Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sierra Nevada red fox (Vulpes Vulpes Necator): Hiking north on the Pacific Crest Trail PCT at Sonora pass California, Sun., June 26, 2022 * * * Rainbow Gathering in NW Colorado from July 1 - July 7, 2022 in the Routt National Forest ~ 2022 'HomeComing National Forest Rainbow Gathering' near Boulder, CO, this upcoming week * * * 3 legal entities developed: As nonprofit - @WorldUnivAndSch - ~

Hiking north on the Pacific Crest Trail PCT at Sonora pass California, Sun., June 26, 2022

Dear Ma, Dick, All,

Just drove east and down from the Pacific Crest Trail at Sonora pass at 9600 fton Saturday June 24 at 2:55 pm  And it was raining pretty hard. A little cooler than 56 F and it would be hailing, and in fact the precipitation looked snow look soon after leaving the pass ... Was going to hike out 5 miles without a pack to a lake Taiyabe and back but may head to a hot springs on the east side of the Sierra mountains and try to hike in the morning on my way west again to the Pacific ocean and the SF BAY AREA ... 

Greetings again from Travertine Hot Springs in the east side of the Sierras near Bridgeport ... No rain here, and may soak briefly and then head to a brand new Shepherd Hot Springs 1.25 hours south. Then visit the Bodie ghost town and state park in the morning... Or possibly head to Buckeye hot springs again a little north of here. 

MOMENTOUS 5am morning today, in joining a Google Educator Group in India - (today's Indian pipe blog post) .... And might Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation even get matriculating students for free online College and Bachelor degrees that are CC-4 OCW MIT.EDU -centric from the Rosary School in Rajkot India and possibly others this September first, and in collaboration with Google further? :)

And Might I learn this week that I'm moving back into Canyon again on August 1,  now on my 5th lease agreement letter since October 1 2020, having called the Moraga police twice ABOUT illegal break INS and thefts too over the years and regards the criminal mentally ill former landlord in Canyon at 670 Ridgecrest (and the state of California and federal government legal processes working together newly)? Glad my current landlord Navin Doshi north of Berkeley and Ed Smyth MD above also have both said that the Canyon place is mine in one way or another. 

Fondly, Scott

A realistic virtual earth for history and genetics? Google Maps Earth TensorFlowAI is heading in the direction of developing Google Maps for history - 

Glad #StreetView with #TimeSlider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate has EXPLICIT history focus & re a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory @WorldUnivAndSch What about #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenealogy #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics as organizational information technologies too?

Rumor has it that you love traveling back in time on #StreetView. 👀

Find out what's new for Street View's 15th anniversary, including helping you see how places have changed over time with historical imagery on mobile →


Wrote this a week or 2 ago - 

Dear Ma, Dick, All,

Greetings and I wrote this while on the Pacific Crest Trail at about 10,000 get yesterday near Sonora pass ( 

Greetings from the PCT hiking south from Sonora pass. The sky started raining just before reaching the summit of the pass ... Which at the top led me to put on an old pair of waterproof Merrell jungle Mocs (moccasins) with no lift, instead of my Birkenstock sandals (with a half inch right leg lift, due to uneven leg lengths), and a waterproof jacket. A number of cars were parked right at the summit of the pass, right across the Pacific Crest Trail way, and I stopped a little below this summit and left the car. Added some other layers like a pullover since it was in the 50 degree temperature range, windy, and high, and started walking south. Inspired to be hiking on the actual PCT again, I wonder if this is partly due to the Pacific Crest Trail name itself, as well as to my hiking it in 1980 and 1982 for 1650-1800 miles of the 2650 miles from Mexico to Canada. 

