Friday, July 22, 2022

Jordan Hot Springs (California): Greetings, Dr. Jafar Hassan, #USEnvoyYemen Tim @LenderkingTim Here's the link to the Wiki Work Jordan @WorldUnivAndSch (/Yemen too) planned in Arabic or #WUaSFreeToStudents' CC-4 LICENSED OCW.MIT.EDU -centric degrees * * * A WILD new rolling robot for science laboratory work on aging reversal and longevity genetics (but such rolling robots with video screen for a head have been around for a long time) posted to Harvard Medical Schools' and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church's Twitter feed by a post doc * * * #NationalForestService #HotSprings are managed very differently from #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin #NakedHarbinEthnography or eg Wilbur. Could #NFS Manage a new #WarmWaterCure with #VirtualFieldSite generation on #EastBayMUD forested lands #Canyon94516? * * * That #wuAsVR is 1 whole #RealisticVirtualEarth in a #RealisticVirtualUniverse, in what ways can @WorldUnivAndSch grow around the world building on #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider Maps Earth #TensorFlowAI Translate & at cell & atom levels beyond Google, for 2.3 million careers? * * * BOTH time DIRECTIONS? CONNECT #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics (eg #GoogleStreetView w #tIMEsLIDER ... * * * Just called the CA FTB - and the WUaS Corp account executive about adding ... * * SLIDE #TimeSlider in BOTH time DIRECTIONS of ... to 20 yo EYES & to 244 years' AgeSpan for humans (brainstorming-wise) ... ?


Greetings, Dr. Jafar Hassan, #USEnvoyYemen Tim @LenderkingTim Here's the link to the Wiki Work
Jordan @WorldUnivAndSch  (/Yemen too) planned in Arabic or #WUaSFreeToStudents' CC-4 LICENSED OCW.MIT.EDU -centric degrees 

Greetings, Dr. Jafar Hassan, #USEnvoyYemen Tim @LenderkingTim Here's the link to the Wiki Work
Jordan @WorldUnivAndSch (/Yemen too) planned in Arabic for #WUaSFreeToStudents' CC-4 LICENSED OCW.MIT.EDU -centric degrees 

In Amman, #USEnvoyYemen thanked Dr. Jafar Hassan, Chief of Staff for His Majesty @KingAbdullahII, for Jordan's continued support for the @UN truce in #Yemen, flights to/from Sana'a & efforts to expand the truce into a permanent ceasefire & launch an inclusive political process. 

* * 

Hi Tym! Are you in Jordan now, or have you moved on to another interesting place in the world:)? Happy travels! At the top of World Univ & Sch's Twitter presently are 2 different Twitter greetings to Dr Jafar Hassan and you ... with beginning free CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric Jordan World Univ & Sch and Arabic language WUaS (planned in Arabic), and Yemen World Univ & Sch too! Am either heading back into Canyon 94516 on August 1, newly safe, or seeking asylum on the east coast! Maybe see you there later this summer! ๐Ÿ™‚ Come visit on Cuttyhunk in August perhaps in the last week (before a Nucleate conference of BioTech leaders that  Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church mentioned on his Twitter feed not long ago:) Thanks for your great NE Middle East Tweets, Tym! Hugs, Scott

Am presently thinking about August 21 - August 28, on Cuttyhunk, to possibly attend a Nucleate conference in Boston (which Harvard Prof of Genetics' George Church is keen on - for startup BioTech leaders) on Monday 8//29 & 8/30 (if I'm not seeking asylum leaving for MA around August 1 to drive across the country for a second year in a row, on a kind of Freedom Trail, Underground Railroad even, Tym!) I'd probably seek to stay initially in Lexington of Concord and find my way to Cuttyhunk for a week's span sometime in the second half of August. Would you be able to visit Cuttyhunk island MA in the 2nd half of August? Hugs, Scott 

'Big picture' email further - stay safe regarding criminal mentally ill former landlords in Canyon ! Greetings from an unsafe house north of Berkeley! What are you up to this weekend? Hugs, Scott

* * * 

A WILD new rolling robot, for science laboratory work on aging reversal and longevity genetics (but such rolling robots with video screen for a head have been around for a long time) posted to Harvard Medical Schools' and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church's Twitter feed ...

A WILD new rolling robot, for science laboratory work on aging reversal and longevity genetics (but such rolling robots with video screen for a head have been around for a long time) posted to Harvard Medical Schools' and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church's Twitter feed by a post doc - 

ROLLING Video of geochurch robot from mr huseyin tas -DIFFERENT

Retweeted a Different Tweet from Huseyin Tas mentioning George Church and laboratory work ... and a whole new world too with this robot :) ...

