Poverty in America ...
"What Does Obama Really Believe In?"
... teach and learn about this at the 'Poverty Action,' wiki, subject page at World University and School ... ...
and check out this NY Times' article above ...
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
White spotted reef crab: In what ways to focus the development of the WUaS Universal Translator, building on, yet different from Google Translate and Sugar Labs' Translate +, probably in terms of CONTEXT or contextualization of languages
... is wondering in what ways to focus the development of the WUaS Universal Translator, building on, yet different from Google Translate and Sugar Labs' Translate +, probably in terms of context or contextualization of languages, and each language (as well as images), that could then dovetail a decade ahead with Google Translate, etc. ... WUaS Universal Translator: ...
... is wondering in what ways to focus the development of the WUaS Universal Translator, building on, yet different from Google Translate and Sugar Labs' Translate +, probably in terms of context or contextualization of languages, and each language (as well as images), that could then dovetail a decade ahead with Google Translate, etc. ... WUaS Universal Translator: ...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Orange-fin anemonefish: In what ways undergraduate students at WUaS will be able to spend a year at MIT, for example, and what preparation will they find useful?
... is curious in what ways undergraduate students at World University and School,
beginning after the first year of its matriculating bachelor's degree class in 2014 at MIT OCW-centric
"The College at WUaS" - -
will be able to spend just one year at MIT, for example, (and/or at Harvard, as well?)
and what preparation will they find useful,
compared with actual, matriculated, MIT students.
(Students won't be able to transfer out of WUaS with grades until WUaS accredits fully, -
so after 2018, and the graduation of WUaS's first undergraduate class).
If WUaS online students could go to MIT in their 2nd or 3rd years in Cambridge, MA, for example,
would MIT OCW possibly focus more on helping World University and School
to invite overachieving students to WUaS to apply beginning in the autumn of 2013?
... is curious in what ways undergraduate students at World University and School,
beginning after the first year of its matriculating bachelor's degree class in 2014 at MIT OCW-centric
"The College at WUaS" - -
will be able to spend just one year at MIT, for example, (and/or at Harvard, as well?)
and what preparation will they find useful,
compared with actual, matriculated, MIT students.
(Students won't be able to transfer out of WUaS with grades until WUaS accredits fully, -
so after 2018, and the graduation of WUaS's first undergraduate class).
If WUaS online students could go to MIT in their 2nd or 3rd years in Cambridge, MA, for example,
would MIT OCW possibly focus more on helping World University and School
to invite overachieving students to WUaS to apply beginning in the autumn of 2013?
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Chromodoris Annae Nudibranch: curious about the cultivating the role of parents in the home, in co-learning with their matriculated, undergraduate kids in 2014, and beyond, at The College at WUaS, How to invite parents in (or not) to the MIT OCW-centric learning conversation?
... is curious about the cultivating the role of parents in the home, in co-learning with their matriculated, undergraduate kids in 2014, and beyond, at The College at WUaS ... ...
How to invite parents in (or not) to the MIT OCW-centric learning conversation, for fun, so that all learn, but such sociality is potentially beneficial with overachieving kids living at home for 4 years?
In what ways might WUaS add to, and come into conversation with, a student's high school experience with learning in their home, if at all?
... is curious about the cultivating the role of parents in the home, in co-learning with their matriculated, undergraduate kids in 2014, and beyond, at The College at WUaS ... ...
How to invite parents in (or not) to the MIT OCW-centric learning conversation, for fun, so that all learn, but such sociality is potentially beneficial with overachieving kids living at home for 4 years?
In what ways might WUaS add to, and come into conversation with, a student's high school experience with learning in their home, if at all?
Monday, August 27, 2012
Soft coral: The Extreme and Informal Learning Survey - MIT OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources, Written responses to Questions 28 - 42 about World University and School as a learning experience, and ways that it began
The Extreme and Informal Learning Survey - MIT OpenCourseWare and Open Educational Resources
I received an email about this from MIT OpenCourseWare
and you can take it here, if interested:
Indiana University
28) Some people learn a lot from exploring Web resources or information on their own. Can you describe your most interesting or successful informal learning experience? What did you accomplish? Please provide as many details of your story as you can remember.
It's putting together World University and School from so many different resources into WUaS's wiki, extensible, main pages (with their numerous, other, WUaS pages) - which are Courses, Subjects, Languages, Nation States, You at WUaS, Research, Educational Software, Library Resources, Museums, Hardware Resources, and the WUaS Foundation, - that focuses my learning. For example, each Subject page, becomes a focus for learning, and also an accomplishment. Perhaps graduate students, in particular, at great universities, will continue to develop new, WUaS Subject pages, as part of their teaching, and in all 7,358 languages. Facilitating such learning potential for others is also an accomplishment. WUaS's Course-centricity, particularly from MIT OCW and other great universities' OER facilitates an academic standard and academic focus, but since wiki information technologies are so open, - yet another accomplishment is in how creatively open-ended WUaS is for others, as wiki. (WUaS also plans to create a great number of jobs and eventually with people from all over the world).
29) In what ways was this informal learning activity unusual, interesting, or different compared to how you have learned in the past or compared to others?
To generate knowledge, by synthesizing resources in new ways (especially MIT OCW, but so many other different ones), - and also to make it possible for others to do this, for example, by teaching to their web cameras, or adding a paper they've written, or hopping into a virtual world or a group video space, to engage in the Conference Method, is something I think is different from how I've learned in the past.
30) Why did you want to do this learning activity or task? What was your purpose or goals? Please describe what captured your interest.
To create a free, global, world university and school, - with an all-languages' Music School, with all instruments, each a wiki page, for example - is fascinating, and will help so many people. (Thanks, too, to Creative Commons' licensed MIT OCW, as well as Wikipedia, in 285 languages, as precedents). It's a very creative process to create WUaS, especially since the internet will develop so much in the years ahead, and WUaS plans to develop with it. The potential for wiki academic conversation, for WUaS students, and particularly with great universities like MIT OCW, Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, etc. (and these - is an opportunity to further a knowledge conversation which is opening, especially since WUaS will be free. Universal education, digitally mediated, is exciting.
31) Has your life changed in a small or big way as a result of this informal learning activity or experience? If so, how?
I spend a lot (20-50 hours per week) of time developing World University and School (for years now, and the lack of financial resources for this thus far is an ongoing, growing worry and concern). WUaS is a big focus in my life.
32) What was the key moment when learning informally with technology where you felt a personal change? If so, please describe that moment, as best you can. For instance, were there certain things you recall happening that led to this key moment?
