#HumanoidRobots like #THR3 may require far more than 5G Web speed to work well, so #RealRealTime (for #MusicMaking too) >Focus DEVELOPING this in the UNIT of the HOUSE (& #ToyotaProace Vans too) @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress & for #WUaSMultiMediaRooms
#HumanoidRobots like #THR3 may require far more than 5G Web speed to work well, so #RealRealTime (for #MusicMaking too) >Focus DEVELOPING this in the UNIT of the HOUSE (& #ToyotaProace Vans too) @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress & for #WUaSMultiMediaRooms for
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Robotics ~
Humanoid Robots can now be controlled without a wire - thanks to 5G

Via @FrRonconi @mashable
#THR3 #Toyota #5G #Robotics
* * *
WUaS to SLIP IN to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings?
THNX to #CC4
OCW.MIT.EDU OpenCourseWare & #FreeToStudents @WorldUnivAndSch Degrees in 200 countries & in main languages - Bachelor PhD Law MD IB - & CC-4 'CS First w GOOGLE at WUaS'
https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/login in what ways can WUaS SLIP IN to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings
WUaS seeks to create free Bachelor PhD Law MD IB COURSES to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings
Thanks to #CC4
OCW.MIT.EDU #OpenCourseWare #CC-4 'CS First w GOOGLE at #WUaS'
https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/login & #FreeToStudents @WorldUnivAndSch Degrees in 200 countries & in main languages, WUaS seeks to create Bachelor PhD Law MD IB COURSES to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings
* * *
WUaS & Asylum housing in Pgh?
Ma, Larry, Ed, Pin, All,
Following up further on Asylum journey across the country and Asylum housing questions...
Say the cross-hatching in the windows of
2734 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15235
is lead, and say there is not much other lead in the house re protecting against lead DUST exposure over years ahead even ... (possibly regarding pregnancy too) ...
... and say the dilapidated Wilkinsburg library ~8 blocks away at
605 Ross Avenue (another Scottish name like Graham)
or probably
Wilkinsburg Public Library Eastridge Branch, located at 1900 Graham Boulevard
(This is the lower back entrance with the front closed and in decline)
is remodeling and could even be designed to become a hub for world class university libraries, way beyond what is accessible from home via the internet, & at World University and School in innovative ways,
NO to the 2734 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15235 house... because of the possibility of lead poisoning over the years?
Or put new windows in, and remove other possible lead exposure, and generally make the house more energy efficient (for a lot more money?) Boston MA, New Haven CT, and Baltimore MD and many other older US cities may have gone through lead removal etc for safety reasons... And there's probably much knowledge about this.
How You Can Keep Yourself and Your Family Safe from Lead
Don't know if it's lead or not yet - and did Larry say it was lead in this Graham Blvd house at the dinner table last night? - YET from the outside the house is attractive, and possibly the price of it too.
Thinking in terms of aging reversal genetic drug therapies emerging and longevity genetics questions too for the very long term... Would exposure to lead dust be reversible too ... by selling the house in 5 years or 200 years?
What should you do if you are exposed to lead dust?
Exposure to high levels of lead may cause anemia, weakness, and kidney and brain damage. Very high lead exposure can cause death. Lead can cross the placental barrier, which means pregnant women who are exposed to lead also expose their unborn child. Lead can damage a developing baby's nervous system.
Occurs to me to look closely at the 2801 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15235 place across the road from the elegant 2734 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA , since it's newer and looks out on the pretty charming slightly elegant even 2734 house. Offer 50,000, landscape the yard beautifully, and have a newer functional simple (in a Quaker sense too) house... Quality questions -
2801 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA 15235
3bd 3ba
2734 Graham Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15235
Looks like the asking price is 259,500... and here are pictures amazingly ...
3 br / 2 ba
Cuttyhunk for further asylum in the interim?
Again from a few days ago -
Just blocks away from the Wilkinsburg Public Library. Bonus!
Susan Claus
Librarian, Manager
Children & Teen Services
Northland Public Library
300 Cumberland Road, Pittsburgh PA 15237
412-366-8100 ext. 120
northlandlibrary.orgNorthland Library'sChildren & Teen Services Department
enables, encourages, empowers, and equips children & teens to become lifelong learners.Reading: Another Appalachia by Neema AvashiaManga-ing: Silver Spoon by Hiromu Arakawa
Listening to: Imogene Heap
Watching: more Korean rom/com/droms than are good for my at home productivity.
Don't dis that library. It's vibrant!
Susan Claus
Librarian, Manager
Children & Teen Services
Northland Public Library
300 Cumberland Road, Pittsburgh PA 15237
412-366-8100 ext. 120
northlandlibrary.orgNorthland Library'sChildren & Teen Services Department
enables, encourages, empowers, and equips children & teens to become lifelong learners.Reading: Another Appalachia by Neema AvashiaManga-ing: Silver Spoon by Hiromu Arakawa
Listening to: Imogene Heap
Watching: more Korean rom/com/droms than are good for my at home productivity.