#WUaSRobotics re #Interactive #Conversational #AvatarBots & #SUPPORTIVE #HumanoidRobotics 20 years in future, would you like to have your mother & father, Ma, (#GrannyBrown for me, & Grandpa  #AlexanderChadbourneBrown) 'alive' & in Cincinnati & #communicative in positive ways?:))

Languages - World Univ: ALL languages -

Going around the lab and having some result discussions with
#newlook at #science & #synbio

ROLLING Video of geochurch robot from mrhuseyintas -DIFFERENT

#WUaSRobotics re #Interactive #Conversational #AvatarBots & #SUPPORTIVE #HumanoidRobotics 20 years in future, would you like to have your mother & father, Ma, (#GrannyBrown for me, & Grandpa  #AlexanderChadbourneBrown) 'alive' & in Cincinnati & #communicative in positive ways?:))

Will add here to Yosemite too - - and to today's blog post too ... 

Many many implications for support and care in fascinating ways (and possibly California compared with Massachusetts' ways, for example :))

Love, Scott

* * * 

#NationalForestService #HotSprings are managed very differently from #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin #NakedHarbinEthnography or eg Wilbur. Could #NFS Manage a new #WarmWaterCure with #VirtualFieldSite generation on #EastBayMUD forested lands #Canyon94516?

#NationalForestService #HotSprings are managed very differently from #HarbinHotSprings @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin #NakedHarbinEthnography or eg Wilbur. Could #NFS Manage a new #WarmWaterCure with #VirtualFieldSite generation on #EastBayMUD forested lands #Canyon94516?

as part of an Academic Medical Center?

Soli Cynx




Omg!!!! The hot spring is sooo cuuute! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

#CatsAndSoup #onsen #HotSprings #SummerEvent #beach #pirate

* * *

That #wuAsVR is 1 whole #RealisticVirtualEarth in a #RealisticVirtualUniverse, in what ways can @WorldUnivAndSch grow around the world building on #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider Maps Earth #TensorFlowAI Translate & at cell & atom levels beyond Google, for 2.3 million careers?

That #wuAsVR is 1 whole #RealisticVirtualEarth in a #RealisticVirtualUniverse, in what ways can @WorldUnivAndSch grow around the world building on #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider Maps Earth #TensorFlowAI Translate & at cell & atom levels beyond Google, for 2.3 million careers?

* * * 

BOTH time DIRECTIONS? CONNECT #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics (eg #GoogleStreetView w #tIMEsLIDER ... 

BOTH time DIRECTIONS? CONNECT #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics (eg #GoogleStreetView w #tIMEsLIDER at cell/atom levels w NEW #MolecularMicroElectronicsChips) to#AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecordsfor 1 #AgingReversal & 2 #LongevityGenetics 2x 122 yo human =244?


Time Slider image from Street View-

BOTH time DIRECTIONS? #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics >#StreetView w #tIMEsLIDER ~,1&bg-color=000&pad=1,1 ~at cell/atom levels w NEW #MolecularMicroElectronics >#AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for 1 #AgingReversal & 2 #LongevityGenetics 2x122 yo human =244?,1&bg-color=000&pad=1,1

* * 
SLIDE #TimeSlider in BOTH time DIRECTIONS of ... to 20 yo EYES & to 244 years' AgeSpan for humans (brainstorming-wise) ... ?

SLIDE #TimeSlider in BOTH time DIRECTIONS of ~#StreetView CONNECTED WITH OUR OWN #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords
IN #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth at cell/atom levels for 1 #AgingReversal BACK to 20 yo EYES & 2 #LongevityGenetics FWD to add Genetics>2x122 yo #AgeSpan?


-- Poetry! Order Book #5 Light, Float, Sit, Watsu ~ Virtually

Scottish Small Piping album #1 Honey in the Bag ~ Out of the Air tune

Order Actual-Virtual Ethnographic Book #1: Naked Harbin Ethnography 

- Scott GK MacLeod  
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516 
1) non-profit World University and School -  
2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

(m) 412 478 0116 - 

World Univ & Sch Innovation Research - 

* * * 

Just called the CA FTB - and the WUaS Corp account executive about adding ...

Dear Larry, Ed, Pin, All, 

Greetings from the unsafe house north of Berkeley. I hope this email finds you well. How are you? 