It's the generativity and freedom to create which are key moments, both teaching- and learning-wise, that was apparent early in this process (in 2007, in the class I was teaching in SL, and which specific conversation is the beginning of WUaS - I saved the transcript online in the first WUaS wiki) for developing WUaS as a personal learning process which facilitates open teaching, and is what I think might benefit other people who engage WUaS, both matriculated students (beginning in 2014), as well as participants in its open teaching and learning conversation.
33) Did any of this influence your personal, school, or social life? If so, how or in what ways?
The process of starting an organization, a startup, global university, has lead me to think of WUaS as a separate university (despite that lack of job and financial opportunities this entailed at other universities, since I wasn't applying for teaching positions, etc. because of developing WUaS), even while going very regularly to lectures, talks and colloquia at Stanford and Berkeley, at which I institutions I might have been seeking employment / teaching otherwise.
34) Did you face any obstacles or challenges during this time when learning informally with technology? If so, how did you overcome them?
My small savings are significantly depleted, even after applying for grants (MacArthur HASTAC, HP Open Innovation, etc.), unsuccessfully. I haven't overcome this obstacle or challenge, yet.
35) What did you think about during this event or experience? Did you share your thoughts about this informal learning activity with anyone else? Please explain.
WUaS began fundraising as a 501 c 3 a few years ago, without success so far, and I've talked with numerous people about financial resources, with no resources forthcoming so far. So, WUaS hasn't been able to hire anyone yet, such as graduate student interns from great universities. This lack of financial support for innovation has been quite a learning process in itself so far.
36) Who or what influenced you to learn informally online or use a certain technology or online resource? Did you have any role models or mentors? Did anyone help you? If so, how?
Teaching the class "Society and Information Technology" on Harvard's virtual island for 7 semesters, and on Penn State Isle for a semester, both in Second Life, as well as in the classroom in Pennsylvania (and other classes - mostly sociology I.T. related), was exciting, partly due to engaging Manuel Castells' work on the Network Society, as well as for the freedom to go in-world.
37) Did others help or support you to learn this way? For example, were there any friends, family members, or organizations that might have helped you?
It was great to have free, interactive classes online exploring the possibilities of virtual worlds, etc.
It was also particularly the office hours (facilitated by Becca Nesson) in Charles Nesson's class "CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion with Rebecca Nesson and Gene Koo" in Second Life in 2006, as well as in the class itself (prior to the introduction of voice in SL) where the potential for 'flow experiences' (i.e. absorbed mind viz. Csikszentmihalyi's book "Flow" - what enjoyment is per his psychological studies) in group text chat emerged for me.
38) What role did technology play (if any) in this key moment? Stated another way, how did technology help your informal learning experience?
Virtual worlds like Second Life opened a whole range of changes in learning for me:
pseudonymous / anonymous avatar/names
information technology of group text chat
being able to return to previous ideas in the transcript
the creation of a document with everyone's points of view and reasoning
39) Were there any cool, extremely different, or unusual uses of technology that helped you learn or succeed?
Changing even the social psychology of the situation, with pseudonymous / anonymous avatar/names, and therefore changing the dynamic of the role of the teacher vis-a-vis the student, the information technology of group text chat facilitated multiple lines of reasoning as (academic) conversation, with everyone being able to write at the same time, about serious ideas, and being able to return to previous ideas in the transcript, as well as the creation of a document at the end of the office hours or class, that were key moments that informed my learning experiences. The conversation potential of group texting in SL in a serious class influenced me in this informal learning.
40) Were there any particular technologies that you wish you had that might have helped improve your overall experience?
For one, I'm looking, for example, for 'interactive, movie realism' - so, for example, something like interactivity in Open Simulator / Second Life / World of Warcraft, but not cartoon-esque, and extensible to a 16 panel screen of '60 inch screens, such as the one at the MIT Media Lab.
41) Imagine someone trying to accomplish the same thing 10 years in the future. Can you think of what technologies or other supports they might use to accomplish a similar task? What technologies might you use in the future?
Building on #40 above, - a virtual earth, with all 3-100 million species, oceans, mountains, atmosphere, volcanic activity, museums, music, and MIT science labs, for example, in 'interactive, movie realism' would be great, and it seems quite possible, ... for both incredible teaching and learning possibilities.
In addition, if such a virtual earth allowed for the generation, through a brainwave headset, what we imagine, this would also facilitate great teaching and learning possibilities. It would be great to weave together, for example, interactive lines of music, e.g. counterpoint, manifest on screens, or narratives we could be telling to our children, all with headsets. And this would have enormous possibilities for learning.
Encoding avatars, visible on 16-panel screens, to be interactive, empathic chemistry professors (as digital robots), for example, who could make accessible a whole variety of approaches to chemistry problem solving and learning, etc. would also be astounding, and seems do-able.
42) How might others try to do what you are doing? Do you have any suggestions for others who want to learn on their own or informally with Web technology or resources?
The conversation goes on. I'd suggest wiki-engaging World University and School, by teaching to a web camera, starting a subject, editing a page, developing a physics' research problem ... ... with its developing, generative, wiki, learning resources.
(submitted August 26, 2012)
World University and School would like to build the possibilities of innumerable, scientific studies of students' learning, (and professors' teaching), and particularly their enjoyment of learning, by MIT researchers for example, from the beginning, and in all languages, in exchange for free bachelor (, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees ... and probably in WikiData ... so that MIT OCW-centric WUaS improves and develops with the web. What a trove of developing and emergent data this will be!
global university,
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Chromodoris coi Nudibranch: Dear L, At San Francisco Friends' Meeting I was very glad to have met Miguel Angel Costop, director / clerk of 'Progresa: The Guatemala Friends Scholarship / Loan Program' which Redwood Forest Friends' Meeting in CA sponsors, WUaS's next, open, f/Friendly Meeting for Business Agenda for September 8, 2012
Dear L,
Greetings from the San Francisco Bay Area, and nice to make contact with you here via email. Did you happen to go to FGC? You look familiar from this year's gathering, which I attended, - from some of the AFSC web pages I've recently glanced at. In pursuing this conversation with you upon S's introduction (thank you!), further, I'm curious about your Friendly interests in education, AFSC and Quakers, in general. How do you see Friendly education unfolding beneficially, and especially vis-a-vis AFSC?
At San Francisco Friends' Meeting this morning (August 19th), I was very glad to have met Miguel Angel Costop, who also attended Pacific Yearly Meeting's annual sessions with Shan, and who is the Guatemalan director/clerk, I think, of 'Progresa: The Guatemala Friends Scholarship / Loan Program' - - which the Redwood Forest Friends' (Santa Rosa, CA), Meeting and Guatemala Monthly Meeting sponsor, as well as to have seen the video of their good work making education financially accessible in Guatemala, and especially to indigenous peoples. This seems to be one good example of a well run, Friendly educational project which is producing great benefits; since 1973 I think they have graduated possibly 800 people for all kinds of degrees and certificates, including helped to educate at least one Guatemalan Medical Doctor, who works in an Emergency Room in Guatemala City. What other similar examples do you find interesting?
