Friday, May 22, 2009

Baloskion tetraphyllum: Modernity and Cities, Liberal Boston, Alternative Ways of Living?

Baloskion tetraphyllum ~ :)


Modernity and cities continue, develop, and affect our lives profoundly. What a change for bodyminds that emerged in ancestral environments over millions of generations. ... Cities offer so much, besides jobs, but particularly vis-a-vis idea-exchange. But the internet and information technology have and are re-writing possibilities in this respect.


Traveling again, the liberalism of Boston - those compassionate eyes in wire-rimmed glasses - which I know from the 1970s, particularly, carries on, even as the city grows and grows, and gets older and older. I re-visit the city of my birth time and again, and, seeing it with new eyes this time, I see more business as usual, and less colorfulness on the street, or compassionate political activity 'in the air.' The Big Dig (major construction on multiple roads) is done ("I think it's done"), and the systems of modernity go around and around - commerce, education - and a seemingly easy kind of social life.


Thinking way outside the box, where are alternatives (sic) to modernity, which offers so much, flourishing? Post-modernity? The U.S. has a rich tradition of Utopian thinking and communities in the 19th and 20th centuries, for example, and especially after the 1960s, as does Massachusetts, and yet these aren't very visible to me these days. What happened?


Harbin Hot Springs in northern California?

A virtual Harbin?

Harbin engages visionary thinking ...


And how might we generate loving bliss neurophysiology (with ecstasy (MDMA) as a reference experience, naturally}, freely and with choice, in this milieu of modernity, post-modernity and internetity?

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