Regarding seeking a new chair of the Board for CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric Wiki World University and School. I just heard from Jim Spohrer, retired IBM industry executive, and MIT & Yale ALUMNUS. He can't serve as Chair of the Board for WUaS at this time, sharing some helpful information and reasoning. 

Larry Viehland suggested waiting a little while longer last night on the phone and regarding hearing back further from the CA FTB and for adding the exempt World University and School legal entity in CA to this WUaS 'My FTB Account' generation process (having added both the for profit general stock company in CA the WUaS Corporation - and linked it to the World Univ and Sch federal 501 c 3 tax exempt charity legal entity in the WUAS My FTB Account generation process). 

In WUaS planning to code for all the people on planet Earth, each a Wikidata WIKIBASE Wikimedia PIN #, and in ~200 countries and in their main languages, as Wiki teachers and learners, & potentially to end poverty with UBI EXPERIMENTS by distributing something like Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily and collaborating with StanfordMinePi, for the WUaS Corporation to list this on the New Silicon Valley long-term stock exchange, I wonder if the CA FTB IS in communication with the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT regarding database coding and related Federal and State cryptocurrency laws emerging. I wonder too how WUaS will learn further how to add the exempt World University and School CA legal entity in the WUAS "My FTB Account" generation process, not having heard back from Robert Morgan, who is in Executive and Advocate Services in the XA FTB, and having received erroneous information from the CA FTB exempt department's telephone number a few days ago. Glad the exempt World University and School's check for $65 for first taxes and fees sent in a few weeks ago for 2019 for form 199 was cashed on Wednesday, June 27, 2022 (first taxes paid in the exempt legal ENTITY in CA since 2010). The WUaS Corporation first paid $2930.98 for 2018, 2019 and 2020 last November 2021 - with a green light from the CA FTB (I think). Labyrinthine with flaxen thread (Theseus and the Labyrinth) for potentially finding a way forward.

Glad also to have received a text message from Reed College good friend TYM LENDERKING in the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STATE DEPARTMENT last night -  

Tym Lenderking -

"Hi Scott!  Back in DC now.  Only to head back out most likely this weekend.  All well?"

Scott -

"Welcome back to the US, Tym! Ten days or so until August 1 and then moving back to Canyon again newly safe or seeking asylum on the east coast of the country ... Seeking to sign off on an ownership arrangement for the WUaS Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics'Institute and in Canyon... Greetings from the unsafe house north of Berkeley! All well with you? Hugs, love ๐Ÿ’ž, Scott 

Hi Tym! After rebooting smartphone too, message seemed to go out from here ... and I had emailed you in "Big Hugs' thread in between! Am not sure where I'm going to be moving to on M August 1 (while being on the 4th and 5th lease concurrently in unsafe house ... making me think current landlord, Navinchandra Doshi, north of Berkeley, who has said "the Canyon place is mine" ... could be involved in the discourse, conversation, culture of making Canyon safe again!) ... Hmmm ... Talk to you later, and happy travels! How are you? And where are you heading out to next? Hugs, Scott"

Shared this with my mother in these regards -

"Glad Tym Lenderking texted last night -

What could Tym's "All well?" mean? 

... ALL, well? 

... as in, well, everything, like a new house, and an Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute, I hope... in these last 10 days before August 1 ..." 

Seeking to protect people in calling for abolition of the illegal sex and drug industries internationally and their latent networks of violence and in coding for all the people on planet each a Wikidata WIKIBASE Wikimedia PIN # - with machine learning AI LAW AND order and with federal government legal processes working together with state legal processes (potentially in all 200 countries and in their main languages) and post Coronavirus Meme Pandemic and self-quarantine, and regarding too vaccination history in upcoming Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (for 7.9 billion people too - relating to WikiTree at Wiki WUaS interestingly, planning a single family tree), and for genetics and pharmaceuticals, and soaking (and FOR STEAM FIELD SITE GENERATION AND THE ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER WITH GOOGLE MAPS AND WARM WATER CURE AND WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute up on the ridge in Canyon valley possibly beginning August 1.

Thanks for your thinking about the Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation. 

