Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?
Hi Gabrielle, Byron, Cindy, Jim, Valerie, Ed, Gantt, Adam and Deb, JoAnne, Reedies, other friends, all,
How are you? How are your summer plans taking shape? Greetings from an asylum place of western Pennsylvania, and seeking to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe 670A Ridgecrest Road Canyon 94516 in 2024 potentially.
I'm writing to propose a possible new Bay Area Reedie + book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025 ... as I prepare to move forward into the SF Bay Area again (alive ... and in developing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch further from there ...)
My mother said her book group works in the following way ...
Each person in the group can propose a book only if they've read it ...
Meet monthly ... 2nd or 3rd Saturdays or 2 Tuesday evenings (depending on who goes away for the weekend regularly)? Potluck beforehand?
Meet in Canyon 94516 for the first book possibly on Saturday, possibly on 12/14/24, or 1/11/15 ?
Who might like to propose the first and second books, potentially?
I'd love to grow community as well in all of this ... (something I thought some about while at Reed as well). (My mother said her book group has been meeting for decades, and might have emerged a bit out of the 1st Unitarian Universalist Church of Pgh, which she's been a member of for a long time ) ... Am also possibly interested in inviting D.... L... MD to this with time...
What do you think?
Warm regards, Happy Reeding, more later,
HI Scott,
thought of you this weekend. I was at Reed for my 35th reunion. It's good to know that you're still in Canyon. A book club sounds lovely schedule depending. Take Care, Vadan
Scott MacLeod <> |
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Hi Vadan,
Thanks for your email and greetings again from being in asylum in Pittsburgh PA now since August 2022 having fled for my life then ...
Greetings from an asylum place of western Pennsylvania, and seeking to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe 670A Ridgecrest Road Canyon 94516 in 2024 potentially. ..."
More soon,
Scott MacLeod <> |
| | | |
to Gabrielle, Jim, Sally, Byron, hannfamily, Gantt, Edward, Valerie, JoAnne, Konrad, Scott, Vadan |
Hi Gabrielle, Byron, Gantt, Konrad, Vadan, All,
Greetings ... thanks for your email reply, Vadan ... And as a follow up ...
Again, -
"I'm writing to propose a possible new Bay Area Reedie + book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025 ... as I prepare to move forward into the SF Bay Area again (alive ... and in developing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch further from there ...) ... "
I got a bounce back from Adam's work email again, so please invite him, and what is his gmail or similar -
Looking forward to connecting in the Bay Area in late 2024 or early 2025 and per this amazing Homeowner's insurance development from CA state district 7 Senator Steve Glazer on Friday, and see item 4 -
with my having gotten AMAZINGLY a Geico homeowner's insurance quote for 670A Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516 in December 2023 ...
Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Charlie & Laurie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico sometimes), Reedies, other friends, all,
Greetings from western Pennsylvania! As a further possible new Bay Area Reedie + book group follow up, and again -
How are you? How are your summer plans taking shape? Greetings from an asylum place of western Pennsylvania, and seeking to move forward the WUaS Academic Medical Center with WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Road Canyon 94516 in 2024 potentially.
I'm writing to propose a possible new Bay Area Reedie + book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025 ... as I prepare to move forward into the SF Bay Area again (alive ... and in developing MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch WUaS further from there ...)
My mother said her book group works in the following way ...
Each person in the group can propose a book only if they've read it ... Perhaps the individuals who suggest a book to read for any given month can also facilitate a book group 'riffing conversation' about the book ...
Meet monthly ... 2nd or 3rd Saturdays or 2 Tuesday evenings (depending on who goes away for the weekend regularly)? Potluck beforehand?
A Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?
Your book ideas or suggestions, and a month you might suggest reading it in ? ...
Gabrielle -
Jim -
Sally -
Byron -
Cindy -
Gantt -
Vadan -
Ed -
Valerie -
JoAnne -
Konrad -
Two books that I enjoyed immensely and which I might suggest for a year or two hence are:
Nobel Laureate's Kazuo Ishiguro's
"Klara and the Sun" (2021)
and the comic novel
Kiran Desai's
Who here might be watching the first US presidential debate this evening, accessible online freely here -
3 a
Could friend & Reedie T.L. (with whom I just stayed in DC on 4/10/24 - and we went to a Fettes College (my high school between my junior and senior years at Shady Side Academy in Pgh PA) Edinburgh Scotland event together in DC - and there's a picture here: be heading to become the next US secretary or state possibly? Might we possibly read a biography of Thomas Jefferson, first US secretary of state, sometime in 2025 or 2026 ... re ideas if Tym were to become installed possibly after the January 2025 presidential inauguration? What Jefferson biography might be great - if someone has read it?