A little ways up the trail and it looks like hiking both south and north from the Sonora pass involves going up, I met a couple returning from a backpacking trip to Latopie Lake ???  or similar ~5 miles away. Both man and woman had snow burnt cheeks, large backpacks and were using ski poles. I asked if there was much snow along the trail. And he said lots. I asked - having slipped down a chute on the PCT in 1980 on a shadow side of Mt Baden Powell in southern California one evening just before dusk, exhausted and looking for a level camping spot after something like a 20 mile day (initially on this 1980 hike on PCT) in May I think... and possibly aiming to reach Canada by September but WITH ICE AXE in hand having come prepared and actually used it to arrest by descent after some 20-30 yards of glissading down - if they had come to any shear parts on snow pack on the trail and wished they had ice axes in addition to their ski poles each. They said no but a buddy had slid down about 80 feet (and am not sure if this was intentional or not).

Latopie Lake ??? (

Poncho gifts from Ed I'm pocket

My Google Maps set for Sonora pass with digital Topo Maps which I was using had blacked out part way up the road toward the Sonora pass and as I was listening to a great deep Raga by Ravi Shankar and Ali Akbar Khan (both who may also have played at the Monterey Pop festival even, as Indians becoming Californians and superstar classical India music virtuosos) ... and who knows why - so I would watch the incredible world I was driving through? - but I rebooted the smartphone near the top, and when I reopened it, the Topo Maps were still there.

Now I sit on the PCT with some light sprinkles falling - and am able to write in this Gmail account... Phone says 'Emergency calling only: ... and a German couple just walked by ... Cool... After some chatting, they said they had been hiking since the Mexican border... Wow ... But initially the man before his partner arrived, when I asked him in English had he just hiked the John Muir Trail, and he said no .. so I'm thinking about this contradictory information... We began speaking 8n German some... Then I switched to English to ask them about their gear and the hike ... Which looked very light and even 'lightweight' as if it hadn't been used all the way from the Mexican border... As they hiked on ... I asked them too if they had been getting food boxes at Post Offices along the way ... Yes and at super markets... They said they had been underway - unterwegs - for 2 months too, but I didn't see this in their hiking gear and bodies ... As they parted,

They wished me a happy day ... Having heard some talk of 'Trail Angels' on this pass 3 times in the past month (traveling over it) ... And last time on a chalkboard at the Sonora pass... I wonder if they could have been travelers from a different country (Germany) with a different set of ethical standards - and even bringing some light to abolishing the illegal sex industry on the Pacific CREST TRAIL (ever so sadly) ... Re TRAIL ANGELS so called ... But glad they were hiking at least this part today and that we talked I'm English and in German (they were good folks) .. 

electric and all-wheel-drive in the upcoming Toyota Highlander in USA ... snow into Buckeye hot springs ... and over the Carson pass road I drove on on Saturday ... coming into Nevada  before returning to California 

Toyota also hasn’t shared details on the powertrain but it could possibly have solid-state batteries—rather than the more-common lithium-ion variety—and a dual-motor, all-wheel-drive electric drivetrain.

Ma, All, 


I wrote this on the Pacific Crest Trail just north of Sonora pass yesterday, and here's a wee video - - and some pictures from Bodie Gold Rush Ghost Town too - .

Greetings from the Pacific Crest Trail at Sonora pass, having hiked this time about 30 minutes to the north, on top of the world, in a few ways. 

Yesterday I saw an old school bus painted kind of creamy and rose and with a little yellow and gold above the front windshield which said 'Galactic Crusader' on it. It was moving fast in the opposite direction from the way I was traveling but appreciated the virtual 'time travel' in my mind to the 1960s and '70s, idea-wise, or even Meme -wise (as '60s' cultural replicating units in some ways).

I was driving south from Travertine Hot Springs to eventually Wild Willy's Crowly's hot springs a little more than an hour south. Explored further at Wild Willy's Crowly's hot springs the idea of a realistic virtual earth for history (and genetics) with the Dad of a family from Alaska now living in Astoria Oregon, and regarding Bodie state historic park, which I then traveled back north to visit. How could we time travel in a Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots' environment back to the 1880s when Bodie was the site of a Gold Rush. How could we add for example photos of a person from 1881 to this animate it transform it into an Avatar Bot and talk with him or her, and in Bodie in 1878 then 1882 then with different people in the 1920s or 1962 or 1974 as this all iterated and improved and in the location, houses, town of Bodie as it changed. Not only with a Google car coming in but also with our own Film to 3D Apps ? 

