Here's the recording for the Monday, 8/1/22 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News & Q&A ~
To join & help create @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress Next Monday, 8/8/22 open World Univ & Sch #WUaS News Q&A email Meeting@ ~
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Moving back in to Canyon circuitously
Ma, Ed Pin Larry ALL,
Greetings from the Cow city of Visalia in southern California, population 133,000 in 2020.
Since Sequoia National Forest Park costs $35, and thus Mineral King valley too I think, may head in the main gate when I have children and with them.
Jordan Hot Springs is about 4 1/2 hours
Globe Arizona after that to begin US Rt. 70 ... and via hot springs AND wilderness areas ...
Wish I could be adding virtual reality of hot springs into a #RealisticVirtualEarth for Anthropology or Traveling so you could be exploring from home too ... Thinking Google Street View with time slider TensorFlowAI...
And at World University and School and part of a WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute...
Fondly Scott
Ma, Pin, Larry, and All,.
Warm Water Cure greetings.... Can be a good practice for stress, really good
... (and Regarding World Univ and Sch, and ethics and abolition-ally....) ... Potentially in our home bathtub with a digital mask in the backs of our REI GLACIER GLASSES...
Philosophically not finding Jordan Hot Springs at 8000 ft I'm Sequoia National Forest yesterday day may open ways to finding a great natural hot springs today and for my ongoing Physical-Digital realistic virtual earth for Anthropology and history and STEAM FIELD SITE GENERATION Projects...
Tuesday August 2nd -
Greetings from the Sequoia National Forest offline, around 545 PT on Tue 8/2/22 ... Will likely send online in the morning
Drove through some wonderful vast wilderness area in Sequoia National Forest... Eventually to what Google Maps said would be Jordan Hot Springs, on beautiful soft dirt National Forest Roads, at the end, but there wasn't a hot springs there. The forests and amazing roads too and drive were stellar. Rained hard for the last stretch cooling the air, and making these high forests fresh.
So so few people around, but since one nice person with big beard watching his camp of about 4 tents by a meadow, deep in
near where Jordan Hot Springs
was supposed to be per Google Maps, said there's Wifi -
At the Black Rock Forest Service station, I drove back out to this Black Rock Forest Service station at about 8100 feet, a somewhat big complex of buildings - but the Visitor Information building and the whole thing were pretty closed... with no information on Jordan Hot Springs out front on paper or on it's posted maps. So remote! Eventually a big black pickup truck pulled up in front of the Visitor Information center, and a woman rolled down her window. Turns out she works for the Forest Service, was SCOUTING, had driven about 4 hours to get here from the Sierra Forest Service near Fresno (Could she know Reed College Alumna Candace high up in the National Park Service speculatively?) ... Could I ask her where Jordan Hot Springs is? Sitting in her truck with the door open, and I standing next to her, this attractive 30 or 40 something yo slight, brown haired, forest service representative and I looked at maps together. I pulled out my "Hot Springs and Hot Pools of the Southwest " book by Marjorie Gersh-Young from 2007 which lists Jordan Hot Springs and some roads, but together with her map, we couldn't find Jordan. An opportunity for another adventure, perhaps with someone who knows how to get to Jordan Hot Springs. A physician I meet somehow like in this encounter, and possibly a bit like Forest Service person could be a good fit.
(There was unsettling art work on the 3 National Forest Service signs to the left of the Visitor Information building... one woman or long haired man (ambiguously trans?) fly fishing with suggestion of mustache, and a child next to her /him possibly fleeing even curiously ... One of the other signs described the ending of an ecological system ... )
37 miles from the intersection near the station - to Hwy 395 on the east side of the Sierra mountains (and fuel) ... Still exhausted from my moving, enjoying this beautiful forest , and tired too from my first night on August 1, sleeping on the road in car, in a not great rest area but still getting some sleep, will likely camp 3 miles down the road from the Forest Service station in magnificent forest and head to Hwy 395 on W August 3 ...
(Paid my credit card balance for last month in Visalia CA this morning...)
Am not clear yet whether I'm fleeing for my life (regarding the criminal mentally ill former landlord in Canyon and even regarding the illegal drug and sex industries internationally and their latent networks of violence), or in seeking asylum (same) on the east coast of the country, whether I'm going to stay permanently, or whether I'll be able to move back into Canyon 94516 again on September 1 - 15 newly safe... Seems like Pittsburgh PA would be a likely place for settling for safety questions unless Larry Viehland could help with my mother...
In the process of leaving the unsafe house north of Berkeley, am also interested in continuing to visit Cuttyhunk Island MA this summer and am so glad Sarla Doshi gave you a shawl in these regards, Ma. Hoping you and Larry and Kim and Pin will confer further about Cuttyhunk house and your struggles with these questions of abolition movement thinking too.
Wednesday August 3rd -
Am back on the way east, having driven down 9 Mile Canyon Road from the high Sierra to Hwy 395 heading for US Route 70 via Wilderness Areas and Hot Springs....
Am appreciating too the potential for you to see it with the upcoming Tensor Chip in new Google Pixel smartphones and this roadmap for a realistic virtual earth for history too ...
Am very appreciative of my little Toyota Prius c subcompact car and it's reliability and has mileage etc. In comparison with a horse I'm the 1880s or 1910s and provisions for it, and getting to see the high Sierra in these very dry areas and with enough Water and food, 2022 technology is amazing... The. Comparisons are numerous ... What a world the west is and to be able to see it like this is incredible...
In listening to Hamilton the Musical Ma
which you gave me, and also Appreciating the number of abolition pamphlets they wrote mentioned in this opera... As Alexander Hamilton himself was writing the Federalist Papers and in 1776 ...
Am excited for the Toyota Proace Electric Autonomous Vehicle Van (in 2024?) and Regarding even daily meditation and daily playing of ScottishSmallPiping in the Van in a way much less easy in the Toyota Prius c subcompact too
Here's the WUaS News and Q A for Monday August 1 and which details the next step for Work World University and School to add the exempt World University and School legal ENTITY in CA in the WUAS 'MY FTB ACCOUNT' generation process, possibly in the next 2 months... And speculatively because the FTB may be Developing their database arrays and legal questions (forward...)
Here's the recording for
Monday, 8/1/22 open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A
Sincerely, abolitionally, Yogic-ally, Friendly regards,
Greetings from Phoenix Youth Hostel in Arizona. It's got a lot of character in a funky neighborhood.
It's 107 F outside, and the most unusual groups I saw today along the road were bicyclers in 105 F temperature, about 15 of them, and then 90 minutes later another group of 15 people in 112 F temperature weather. Seems hot ... Closest to a kind of hippy thinking I've seen on this trip...
No room at the moment at the Phoenix Youth Hostel... So on soon toward Globe Arizona...
The idea to move back into Canyon again on September 1 newly safe partly emerges further when Navinchandra Doshi my landlord at 1749 Arlington Blvd said the Canyon place is mine after his neighbor Brenda knocked on my door for the first time in 19 months and we let a trapped fawn out, and stumbled upon a 2nd stinking fawn (this could well have been staged). And thanks to Ed too for seeking to precipitate my moving back into Canyon on F April 15 2022.
How best to navigate the same?
Fond regards, Yogic-ally, Friendly regards,
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