(... there was a curious, repeated error in the blog entry while posting this, so I've removed some of this letter, but see the WUaS blog for the September 8, 2012 open, WUaS, business meeting agenda -
With Friendly greetings,
Dear L,
Greetings from the San Francisco Bay Area, and nice to make contact with you here via email. Did you happen to go to FGC? You look familiar from this year's gathering, which I attended, - from some of the AFSC web pages I've recently glanced at. In pursuing this conversation with you upon S's introduction (thank you!), further, I'm curious about your Friendly interests in education, AFSC and Quakers, in general. How do you see Friendly education unfolding beneficially, and especially vis-a-vis AFSC?
At San Francisco Friends' Meeting this morning (August 19th), I was very glad to have met Miguel Angel Costop, who also attended Pacific Yearly Meeting's annual sessions with Shan, and who is the Guatemalan director/clerk, I think, of 'Progresa: The Guatemala Friends Scholarship / Loan Program' - - which the Redwood Forest Friends' (Santa Rosa, CA), Meeting and Guatemala Monthly Meeting sponsor, as well as to have seen the video of their good work making education financially accessible in Guatemala, and especially to indigenous peoples. This seems to be one good example of a well run, Friendly educational project which is producing great benefits; since 1973 I think they have graduated possibly 800 people for all kinds of degrees and certificates, including helped to educate at least one Guatemalan Medical Doctor, who works in an Emergency Room in Guatemala City. What other similar examples do you find interesting?
(... there was a curious, repeated error in the blog entry while posting this, so I've removed some of this letter, but see the WUaS blog for the September 8, 2012 open, WUaS, business meeting agenda -
With Friendly greetings,
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Sea star: WUaS's online, International Baccalaureate school is planning to be free and in the 6 United Nations' languages, and MIT OCW High School-centric ... Kids will hang out with friends in their neighborhood, The online WUaS bookstore is planning to be in the 6 United Nations' languages, to start, and perhaps eventually on-the-ground, as bookstore/computer store / informal student center / and possibly also as wired classroom for 40 people, in a nice neighborhood, perhaps near a Quaker Meeting, and in a major city (with a culture of learning?), Arabic-Tehran/Riyadh/Dubai? Chinese (Mandarin)-Beijing, English-London/Cambridge, French-Paris, Russian-Moscow/St. Petersburg, Spanish-Madrid/Barcelona
World University and School's online, International Baccalaureate school (beginning around 2015?) - - is planning to be free and in the 6 United Nations' languages, and MIT OCW High School-centric ... Kids will hang out with friends in their neighborhood ...
The online World University and School bookstore - - is also planning to be in the 6 United Nations' languages, to start, and perhaps eventually on-the-ground, as
bookstore/computer store (for textbooks -- e.g. the MIT bookstore, as one example - and top-of-the-lists WUaS-centric new and used computers and software, etc. )
informal student center (where prospective students can talk to a person) in WUaS as a education service organization, (akin to AFSC offices around the world)
and possibly also as wired classroom for 40 people, (with WUaS's Conference Method of Teaching and Learning in mind)
in a nice neighborhood,
perhaps near a Quaker/Friends, unprogrammed Meeting,
or an Apple Store,
and in a major city (with a culture of learning?) of that language:
Arabic - Tehran/Riyadh/Dubai?,
Chinese (Mandarin) - Beijing, or a beautiful, main city,
English - London/Cambridge?,
French - Paris,
Russian - Moscow/St. Petersburg,
Spanish - Madrid/Barcelona/Mexico City?
All of these will be linked together via the World University and School online bookstore - - which I hope we'll be able to open soon.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Feather star: WUaS as a real university workplace, with real university problem solving, and real university mentoring, New, 'STEM Education' and 'Technologies'' wiki subjects, Thank you, thank you, thank you again, for your tax-deductible contribution to 501 c 3 WUaS, WUaS dovetailing with Quaker organizations like Haverford College, Swarthmore College, and AFSC
Very nice to get your email. I think WUaS will gradually become a real university workplace, with real university problem solving, and real university mentoring, in Google + group video hangouts +, and, group video conferencing, - and all online. And, if all goes well, WUaS's MIT OCW-centric students will begin to engage the same real world workplaces that MIT graduates do, as well. While not the same at all as face-to-face education, WUaS's MIT-centricity, its symbolic focus (in academic subjects) and the possibility for sociality online, will help it develop over the decades in new, real ways, digitally mediated, and very different from other, great, on-the-ground universities and schools, especially because we'd like to be in all languages and countries. (Wikipedia is in 285 languages, by way of comparison). The words 'Free' and 'MIT' will hopefully help WUaS attract overachievers. Perhaps they will be students who have already applied to MIT and Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Cambridge, etc. - we'll see. I hope also that the student interns who WUaS begins to hire to be mentors, for example - in conjunction ideally with MIT professors, at first - will also have matriculated at such universities as those and these - Overachievers of great diversity, from all 3,000-8,000 languages and < 200 countries, with time, will eventually generate a MIT-centric, online, academic conversation, as well as an open, free, wiki, teaching and learning conversation that, I think, will be very real, and huge, as well. Free degrees are real in this world of big and expensive university. I find it interesting to observe social-scientifically how 'online' is becoming more and more, unfoldingly 'real' - in terms of work, in terms of problem -solving, and this is happening so quickly ... but WUaS's first priority is our first, online, free, MIT OCW-centric, bachelor's degree class, matriculating in 2014, for possibly 2000 undergraduate students, in English.
I learn so much in aggregating wiki, subject pages ... here are two new ones I began today - 'STEM Education' :,_Technologies,_Engineering_and_Mathematics - and 'Technologies' - - and look how many MIT, technology courses there are on this last page particularly!!! :)
Startup WUaS still hasn't become financially operational, and this is ongoingly serious, but Wikipedia is a great, advertising-free, wiki precedent, and there are others like this. The WUaS Bookstore - - may be another avenue to cash flow, but fundraising is presently the main way, so thank you, thank you, thank you again, for your tax-deductible, financial contribution, and via PayPal (here: - and WUaS would so welcome other ideas or suggestions you have for this!
And WUaS is very glad about Wikidata (, which is a backend / repository / structured database recently written with Wikipedia's 285 languages in mind, and well-funded by the Paul Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and other big grantors, which development team is based in Berlin. I've been in correspondance with 1 of the 3 core developers over 2 years or so, and with a Creative Commons' license, it's an extraordinary gift from the I.T. revolution.