AND again -
I'd love to grow 'community' as well in all of this ... (something I thought some about while at Reed as well). (My mother said her book group has been meeting for decades, and might have emerged a bit out of the 1st Unitarian Universalist Church of Pgh, which she's been a member of for a long time ) ... Am also possibly interested in inviting D.... L... to this with time...
What do you think?
Who would like to suggest what book to read - and for what month in 2025 or even 2026 - in a proposed SF Bay Area Reedie + book group?
Warm regards, Happy Reeding, more later,
Regarding #WUaSHumanoidRobotics, Ishiguro's GREAT "Klara and the Sun" book, and the (MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch) WUaS Corporation even being an authorized reseller of 3 Lego robotics' kits - - and in WUaS seeking to partner with Toyota ... and potentially for Humanoid Robotics, like the #THR3 too, and autonomous systems too, see, as well as the WUaS blogs -
M 6/24/24 open @WorldUnivAndSch - #WUaSNewsAndQA #ToyotaWorldUnivCollaboration in its 170+/200 countries #WUaSHumanoidRobotics #ToolifyAIWUaS #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForResearch >
Meet in Canyon 94516 for the first book possibly on Saturday, possibly on 12/14/24, or 1/11/25 ?
Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), (PLEASE FORWARD TO Adam and Deb, Charlie and Laurie and others), Readers, other friends, all,
Big day yesterday for WUaS, and see PS - I filed the WUaS Corporation statement of Information with the state of Califonira, and used the WUaS address of POBox 442, Canyon 94516 ... as another HUGE STEP to moving forward into a newly safe open 670 Ridgecrest Rd, Canyon CA 94516 (~8 miles SE of Berzerkeley) ... potentially in 2024.
Harbin-inspired books (all 5) are here interestingly in "Further Reading" -
My mother mentioned this book recently which she's reading, but which I haven't read, and which she said she'd give to me -
THOMAS JEFFERSON: Draftsman of a Nation
A possible first book for a first "Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?" ... AFTER ONE of us has read this to recommend it ... and possibly regarding ideas for Reedie T.L., if he might become the next US secretary of state in 2025, with Thomas Jefferson as the first US secretary of state? (but please stay tuned, - I might read it and decide not to recommend it:) ... )
What books might you choose to recommend -
Gabrielle -
Jim -
Sally -
Byron -
Cindy -
Gantt -
Vadan -
Ed -
Valerie -
JoAnne -
Konrad -
Charlie (Casey?) -
Laurie (Reid?) -
Vadan, since you've already replied in this email thread - what book would you like to recommend we read, and for what month?
Sat December 14th, 2024 or Sat Jan 11 2025 in 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516, potluck beforehand, or 2nd Tuesday of month, if some of us are away on the weekend? - and as a possible house-warming party in Canyon 94516 too?
Warm regards, abolitionally, best regards, Friendly greetings,
No picture -
Congratulations your statement of information has been accepted!
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| Fri, Jun 28, 3:59 PM (16 hours ago)
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Your statement of information has been filed and accepted by the California Secretary of State. |
- INCREDIBLE @WUaSPress 2nd wing of #WUaSUnivs (1st wing 501 c 3 @WorldUnivAndSch) - filing its statement of information w state of CA @ 670RidgecrestRdCanyon 94516 & paying $125 fee, planned too in all ~200 countries & in 7164 living languages with machine learning and translation
Dear Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), (PLEASE FORWARD TO Adam and Deb, Charlie and Laurie and others), Readers, other friends, all,
As a further followup on this "Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?," and brainstorming, what extreme longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapy books you might have read, and would recommend? One interesting thing about Kazuo Ishiguro's book "Klara and the Sun" (2021) is that it's also about genetic engineering of people / gene drug therapies too by extension, in addition to humanoid robotics as Artificial Friends even - - and which are solar-powered, as dystopian science fiction literature.
