Interactive #ChatBot of #HarvardMedicalSchool's George Church robot as #MedicalDoctor, #Scientist, #parent or #teacher
Interactive #ChatBot of #HarvardMedicalSchool's George Church robot as #MedicalDoctor, #Scientist, #parent or #teacher, & eventually as #HumanoidRobot, through the centuries & millennia :0 re #WUaSLongevityGenetics & #AgingReversal
as #companion #friend #conversationalist x 1000s
1 Video of George Church rolling
2 pics
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2 #AutonomousSystems together #VanRobotics? Toyota's #HumanoidRobot #THR3 & #ToyotaProaceElectric #AutonomousVehicle
#VanRobotics? Better w Toyota's #HumanoidRobot #THR3 & #ToyotaProaceElectric #AutonomousVehicle
Languages at Work World University and School -
* * *
Possibilities for growing the WUaS Corporation with World Univ & Sch, as 2 legal entities in CA regarding
ISSIP - International Society of Service Innovation Professionals ( - Progress Update and BOD call?
Reminder you will be sent one more email when the recording and slides are posted here:
If you do want to join the zoom starting in about 40 minutes - 12noon PT/2pm ET - here is the URL:
Meeting ID: 479 262 2591
Please let me know if you have any questions - thought I will be busy handing out awards shortly :-)
Thanks, -Jim
Jim Spohrer
Member ISSIP
International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (
Regular mail: Jim Spohrer, ISSIP #431, 3561 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, 408-829-3112
Service is the application of resources (e.g., knowledge) for the benefit of another - what people do at work, with family, and in communities. Improving the daily give and get of service is a priority for people, businesses, universities, governments, and all responsible actors capable of investing resources in positive change. Service innovations improve win-win interaction and change in business and society. Professional association platforms, like, support our community members with recognition and awards for growing and sharing knowledge at events, in publications, via innovative offerings. ISSIP encourages the development of "T-shaped adaptive innovators" who demonstrate broad communication and deep problem-solving skills across six areas of expertise/practice and six types of service innovations. ISSIP promotes responsible actors learning to invest more systematically and wisely in people-centered, data-intensive, work systems innovations that enhance meaningful, equitable, diverse, inclusive future of work, resilient quality of life, environmental wellbeing, UN Sustainable Development Goals, and regenerative socio-technical-ecological-economic-political (STEEP) systems, also known as transdisciplinary service systems.
Scott MacLeod <>
Wed, Jul 27, 11:27 AM (2 days ago)
to Jim
Thanks Jim! Hoping to attend live. (Have come down with a flu chills and fever so not sure how long I"l last, and I may watch the recording after all
Thanks, again, Scott
Jim Spohrer
Wed, Jul 27, 5:28 PM (2 days ago)
to me
Many thanks for joining Scott. I need to post the recording to YouTube, slides to Slideshare, and then will send materials around to everyone. Thanks,-Jim
-- 408-829-3112
Thanks for the opportunity to join in the ISSIP BOARD MEETING.
Van Robotics is a new way of thinking about the Toyota Proace Electric Autonomous Vehicle Van and working with the Toyota T-HR3 Humanoid Robot together for me -
#VanRobotics? Better w Toyota's #HumanoidRobot #THR3 & #ToyotaProaceElectric #AutonomousVehicle
Languages at Work World University and School -
Not sure how this new Harvard MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church talking head rolling robot would work with a van, but maybe in a Toyota Ambulance Van, in the 200 WUAS Medical Schools and 200 teaching hospitals, and as a surgeon & teacher in a few years -
Interactive #ChatBot of #HarvardMedicalSchool's George Church robot as #MedicalDoctor, #Scientist, #parent or #teacher, & eventually as #HumanoidRobot, through the centuries & millennia :0 re #WUaSLongevityGenetics & #AgingReversal
as #companion #friend #conversationalist x 1000s
1 Video of George Church rolling
2 pics
I could be interested in contributing to the ISSIP University-Industry collaboration 'Committee' that Deb Stokes and Terri Griffith talked about, with a focus on both wings of WUaS together, - but maybe from the east coast of the country since I will either be moving back into Canyon again on August 1 newly safe or seeking asylum on the east coast of the country on August 1 (and see my email to the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda today including to Don Tatzin former mayor of Lafayette MIT Alumnus and listed on the website of the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda).
Thanks, Scott
Dear Diana Ramirez, Don Tatzin, and Senator Glazer, All,
Greetings from Work Wiki CC-4 LICENSED
OCW.MIT.EDU -centric World University and School and the WUaS Corporation, and the 'unsafe house' north of Berkeley and as I seek to move back into Canyon 94516 again on August 1 newly safe or possibly even seek asylum on the east coast of the country on August 1. Thanks also for helping sort out last November the $2,930.98 bill for the for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation legal ENTITY taxes for 2018, 2019 and 2020, with 4 duplicate tax bills in one way or another. I'm glad also to write that, on the nonprofit exempt World University and School legal ENTITY in CA, the CA FTB cashed the first very first taxes and fees of $65, since 2010, but it may take 3 months before this can be processed. Thanks too for this potential opportunity to begin a World University and School Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too on the ridge in Canyon valley.
I'm wondering about a directive from the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda and regarding the 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon place and moving people out from there by Friday at noon, and making it possible to sign off on paperwork for the house soon. Thanks again for saying that "the Canyon place is mine" too to my current landlord Navinchandra Doshi, and Ed Smyth MD above!
Would I even be able please to begin to move things to Canyon on Saturday and Sunday?
Thank you,
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO, Presiding Clerk & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
Thanks again Jim!
Minutes for Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation from 7/16/22 to come, probably in early August.
Thanks again for your email,
Here's the video recording of it -
Sat 7/16/22 recording of open World Univ & Sch & WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting
Thanks Scott - ISSIP and WUaS struggle with the same problem - finding volunteers to help do the work. Technology is coming that will make that easier - so will continue my technology scouting work, and keep you posted on what I find. Thanks, -Jim
Thanks Jim too!
Glad ISSIP has about 100,000 and another 20,000 in the foundation, and company support from Cisco and others.
WUaS as you may have read may have to wait for up to another 3 months (since 2010) for the exempt legal ENTITY in CA World University and School to be added to the WUaS "MY FTB ACCOUNT" generation process by the CA FTB - and thus as a 501 c 3 for Philanthropic organizations to be able to give to the WUAS University and tax free. Could the CA FTB be developing their database arrays and regarding WUAS too planning to code for 7.9 billion people on planet each a Wikidata Wikibase Wikimedia PIN #. ... And as the CA FTB develops their IT infrastructure for the Silicon Valley long-term stock exchange and Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily both of which WUaS seeks to engineer with?
As a fully fledged 501 c 3 federal tax exempt charity legal entity, perhaps Brakeley Briscoe, for example, will be interested in developing a fundraising campaign, and the WUaS Corporation in CA will be able to reach out to investors (including ~200 nation states interested in getting shares in WUaS Corp for Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency on the Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange ... as well as possibly nation states reimbursing World Univ & Sch for free to students' degrees, per student per year, in their countries' main languages, on World Univ & Sch's non-profit side) - and perhaps then WUaS can hire.
Thanks again for your email.
Thanks, Scott