Scott MacLeod
8:47 AM (8 hours ago)
to Nancy, Michael, Jane, Ann, Ed, Larry, Alden, Pin, Tym
Hi Ann, Ma, Pin, Larry, Ed, Alden, Tym, Nancy, Mike,
'Want to run a public hot spring? Bagby Hot Springs seeks ‘new vision’ in Mount Hood National Forest'
near Portland, Oregon ..
Maybe not actually, but for virtual soaking in virtual Oregon in the 365 days of 1979 ... maybe :) (in Google Street with TIME SLIDER eg ~ https://www.google.com/maps/place/1700+McGee+Ave,+Berkeley,+CA+94703/@37.8752589,-122.2780116,3a,75y,100.67h,89.03t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sRyC5TckcD1hkkwgLUGsorQ!2e0!3e11!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x80857ebd206172b3:0xf1a44a68489d6bb9!8m2!3d37.8753982!4d-122.2780416 ~ Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse (but not presently with time slider, although you can walk down to Middletown 4 miles) http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~)
Now how best to head to #VirtualOregon in #1970s re a kind of #OregonVision in a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? - but probably not in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin since this would be in #virtualCalifornia :) ... and in great #realisticvirtualearthforhistory ...
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/long-tom-river-oregon-what-is-oregon.html?m=0 … ~
Now how best to head to #VirtualOregon in #1970s re a kind of #OregonVision in a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? - but probably not in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin since this would be in #virtualCalifornia :) ... and in great #realisticvirtualearthforhistory ...https://t.co/f10MhGDd4p ~ pic.twitter.com/WOuJQkKWVr— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) September 24, 2019
> https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1176616037329981441?s=20
Virtual Reed College #hashtag - https://twitter.com/hashtag/VirtualReedCollege?src=hashtag_click -
#RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory?src=hashtag_click -
Am not heading to the Rainbow Gathering this year, which may have ended 2 days ago on July 7 off-web in Idaho - virtually yet ...
Cool: #Virtual1960s & #VirtualReedCollege (#Virtual1970s too) in #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth for interactive #TimeTravel, engaging #1960sStudentMovements Am thinking Google Street View with TIME SLIDER with SL #VirtualOregon #VirtualCalifornia esp
Cool: #Virtual1960s & #VirtualReedCollege (#Virtual1970s too) in #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth for interactive #TimeTravel, engaging #1960sStudentMovements Am thinking Google Street View with TIME SLIDER with SL #VirtualOregon #VirtualCalifornia esp— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) December 14, 2019
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1205903179533017088?s=20 -
- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com
* * *
[Medianthro] Open Position: Post-Doc (full-time, 4 years) at CARMAH (Humboldt University of Berlin) in research project „Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‚Post-Truth‘ European Society“ (CHAPTER)
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Thu, Jul 2, 12:11 AM (6 days ago)
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Dear colleagues,
please share the job advertisement below for a full-time Post-Doc position (4 years) at HU Berlin, which is very well suited for candidates with a background in media anthropology and an interest in museum/heritage studies and/or research on populism.
Best regards,
Christoph Bareither
Open Position: Post-Doc (full-time, 4 years) at CARMAH (Humboldt University of Berlin) in research project „Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‚Post-Truth‘ European Society“ (CHAPTER)
In the project „Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‚Post-Truth‘ European Society“ (CHAPTER) (project leaders: Prof. Dr. Christoph Bareither and Prof. Dr. Sharon Macdonald, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, http://www.carmah.berlin/chapt er/ <http://www.carmah.berlin/chap ter/>), the position of an academic staff member (Post-Doc, 100% TVL E13, 48 months) is to be filled. The position is integrated into the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage (CARMAH) at the Institute for European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and will play a leading role within an international team of researchers at the HU Berlin, the University College London (UCL) and the Jagiellonian University Krakow (JU). The successful applicant will coordinate the work of three PhD students at the three locations in conducting a multi-level project: 1) Ethnographic research (online and offline) including an interview study with museum experts on the impact of populist truth-making on museums in the three partner countries. 2) An ethnographic visitor study with young adults in selected museums in each country. 3) The co-design of concepts and contents for a digital museum app in cooperation with a professional software development company; the app aims at a critical engagement with processes of truth-making through young visitors – a multimedia best practice portfolio will ensure the successful integration of the project results in the field of museums and heritage. Beyond the coordinating function the successful applicant will develop an individual research endeavour within the project, focussing on its political and digital dimensions.