Bodie is a ghost town -:and amazing with so much preserved from so many different times. And as a sociocultural anthropologist, I felt a lot of negative 'energy' in this remarkably well preserved town. It was so violent and chaotic, and was doing wrong to people in so many ways. What a history! Interesting that there were 2 churches by the mid 1880s, and 5he Methodist church was still standing - 
As a sociologist of religion (my major at Reed College), interesting to see one set of Religion 'technologies' of America and Europe: the church building, the pews, an organ, a dais or altar, from which the minister would preach, and the area behind the raised floor for the ministry.. but no symbols of Christianity in this Church today. The 28 minutes' film I saw soon after had some words from some ministers in the 1880s. 
It was particularly the 1991 film - "Bodie: Ghost Town Frozen in Time" - that helped give a glimpse into the written and visual record in some of these regards. And I'd like to bring all of this record INTO a Realistic Virtual Earth TensorFlowAI Translate, and including a Realistic Virtual Earth for Archaeology with WUaS Robotics (as I mentioned to the volunteer of the Bodie Foundation Norm Stump, and the ranger as cashier in the Bodie Museum). But at 8400 feet, and in the 70s Fahrenheit in the summer, and with a remarkable gold strike found by accident when a mine shaft collapsed, in the late 1870s, it attracted a LOT of people in a very hot part of the world otherwise. 

Saw some very attractive mid 20s' women ... interestingly in my ongoing search for a life partner to begin a family. 

The Pacific Crest Trail is stellar and something to come back to:)

Arrested Decay is 

Rainbow Gathering in NW Colorado begins Friday July 1 ... Hippies in 1972 at the Rainbow Gather from around Boulder, CO and hippy alternative culture in 2020s 

Hippies '72 and hippy alternative culture in the 2020s emerging ~ at the Rainbow Gather from around Boulder, CO and hippy alternative culture in the 2020s ... An opportunity for further Rainbow Gathering ethnographic field work, since some of those folks who went to the Rainbow Gathering in 1972 and the 1970s might all be at this 2022 'HomeComing National Forest Rainbow Gathering' near Boulder, CO, this upcoming week.

Fondly, Scott 

* * 
#RainbowGathering2022 > 50th Annual  #RainbowGathering 7/1-7/22 #NWColorado >'Colorado preps for 10,000 on illegal, monthlong campout' Begins near Boulder CO in '72  >#RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory #wuAsVR?


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

* * 

Foggy morning here outside on the garden patio, I can just see the SF Bay off Point Isabel Regional Shoreline in Richmond below but everything beyond is socked in ... Made it back safely but exhausted... Nice to talk from the Mi-Wuk village - Miwok too I guess - on Hwy 108, Ma... Like the church regarding the Chamber Music Society - in Homestead PA - AND MY HOMESTEADING possibly in a 'safe' Canyon, I'm wondering too if I could meet a 25 yo MD friend in SF BAY AREA chamber music circles, about repurposing the Noe Valley Ministry Church further for Chamber Music, repurposing  Harbin's Heart Consciousness Church further for virtual Harbin Ethnography, and possibly Physical Digital Chamber Music emerging from a repurposed 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon Shop even in a new iterating multimedia concert hall with nice hard wood floors :) Love ❤️, Scott 

* * *

3 legal entities developed: As nonprofit - @WorldUnivAndSch - ~

@WorldUnivAndSch ~
3 legal entities developed: As nonprofit tax exempt legal entities as
i) 501(c)3, &
ii) in CA, & As
iii) for profit general stock company in CA,
#WUaS migration journey to done

3 legal entities developed: As nonprofit tax exempt legal entities as i) 501(c)3, & ii) in CA,, & As @WUaSPress iii) for profit general stock company in CA,
#WUaS migration journey to done

* @WorldUnivAndSch -
3 legal entities developed: As nonprofit tax exempt legal entities as i) 501(c)3, & ii) in CA,, & As @WUaSPress iii) for profit general stock company in CA ~


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