can only do "normal" Google Meets with up to 100 participants. It seems more and more people use Google Meet these days. As a G suite user you should be able to have Hangouts with up to 250 participants.
I'm pretty active in Second Life and also in the process of setting up a couple of Discord servers. It's a really good place to host and manage bigger communities with all kinds of topics. I like the idea of having separate channels for info only, text, voice and video chats. You can give different roles and rights to members and introduce all kinds of Bots to keep your community safe and manage it. BTW, the audio quality in Discord is the best I've ever experienced in any group call.
I wish you a Happy New Year 2021,
Hello Peter! How are you?
Hello Peter! Yes, Skype works, and I haven't yet tried to record from G Meet to a WUaS Youtube channel (but yesterday's talk with Fritz in Bayern could have been good to have recorded!). Re Google's developments, and Meet, and connecting, my mother couldn't get into G Meet on Xmas with a non-gmail address, but F could yesterday with a non-gmail address, and I can't seem from within Google Photos to send pictures to people with non-gmail addresses (like my mother, for ex.) ... Glad Google Meet may be opening in other ways and re recording to Youtube (thank you for seeing its significance - ie re 2nd Youtube channel for WUaS!). ... I connected with a Stanford Biodesign conference in the autumn in Discord - (and yes Discord is a fascinating example of encoding explicitly discordant aspects of the web) - but as a consequence of the Stanford Biodesign conference, I further connected a week or 2 ago in a Stanford Biodesign outgrowth with Apple Care Kit - and a group of medical practitioners in Google Meet, including Dr. Oliver Aalami MD a Stanford and formerly UCSF vascular surgeon ... good news for envisioning and planning for tele-robotic surgery even ... and with a blog post about this today :)
Wishing you a happy New Year as well, Peter! Friendly Regards, Scott (Season's Greetings' letter 2021 - - Thoughts about aging reversal via genetic engineering, and emerging from the kickstart to the genetic revolution, since 1953 - due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but seemingly not a very very serious epidemic?:)
Cheers, Scott
From this blog post - - "a) Discord, not surprisingly, was a bit discordant for me, b) somehow I couldn't participate any longer after about 11am Saturday morning, c) couldn't create 1 App for #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for 7.5 billion people in ~200 countries (and regarding WUaS Medical Schools, and You at WUaS, for ex.) -, d) would be interested in seeing the videos of presentations from Friday afternoon, and Saturday morning. Thank you for this Stanford Biodesign Buildathon.
And here's a blog entry about the Stanford Biodesign Buildathon as well -
Alles Gute, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod
President, CEO, Founder, Professor, Developer"
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Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Further brainstorming about tele-robotic surgery and it looks like with the NEW Lego Robotics' Spike Prime kit one can write code in the Scratch programming language on one's computer screen eg here - - and upload up to 20 different programs to the Spike Prime HUB
Hi David,
how are you mending, after your 12/24/20 procedure/surgical operation? I hope you're getting better apace. It was really nice to visit with you both on Xmas.
Warm regards, Scott
Thanks too to Elliott for donating to World Univ & Sch yesterday especially!!! :)
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Add to Toyota Ambulance Vans as @WorldUnivAndSch Medical Schools ?#WUaSHomeSurgery re #WUaSTeleroboticSurgery >#AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery w #MachineLearning & #RealisticVirtualEarthFoRobotics at atom/cell levels?
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Stanford Mine Pi, WUaS UBI Experiments & Senator Mitch McConnell ?
CNN: Mitch McConnell faces decision over vote to increase stimulus payments to $2,000. Is it be possible to convert these to #UBIexperiments
as bases for #UniversalBasicIncome experiments in the USA with #StanfordMinePi cryptocurrency?
Countries around the world can introduce universal basic income to fight against the health pandemic.
Finland paid its citizens $2,000 per month for two years - people were happier, healthier and volunteered more.
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Anthony Willoughby - Nomadic School of Business
Scott MacLeod <> |
| Mon, Dec 28, 2:52 PM (1 day ago)
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Dear Fritz, and Anthony,
Great to talk just now, Fritz, in Google Meet video conference (for nearly 2 hours!) in the CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School News and Q&A ( - on Monday mornings at 10am Pacific Time, SF Bay Area) ... Thanks for joining (and glad it worked with your icloud email).
Fritz, per our conversation in what ways might we explore creatively adding this approach to molecular biology with modern dance at MIT OCW-centric Germany World University and School in Germany, and in a single realistic virtual earth that we can all add to, and thus map -
And in what ways might Germany, in German, get MIT OCW-centric free-to-students degrees - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD - and the IB diploma too?
