Further development of the WUaS platform ahead - worlduniversityandschool.org - now with WUaS Wikibase and take-able edX courses will open the way for student learning, and success (and testimonials!:)
Next open WUaS News and Q&A for conversation meet tomorrow, Monday, at 10 am Pacific Time in Google Meet here - meet.google.com/nha-qeuf-nxn (gmail address needed)!
WUaS News and Q&A M 12/28/20 10a PT meet.google.com/nha-qeuf-nxn (gmail address needed)! i) FREE-to-students' OCW-centric Bachelor's degrees in May '21 ii) Planning for online free-to-students' WUaS PhDs, To join talk, email info@ worlduniversityandschool.org @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~
https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1343265124748955653?s=20
WUaS News and Q&A M 12/28/20 10a PT https://t.co/7NILrOsZvj (gmail address needed)! i) FREE-to-students' OCW-centric Bachelor's degrees in May '21 ii) Planning for online free-to-students' WUaS PhDs, To join talk, email info@ https://t.co/N22Ucd0wg2 @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) December 27, 2020
Thank you, Sri Lanka WUaS!, - and the Universitian team!
Regards, Scott
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| 9:32 AM (7 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hi Universitians,
In 30 minutes:
WUaS News and Q&A M 12/28/20 10a PT meet.google.com/nha-qeuf-nxn (gmail address needed)! i) FREE-to-students' OCW-centric Bachelor's degrees in May '21 ii) Planning for online free-to-students' WUaS PhDs, To join talk, email info@ worlduniversityandschool.org @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~
https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1343265124748955653?s=20
News is below ...
World Univ & Sch cheers,
Hi Sri Lanka WUaS aka Rifai, Andrzej, MariuszS, Petros, WUaS family, Rohit, Nidahas, nidahasvidyalaya, WUaS Board, Peter, mazumdarp, Marisol, Shahrzad, Shahbaz, Tanya, All,
Thanks again so much for your generative email, and good ideas, Rifai. With regards to possible WUaS matriculated student testimonials (eg https://orc.mit.edu/ admissions/student-testimonial ), it could be good to plan for in the future - and even possibly in the WUaS Applying-to-College process from here - worlduniversityandschool.org. To date, when Shahbaz was trying to take the edX courses this autumn 2020 - and I'm so glad WUaS is in the process of partnering with edX - he could only really audit the edX courses, and not really study them 'from the inside,' ie for learning the course material for grades. And similarly with Tanya, she needs to take a "Finance" course (and some other courses to graduate with a free Bachelor's degree, I think), probably courses from edX, - and our WUaS students still can't take the edX courses 'from the inside,' that is for grades, etc. Part of the issue too is that licensing and accrediting in the state of California is evolving, I hypothesize, in the information age (eg with BPPE licensing - https://twitter.com/CaBPPE and WASC senior accreditation - https://twitter.com/wascsenior ). To get ONLINE licensing and accreditation 'right,' - beyond the amazing ~2400 MIT OpenCourseWare courses, with their potential to migrate into MITx courses on the edX platform - issues like identity verification from all ~200 countries (beyond government IDs in photos), and language proficiency, (possibly some kind of required entrance exam as starting point), and course testing probably, for example, all have to be addressed - and edX (founded by MIT & Harvard in Cambridge - and a platform for about 150 universities and companies too) isn't 'there' yet either, ie meeting the standards of CA's BPPE and WASC Senior, for ex. So, as you may have read also in the open WUaS ANNUAL MEETING Minutes - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/12/indiana- bat.html (see Minute 0 ... ) - WUaS needs (150 matriculating students and) $101,000 US dollars, I think, to finalize partnering with edX and inter-operate our developing WUaS platform thanks to a new installation of WUaS Wikibase /Wikidata in opencura, and for our 3rd matriculating undergraduate class - eg see these from the new WUaS Opencura Wikibase -
People -
individual - https:// worlduniversityandschooldataba se.wiki.opencura.com/wiki/ Item:Q4
course - https:// worlduniversityandschooldataba se.wiki.opencura.com/wiki/ Item:Q1
accessible from -
https:// worlduniversityandschooldataba se.wiki.opencura.com/wiki/ Main_Page
individual - https://
course - https://
accessible from -
- with edX's Dashboard (for grades and sign ins), potentially beginning for WUaS on May 1, 2021. It's taking a while to develop this partnership with edX too, even as edX iterating on courses they have available, - and how, for example, again WUaS can get our WUaS students' sign-ins and grades from (WUaS students') edX courses, etc.
