Pibroch, Piobaireachd or Ceòl Mór ... upcoming 'Honey Piobaireachd' album
Piping lessons' inquiry 2022, Glasgow, Scotland
Dear Connor,
(classical bagpipe music recording upcoming)
... NEW Scottish Small Piping ALBUM ...
~ Honey Piobaireachd (tentative title) ~
(classical bagpipe music recording upcoming)
... NEW Scottish Small Piping ALBUM ...
https://scottmacleodpiobaireachdscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/ .
... NEW Scottish Small Piping (2020) ALBUM ... https://

Dear Connor,
Greetings, and I hope this finds you well, Connor. How are you? How are things in Scotland this summer? Are you competing, and judging also, much? What's new with you in your teaching, and otherwise? Might you be beginning to compose ceòl mòr or ceòl beag very much at all as well?
I'm writing to inquire if you might be available for piping lessons again. Having had some great lessons with Stuart recently - and thank you, Stuart! (and thank you too for your great lessons a year or two ago Connor) - I'm continuing to play daily toward recording, for my own learning purposes too, my 2nd album of Scottish Small PIping music, this one of Piobaireachd. I'd like to play these excellently and beautifully, in a traditional way (but on the 'new' Scottish Small Pipes on the B flat SSP chanter probably, with 2 drones, base and tenor, at this point) - and also further find and identify the most beautiful Piobaireachd of the 315 or so extant old ones (potentially in conversation with you, Connor! ... What are your favorites melody-wise?:). I'm thinking I'd like to record this album, potentially, in November, and possibly partly in Mountain Theater in Marin county on Mount Tamalpais, in further innovative and inspiring (to me) ways; and see, creatively, my first time piping in Mountain Theater on Sunday here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/07/cirsium-mt-tamalpais-ca-thistle.html. I'm also thinking about creating my 3rd album, this one of jamming on the SSP, with something like, energy-wise, the Allman Bros at Cow Palace in SF in 1973 on the 9 noted A mixolydian chanter, and possibly the B flat and D mix. chanters too, on my Scottish Small Pipes. Check out the picture of this stag which came up to my window and was listening, I hypothesize, to this Allman Bros' 1973 concert with me -https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2021/10/california-mule-deer-stag-allman-bros-r.html - in these regards (which I also shared with Stuart when this happened). Could a Peter Norvig, head of AI at Google, somehow adapt with machine learning this (great) concert (to my ears) - https://youtu.be/DNAmXz8kc6I - for jamming with Piobaireachd melodies, and for new forms of bagpiping improvisation, with a (machine learning online) 'band'?
In addition to the above Piobaireachd focus for my upcoming 2nd 'album' -
~ Honey Piobaireachd (tentative title) ~
(classical bagpipe music recording upcoming)
... NEW Scottish Small Piping ALBUM ...
(with first album here too - http://scottmacleod.com/piping.htm)
... and learning your thinking about these further too ...
and especially learning of possible new most beautiful, 'melodically' and 'lyrically,' Piobaireachd tunes from you, Connor, I'd be interested in learning potentially learning, and talking about too, PRACTICING bagpiping! - believe it or not - further, in conversation with you, and especially regarding these Guidelines - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm (which I think we've talked about before) - and potentially a specific goal from each lesson, from your feedback, to write down per these "Guidelines ... " ... And see my email and text message below to my mother this morning regarding further thinking and approaches.
How to get further to the 'Honey' of Piobaireachd and feeling-wise too :)?
Might you be available, please, for possibly 10 lessons between now and November, Connor?
Thank you, and best regards,
~ Honey Piobaireachd (tentative title) ~
(classical bagpipe music recording upcoming)
... NEW Scottish Small Piping ALBUM ...
~ Honey in the Bag ~
... NEW Scottish Small Piping (2020) ALBUM ... https://scottmacleodhoneyinthebagscottishsmallpipesbagpiping.bandcamp.com/
Pibroch, Piobaireachd or Ceòl Mór
(also accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects)
@ WorldUniversityAndSchool.org (http://worlduniversityandschool.org)
Regarding practicing, and reaching out to you Connor, further :) -
Hi Ma,
from the unsafe house north of Berkeley!
