Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chimpanzees: Freedoms, Philosophy, Primate Narratives

How to grow freedoms, building on the freedom-seeking movements of the 1960s and 1970s, that are viable, ethical, delightful, and lead to a lot of loving bliss, in Modernity, Post-Modernity, the Network Society {Castells}, or 2008 in the U.S.?

Talking philosophically via thematic unities or shared code with friends is one way to engage already well-conceived, sophisticated, philosophical thought, with which to conceive of freedoms, particularly vis-a-vis loving bliss.

Singing may be another. {Choral Music} ... {Songs of the 1960s?} ... {"Rise Up Singing"?}

Contemporary narratives of Bonobo chimpanzees are fascinating vis-a-vis Common Chimpanzees. Although the data are still coming in and Bonobo have conflict, they are apparently peaceful, without violence or homicide, egalitarian, very sexual in all possible combinations, and matriarchal. Common chimpanzees, by contrast, engage in war and killing, and are hierarchical.

Are the Human Awareness Institute's {HAI} "Love, Intimacy and Sexuality" workshops a kind of countercultural exploration which parallels Bonobo-like behavior?

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