While MIT-centric, and per your interests in Quakers, World University and School would like its service orientation to also dovetail with great Friendly / Quaker organizations, like Haverford College, Swarthmore College, and AFSC.
Let's talk soon and warm regards,
Scott MacLeod
Founder & President
World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)
Google + main, WUaS page:
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Hermit crab: WUaS Subject Template, WUaS Subjects' page, and the new, WikiData repository / backend / structured database, written with Wikipedia's 285 languages in mind. How will all entries in English Wikipedia, for example, many of which could become WUaS Subjects, articulate with WUaS, as WUaS builds out subject by subject?
I'm particularly interested in talking about and curious to think through the emerging relationship between a WUaS, wiki, Subject page - see the main, WUaS Subject Template - , and the WUaS Subjects' page - - and the new, WikiData repository / backend / structured database - - written with Wikipedia's 285 languages in mind. How will all entries in English Wikipedia, for example, many of which could become WUaS Subjects, articulate with WUaS, as WUaS builds out (presently) subject by subject, - and with plans to build in the same Creative Commons' licensed database? And in all 3,000-8,000 languages?
I'm particularly interested in talking about and curious to think through the emerging relationship between a WUaS, wiki, Subject page - see the main, WUaS Subject Template -http://worlduniversity.wikia.
global university,
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Starry moray eel: MIT chemistry professor: Cima, Michael. 2012. 3.091x Course Introduction to Solid State Chemistry. ONLINE and FREE this Autumn. a MITx course from 1 of 7 new edX courses this autumn, I added this to WUaS Chemistry ... ... and to Theories of Learning ... with Cima's focus on DISCOVERY in learning (see video)
MIT chemistry professor:
Cima, Michael. 2012.
3.091x Course Introduction to Solid State Chemistry.
ONLINE and FREE this autumn.
(At the 2 minute mark: "But the most important rule I use is that we don't actually teach anything. We help you discover something ... How do we help students discover solid state chemistry?"). Cambridge, MA: MITx.
3.091x Course Introduction ... ...
... a MITx course from 1 of 7 new edX courses this autumn - -
... I added this to WUaS Chemistry ... ...
and to Theories of Learning ...
with Cima's focus on DISCOVERY in learning (see video) ...
wiki Subject pages.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Shrimp fish: Two, new, STEM and Technologies' subjects at World University and School, See, too, the recently new 'Laboratory courses online at WUaS'
Two, new, STEM and Technologies' subjects at World University and School:
STEM Education - Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics:,_Technologies,_Engineering_and_Mathematics
with so many MIT OCW courses in particular in 'WUaS Technologies.'
World University and School has an online STEM focus ...
See, too, the recently new ...
Laboratory courses online at World University and School:
Two, new, STEM and Technologies' subjects at World University and School:
STEM Education - Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics:,_Technologies,_Engineering_and_Mathematics
with so many MIT OCW courses in particular in 'WUaS Technologies.'
World University and School has an online STEM focus ...
See, too, the recently new ...
Laboratory courses online at World University and School:
global university,
Monday, August 20, 2012
Orangefin anemonefish: Here's a youtube of Jean Pierre Rampal on flute, and another with Rampal and Miss Piggy, all in the Flute wiki subject at WUaS, ... Gorgeous Recorder and Flute piece, Four, new, musical instruments: Harp, Voice, Viola, and Bass, - as well as 'Suzuki Method,' wiki, Subject pages, All in the Music School at WUaS
Here's a youtube of Jean Pierre Rampal on flute ...
... inspiring, as well :)
And another with Jean-Pierre Rampal and Miss Piggy -
all in the Flute wiki subject at WUaS
Recorder and Flute (Petri and Galway) - - added to the new
Recorder, wiki subject at World Univ & Sch - -
plus 4, other, new 'instruments' at WUaS ...
Harp - - and
Voice - ...
Viola - and
Bass - and
... which are all new, 'Suzuki method' instruments, which is also a new WUaS subject,
and all at the Music School ... ...
for open, online, free teaching and learning as wiki, to begin.
Here's a youtube of Jean Pierre Rampal on flute ...
... inspiring, as well :)
And another with Jean-Pierre Rampal and Miss Piggy -
all in the Flute wiki subject at WUaS
Recorder and Flute (Petri and Galway) - - added to the new
Recorder, wiki subject at World Univ & Sch - -
plus 4, other, new 'instruments' at WUaS ...
Harp - - and
Voice - ...
Viola - and
Bass - and
... which are all new, 'Suzuki method' instruments, which is also a new WUaS subject,
and all at the Music School ... ...
for open, online, free teaching and learning as wiki, to begin.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Lionfish: American Friends Service Committee and World University and School collaborations?
Dear S.C.,
It was great to hear your talk about AFSC's work in North Korea and Zimbabwe at Palo Alto Friends' Meeting last Sunday, and nice to see you in passing at Pacific Yearly Meeting's annual sessions at Walker Creek Ranch on Monday. It was also great to talk with you at Friends' General Conference in early July, where World University and School was an 'official' exhibitor.
I'm writing to explore further how to continue our conversation at FGC and PYM about potential AFSC and World University and School collaborations. Some possible ideas from my perspective include informal student centers at AFSC offices around the world, and letting AFSC networks know about World University and School's upcoming, free, open, online, people-to-people, wiki, teaching and learning opportunities (plus MIT OCW-centric for academics for free bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, too), planned for all languages and countries. I can see further possibilities in collaborating around paid and volunteer internships. I can also envision possible collaborative, AFSC/WUaS, fundraising opportunities, as well, in terms of free, accredited, university (MIT OCW-centric) education for countries vis-a-vis their companies, philanthropies and governments.
In driving north with S.M. of the AFSC SF office to PYM, he mentioned L.D. in the AFSC Philadelphia office as a kind of AFSC education liaison, especially in terms of college-related things, I think. I'm curious about your ideas in these respects, as well.
WUaS could potentially fulfill AFSC's mission ( in new ways, as well as further it as it is. And WUaS is informed with Friendly business process, via monthly business meeting in the manner of f/Friends, as well as has a number of Quaker-focused, wiki, subject pages.
Nontheist Friends:
Looking forward to further communication with you, and thank you!
With Friendly regards,
Dear S.C.,
It was great to hear your talk about AFSC's work in North Korea and Zimbabwe at Palo Alto Friends' Meeting last Sunday, and nice to see you in passing at Pacific Yearly Meeting's annual sessions at Walker Creek Ranch on Monday. It was also great to talk with you at Friends' General Conference in early July, where World University and School was an 'official' exhibitor.