Thanks, Sue, Larry, Ma, All!
Thanks so much for your emails, Sue, and your thinking! How are you doing, Sue, and All? Nice to hear from you especially my Scottish Country Dancing friend from high school years, and regarding your coming to visit Canyon 94516 in person in around 2019, and with your son Tim !
I'm wondering about the pretty house at 2734 Graham regarding a possible World Univ & Sch first asset (for housing and a physical-digital meeting place, and as World Univ & Sch Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute, and Physical-Digital Experiments, and 7.9 Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records for people, but no longer with 6-10 physical species to get genetic samples from), or across the street at 2801 Graham Blvd, and the prospects for the Eastridge Wilkinsburg library (with the main Wilkinsburg library on Ross Ave.), if it were to be remodeled, to become a model for transforming physical public libraries as neighborhood HUBs into Digitally informed world class libraries, way beyond what's possible in a house, (and as a long term investment in the 2734 Graham place, if without lead ... seems most sensible) ...
Also, the temporary Asylum housing (for a few weeks or a month) which I just learned further about - from a friend of Kim and Larry's (thank you, thank you, thank you!) - would cost per month something way out of my range, so my search for short term and long term housing in Pittsburgh goes on!
Asylum housing seeking continues ... may see if I can check out physical bulletin boards at CMU, or similar, as well as the physical bulletin board at the Pittsburgh Friends' Meeting, or possibly even the 1st Unitarian Universalist Church of Pittsburgh too ... re word of mouth and community ... and especially growing CC-4
ocw.mit.edu -centric wiki World Univ & Sch and the WUaS Corporation. Thoughts about finding short term Asylum housing, as I continue to look for a house, or long term housing? Makes more sense to search in the Pittsburgh area regarding community and family ... than in other university cities such as Hanover, NH, the Boston MA area, or the New Haven CT, or the greater Washington DC area ... as well as Larry and Kim here, and our interest in growing WUaS together ...
Staying safe and sound, sincerely, ABOLITION-ALLY, Friendly regards, Yogic-ally,
not Canyon for a song -
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Canyon - re "the Canyon place is mine" languages of Navinchandra Doshi, and the precipitating a move back into Canyon language of Ed, and your language too, Ed, that the state of California wouldn't need to seek reimbursement of the 670 Ridgecrest Pl too - re seeking to protect people, victims and similar in the SF Bay Area with federal and state of CA law working together newly.
* * *
Moving back in to Canyon circuitously
Not, it would seem, moving back into Canyon 94516 again on September 1 circuitously (re kinds of organized crime circles even) ...
Abolition-ally, Friendly regards, Yogic-ally, Scott
Dear Ma, Pin, Larry, Ed, John, David, All,
Nice to talk with you.
I think regarding Canyon safety questions (per John Sargent MD too), potentially starting a family, and for developing World University and School and the WUaS Corporation (taxes) in a whole new context, other than the SF Bay Area, that settling in Pittsburgh PA has much merit.
2734 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA place please
Larry Viehland, how best to develop World University and School and the WUaS Corporation in new ways, to help the world (and you) see it in new ways (via this kind of new 'lens' and amazing graphic -
Love, Scott
Ma, thanks for our texting conversation that is working (and Regarding the criminal mentally ill former landlord in Canyon 94516) -
Hi Ma from the Viehlands' house! How are you and how was your day? Am exhausted but glad to have gotten a shower, and good to talk with Larry academically after dinner, and he's in a good collegial space in these regards. Am wondering if we could talk further and also meet and connect. Am wondering also if I could schedule an appointment with the Realtor and regarding the 2734 Graham Blvd Pittsburgh PA place, in conversation with you? SENDING you love, and abolition-ally yours, Scott
Janie -
I didn't hang up on you; just hit a wrong button. Off to bed. Love, Ma
Scott -
Great to hear from you Ma and sleep well, Love, Scott
Staying alive and well and thanks for your talking and texting, Ma,
Abolition-ally, Friendly regards, Yogic-ally, Warmly, Hugs, Scott
WUaS to SLIP IN to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings?
THNX to #CC4
OCW.MIT.EDU OpenCourseWare & #FreeToStudents @WorldUnivAndSch Degrees in 200 countries & in main languages - Bachelor PhD Law MD IB - & CC-4 'CS First w GOOGLE at WUaS'
https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/login in what ways can WUaS SLIP IN to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings
WUaS seeks to create Bachelor PhD Law MD IB COURSES to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings
Thanks to #CC4
OCW.MIT.EDU #OpenCourseWare #CC-4 'CS First w GOOGLE at #WUaS'
https://csfirst.withgoogle.com/login & #FreeToStudents @WorldUnivAndSch Degrees in 200 countries & in main languages, WUaS seeks to create Bachelor PhD Law MD IB COURSES to rank #1 in UNIVERSITY ratings