Brainstorming further, what if we all could still be meeting monthly in this Bay Area Reedie Book Group 2 centuries or even 2 millennia from now with extreme longevity genetic drug therapies potentially emerging, and early ones possibly FDA approved by 2030 (per Harvard and MIT professor of genetics' George Church in the Harvard Medical School)?
Would you Gantt, or someone, recommend this science fiction too -
Neuromancer (1984)
(somehow 'telepathically' - the idea came to me that you might recommend this, Gantt) - and even for an opening book for the Bay Area Reedie Book Group?
2 a
Here's the author -
" William Gibson: The Decline of "Cyberspace" " (2011)
What books might you choose to recommend - and which months might you like to explore reading them in -
Gabrielle -
Jim -
Sally -
Byron -
Cindy -
Gantt -
Vadan -
Ed -
Valerie -
JoAnne -
Konrad -
Charlie (Casey?) -
Laurie (Reid?) -
By the way, the Rainbow Gathering is happening in NorCal beginning tomorrow -
Where is the #RainbowGathering2024 ?
About 5 miles north of the Antelope Lake Recreation Area, #PlumasNationalForestCA,
"Hundreds of Rainbow Family members ..." in "...the Plumas National Forest," California
and with a picture on Twitter -
Has anyone ever been to the Feather River Hot Springs in the Plumas National Forest
Reed cheers,
I blogged about this email thread here in the Sun 6/30/24 "Middle Santiam wilderness Cascades ..." blog post today in daily blog as well -
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Middle Santiam Wilderness, Cascades (ecoregion), Oregon
* *
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Dear Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), (PLEASE FORWARD TO Adam and Deb, Charlie and Laurie and others), and greetings Susan and Diane (both in Seattle, I think), friends, all,
About a potential SF Bay Area Reedie book group beginning in late 2024 or Jan 2025, and possible books to read we've read and would recommend (one person recommending a book s/he has read, monthly), -
Found "Neuromancer" online for free but wouldn't recommend it now in growing a MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch abolition movement to abolish the wrongful buying and selling of people in the illegal sex drugs and violence industries internationally, and in asylum on the eastern seaboard of the US having fled for my life from the SF Bay Area in August 2022 and potentially re WUaS seeking to knock back International organized crime substantially -
(search on "giggle" x 2)
What book would you recommend, and for what month?
Abolitionally, best wishes, Reed regards,
Much of this email thread is here -
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Middle Santiam Wilderness, Cascades (ecoregion), Oregon: Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025? * * * Cathedral Forest Action Group, ...
July 3, 2024
Greetings, Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), (PLEASE FORWARD TO Adam and Deb, Charlie and Laurie and others), and greetings Craig, Robin, Riely, Marsha, friends, all,
July 4, 2024
Greetings, Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Donna, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Sally (in New Mexico), Vadan, (PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies in group whose emails I couldn't find), and greetings new Reedies' Susan, Diane, Craig, Robin, Riely, Marsha, friends, all,
Greetings Reedie time travelers with longevity and aging reversal genetic drug therapies even? What books might you recommend in these regards potentially? And in what month might we read them?
Regarding a brand new invention of the book even ... and for my 2nd actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnography in something like Google Street View with Time Slider, #TextInTheSidebar, and in a #RealisticVirtualEarth (and see again Peter Norvig's Incredible article about MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch - - and a Realistic Virtual Earth potentially for Longevity and Aging Reversal especially eg interoperating with Google's AlphaFold3 server, here's a helpful
1) in a new digital format (and think Google Street View with time slider, as an iterating realistic virtual earth text in the sidebar) and
So how might we in this Bay Area Reedie book group enter into this upcoming #Realistic Virtual Earth for genetics too and #RealisticVirtualHarbin new "book," read it as it grows ... and also time travel forward with genetic drug therapies through the decades and possibly far longer (eg with a physical-digital Avatar Agent Electronic Health Record that might be a digital twin too)?
Happy 4th of July!
All the best, Scott
July 4, 2024
Dear Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Donna, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Vadan, (PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies in group whose emails I couldn't find), and greetings friends, all,
In these regards, sharing this with you &
Ma, Pin, Ed! Happy 4th of July USA ... SO "how might WE + and we in a Bay Area Reedie book group ... enter into this upcoming #Realistic Virtual Earth for genetics too and #RealisticVirtualHarbin new "book," read it as it grows ... and also time travel forward with genetic drug therapies through the decades and possibly far longer (eg with a physical-digital Avatar Agent Electronic Health Records that might be a digital twin of us, and from little Pegman in G Street View, too)?