I'm writing to explore further how to continue our conversation at FGC and PYM about potential AFSC and World University and School collaborations. Some possible ideas from my perspective include informal student centers at AFSC offices around the world, and letting AFSC networks know about World University and School's upcoming, free, open, online, people-to-people, wiki, teaching and learning opportunities (plus MIT OCW-centric for academics for free bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, too), planned for all languages and countries. I can see further possibilities in collaborating around paid and volunteer internships. I can also envision possible collaborative, AFSC/WUaS, fundraising opportunities, as well, in terms of free, accredited, university (MIT OCW-centric) education for countries vis-a-vis their companies, philanthropies and governments.
In driving north with S.M. of the AFSC SF office to PYM, he mentioned L.D. in the AFSC Philadelphia office as a kind of AFSC education liaison, especially in terms of college-related things, I think. I'm curious about your ideas in these respects, as well.
WUaS could potentially fulfill AFSC's mission ( in new ways, as well as further it as it is. And WUaS is informed with Friendly business process, via monthly business meeting in the manner of f/Friends, as well as has a number of Quaker-focused, wiki, subject pages.
Nontheist Friends:
Looking forward to further communication with you, and thank you!
With Friendly regards,
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Garden Eel: EdX (MITx/HarvardX/BerkeleyX) List of courses offered for Fall 2012 ... FREE ... MITx, HarvardX, BerkeleyX, ... MIT Professor Michael Cima on Learning as Discovery
EdX (MITx/HarvardX/BerkeleyX) List of courses offered for Fall 2012 ... FREE ... ... have added to World University and School's Courses' wiki subject page + here ... ...
EdX (MITx/HarvardX/BerkeleyX) List of courses offered for Fall 2012 ...
FREE ...
... have added them to World University and School's Courses' wiki subject page here ... ...
and here:
3.091x: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry -
Chemistry at WUaS:
(which also has a insightful theory of learning ...
Cima, Michael. 2012. 3.091x Course Introduction to Solid State Chemistry. (At the 2 minute mark: "But the most important rule I use is that we don't actually teach anything. We help you discover something ... How do we help students discover solid state chemistry?"). Cambridge, MA: MITx. ).
CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science I -
Computer Science at WUaS:
CS169.1x: Software as a Service -
Programming at WUaS:
6.002x: Circuits and Electronics -
Electrical Engineering at WUaS:
PH207x: Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health -
Research at WUaS:
NEW: Public Health at WUaS:
Statistics at WUaS:
Health Sciences and Technology at WUaS:
Medicine at WUaS:
Health Sciences at WUaS:
CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence -
Artificial Intelligence at WUaS:
6.00x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming -
Computer Science at WUaS:
Programming at WUaS:
World University and School is excited to aggregate edX / MITx / HarvardX / BerkeleyX courses!
EdX (MITx/HarvardX/BerkeleyX) List of courses offered for Fall 2012 ... FREE ... ... have added to World University and School's Courses' wiki subject page + here ... ...
EdX (MITx/HarvardX/BerkeleyX) List of courses offered for Fall 2012 ...
FREE ...
List of courses offered for Fall 2012
- 3.091x: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry -
- CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science I -
- CS169.1x: Software as a Service -
- 6.002x: Circuits and Electronics -
- PH207x: Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health -
- CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence -
- 6.00x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming -
... have added them to World University and School's Courses' wiki subject page here ... ...
and here:
3.091x: Introduction to Solid State Chemistry -
Chemistry at WUaS:
(which also has a insightful theory of learning ...
Cima, Michael. 2012. 3.091x Course Introduction to Solid State Chemistry. (At the 2 minute mark: "But the most important rule I use is that we don't actually teach anything. We help you discover something ... How do we help students discover solid state chemistry?"). Cambridge, MA: MITx. ).
CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science I -
Computer Science at WUaS:
CS169.1x: Software as a Service -
Programming at WUaS:
6.002x: Circuits and Electronics -
Electrical Engineering at WUaS:
PH207x: Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health -
Research at WUaS:
NEW: Public Health at WUaS:
Statistics at WUaS:
Health Sciences and Technology at WUaS:
Medicine at WUaS:
Health Sciences at WUaS:
CS188.1x: Artificial Intelligence -
Artificial Intelligence at WUaS:
6.00x: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming -
Computer Science at WUaS:
Programming at WUaS:
World University and School is excited to aggregate edX / MITx / HarvardX / BerkeleyX courses!
Cal Berkeley,
global university,
information technology,
Friday, August 17, 2012
Octopus: Harvard Law professor Charles Nesson : my vision of the future of the net is the same as the vision i enunciated ten years ago.
Harvard Law professor Charles Nesson:
my vision of the future of the net is the same as the vision i enunciated ten years ago.
cyberspace is an integrated media realm of stories told and shared by digitally connected and enabled hearts and minds.
WE are the Future of the Internet. We have good stories to live and to tell.
let us make our stories represent our values of
open code
open access
open talk
open education
let’s bridge the digital divide
let’s build the commons of the net
I'd like World University and School's open, people-to-people, wiki education and free MIT OCW-centric (and edX +) vision to fully articulate with Charlie's vision ...
for example, in WUaS Subjects: ...
supported by the WUaS Foundation: ...
as well as Creative Commons'-wise ...
Harvard Law professor Charles Nesson:
my vision of the future of the net is the same as the vision i enunciated ten years ago.
cyberspace is an integrated media realm of stories told and shared by digitally connected and enabled hearts and minds.
WE are the Future of the Internet. We have good stories to live and to tell.
let us make our stories represent our values of
open code
open access
open talk
open education
let’s bridge the digital divide
let’s build the commons of the net
I'd like World University and School's open, people-to-people, wiki education and free MIT OCW-centric (and edX +) vision to fully articulate with Charlie's vision ...
for example, in WUaS Subjects: ...
supported by the WUaS Foundation: ...
as well as Creative Commons'-wise ...