Thanks for this, with you Anthony! -
Territory Mapping for Educators
Glad to read here also, Anthony, that you hitchhiked around the USA in the late 1960s visiting 45 of the 50 US states ~ - a time I study academically even, and in an actual-virtual context even. Anthony, I know Fritz from Stanford University, and we've both had some association with Quakers as well.
World Univ & Sch is also seeking to develop an inspiring approach to IB education, and your 'mapping the territory' focus may be just the ticket for this.
(I attended Fettes College in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1977-78 in the 1st year 6th Form, and Fettes is now an IB school, and I also attended through a Reed College Programs, LMU in Munich during college, in 1981-82, and the University of Edinburgh in 2003-04, by way of introduction, and regarding territory mapping, and international education experience. I'm also posting a UC Berkeley Anthropology Tourism Studies' talk below which I gave on 12/18/20 as a resource regarding my research focus - which you can also find in my 2021 Season's Greetings' letter here -
Anthony, and Fritz, would you like to meet in a Google Meet video conference - - next Monday to talk further about some of this, at 10 am Pacific Time, so in the early evening in Europe / Britain? And Anthony, might the Nomadic School of Business be interested in collaborating or partnering with World Univ & Sch, and regarding potentially ONLINE IB schools in new and creative ways? As online wiki schools, planned in all 7,117 known living languages, WUaS also seeks to map territory in brand new ways, and create people to people free universal high quality education as well.
All the best,
Scott GK MacLeod
President, Founder, CEO, and Professor, and Presiding Clerk
Text chat transcript from Fritz and my Google Meet earlier today:
Yes, an endorsement ethos enabling students to effectively endorse each other and help/assist/inspire each other along challenging problems to solve...
(Paul Berg) Protein Synthesis: An Epic on the Cellular Level
I was at this, and asked a question at about the 122:50 minute mark ...
"Thanks very much for this fascinating and inspiring panel. I'm asking perhaps about the focused contribution that the Stanford Computer Science department has made and generated over the past 50 or 60 years relative to the other great computer science departments in this country? And I ask in the context of developing MIT OCW-centric World I imagine that you will very much enjoy watching the following recording of a virtual workshop which I find inspiring to inspire others, organized by Anthony Willoughby and moderated by Chris Jones: “Territory Mapping for educators.” Such a lively presentation of how much more a multi-modal, ‘artistic’ and meaningful modern education could inspire students to explore their most wonderful talents and tackle most important, highly challenging problems collectively…
Dear Anthony,
I just want to follow up with you, and to say thanks for your inspiring "Territory Mapping for Educators" video. It would be great to talk further about interstices.
This is the beginning of this idea in some ways:
Best regards, Scott
My email to you and F from yesterday -
Hi Scott,
Thank you so much for your emails - It would be brilliant to catch up and learn more of your vision and great work. It looks fascinating.
Please do let me know when it works for you over the next few days.
Thanks for your interest. Yours Anthony
Anthony WilloughbyThe Nomadic School of Business
Everyone needs a Territory Map
+44 07 561 825 585
Skype: anthony.willoughby1
Scott MacLeod <> |
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Hi Anthony,
Thanks so much for your quick response. I just watched your "In Search of Inspiration" video, and was further inspired - am appreciating the vision you project (and the images too!)
Yes, let's get together soon in video chat. How would Monday, January 4th work for you, at 10am Pacific Time, which I think might be 6pm your time (in the British Isles, if you are indeed there)? Regarding your first video with its IB focus too, and your Nomadic School, how might talking in part about creating potentially ~200 online IB schools in all nation states' / countries' official and main languages work for you - and potentially in conjunction with the joys and inspiration of traveling, but newly online (and gradually)? I've learned that IB education is as brief as 3 courses in the 2nd to last year of high school, and 3 courses in the last year of high school, or as extensive as a philosophy of education regarding K-12, and WUaS is interested in just probably the latter, as well as the IB standard / and accreditation / credential or diploma. (There's an IB Quaker school in Ramallah, for example, taught in Arabic and English, for example, but not online, and is considered one of the best schools in the Middle East, but WUaS's Quaker / Friendly inspirations are separate from this). WUaS seeks to add both CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare high school courses, as well as WUaS Home Robotics' courses, for students learning from their home kitchen tables, and significantly in an Actual-Virtual single Realistic Virtual Earth, say in a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego - - and for # /Robotics +. MIT OCW's CC-4 licensing - where Creative Commons' 4's attributes allow for 1) sharing, 2) adapting (eg WUaS could add MIT OCW to a database with AI), but 3) non-commercially - mean that WUaS will not seek tuition from students, but WUAS instead seeks reimbursement from departments of education (in all ~200 countries), and even at what it might cost to go to Harrow, or Phillips Academy Exeter in NH, for example. In many ways, this would mean that highest achieving students in all ~200 countries would / could get a MIT OCW-centric IB education for free from home (with traveling in a realistic virtual earth, and with physical robotics for those on STEM paths especially).