Happy 4th of July!
All the best, Scott
July 5, 2024
Dear Bay Area Reedies, Gabrielle, Byron & Cindy, Jim, Donna, Ed & Valerie, Gantt, Jo Anne, Konrad, Vadan, (PLEASE FORWARD TO other Reedies in group whose emails I couldn't find), and greetings friends, all,
Reedies -
Check out this book "Code Dependent: ... " Tweet, and especially video interview below, from the brilliant John Palfrey, president of the MacArthur Foundation, and former Harvard Law professor and Phillips Academy Andover Head of School -
Spending my 4th of July with a new book by Madhumita Murgia, "Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI" -- definitely recommended. She gives generous credit to others on whose ideas she has built @jovialjoy @timnitGebru @katecrawford @safiya @mer__edith et al. @madhumita29 @FT
check out this fascinating interview -
The Impact of AI : Interview with Madhumita Murgia - Code Dependent
(re questions of agency too)-
The Impact of AI: Interview w #MadhumitaMurgia - "Code Dependent"
Thnx & Great @madhumita29 @jpalfrey #MITOCW-centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch #WUaSunivs as 1 free #GlobalUniversity in 7k langs will grow #AIs See #SocInfoTechAndTheGlobalUniv book in fall 2024
Would someone like to read "Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI" to see if they might recommend it for the
Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?
and ...
as I write "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University" further (am writing probably Chapter 9 presently) will broach questions of AIs in a variety of ways, coming into conversation potentially with Madhumita Murgia (an Oxford University biology graduate and a journalist now at the Financial Times of London, born and raised I think in Chennai India -
Reedies, what books would you recommend, and for what months might you suggest we read them?
Gabrielle and Jim - I noticed newly visiting FB that you were sitting with many friends around a big outside dinner table ... a possible approach for the first "Proposed Reedie+ book group beginning in late December 2024 or early 2025?" in Canyon 94516 in December 2024 or January 2025?
Reed cheers, abolitionally, best regards,
just started to post to the following three social media sites a little more actively than before (and per MIT prof Hiroshi Ishii - - who posts to FB and Twitter he said in a talk he gave in central Europe) - and will likely blog about this today, and with label -
west to #Canyon94516 in late 2024 from #InAsylum on #USeasternSeaboard w #WUaSUnivs #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter / #
WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute & "Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming!-@GeoChurch @ EARD"
Linkedin post -
west to #Canyon94516 in late 2024 from asylum on US eastern seaboard w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter and #WUaSLongevityGeneticsInstitute AND "Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! -@GeoChurch at EARD" ...
"Affordable Gene Therapies Are Coming! -@GeoChurch at EARD"
https://youtu. be/ON8vxUInQYA
How best to develop in #RealisticVirtualEarth #ForAgingReversal & #NDimensionally in shop in #Canyon94516 as #WUaSHospitalRoom or #WUaSMultimediaRoom & w #ToolifyAIWUaS
https://www.toolify. ai/ai-news/revolutionizing-
education-with-machine-learning-and-ai-2574306 ? (INCREDIBLE article from #PeterNorvig about #WUaSUnivs)
https://x. com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/
Good to be moving forward with both #WUaSwings of
OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress as of F 6/28/24 esp -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/2024/06/klamath-mountains-
ecoregion.html - potentially west to #Canyon94516
And with retweet of Klamath Mountains' pic -
Good to be moving forward with both #WUaSwings of
OCW.MIT.EDU -centric wiki @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress as of F 6/28/24 especially -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/2024/06/klamath-mountains-
ecoregion.html - potentially west to #Canyon94516 in the #SFBayArea in late 2024 w #WUaSAcademicMedicalCenter #RealisticVirtualEarth -
https://x. com/WUaSPress/status/
https://x. com/sgkmacleod/status/
1808136260457738451 ~
New fb posts today facebook - F July 5 2024 posts
* * *
Cathedral Forest Action Group, Oregon 1980s - seeking to conserve Old Growth Forest west of the Cascades non-violently
I recall knowing Brian Heath, and Mary Beth Nearing (below) the best of these friends, and regarding the Quaker Meeting in Portland Oregon and nonviolent direct action to save Oregon's last remaining Old Growth forests in the mid 1980s
State v. Heath
Court of Appeals of Oregon.