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Puffer fish: CHEMISTRY as a subject, MIT OCW's ChemLab boot camp, and WUaS, To a friend, chemist, and family member who donated $100 recently to WUaS, GREEN CHEMISTRY, and LAB COURSES ONLINE as WUAS's wiki subjects
See the 45 second video here: "ChemLab Boot Camp - MIT OpenCourseWare launches reality series:
A new series of videos to be published this fall follows 14 MIT freshmen through their introduction to hands-on science" ...
global university,
nontheist Friend,
nontheist friends,
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Frog fish: World University and School - with free, online and MIT OCW-centric degrees - will be very helpful to students, for example, who have multiple sclerosis, and so many other disabling conditions, Main WUaS degrees
World University and School -
with free, online and MIT OCW-centric degrees -
will be very helpful to students, for example,
who have multiple sclerosis,
as well as to other overachieving students,
with so many other disabling conditions :
with so many other disabling conditions :
Admissions at World University and School:
Conference Method of Teaching and Learning:
The College at World University and School:
Ph.D. Degrees at World University and School:
World University Law School:
World University Medical School:
World University Music School:
WUaS International Baccalaureate Diploma and Programme: (probably in United Nations' languages only - Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, Russian, Spanish)
WUaS Assistive Technologies' wiki subject page …
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Nudibranch: Chamber Music for Haiti: Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano (Poulenc), I added Schuring's OBOE resources - great and thanks! ... Will check out the other web site you sent, and think about where to add it ... The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia performs Vaughan Williams' Oboe Concerto (excerpt)
Chamber Music for Haiti: Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano (Poulenc)
Hi G,
... weekend was pretty good ... sometimes feel a little disconnected even in its relative calmness, but it is a creative time in life. Heading to Harbin soon for field work ...
Chamber Music for Haiti: Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano (Poulenc)
Hi G,
I added Schuring's oboe resources - to the new, oboe, wiki, subject page at WUaS - great and thanks! ... and will check out the other web site you sent, and think about where to add it ...
I'm about to start a 'chamber music,' wiki, subject page ... I'm cherry-planting at this early stage of WUaS with starting many, many enjoyable (for me) subjects, and seeking how to make them come alive in the now (moving to wikidata will improve production values) ... :) Suggestions for far-reaching, open teaching and learning resources for 'Chamber Music'? Let me know if you might like me to help you start a fun, subject page (don't think anyone has done this directly, yet, although have fair number of people have added their own resources). ... I'm looking in an ongoing way for generative inspiring flourishing resources for WUaS to share ... (check out the Grateful Dead 'Althea' posting on my G+ profile page today for repeating neural cascades of pleasure, tears even, as an example of one such - and it's just a ballad - ... Here are some related loving bliss pages - and - And neural cascades of pleasure for you?
Life sounds almost too busy ... hmmm ... and upcoming travel sounds great for you ... More relaxation response ( / Meeting?
... weekend was pretty good ... sometimes feel a little disconnected even in its relative calmness, but it is a creative time in life. Heading to Harbin soon for field work ...
Have a great week, G, and happy birthday!
The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia performs Vaughan Williams' Oboe Concerto (excerpt)
The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia performs Vaughan Williams' Oboe Concerto (excerpt)
Monday, August 13, 2012
Ascidian: Latvian folk rock with bagpipe, Will look to add to Folk rock music subject at WUaS, But probably not to the "Bagpipe," wiki subject
Latvian folk rock with bagpipe ... ...
will look to add to Folk rock music at WUaS ... ...
but probably not to the "Bagpipe" wiki subject
Latvian folk rock with bagpipe ... ...
will look to add to Folk rock music at WUaS ... ...
but probably not to the "Bagpipe" wiki subject
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Lego British Bird Series, Check out the Lego Robotics' course here at MIT OCW, WUaS Robotics' wiki subject page with MIT courses,
Beautiful ... Lego British Bird Series ... ...
added to Robotics at World University and School ... ...
Check out the Lego Robotics' course here at MIT OCW - -
and at this WUaS wiki page as well ...
and play with Lego and add something you'd like to teach :)
... which you'll find at WUaS ...
Make Your Own LEGO Curiosity Rover
Beautiful ... Lego British Bird Series ... ...
added to Robotics at World University and School ... ...
Check out the Lego Robotics' course here at MIT OCW - -
and at this WUaS wiki page as well ...
and play with Lego and add something you'd like to teach :)
... which you'll find at WUaS ...
Make Your Own LEGO Curiosity Rover
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Spotted rabbitfish: "Colleges for Profit Are Growing, With Federal Help" (NY Times), JOBS, jobs, jobs at this WUaS is an important rationale
"Colleges for Profit Are Growing, With Federal Help" (NY Times) -
WUaS invites US government investment in non-profit WUaS for a MIT OCW-centric, free, online developing world-class university and in ALL languages and countries -,,, and
How to apply for such monies?
JOBS, jobs, jobs at this WUaS, world-class, all-languages, all-countries' wiki, MIT-centered university and school, which will help so many people educationally, with open, free teaching and learning, and free degrees in many, many countries and languages, is an important rationale.
"Colleges for Profit Are Growing, With Federal Help" (NY Times) -
WUaS invites US government investment in non-profit WUaS for a MIT OCW-centric, free, online developing world-class university and in ALL languages and countries -,,, and
How to apply for such monies?
JOBS, jobs, jobs at this WUaS, world-class, all-languages, all-countries' wiki, MIT-centered university and school, which will help so many people educationally, with open, free teaching and learning, and free degrees in many, many countries and languages, is an important rationale.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Wrass: New Wikidata interface, Representative of what World University and School's will be as well - EXCITING, WUaS test example, Added this to the agenda for business meeting this Saturday, August 11
Here's an example of the new Wikidata interface, which is probably representative of what World University and School's will be as well. Welcome to an example of the new World University and School wiki. Exciting!
Welcome to the Wikidata demo system!
I may begin a WUaS test example soon.
I've added this to, and updated, the agenda for business meeting this Saturday: .
global university,
information technology,
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Sea cucumber: WUaS, Hiring Anthropologist Ph.D.s, WUaS as major job producer, Articles about WUaS in great newspapers?, Becoming the online MIT / Harvard / Cambridge universities of all languages
Dear Gillian,
It was very nice to meet you after your timely and topical talk about anthropology's role in analyzing institutions like banking at International House at UC Berkeley this March, - after which I mentioned I would email you, and about World University and School, especially. (I was glad to find your talks online again here - and here - I'm also an anthropologist, currently writing an actual / virtual ethnography about Harbin Hot Springs in northern California. At the time, we talked about Cambridge University Anthropology Professor H.M., whom I know a little from Stanford, and with whom you studied, if I remember correctly.
World University and School is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, with a wiki-focus on great universities' open educational resources, and is planning to offer not only free, online, bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, accrediting on MIT OCW, but also planning to be an open, wiki school in all 3,000-8000 languages (Wikipedia, by way of comparison, is now in 285 languages) and greater than 200 countries, for people-to-people teaching and learning. Here's a recent overview about it from my blog -
Startup World University and School will not only help so many people with access to free education, it has the potential to become immense, and would be news' worthy in the Financial Times in this regard. As a potential, significant jobs' producer worldwide, WUaS would like to hire anthropologist Ph.D.s, in particular, who have worked in all 3,000-8,000 languages, and < 200 countries, and for their academic orientation especially. WUaS would like to become the online MIT / Harvard / Cambridge universities of all languages, and MIT OCW is a remarkable basis as a beginning, upon which to accredit.
