Sat 8/20/22 Agenda and News for open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting & WUaS Corp
Dear World Universitians,
The open 8/20/22 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting meets Saturday at 9am Pacific Time (SF Bay Area) and 12 noon Eastern Time and 17:00 or 5pm in London GMT and check for your time zone -
Here are the WUaS Agenda and News for Saturday, 8/20/22 -
Here are the Minutes from the open Saturday, July 16, 2022, WUaS Monthly Business Meeting:
The next OPEN WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is on Saturday, September 18, 2022, at 9 am PT, and is hour-long. Please email if you'd like to join either of these and participate with your ideas, questions, suggestions or thoughts.
Sincerely, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod
President, CEO, Founder, Presiding Clerk, Professor
World University and School
Agenda item 1
Way forward for World University and School is potentially updated licensing for the Web (with BPPE or similar) and updated accreditation (with WASC SENIOR or similar) of CC-4 LICENSED MIT OCW-CENTRIC WORLD UNIV AND SCH Courses, and with CC-4 CS FIRST WITH GOOGLE AT WUAS' courses ... Targeting cohorts of free Bachelor degree oriented high school graduates (eg Sidwell Friends' alumni) from within the US system of college counseling in high schools, both public and private, while also reaching out to students with free 4 year online WUaS Bachelor degrees in all ~200 countries first in English.
Agenda item 2
Excited for @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress to build on excellent CC-4 LICENSED
OCW.MIT.EDU centric courses w #MachineLearning #AI (& #GoogleEducation IT) & offer these to graduating high school classes for #FreeToStudents online Bachelor's degrees
— (@scottmacleod) August 13, 2022
— MIT BLOSSOMS (@MIT_BLOSSOMS) August 12, 2022
Agenda item 3
Update from
Hi WUaS -, |
As you head back to school, CS First is here to support you. From contingency plans to professional development workshops, we have resources to help you get back in the swing of things. |
Agenda item 4
a WUaS #VirtualProctoring SUBSTITUTE with Projects online ?
Free WUaS degrees building on CC-4
OCW.MIT.EDU -centric undergrad & grad courses for online Bachelor PhD Law MD IB degrees & a #VirtualProctoring SUBSTITUTE with Projects eg CC-4 LICENSED 'CS FIRST WITH GOOGLE AT WUAS' with #WUaSHomeRobotics ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) August 16, 2022
Engaging learners in practical, meaningful projects, and applying learning through play boosts children's social and emotional learning.
#lego #childrensplay #robotics #steameducation #play #legorobotics #coding #playfullearning #STEAM
— Edutab Africa (@Edutab_Africa) June 10, 2021
Agenda item 5
EXCITING CROWDSOURCING OF brain science, and with a kind of STEM ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy approach too, applicable in a realistic virtual earth for brain science and stem, at the cellular and molecular levels in addition to the Street View with time slider level with TensorFlowAI -
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) August 13, 2022
Want to explore becoming a citizen scientist with
Agenda item 6
Work World University and School's Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute ... in Canyon valley possibly beginning September 1, newly safe, is continuing to reach out to the District 7 California state senator's office in Orinda about this.
See letter here from Massachusetts:
develop a citizens' science approach in the World Univ & Sch Academic Medical Center, with physical-digital experiments - and extend it to human brains and language, and for avatar bot electronic medical records, and for iterating excellence in a realistic virtual earth for STEM in something like Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow AI ...
Agenda item 7
Agenda item 8
The exempt World University and School legal ENTITY in CA (2010) is processing with the World Univ & Sch $65 check cashed by the CA FTB - state of California's Franchise Tax Board - with submitting a form 199 for 2019, and which could take another 2 months to process. This is momentous because completing this processing will bring all 3 legal entities for WUaS to completion:
the World University and School legal ENTITY in CA (2010)
the 501 c 3 World University and School legal ENTITY in the USA (2010)
the WUaS Corporation for profit general stock company legal ENTITY in CA (2017)
RELATED QUESTIONS regarding processing and WUaS working with the CA FTB and these California legal entities -
How does the new Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange relate to the CA FTB (if the WUaS Corporation can list on the Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange)?
How does the Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency also relate to the CA FTB (if the WUaS Corporation can list Stanford Mine Pi cryptocurrency Silicon Valley Long-term stock exchange and in coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin # to end poverty)??