Thanks for being so wonderful 💞!
Practice! - having played the nice tune "The Lament for Mary MacLeod" last night before bed (enjoyably), learning from John D. Burgess further (his playing of Piobaireachd is inspiring to me) - I am practicing daily.
So having heard you again last night say Practice, I return to these great Guidelines - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm - and in reading again, see item 1, which I had forgotten about -
'1 Seek out private instruction.'
John D Burgess's Piobaireachd inspires me.
So, now this morning, I think, contact Connor Sinclair again in Glasgow, and inquire about private instruction again with him for Scottish Small Piping ... So I can further de facto from the conversation do item 3 -
'3 Set goals to chart development.
3 Set goals to chart development.'
with specific goals emerging from our potential lessons. In the process, and in preparation for 2nd piping album, further develop writing out a schedule
'2 Write out a schedule, a plan with goals.'
This 'writing out' is in my blog posts, in part, but doing this more explicitly again could be GREAT.
All these would lead to further steps eg
'4 Concentrate when you practice.'
And seeking out private instruction with Connor Sinclair again would add also the social element of practice..
Desiderata (meaning 'things desired')
'Go placidly amid the noise and the haste' ...
"Practice 'placidly amid the noise and the haste ...' "
'Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; ...
...2nd piping album further for learning...
All doable without the angst or 'isolation' of saying to myself practice 2 hours per day...
An approach above... Thanks Ma 💕 for saying 'Practice' last night... Will now reach out to Connor Sinclair.
Am also seeing writing out a schedule with plans further - revising any previous ones - as a good idea.
Would be interesting to somehow connect practice with meeting a good life partner and friend, and for beginning a family with three kids or similar ... Re item 12 too "make connections" in THESE Guidelines.
Connor's great, a GREAT 'traditional' piper - and am appreciating his learning from Margaret DUNN in their relationship - and can also get to, play, Gordon Duncan's piping, a GREAT 'innovative' Piper. (Review the recordings of our lessons on my computer today - as well and as another way of practicing today? ... Perhaps ...)
Seeking to make CONSCIOUS some of these things Ma in writing ... (BCC Stuart Liddell and Connor Sinclair and Ed Smyth MD??? or email them directly? ...re a kind of sociality in this too - maybe not yet.)
May be seeking asylum on the east coast of the country on August 1, as I wait to hear back from Navinchandra Doshi and Ed Smyth MD and Larry Viehland about this. Glad John Sargent MD too said it's a good idea to move back into Canyon again on August 1, if safe! But how can we know for sure?
Thanks Ma for being wonderful, and saying the practice word last night!
It's helpful to think further in writing about practicing Ma - thank you! :)
Love 💞, Scott
Good morning, Ma! ... Here's my Mt Tamalpais off trail post with a bagpiping focus - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/07/cirsium-mt-tamalpais-ca-thistle.html - which might be interesting to Connor Sinclair as well ... and regarding practicing bagpipes - in new ways, thanks to these Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument (which in another blog post, I explore initially how we might go much further than these, and with avatar bot guides, for example and machine learning) ... HERE in the Yeast blog post from July 2, 2022 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2022/07/yeast-saccharomyces-cerevisiae.html ... and how to practice inspirationally as well 🙂 Love, Scott
* * *
... from Sunday's Cirsium (7/17/22) blog post:
"PM Donald MacLeod in a tutorial for this piece of Piobaireachd bagpiping music called Ceol Mor and the Desperate Battle of the Birds talks about the annual 'Lech' of black game upon which this Piobaireachd is based" - https://youtu.be/r1w9J2atyHw ... and "Lech" (spelling?), I assume, is Scottish Gaelic, for gathering or similar? ...
Cirsium (& Mt. Tamalpais, CA, thistle): Mt Tamalpais off trail * Upcoming 2nd ScottishSmallPiping album this autumn, this one of Piobaireachd bagpiping music called Ceol Mor, tentatively titled "Honey Piobaireachd" * Mountain Theater, Mt. Tamalpais! * * PIOBAIREACHD w awesome Capercaillie bird video
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