At the Computer History Museum yesterday evening, its CEO John Hollar mentioned your upcoming talk there -,Tett and - in September, at which I look forward to meeting you again, as well as to developing this conversation further.
All the best,
Dear Gillian,
It was very nice to meet you after your timely and topical talk about anthropology's role in analyzing institutions like banking at International House at UC Berkeley this March, - after which I mentioned I would email you, and about World University and School, especially. (I was glad to find your talks online again here - and here - I'm also an anthropologist, currently writing an actual / virtual ethnography about Harbin Hot Springs in northern California. At the time, we talked about Cambridge University Anthropology Professor H.M., whom I know a little from Stanford, and with whom you studied, if I remember correctly.
World University and School is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, with a wiki-focus on great universities' open educational resources, and is planning to offer not only free, online, bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, accrediting on MIT OCW, but also planning to be an open, wiki school in all 3,000-8000 languages (Wikipedia, by way of comparison, is now in 285 languages) and greater than 200 countries, for people-to-people teaching and learning. Here's a recent overview about it from my blog -
Startup World University and School will not only help so many people with access to free education, it has the potential to become immense, and would be news' worthy in the Financial Times in this regard. As a potential, significant jobs' producer worldwide, WUaS would like to hire anthropologist Ph.D.s, in particular, who have worked in all 3,000-8,000 languages, and < 200 countries, and for their academic orientation especially. WUaS would like to become the online MIT / Harvard / Cambridge universities of all languages, and MIT OCW is a remarkable basis as a beginning, upon which to accredit.
At the Computer History Museum yesterday evening, its CEO John Hollar mentioned your upcoming talk there -,Tett and - in September, at which I look forward to meeting you again, as well as to developing this conversation further.
All the best,
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Soft coral: World University and School is Creative Commons' licensed, Informal Student Centers, - and outside public high schools and public libraries? AFSC offices and network vis-a-vis WUaS for access around the world?
Great ... looking forward to seeing you if it works out.
World University and School is Creative Commons' licensed - see, which is currently used for licensing, for example, by MIT OpenCourseWare, and for 4 million Youtube videos. I'll forward you an email about this I received today about CC (but see this, as well - I am curious to think through how such informal student centers might work, so let's definitely talk further about this.
In developing online MIT-centric WUaS, and for all languages and countries, I think in terms of precedent - and in a parallel way, it would be curious yet interesting to set up informal student centers outside public high schools and public libraries, in Concord, MA, for example. So, a kind of Center for American Studies' informal student center in Concord, MA, vis-a-vis WUaS would be unique, and raise questions vis-a-vis CC licensing, as well. (WUaS is open, free, online, MIT OCW-centric and CC). (Would the CfAS like to focus a department of American Studies, orchestrating MIT OCW for this at WUaS?)
Yet, I've also thought how helpful it could be, for free education around the world, to open such centers in conjunction with and even in American Friends' Service Committee (a Quaker service organization which won the Nobel Peace prize) offices around the world, as well. Their network, and historical practices of helping and caring for others, are something I'd like to join with vis-a-vis WUaS ahead. (Indeed, at Friends' General Conference in Rhode Island this July, where I was an official WUaS exhibitor, I spoke to Shan Cretin, the current head and general secretary of the AFSC for 15 minutes about WUaS, and she was very receptive; she's coming to Palo Alto Friends' Meeting for a gathering about World Peace this Sunday, as well, and I hope to talk with her again then). So, informal centers are an idea worth exploring further, while keeping free-to-students, MIT-centric WUaS forever in mind. (UC Berkeley started, as I understand it, free, then charged tuition, and couldn't turn back, back in the 1870s, 1880s, etc). And since MIT OCW is also CC, WUaS will further develop CC open educational resources, and eventually for free, online degrees. (And WUaS may be able also to contribute significantly to such a vision as World Peace, like the AFSC, and in a Friendly manner, as well).
Thanks again for the orchestrating the Center for American Studies' "Concord Convocation" in early July. And hope to see you and P soon.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Spine-cheek anemonefish: Hi Scott -- what is World University & School?
Hi Scott -- what is World University and School?
Hi R,
World University and School is a startup university and school, like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare / edX / MITx / HarvardX. With a MIT OCW academic focus, WUaS is 1) a wiki platform for open teaching and learning, planned for all 3,000-8,000 languages and greater than 200 countries, and 2) is also planning free, online, bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, in as many languages and countries as possible, accrediting in California with the same organization that accredits Stanford and Berkeley, for example, to start, on MIT OCW. WUaS is planning for its first, online, matriculating, bachelor's degree class in 2014, using and building on the Conference Method, - - as used at Reed College, in Google + group video hangouts, for example.
Hi R,
WUaS dates from around 2007 (from a conversation in a "Society and Information Technology" course I was teaching on Harvard's virtual island in SL), incorporated in 2010, got 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in 2011, and its second wiki, at Wikia, just began a few years ago (2009-ish), and its third wiki via Wikidata, as backend (written with Wikipedia's 285 languages in mind), is imminent.
WUaS is planning to matriculate our first bachelor's degree class in English in 2014 based loosely on a Reed College, undergraduate model (32 required courses, distribution requirements, required Freshman Humanities, junior qualifying exams, a senior thesis, plus a required, Freshman biology class with a programming component, for all), ideally with MIT professors in Google + group video hangout-like spaces, and with WUaS-hired graduate students from great universities ( learning to become professors and facilitating the conference method. WUaS is planning for our first, matriculating Ph.D. class in 2015, based on MIT's approach to Ph.D.s, our first law class in 2016 (ideally Harvard Law-centric) and our first M.D. class in 2017 (ideally Harvard Medical School-centric). WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed, and STEM-focused, vis-a-vis MIT OCW. WUaS would like our first, matriculating, foreign language, MIT-centric, Ph.D. degree class to begin in 2015.
In terms of Reed College, there's a lot of potential for graduate degrees at WUaS for Reedies, especially, in these early years ahead, but WUaS is too new for Reed to have used it yet in any way, per your question.
What do you do at MIT and Harvard?
Hi Scott -- what is World University and School?
Hi R,
World University and School is a startup university and school, like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare / edX / MITx / HarvardX. With a MIT OCW academic focus, WUaS is 1) a wiki platform for open teaching and learning, planned for all 3,000-8,000 languages and greater than 200 countries, and 2) is also planning free, online, bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees, in as many languages and countries as possible, accrediting in California with the same organization that accredits Stanford and Berkeley, for example, to start, on MIT OCW. WUaS is planning for its first, online, matriculating, bachelor's degree class in 2014, using and building on the Conference Method, - - as used at Reed College, in Google + group video hangouts, for example.
