Dear Universitians,
I've added 'Not endorsed by MIT OCW' - to the following pages at WUaS - -
WUaS's G+ profile page ( ) - -
WUaS's G+ company profile page ( ) - - - - -
Subject Template page which updates the other 601 wiki pages at WUaS - .
I've also add this to many of WUaS's and my signatures in email.
I've added 'Not endorsed by MIT OCW' in response to MIT OCW External Relations' Director Steve Carson's email below, and this is the important paragraph from it in regards to the use of the MIT name -
"I do feel as though you are in dicey territory with respect to MITs use of name policy, which is also part of our terms of use. You should take great pains to indicate that the program is not endorsed by MIT or MIT OpenCourseWare, and to avoid using MIT trademarks. You should attribute them materials as required by the license, and can make factual statements regarding your use of the materials, but anything that looks like using the MIT name to imply our endorsement will draw scrutiny" -
which does seem to leave open the use of MIT OCW in a factual way in our very first ad in the Quaker "Western Friend" magazine.
Cathy Casserly, Larry Lessig and Diane Peters were all carbon-copied in mine and Steve's email.
Steve took me (and WUaS, by extension) out to lunch at MIT in January 2012.
The above are the main pages at WUaS presently, and am attaching one of the flyers upon which you'll find this for you to share, if you'd like to.
All the best,
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- Tel. 415 480 4577 - P.O. Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- -
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare (not endorsed by MIT OCW) - is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt, educational organization.
Google + main, WUaS page:
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
Hi Universitians,
I've included MIT OCW External Relations' Director Steve Carson's email below, and this is the important paragraph from it in regards to the use of the MIT name -
"I do feel as though you are in dicey territory with respect to MITs use of name policy, which is also part of our terms of use. You should take great pains to indicate that the program is not endorsed by MIT or MIT OpenCourseWare, and to avoid using MIT trademarks. You should attribute them materials as required by the license, and can make factual statements regarding your use of the materials, but anything that looks like using the MIT name to imply our endorsement will draw scrutiny" -
which does seem to leave open the use of MIT OCW in a factual way in our very first ad in the Quaker "Western Friend" magazine.
Cathy Casserly, Larry Lessig and Diane Peters were all carbon-copied in Steve's email.
Steve took me (and WUaS, by extension) out to lunch at MIT in January 2012.
Please let me know what you think.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- Tel. 415 480 4577 - P.O. Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare - is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt, educational organization.
Google + main, WUaS page:
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: World University & School worldunivandsch@scottmacleod.
To: "Stephen E Carson" scarson@MIT.EDU
Sent: Fri 31/05/13 12:52 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: WUaS Creative Commons' licensing questions vis-a-vis BPPE
Thanks for your email and helpful information, as External Relations' Director of MIT OCW.
BPPE California state approval requires some kind of institutional charges be paid to an educational organization (WUaS) seeking approval, and suggested possibly charging for "completion verification documents," in lieu of tuition, for example, since WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed and would like to accredit on C.C. licensed, great Open Course Ware, in general.
In WUaS's all-country focus (204+ per the Olympics), and especially for Africa, the developing world, and very poor countries, (and with plans for all 7,105+ languages, each a wiki page to begin; Wikipedia is in 285 languages, by way of comparison) WUaS would plan, as we begin to accredit - potentially in most countries for university degrees - to make diplomas available online for free, with the option to print them from WUaS for a charge. As WUaS proceeds with accrediting with various agencies, such as WASC senior (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and possibly nationally in the U.S.A. with DETC (Distance Education Training Council), WUaS will probably have to decipher various similar requirements, for which your email is particularly potentially helpful.
WUaS will add to our relevant web pages that the wiki, WUaS program, with our focus on great universities' OpenCourseWare, and Creative Commons' licensed OER, - see these universities in particular ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.
Thank you again.
Best regards,
P.S. I'm adding Diane Peters, Creative Commons' general counsel, to this email.
On Thu 30/05/13 4:56 AM , Stephen E Carson scarson@MIT.EDU sent:
Scott,If you are charging for printing of diplomas, and not for printing of MIT OCW materials, then this is not a concern. As long as your use of our materials themselves is in accordance with our terms of use--and users can freely access them, and know they can get to them on our site, all is well from the license perspective.I do feel as though you are in dicey territory with respect to MITs use of name policy, which is also part of our terms of use. You should take great pains to indicate that the program is not endorsed by MIT or MIT OpenCourseWare, and to avoid using MIT trademarks. You should attribute them materials as required by the license, and can make factual statements regarding your use of the materials, but anything that looks like using the MIT name to imply our endorsement will draw scrutiny.Hope this is helpful.
Steve CarsonExternal Relations DirectorMIT OpenCourseWareOne Broadway, 8 th floorCambridge, MA 02142Ph: 617.253.1250 | Cell: 617.633.4659Sent from mobile device.
Dear Larry, Cathy and Steve (as external relations' director of MIT OCW),
Greetings from the SF Bay Area.
I'm writing with a Creative Commons' licensing question vis-a-vis
a) C.C. licensed World University and School (which became incorporated in California in 2010 and received 501 c 3 tax exempt status in 2011, but which hasn't yet begun the accreditation process, for which CA state Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education - BPPE - approval is a first step),
b) C.C. MIT OCW (which WUaS is planning to accredit on, first with BPPE and then with WASC senior), and
c) the BPPE in the state of California, and California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009, which has a requirement of an "institutional charge" for an educational organization such as WUaS, a startup university, in seeking initial, state approval.
If WUaS charged nominally for printing its planned university and high school (I.B) diplomas (but perhaps not for WUaS's digital diplomas), would WUaS not be in accordance with Creative Commons' licensing, either of, for example, MIT OCW, in terms of their 'commercial clause' - - or WUaS's less defined C.C. licensing, as you understand, (and are developing), the implications of particularly 'non-commercial clauses' in C.C. licensing (or any other relevant clauses), in this new form of licensing / law.
The chief of the BPPE, Laura Metune, recently wrote to WUaS:
"The requirement for institutional charges does not specify an amount; there is nothing in statute or regulation that would require the charges to be above a nominal amount paid to the institution to cover, for example, the cost of printing completion verification documents."
As WUaS seeks to receive initial, BPPE approval, and then accredit with WASC senior (Western Association of Schools and Colleges), as a Creative Commons' licensed, online, startup, MIT OCW-centric university, - with plans to accredit on C.C. MIT OCW - could WUaS ask a nominal fee for printing documents and still be in accordance with the non-commercial clause, for example, in MIT OCW's C.C. licensing terms (which will probably be a basis for the development of WUaS's)?
Thank you.
World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare)
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt, educational organization.
P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516
415 480 4577
Skype: scottm100
Google + main, WUaS page: 108179352492243955816/posts
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card: .
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.