Your contacts and connections from so many different countries, and inspiring leadership and smarts, and inspiring 'territory mapping' - now potentially newly online and in creative IT ways - open many possibilities.
If Monday 1/4/21 around 6pm your time (I think) doesn't work for you, what are some good possible times?
Sincerely yours,
WUaS has 2 wings, as legal entities in California (and see the very open in a sense licensing at bottom):
A) World Univ & Sch - (planned in ~200 countries as major online CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric Universities, offering IB, Bachelor, Ph.D, Medicine and Law degrees, accrediting/licensing first in CA, - and in their official / main languages, and in all 7,117 living languages as WIKI schools for open teaching and learning, where Wikipedia is in 300 languages, which leaves about 6,800 languages to develop further. OUR WUaS IB diploma graduates will have further online degrees to head for, or they could drop out and 'hitchhike' around a virtual earth - think Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow AI - instead if they chose :). This is a nonprofit in CA, and a 501 c 3 nonprofit in the US.
Open Monthly Business Meeting (in the manner of Friends) meets too on the 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9 am Pacific Time, electronically, and is hour-long.
WUaS ANNUAL Business Meeting minutes are here, for your perusal:
* *
December 31, 2020
| Thu, Dec 31, 2020, 11:22 AM (3 days ago)
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Hi Scott,
Thanks so much for sharing so much valuable detail about our latest conversation together with your own territory mapping experiences, also with Anthony.
Wishing you and yours …
Fritz Lebowsky, PhD
Founder CEO
Scott MacLeod <> |
| Dec 31, 2020, 11:57 AM (3 days ago)
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Hi Anthony,
Here's CC-4 MIT OCW high school - - with many free courses sharable under the Creative Commons' license, and potentially in the 4 languages that MIT OCW is in already ... (which has been in as many as 10 languages over the past 20 years or so, I think).
Sincerely yours,
Hi Fritz, (and Anthony),
Thanks for your New Year's greetings - and good to talk last Monday for nearly 2 hours!
Here, by the way, are 2 WUaS Block Chain Twitter #Hashtags -
for idea sharing (and re where WUaS seeks to head with the blockchain ledger, as revolutionary as it may be too)
Fritz, Anthony and I have been communicating also about WUaS (Friendly-inspired, and MIT OCW-centric, with WUaS Home Robotics with Lego) IB school development in all ~200 countries and in their official / main languages online. See - Fritz, could possibly explore your helping to develop some of this in Germany, in Bayern (where your mother lives), and also possibly with the other WUaS CC-4 MIT OCW-centric university degrees in German - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law and MD even?
Shall we all get together this Monday, Jan 4, 2021 at 10 am Pacific Time in Google Meet video conferencing (like last Monday with Fritz) to explore some of all this further - and simply to chat in ?
All the best in the New Year, Scott
Scott MacLeod <> |
| Thu, Dec 31, 2020, 1:10 PM (3 days ago)
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Anthony, and Fritz,
Monday at 10 am PT is the WUaS News, and Q&A time, - - and while we could meet then, if interested, it's an open Meeting, and a prospective Ph.D. student from India, Prasanth, I think will be joining this too. If interested in meeting and talking further, we could meet on Monday at 10am PT or another time. My questions for you, Anthony, and given your territory mapping video, have to do with WUaS collaborating with the IB credentialing process, in all ~200 countries, and in their official languages, and with WUaS Home Robotics, - - and CC-4 MIT OCW for high school - - and online in a new way (not the IB experiment out of Bethesda MD - called Pamoja I think). Could John Rolfe and other IB people in the Territory Mapping video help, for example? (I attended an IB school in Geneva Switzerland - Ecolint - in 1972-73, when my family lived there for 6 months!). And Fettes College, an IB school now, which attended in 1977-78 in the 1st year 6th could possibly help too, - and from Scotland (re George Preston, my old Housemaster, and minder of the Old Fettesian records, for example).
Sincerely yours, Scott
The 2 WUaS wings, as separate legal entities in CA again, with licensing at bottom:
| Thu, Dec 31, 2020, 1:50 PM (3 days ago)
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Greetings Scott....... I should be most honoured and delighted to speak at 1000 Pacific time on Monday January 4th! Looking forward to meeting you, your colleagues and friends. Please send me a link.
Yours Anthony
Scott MacLeod <> |
| Dec 31, 2020, 2:01 PM (3 days ago)
| | |
Greetings, Anthony (and Fritz),
Looking forward to it too!