Thanks so much to Houcemeddine (above) in Tunisia for installing WUaS Wikibase ! Houcemeddine, can we migrate WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki to WUaS OpenCura WikiBase together sometime, please, and regarding what follows ... ?
In the meantime, our WUaS other wing (to complement the free-to-students' accrediting degrees' wing) is open for free people-to-people open teaching and learning - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Subjects (but this Wiki may also be in transition, and is something WUaS may seek to move to WUaS Opencura too) - but only in English so far, and not yet interoperable with a WUaS Wikibase installation for this WUaS Miraheze wiki (like the new WUaS Wikibase in Opencura). And WUaS hasn't really developed Wiki communities yet - like in Wikipedia's nearly 300 languages - in English. It will help for this when WUaS can begin to hire Wiki developers (like Wikipedia has), and thus also develop parallel volunteer communities of Wiki editors, first in ~300 languages, and then in all 7,117 known living languages, so in about 6,800 more languages!
So, WUaS team, and Sri Lanka WUaS, let's wait to see what Tanya, for example, does with the edX courses at WUaS as our WUaS-edX partnership develops, and WUaS can pay edX, - and the edX courses become takeable for credit (and re even licensing and accreditation), not just auditable, for her free-to-student's Bachelor's degree.
And thanks so much to Imad Zalmat in Morocco for your interest in a WUaS MIT OCW-centric PhD beginning in 2021 as well - CA's BPPE said in Feb 2019 that they can license PhD degrees!
And the further development of the WUaS platform - worlduniversityandschool.org - now with WUaS Wikibase and take-able edX courses will open the way for student learning, and success (and testimonials!:)
Next open WUaS News and Q&A for conversation meet tomorrow, Monday, at 10 am Pacific Time in Google Meet here - meet.google.com/nha-qeuf-nxn (gmail address needed)!
WUaS News and Q&A M 12/28/20 10a PT meet.google.com/nha-qeuf-nxn (gmail address needed)! i) FREE-to-students' OCW-centric Bachelor's degrees in May '21 ii) Planning for online free-to-students' WUaS PhDs, To join talk, email info@ worlduniversityandschool.org @WUaSPress @WorldUnivAndSch ~
https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1343265124748955653?s=20
Thank you, Sri!, - and the Universitian team!
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| 2:52 PM (2 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Fritz, and Anthony,
Great to talk just now, Fritz, in Google Meet video conference (for nearly 2 hours!) in the CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School News and Q&A (https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1343265124748955653?s=20 - on Monday mornings at 10am Pacific Time, SF Bay Area) ... Thanks for joining (and glad it worked with your icloud email).
Fritz, per our conversation in what ways might we explore creatively adding this approach to molecular biology with modern dance at MIT OCW-centric Germany World University and School in Germany in German, and in a single realistic virtual earth that we can all add to, and thus map -
Stanford "Dancing the RNA Molecule" (1971)
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=WTRmvnlNVw4You10:32 "(Paul Berg) Protein Synthesis: An Epic on the Cellular Level" - How to engage such creative Stanford approaches to science & dance from '71 in an #ActualVirtual # RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs w #FilmTo3D App?
https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1343671092401979392?s=20
And in what ways might Germany, in German, get MIT OCW-centric free-to-students degrees - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD - and the IB diploma too?
Anthony, Fritz, in our Munich-SF Bay Area conversation earlier today, recommended the following video, which I'm very impressed with - and regarding (Friendly-informed, MIT OCW-centric) World Univ & Sch's plans for online IB schools (https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/WUaS_International_ Baccalaureate_Diploma_and_ Programme) in each of all ~200 countries' official languages, but also enjoyment and creativity, potentially:
Thanks for this, with you Anthony! -
Territory Mapping for Educators
Glad to read here also, Anthony, that you hitchhiked around the USA in the late 1960s visiting 45 of the 50 US states ~ https://www.linkedin.com/in/ anthony-willoughby-a2757511/ - a time I study academically even, and in an actual-virtual context even. Anthony, I know Fritz from Stanford University, and we've both had some association with Quakers as well.
