Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Aquatic Warbler: I've added to WUaS this "Tagesschau" German newspaper Google Plus conversation about the German "Abitur" high school exam and making it the same in 6 German states so that the results would be comparable, This conversation is very relevant to WUaS which plans to offer a C.C. MIT OCW High School-centric International Baccalaureate (IB) degree online in many languages and countries … and would like to compare the results as a conversation about learning, as well, WUaS Universal Translator

I've added this "Tagesschau" German newspaper Google Plus conversation about the German "Abitur" high school exam and making it the same in 6 German states so that the results would be comparable … 

 … … 
(Google Plus will translate this conversation) ...

to World University and School's 

'Assessment and Grading at WUaS as Part of Conversation in Learning' … … and 


(which is the beginning of a MIT OCW-centric Germany World University and School) … … 

wiki, Subject pages … 

See, too: "Längeres Abitur kostet bis zu 81 Millionen Euro" (Prolonged high school can cost up to 81 million euros) -

This conversation is very relevant to WUaS which plans to offer a C.C. MIT OCW High School-centric International Baccalaureate (IB) degree online in many languages and countries …

 … and would like to compare the results as a conversation about learning, as well. 

Here's the actual reference on the above pages:

(Das länderübergreifende Abitur ist gestartet. 2014. [ Das länderübergreifende Abitur ist gestartet: Erstmals werden Schülern in sechs Bundesländern teils identische Aufgaben gestellt. Ziel ist es, die Anforderungen vergleichbar zu machen. Was halten Sie davon?]. (Tageschau German newspaper Google Plus conversation about the German "Abitur" high school exam and making it the same in 6 German states so that the results would be comparable). (Google Plus will translate this conversation).

And here's the reference to this blog entry, which I'm also adding: 

MacLeod, Scott. 2014. [ Aquatic Warbler: I've added this "Tagesschau" German newspaper Google Plus conversation about the German "Abitur" high school exam and making it the same in 6 German states so that the results would be comparable, This conversation is very relevant to WUaS which plans to offer a C.C. MIT OCW High School-centric International Baccalaureate (IB) degree online in many languages and countries … and would like to compare the results as a conversation about learning, as well]. April 16. Canyon, CA: 

Such Google Plus translations are relevant to World University and School's plans for a 

Universal Translator ...


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