Position Profile:
Academic work in the above-mentioned research project in a leading role as part of an international research team; administrative tasks, especially coordinating role in the cooperation with a professional software company; opportunity for academic qualification.
Requirements are: a PHD in European Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology and extensive experience in ethnographic research; alternatively, a PhD in Museum Studies, Media Studies or Political Science, provided that ethnographic research has been a key element of the doctoral dissertation; very good written and spoken German and English skills, as well as a pronounced ability to work as part of a research team.
Advantageous qualifications are: knowledge in the field of Media and Digital Anthropology, of Museum and Heritage Studies, the Anthropology of Politics or populism more broadly; previous experience with qualitative data analysis software; experience in the area of software development or content management, as well as curatorial skills (layout, image processing, exhibitions); experience in educational work, particularly in regard to young people (e.g. through teaching formats, social engagement, etc.).
Please send your application (including cover letter, CV, certificates), and quoting the reference number DR/111/20, to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of European Ethnology, Prof. Dr. Christoph Bareither, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany or preferably in electronic form as one PDF-file to christoph.bareither@hu-berlin. de. The deadline for applications is July 15, 2020.
HU is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration background are specifically encouraged to apply. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.
Please visit our website www.hu-berlin.de/stellenangebo te <http://www.hu-berlin.de/stell enangebote>, which gives you access to the legally binding German version.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bareither
Juniorprofessor für Europäische Ethnologie
Schwerpunkt Medienanthropologie
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Møhrenstraße 41, 10117 Berlin, Raum 411
Tel: +49 (0)30 2093-70885
Fax: +49 (0)30 2093-70842
christoph.bareither@hu-berlin. de christoph.bareither@hu -berlin.de>
https://hu.berlin/bareither <https://hu.berlin/bareither>
Project leader:
Curating Digital Images: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Affordances of Digital Images in Heritage and Museum Contexts (DFG)
http://www.carmah.berlin/curat ing-digital-images/ <http://www.carmah.berlin/cura ting-digital-images/>
Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe (CHAPTER): The Role of Museums in a Digital 'Post-Truth' European Society (VolkswagenStiftung)
http://www.carmah.berlin/chapt er/ <http://www.carmah.berlin/chap ter/>
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please share the job advertisement below for a full-time Post-Doc position (4 years) at HU Berlin, which is very well suited for candidates with a background in media anthropology and an interest in museum/heritage studies and/or research on populism.
Best regards,
Christoph Bareither
Open Position: Post-Doc (full-time, 4 years) at CARMAH (Humboldt University of Berlin) in research project „Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‚Post-Truth‘ European Society“ (CHAPTER)
In the project „Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe: The Role of Museums in a Digital ‚Post-Truth‘ European Society“ (CHAPTER) (project leaders: Prof. Dr. Christoph Bareither and Prof. Dr. Sharon Macdonald, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, http://www.carmah.berlin/chapt
Position Profile:
Academic work in the above-mentioned research project in a leading role as part of an international research team; administrative tasks, especially coordinating role in the cooperation with a professional software company; opportunity for academic qualification.
Requirements are: a PHD in European Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology and extensive experience in ethnographic research; alternatively, a PhD in Museum Studies, Media Studies or Political Science, provided that ethnographic research has been a key element of the doctoral dissertation; very good written and spoken German and English skills, as well as a pronounced ability to work as part of a research team.
Advantageous qualifications are: knowledge in the field of Media and Digital Anthropology, of Museum and Heritage Studies, the Anthropology of Politics or populism more broadly; previous experience with qualitative data analysis software; experience in the area of software development or content management, as well as curatorial skills (layout, image processing, exhibitions); experience in educational work, particularly in regard to young people (e.g. through teaching formats, social engagement, etc.).
Please send your application (including cover letter, CV, certificates), and quoting the reference number DR/111/20, to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of European Ethnology, Prof. Dr. Christoph Bareither, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany or preferably in electronic form as one PDF-file to christoph.bareither@hu-berlin.
HU is seeking to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching, and specifically encourages qualified female scholars to apply. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent qualifications will be given preferential consideration. People with an immigration background are specifically encouraged to apply. Since we will not return your documents, please submit copies in the application only.