Hi R,
WUaS dates from around 2007 (from a conversation in a "Society and Information Technology" course I was teaching on Harvard's virtual island in SL), incorporated in 2010, got 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status in 2011, and its second wiki, at Wikia, just began a few years ago (2009-ish), and its third wiki via Wikidata, as backend (written with Wikipedia's 285 languages in mind), is imminent.
WUaS is planning to matriculate our first bachelor's degree class in English in 2014 based loosely on a Reed College, undergraduate model (32 required courses, distribution requirements, required Freshman Humanities, junior qualifying exams, a senior thesis, plus a required, Freshman biology class with a programming component, for all), ideally with MIT professors in Google + group video hangout-like spaces, and with WUaS-hired graduate students from great universities ( learning to become professors and facilitating the conference method. WUaS is planning for our first, matriculating Ph.D. class in 2015, based on MIT's approach to Ph.D.s, our first law class in 2016 (ideally Harvard Law-centric) and our first M.D. class in 2017 (ideally Harvard Medical School-centric). WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed, and STEM-focused, vis-a-vis MIT OCW. WUaS would like our first, matriculating, foreign language, MIT-centric, Ph.D. degree class to begin in 2015.
In terms of Reed College, there's a lot of potential for graduate degrees at WUaS for Reedies, especially, in these early years ahead, but WUaS is too new for Reed to have used it yet in any way, per your question.
What do you do at MIT and Harvard?
Monday, August 6, 2012
Scalefin anathial: What's the deployment plan for languages 10 through 285 (number of Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?), WUaS Universal Translator
Wikitechians and Wikidatans {Wikimedians},
It's exciting that the Hungarian Wikipedia folks will be first to deploy in Wikidata, and the Italian Wikipedia people may be the second!
What's the deployment plan, for languages 10 through 285 (number of Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?)
Is there a Meta Wiki deployment page for all languages, paralleling this -
What's the current state of email lists / wiki pages for all of Wikipedia's 285 language communities? (Wikipedia is now in 285 languages, as of August 2012 -
In this deployment process, would a 7,358 language-deep, universal translator, or security questions, in TOR, for example, as part of Wikipedia, influence deployment in any heretofore unforeseen ways?
World University and School is planning for all 3000-8000 languages, each as a wiki page to begin: WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, with free, online degrees planned.
World University and School also plans to deploy in Wikidata, and in all 3,000-8,000 languages, each a wiki, subject page / school, to begin. WUaS bases this range on "The Ethnologue" - - which now says they have 6,909 languages, whereas Wikipedia says they have 7,358 languages - WUaS also plans to facilitate the development of an universal translator - - building on Google Translate and others.
So many languages, and as wikis, is wondrous ... :)
Hungarian and Italian Wikipedia rock!
Scott / Aphilo
2012/8/5 Scott MacLeod:
> What's the deployment plan, for languages 10 through 285 (number of
> Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in
> terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?)
Beyond the first few Wikipedias we plan to allow deployment on all
other Wikipedias more or less simultaneously. There is no reason not
to do so, so once it works on the first few Wikipedias it should work
on all. We know that this is wishful thinking and will monitor closely
once we do that.
For now, we do not intent any impact of Wikidata on the creation of
Wikipedias in further languages, a process which firmly rests with the
language committee.
> Is there a meta wiki deployment page for this?
> What's the current state of email lists / wiki pages for all of Wikipedia's
> 285 language communities?
You can find them here, as far as available:
You will see that many languages don't have their lists yet.
> World University and School is planning for all 3000-8000 languages, each as
> a wiki page to begin: .
I wish you all the best luck with your plans!
Wikitechians and Wikidatans {Wikimedians},
It's exciting that the Hungarian Wikipedia folks will be first to deploy in Wikidata, and the Italian Wikipedia people may be the second!
What's the deployment plan, for languages 10 through 285 (number of Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?)
Is there a Meta Wiki deployment page for all languages, paralleling this -
What's the current state of email lists / wiki pages for all of Wikipedia's 285 language communities? (Wikipedia is now in 285 languages, as of August 2012 -
In this deployment process, would a 7,358 language-deep, universal translator, or security questions, in TOR, for example, as part of Wikipedia, influence deployment in any heretofore unforeseen ways?
World University and School is planning for all 3000-8000 languages, each as a wiki page to begin: WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, with free, online degrees planned.
World University and School also plans to deploy in Wikidata, and in all 3,000-8,000 languages, each a wiki, subject page / school, to begin. WUaS bases this range on "The Ethnologue" - - which now says they have 6,909 languages, whereas Wikipedia says they have 7,358 languages - WUaS also plans to facilitate the development of an universal translator - - building on Google Translate and others.
So many languages, and as wikis, is wondrous ... :)
Hungarian and Italian Wikipedia rock!
Scott / Aphilo
2012/8/5 Scott MacLeod
> What's the deployment plan, for languages 10 through 285 (number of
> Wikipedia languages) through 7,358 (per "The Ethnologue"), particularly in
> terms of developing community email lists (graduate students?)
Beyond the first few Wikipedias we plan to allow deployment on all
other Wikipedias more or less simultaneously. There is no reason not
to do so, so once it works on the first few Wikipedias it should work
on all. We know that this is wishful thinking and will monitor closely
once we do that.
For now, we do not intent any impact of Wikidata on the creation of
Wikipedias in further languages, a process which firmly rests with the
language committee.
> Is there a meta wiki deployment page for this?
> What's the current state of email lists / wiki pages for all of Wikipedia's
> 285 language communities?
You can find them here, as far as available:
You will see that many languages don't have their lists yet.
> World University and School is planning for all 3000-8000 languages, each as
> a wiki page to begin: .
I wish you all the best luck with your plans!
global university,
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Mantis shrimp: Developing ... wiki World University & School, like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, in ALL Languages and Countries, for free, MIT OCW/edX/MITx/HarvardX-centric, bachelor (2104), Ph.D., law, and M.D. degrees, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math vis-a-vis MIT) focus, WUaS Music School
Developing ... wiki World University & School, - -
like Wikipedia with MIT OCW,
in ALL Languages and Countries,
for free,
MIT OCW / edX / MITx /HarvardX-centric,
bachelor (2104), Ph.D., law, and M.D. degrees,
STEM (science, technology, engineering and math vis-a-vis MIT) focus,
WUaS Music School,
with online jamming, free, open 'Music Playing Spaces' in Google + Hangouts,
see the WUaS Blog - -
and the 'global university' label at my blog, too - ... ...
with an invitation to wiki teach and learn
here, now, openly ... in what you like ... ...
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