Agenda item 9
daily #MusicMaking online together w people, & w #MachineLearning? For Fun? In the open Wiki Music School
Agenda item 10
Aging reversal further - regarding Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics' George Church 6/1/22 - AMAZING -
Targeting A $2 Dose #AGINGREVERSAL Therapy For Everyone | Dr George Church · Reverse Aging Revolution
Agenda item 11
A WUaS Recruitment opportunity at the UCR Graduate School of Business - Save The Dates and Registration Now Open
Advance Complimentary Registration Now Available | |
Save The Dates:
October 14th - UCR Graduate School of Business Job Fair 11-3pm
October 14th - Employer Advisory Council (EAC) Meeting
September 30th - Career Panel: Recruitment and Talent Acquisition
For advance complimentary registration and consideration to join our Inaugural Employer Advisory Council:
WUaS is seeking to emerge further from the state of California for a host of reasons ...
Agenda item 12
Here's where WUaS has a tremendous new ADVANTAGE in the completed WUaS WIKIBASE migration journey to Wikidata in 300 languages and you can get a sense of Wikidata here -
Great wikidata interview: Lydia Pintscher @nightrose & Denny Vrandečić ...
Wikimania 2022 - 10 Years of Wikidata
Great interview: Lydia Pintscher @nightrose & Denny Vrandečić @vrandezo w Andrew Lih @fuzheado (interviewer). 2022. "Wikimania 2022 - 10 Years of @Wikidata." Wikipedia Weekly. Added here: & @WorldUnivAndSch since 2015 in #Wikidata ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) August 11, 2022
Agenda item 13
Questions regarding WUaS planning and possibly resettling on the east coast of the country with the two legal entities in California for safety questions ...
Agenda item 14
Over the course of the next year? ...
World Univ & Sch goal to hire first faculty member on the WUaS Academic side
Make first sale of a teaching and learning robot, or book, on the WUaS Educational Services' Stores side
Hire / Find a MBA CEO for both wings of WUaS?
Agenda item 15
Thanks to Larry Viehland, CFO, again for the financial reports for the WUaS legal entities.
I have some questions, e.g. where is the $65 cashed check by the CA FTB represented on the nonprofit Work World University and School legal entity financial report such that Universitians reading this financial report could see this? Was it from the month before? I have some other questions too which I hope to ask in WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday. Thanks again so much for these +
WUaS Corp Fin Rep For Profit 2022 July
WUaS Fin Rep World Univ and Sch Non Profit 2022 July
- which I've emailed out with this 8/20/22 WUaS Agenda and News.
* * * *
WUaS Corporation - WUaS Press
Agenda item A
Vendors and the WUaS Corporation?
How best to handle developing relationships with Vendors (WUaS is not interested in working with 'Selpats office supply' since it's not really a value company culture, but WUaS will need vendors beyond LEGO Robotics' kits, and the WUaS Press, and printers, like WUAS GDocs to paper and to a new digital format in 7151 known living languages, and distribution centers like 'Tramlaw,' and 'Nozama,' etc.) ... with planning for the WUaS Educational Services' Stores too.
Thoughts on this?
Agenda item B
A #WUaSTeaching #WUaSLearning #WUaSRobot like #THR3 in all 7.9 Billion people's arms (become a backpack) each a Wikidata WIKIBASE Wikimedia PIN # would change Society in all 200 countries @WUaSPress ~
— WUaSPress (@WUaSPress) August 14, 2022
AND at the WUaS Press / WUaS Corp Robot store -
A #WUaSTeaching #WUaSLearning #WUaSRobot like #THR3 that could teach or learn anything in conversation in all 7.9 Billion people's arms (become a backpack) each a Wikidata WIKIBASE Wikimedia PIN # would change Society in all 200 countries @WUaSPress ~
— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) August 14, 2022
Agenda item C
WUaS Corp continues to plan code for all 7.9 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata Pin # - - - and potentially to end poverty worldwide, possibly with Stanford Mine Pi Cryptocurrency, with an invitation to begin mining it here - - for free money daily. WUaS would seek for Nation States, Mutual Funds, and Banks to invest in WUaS Corp and Stanford Mine Pi regarding a main, possibly single, cryptocurrency worldwide among 7.9 billion people. In doing so WUaS seeks to create flourishing wiki teaching and learning communities among speakers of all 7,151 known living languages, and WUaS in the process is also calling for abolition (abolishing the wrongful buying and selling of people) of the modern forms of slavery to protect people in coding for all 7.9 billion people on the planet with machine learning, AI, law enforcement, and law in most of all ~200 countries.
Agenda item D
WUaS seeks to begin to develop chemistry products in the WUaS Educational Services' Stores and Hospital Distribution Centers, for research for example in WUaS Hospitals in India, in the states and regions of all 22 official languages, and in all ~200 countries (eg re Sigma Chemical Company begun in 1935), and regarding WUaS Longevity genetics' research too.
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