Please visit our website www.hu-berlin.de/stellenangebo
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bareither
Juniorprofessor für Europäische Ethnologie
Schwerpunkt Medienanthropologie
Institut für Europäische Ethnologie
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Møhrenstraße 41, 10117 Berlin, Raum 411
Tel: +49 (0)30 2093-70885
Fax: +49 (0)30 2093-70842
https://hu.berlin/bareither <https://hu.berlin/bareither>
Project leader:
Curating Digital Images: Ethnographic Perspectives on the Affordances of Digital Images in Heritage and Museum Contexts (DFG)
Challenging Populist Truth-Making in Europe (CHAPTER): The Role of Museums in a Digital 'Post-Truth' European Society (VolkswagenStiftung)
EASA Media Anthropology Network
To manage your subscription to this mailing list, visit:
Thu, Jul 2, 3:38 PM (6 days ago)
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Dear Christoph, and Sharon,
Just shared this with you, Christoph Bareitzer, in Academia.edu:
"Thanks for your interesting thinking about virtual violence in video games. What sparked my interest in particular was this
"What Do Players of Video Games Experience When Enacting Virtual Violence?" video -
https://lt.org/publication/ what-do-players-video-games- experience-when-enacting- virtual-violence .
"What Do Players of Video Games Experience When Enacting Virtual Violence?" video -
I haven't been able to see a bibliography of this "Gewalt im Computerspiel ..." paper yet regarding whether you cite Tom Boellstorff's "Coming of Age in Second Life" - since he may have spent as much time in SL doing participant observation, as you did with your video games' research. My book "Naked Harbin Ethnography" seeks to explore ethnographically questions of actual-virtual emotion in a related way, as does seeking to facilitate a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs for actual-virtual ethnographic comparison, and a related realistic virtual earth (as well as a new social science method I'm calling ethno-wiki-virtual-world-
In downloading, your "Gewalt_im_Computerspiel._ Facetten_eines.pdf" (und Ich kann auch Deutsch sprechen und lesen), I don't see a bibliography, however.
I've been active in the Tourism Studies' Working Group at UC Berkeley in many of these regards, and with respect to your interests in heritage and museums as well - http://tourismstudies.org/ People.htm#SM . Here's a fairly recent talk there - "Harbin & Avatar Bots: Robotics & Tourism" - on my actual-virtual field site, Harbin Hot Springs in northern California (have either of you ever visited Harbin?) -
Am also interested, in the creation of a single realistic virtual earth for everything (think Google Street View with TIME SLIDER / Maps / Earth with TensorFlow and Translate, and with Second Life re group-buildability and avatar bots, but realistic ones, - like Samsung Neons or 'artificial humans' ), and especially in facilitating the development of all museums ever as virtual museums - all over all time in all languages (https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Museums and https:// twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarthForMuseum s?src=hashtag_click ). And, Sharon, here's an Oxford related 'brainstorming' blog post - http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/2018/10/caribbean-reef- squid-art-into-robots-as.html.
Sharon, - interesting Isle of Skye and Gaelic revival ethnological focus too! - http://www.carmah.berlin/ people/macdonald-sharon/. World Univ & Sch seeks to be in A) all 7,117 languages and B) in all 200 countries - as major online A) wiki schools, and B) online universities emerging from best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare in its 4 languages for free-to-students' online university and high school degrees.
I wrote an University of Edinburgh Celtic & Scottish Studies M.Sc. paper on visiting virtual St. Kilda regarding 2 networks (UNESCO WHS and internet), and as a nascent virtual place in 2004, which paper is also in Academia.edu - https://www.academia.edu/ 1243940/Physical_and_Online_ St._Kilda_A_Comparison_of_ Senses_of_Place. Are you a Scot, by any chance? I've studied in Edinburgh for 2 separate years (at Fettes College in 1977-78, and at the Univ. of Edinburgh in 2003-04), and have studied too at the University of Munich (LMU) in 1981-82, through a Reed College program in Munich.
Again, Christoph and Sharon, how might we best communicate further about your work, your upcoming project in your video and all of this? And in what ways might we even explore collaborating in the development of a realistic virtual earth and realistic virtual Harbin, and especially regarding emotions ethnographically? I appreciate in many ways the thinking (ethnographically especially) in your video, Christoph.