Argued and Submitted July 19, 1985.
Decided October 2, 1985.
Wikipedia › wiki
During the group's early years (1980–1986) ... Forest of Western Oregon. After finding road blockades (carried out by Corvallis-based Cathedral Forest Action Group) ...! › ... › May › 27 › Page 9
May 27, 1986 — The area is known as Pyramid Creek. Activists call it the Cathedral Forest for its large Douglas fir and hemlock trees. The stretch of forest ...
Rising Above the Environmental Debate
The New York Times › 2006/06/18 › weekinreview
Jun 18, 2006 — Members of two environmental groups, Earth First and the Cathedral Forest Action Group, were trying to block logging in the forest and were ...
religionandnature.com › ern › sample
by B Taylor · 2005 · Cited by 435 — By 1983 a “Cathedral Forest Action Group” had formed to defend Oregon's forests and distance themselves from ... 1980s to the middle of the 1990s. This ...
8 pages
ACLU of Oregon › cases › state-v-hund
It was July 1984. Environmental activists spearheaded by the Cathedral Forest Action Group (CFAG) had been confronting loggers almost weekly since May in sit- ...
Missing: 1980s | Show results with: 1980s
NPS History › willamette › history › chap6
Views of the Cathedral Forest Action Group and Oregon Natural Resources ... Research activities in the 1970s and 1980s grew rapidly as a result of increased ...
cathedral forest action group oregon 1980s brian heath
Environment & Society Portal › key_docs
Jun 20, 1984 — CATHEDRAL FOREST ACTION GROUP. FIGHTS FOR OREGON OLD GROWTH. After months of rumors and pro- mises. environmentalists are nervous about the ...
The Pacific Northwest Forest Debate: - Bringing Religion ...
by SC PORTER · 1999 · Cited by 7 — Cathedral Forest Action Group, a name coined by a former divinity student named Brian Heath, played a crucial role in attracting national attention to
Society, Information Technology, and the Global University (2024, forthcoming)
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
CC-4 licensed MIT OCW-centric, Wiki,
World University & School (WUaS)
- PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
- 5816 Callowhill St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206
1) non-profit 501(c)(3) Public Charity
MIT OCW-centric,
* * *
pair bonding?
pairbondage, troopbondange, abidance, ycleotance and foredoomance
Professor John Money:
Concepts of Determinism
pair bonding?
pairbondage, troopbondange, abidance, ycleotance and foredoomance
Professor John Money:
Concepts of Determinism
By John Money. From "Concepts of Determinism," Chapter 3, Section 11, p. 116 in Gay, Straight and In-Between: The Sexology of Erotic Orientation. Oxford University Press. 1988.
re #ExtremeLongevity How? ???
"Pairbondage has a twofold phyletic origin in mammals. One is mutual attachment between a nursing mother and her feeding baby, without which the young fail to survive. The other is mutual attraction between males and females, and their accommodation to one another in mating, without which a diecious species fails to reproduce itself."
I find myself saying I love you, Ma, a fair amount, and in seeking to think through why and how consciously, or to explicate it ... I think it's pairbond-ing or regarding mother-child mutual attachment, and see John Money PhD in these regards:
"Pairbondage has a twofold phyletic origin in mammals. One is mutual attachment between a nursing mother and her feeding baby, without which the young fail to survive. The other is mutual attraction between males and females, and their accommodation to one another in mating, without which a diecious species fails to reproduce itself." ... Love, Scott (
* * *
In @WorldUnivAndSch developing a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal w #AlphaFold3server "#AlphaFold3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules" * #RealisticVirtualEarth re #ToolifyAIWUaS article too * How with @DrCaliff_FDA
In @WorldUnivAndSch developing a #RealisticVirtualEarthForAgingReversal w #AlphaFold3server "#AlphaFold3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules"
Languages WUaS -
Retweeting -
The first stage of the Neurona Therapeutics clinical trial is supported by CIRM.
Investigational therapies that receive RMAT designation are eligible to receive expedited development review and planning guidance from the @US_FDA.