Sincerely, abolition-ally, Friendly regards, Yogic-ally, Scott 

Dear Larry, Ed, Pin, All, 

Greetings from the unsafe house north of Berkeley, (and not clear whether the 'suspect taken into custody' message on laptop on Twitter could at all refer to the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda and regarding the WUaS Corporation taxes and WORK WORLD UNIV AND SCH in Canyon 94516 ... or even out of the box whether Navinchandra Doshi my current landlord (who seems to have been away for more than a week) could have learned hunting Gujurati Indian skills and culture in Tanzania Africa in his first 2 decades with a very different way of thinking about big game than Americans, for example... And Navinchandra has also said 'the Canyon place is mine' after, at his request, I went down to the new back gate in the new backyard fence to let out a trapped fawn and we came upon another 2nd dead rotting stinking fawn by the back gate, after the neighbor in house to the north, Brenda knocked on my door for the first time ever, re my laying eyes on her too in 18 months. ... Could these baby deers somehow be symbols of some baby human beings in Canyon, some of whom may have been murdered by the criminals, mentally ill former landlords etc ?... EVIDENCE for these things NEEDED... Ed Smyth MD above for evidence? How could Navinchandra know that the Canyon place is mine ... how could friend Ed Smyth MD know to be able to call me months ago at length and suggest the state of California was financially sound and didn't seek recompense for 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon place ... And also Seek to precipitate my moving back into Canyon again on Friday April 15th (Good Friday) ... But when he came over for tea and smoothies on W April 13th suggest that Canyon wasn't yet safe ... And why am I operating under a 4th and 5th lease here north of Berkeley ... Could Navinchandra be part of a communication culture with the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda, and regarding also the 'death threat' I received via Pandora Music GPS some years ago near Canyon which Ed Smyth MD above also checked out by coming to the location at Shepherd Canyon and Skyline Drive and Manzanita Rd, when he was employed by Kaiser Permanente health organization? Mapping technologies and calling for abolition of the illegal drug and sex industries internationally and their latent networks of violence are part of my hypotheses ... and it's Possible the criminal mentally ill former landlord in Canyon could be a mass murderer since the 1970s even and tragically . . . )

So am I going to move back into Canyon again on August 1 newly safe or seek asylum on the east coast of the country? Seeking clearer communication and even signing off on some paperwork for the WUaS Corporation and Work World University and School and with the district 7 California state senator's office in Orinda and regarding the 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 place... 

On a different note -

A number of big ideas in today's blog post -

with a new one regarding this Tweet -

"BOTH time DIRECTIONS? CONNECT #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics (eg #GoogleStreetView w #tIMEsLIDER at cell/atom levels w NEW #MolecularMicroElectronicsChips) to#AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecordsfor 1 #AgingReversal & 2 #LongevityGenetics 2x 122 yo human =244?"

SLIDE #TimeSlider in BOTH time DIRECTIONS of ~#StreetView CONNECTED WITH OUR OWN #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords
IN #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarth at cell/atom levels for 1 #AgingReversal BACK to 20 yo EYES & 2 #LongevityGenetics FWD to add Genetics>2x122 yo #AgeSpan?

Heading off for further hot springs Ethnographic field work soon... And east of the Sierra mountains but not able to share any virtual hot springs on Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records and for free online soaking and for classrooms and as STEAM FIELD SITE GENERATION.

Glad to have heard back from TYM LENDERKING about 2 hours ago who may be able to visit me on Cuttyhunk Island MA in the last week of August:) ... Good news from the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STATE DEPARTMENT and potentially safety questions' wise.

Sincerely abolitionally Friendly regards Yogic-ally Scott

On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 8:07 AM Scott MacLeod <> wrote:
Dear Larry, Ed, Pin, All, 

Greetings from the unsafe house north of Berkeley. I hope this email finds you well. How are you? 

Regarding seeking a new chair of the Board for CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric Wiki World University and School. I just heard from Jim Spohrer, retired IBM industry executive, and MIT & Yale ALUMNUS. He can't serve as Chair of the Board for WUaS at this time, sharing some helpful information and reasoning. 


Scott GK MacLeod

Founder, President, CEO & Professor

World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516

1) non-profit World University and School -

2) for profit general stock company WUaS Corporation in CA -

World Univ and Sch Twitter -

WUaS Press -

Scott MacLeod -

Languages - World Univ -

โ€œNaked Harbin Ethnographyโ€ book (in Academic Press at WUaS) -

OpenBand (Berkeley) - ~



(Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency free money daily - (with significant recent updates!)

Jordan Hot Springs is series of thermal mineral springs located in the Golden Trout Wilderness, Inyo National Forest, California.[1][2]

Not Found

The requested URL /stories3/jordan_hot_springs_history_by_forest_service.pdf was not found on this server.

might be findable however in a GREAT UNIVERSITY LIBRARY (but wasn't accessible today in FOR EXAMPLE, and WUaS's ~200 universities' libraries in ~200 countries aren't up yet) ... 



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