Best regards, Scott
(worlduniversityandschool.org, https://www.amazon.com/author/ scottmacleodworlduniversity, @scottmacleod, @HarbinBook & scottmacleod.com)
Christoph -
Christoph Bareither
What Do Players of Video Games Experience When Enacting Virtual Violence?
What Do Players of Video Games Experience When Enacting Virtual Violence?
Sharon -
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Sun, Jul 5, 11:17 PM (3 days ago)
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Dear Scott,
Thank you for your interest in my work. Actually, the Gewalt im Computerspiel book has a bibliography, you can download the full book here: https://www.transcript- verlag.de/978-3-8376-3559-1/ gewalt-im-computerspiel/? number=978-3-8394-3559-5
And yes, sure, my work profits greatly from Tom Boellstorff’s approaches, including his book on Second Life. The book will also come out as a shorter, English monograph with Cambridge University Press this year.
Best regards,
Mon, Jul 6, 9:17 AM (2 days ago)
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Dear Christoph,
Thank you for your reply. I noticed, in reading your 14 page Buchvorschau von "Gewalt in Computerspiel" ('Violence in Computer Games' is my working translation for this), the parallels with a) your opening paragraph, b) Tom Boellstorff's opening paragraphs in CoAiSL - and c) the opening paragraphs in my book "Naked Harbin Ethnography." Great. Thank you for the bibliography too. Und danke für das Buch selbst, wie es scheint! (The paper version of my "Naked Harbin Ethnography" has an extensive bibliography, but the Kindle version doesn't, interestingly - https://www.amazon.com/ author/ scottmacleodworlduniversity).
I'm curious if the very young and beginning Academic Press at World University and School's Bookstore (http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html - & Robotics' store too) could carry both the German and English versions of your book even. (In a parallel vein, although WUaS has just begun to carry 3 Lego Robotics' kits (but not yet as re-seller or with inventory, only as a carrier), WUaS Press's online bookstore, eventually on-the-ground too and in all ~200 countries' main languages, would be interested in developing relationships with Cambridge University Press, and https://www.transcript- verlag.de/ - and in carrying your book, plus.
In a related vein, would you have interest in teaching, or even co-teaching, a course called something like "Emotions in Computer Play" or "Emotions in Computer Games" at some point - at best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric World University and School? Here are some examples of what we might build from -https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ anthropology/21a-350j- cultures-of-computing-fall- 2011/ and from https://ocw.mit.edu/ courses/anthropology/ and into edX even.
Congratulations on publishing with Cambridge University Press especially! (UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus Nelson HH Graburn is a professor of mine, and an alumnus of Cambridge as well). Are you looking at questions of robotics anthropologically in relation to "Gewalt in Computerspiel" questions. Here are the slides from a UC Berkeley talk I gave in 2018 - http://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2018/02/indian- fig-uc-berkeley-harbin-avatar. html - regarding Harbin and robotics. And here's a video plus related virtual anthropological resources regarding online WUaS Medical Schools - http://scott-macleod.blogspot. com/2018/11/pacific-yew-world- univ-and-sch-medicine.html - with even tele-robotic surgery, for example (and where Lego Robotics in a realistic virtual earth / Harbin would help learners from an early age become playfully knowledgeable about robotics).
Best regards,
For your interest:
Minutes for open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Sat. June 20, 2020
- https:// worlduniversityandschool. blogspot.com/2020/06/june-20- 2020-minutes-for-open-wuas. html
- https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/06/ hypericum-calycinum-minutes- for-open.html
Minutes for open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Sat. June 20, 2020
- https://
- https://scott-macleod.
Have you "walked" down the Harbin road "4 miles" to "amble" around Middletown, California, here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ as a beginning realistic virtual earth in Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth (accessible too from https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ), - and where I hope Street View will encompass video games as well - and where Street View works in a beginning way with Lego Bricks, too (re above).
~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~
~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html
~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/
I'm seeking to create NOT a Harbin Hot Springs' video game - and not for a new book entitled something like "Peace in Video Games" oder "Frieden in Computerspiel" - but rather a developing realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs as field site for actual-virtual ethnographic comparison, and potentially drawing significantly on the findings of your research too, Christoph (and via - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/search/label/ ethno-wiki-virtual-world- graphy). More later about some of this.
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