In terms of territory mapping, I'm wondering how World Univ & Sch might explore facilitating this for our WUaS students in a brand new way, in a realistic virtual earth even (Think Google Street View TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth with Google SketchUp) - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarth?src= hashtag_click .
World Univ & Sch would also seek to develop uniquely, for the IB diploma if we can, #WUaSHomeRobotics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ WUaSHomeRobotics?src=hashtag_ click - with the 3 Lego Robotics' Kits, perhaps developing this MIT OCW experimental couree - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ experimental-study-group/es- 293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/ - into a courses in edX (founded by MIT and Harvard), with whom WUaS is in the process of partnering currently, and at the IB level, and in many languages. I'm glad that the WUaS Educational Services' Store became an authorized carrier of Lego Robotics - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html - but which is as of yet undeveloped.
World Univ & Sch is also seeking to develop an inspiring approach to IB education, and your 'mapping the territory' focus may be just the ticket for this.
(I attended Fettes College in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1977-78 in the 1st year 6th Form, and Fettes is now an IB school, and I also attended through a Reed College Programs, LMU in Munich during college, in 1981-82, and the University of Edinburgh in 2003-04, by way of introduction, and regarding territory mapping, and international education experience. I'm also posting a UC Berkeley Anthropology Tourism Studies' talk below which I gave on 12/18/20 as a resource regarding my research focus - which you can also find in my 2021 Season's Greetings' letter here - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/12/twinpods- physaria.html).
Anthony, and Fritz, would you like to meet in a Google Meet video conference - meet.google.com/nfn-txbj-pyn - next Monday to talk further about some of this, at 10 am Pacific Time, so in the early evening in Europe / Britain? And Anthony, might the Nomadic School of Business be interested in collaborating or partnering with World Univ & Sch, and regarding potentially ONLINE IB schools in new and creative ways? As online wiki schools, planned in all 7,117 known living languages, WUaS also seeks to map territory in brand new ways, and create people to people free universal high quality education as well.
All the best,
Scott GK MacLeod
President, Founder, CEO, and Professor, and Presiding Clerk
2020 - "(S. MacLeod) Creating a Realistic Virtual Earth for Tourism and Tourism Studies with Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs: A Case Study" UC Berkeley Anthropology TSWG presentation https://drive. google.com/file/d/ 1rjAgHoN1uE4JcuGPiVnvDibpA0Fd4 StA/view - (with slides) - 12/18/20 Fr ~ https://docs.google.com/ presentation/d/ 1SI2U7ssoy52met1OIwDwT5CbVLz98 RuYRVE4OY5dj6A/edit?usp= sharing (new slides) - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/12/ doubledays-hummingbird- cynanthus.html - http://tourismstudies.org/ news_archive/MacLeod2020.htm ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html
Text chat transcript from Fritz and my Google Meet earlier today:
Fritz Lebowsky
10:25 AM
Yes, an endorsement ethos enabling students to effectively endorse each other and help/assist/inspire each other along challenging problems to solve...
10:28 AM
10:32 AM
(Paul Berg) Protein Synthesis: An Epic on the Cellular Level
10:40 AM
I was at this, and asked a question at about the 122:50 minute mark ...
"Thanks very much for this fascinating and inspiring panel. I'm asking perhaps about the focused contribution that the Stanford Computer Science department has made and generated over the past 50 or 60 years relative to the other great computer science departments in this country? And I ask in the context of developing MIT OCW-centric World https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2017/11/garcinia- gummi-gutta-creating-world. html
11:34 AM
People -
individual - https:// worlduniversityandschooldataba se.wiki.opencura.com/wiki/ Item:Q4
For 7.8 billion people?
11:37 AM
Fritz Lebowsky
11:40 AM
I imagine that you will very much enjoy watching the following recording of a virtual workshop which I find inspiring to inspire others, organized by Anthony Willoughby and moderated by Chris Jones: “Territory Mapping for educators.” Such a lively presentation of how much more a multi-modal, ‘artistic’ and meaningful modern education could inspire students to explore their most wonderful talents and tackle most important, highly challenging problems collectively…
11:40 AM
Realistic Virtual Earth - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarth?src= hashtag_click -
Fritz Lebowsky
11:40 AM
11:42 AM
Virtual Harbin ~
~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ in Google Street View
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