See you soon!
Yours sincerely,
* *
January 3, 2021
Dear Anthony, Prasanth, Fritz, Universitians,
In 1969 – 1970, Anthony Willoughby
"Watched Apollo 13 blast off from Cape Canaveral and started my hitch hiking career which took me through 45 fo the 50 states - most enjoyable year of my schooling as i was finally able to break out of the English mould for ever!" :) ~
See you on Monday!
All the best, Scott
You can see some correspondence about this here -
* *
January 4, 2021
Dear Anthony, Prasanth, Fritz, Universitians, (and greetings George Preston, my old Kimmerghame Housemaster at Fettes College in Edinburgh Scotland in 1977-1978), All,
Thanks so much for your conversation today in the
"WUaS News, Q&A, and Conversation 1/4/21 (2021-01-04 at 10:02 GMT-8)"
The Google Meet video conference video recording worked out, as a new first (for WUaS - World Univ & Sch)! And glad you two, Anthony & Fritz, could both meet for the first time face-to-face, and it seems in communication with Doutzen Groothof ( in the Hague (whom it's interesting to learn of, from you both), and also involved in International Baccalaureate education potentially. (I lived with a Quaker family, the Kruegers, for 2.5 months at the end of my 13 months' time studying in Munich, Germany, in 1981-82, at LMU, in part, and through a Reed College program, with classrooms in Olympiazentrum).
Here, per our conversation, are two related Wiki World Univ & Sch subjects -
Indigenous languages of the Americas -
WUaS IB Diploma and Programme wiki subject page for starters -
WUaS is planning to offer online IB programme in each of all ~200 countries, and in their main / official languages
In terms of a kind of structure of and information about WUaS, both of the above wiki subjects are accessible here - - but neither of these pages have much MIT OpenCourseWare (which eventually be for credit); check out some of the creative wiki subjects at WUaS too, and not just the Academic wiki subjects, which of course also are creative.
And here's the "JuryX" course from Harvard Law Emeritus Charles Nesson I mentioned, which I found inspiring in 2016, and which builds as a course most successfully on the edX platform, in my opinion, to give you some idea of what edX is about too (and with which WUaS is in the process of partnering):
In what ways could WUaS with your visionary guidance Anthony build out 3 lower level and 3 upper level end of high school IB courses (for ages 16,17 and 18?) on the edX platform, using this course as a model, and which would be IB credentialed with students receiving an online IB diploma upon successful completion - eventually in all ~200 countries, and in their official and main languages? (Charlie Nesson is also deeply informed by the spirit of 1960s' freedom seeking movements, and is a very successful Harvard Law Emeritus Professor, re the freedom and success of the IB diploma).
Far more than an edX course brainstorming-wise too, I wonder about creating a voluntary "Mapping the Territory" entree in Google SketchUp into the 'World University world' from something like this - - planning brainstorming-wise for all 7.8 billion people on the planet, where everyone is a wiki teacher or learner, and in each of all 7,117 known living languages, and in all ~200 nation states / countries.
Looking forward to further communications about all of this, and thank you so much Anthony & Fritz for joining the conversation today!
Looked up some etymologies of the word 'harrow' re harrowing, re your great old alma mater, Anthony :) ...
... and straw boater hats are part of the school uniform? :)
... must learn more .... The above etymologies are quite non-specific to Harrow 1572 which was founded about 64 years before Harvard College 1636, the oldest school & university in the US, I think.
Good morning, Anthony, & World University community!
Thank you for your email, Anthony, and looking forward to seeing some you all in about 30 minutes from now.
As a heads' up, I'm exploring for the first time ever the possibility of recording today's Google Meet (and may try live streaming additionally in the future) -
Cheers, and see you soon (in 30 minutes at 10 am Pacific Time),
Dear Anthony, Prasanth, Fritz, Universitians,
In 1969 – 1970, Anthony Willoughby
"Watched Apollo 13 blast off from Cape Canaveral and started my hitch hiking career which took me through 45 fo the 50 states - most enjoyable year of my schooling as i was finally able to break out of the English mould for ever!" :) ~
See you on Monday!
All the best, Scott
You can see some correspondence about this here -
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Dear Anthony, Prasanth, Fritz, Universitians,
In 1969 – 1970, Anthony Willoughby
"Watched Apollo 13 blast off from Cape Canaveral and started my hitch hiking career which took me through 45 fo the 50 states - most enjoyable year of my schooling as i was finally able to break out of the English mould for ever!" :) ~
See you on Monday!
All the best, Scott
You can see some correspondence about this here -
A great university, and high school, in your home ... and in your country, and your language - for free :), and wiki too :))?