Monday, October 27, 2014

Amygdalus species: "Language Identification" capabilities to help boost Watson on BlueMix and ...?, Grand Challenge of "Language Identification," IBM Watson, Google & Artificial Intelligence, Resources emerging here at Artificial Intelligence at WUaS (first in English, then in other languages):, Exciting to develop early World University and School with Artificial Intelligence

"Language Identification" capabilities to help boost Watson on BlueMix? ...

How best to boost "Language Identification" capabilities in Watson on BlueMix?

At MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, planned for 7,106+ languages, WUaS would like to help boost Watson on BlueMix "Language Identification" capabilities too.

WUaS is also trying to anticipate interfacing with MediaWiki (like Wikipedia with the new Wikidata/Wikibase). I think it would make more sense possibly to build WUaS within the MediaWiki/qLabel/Wikipedia/Wikicommons/Wikidata/Wikibase/ and especially SemanticWiki framework/platform (but this may not be easy) with this key and central WUAS "SUBJECT TEMPLATE" - - which informs nearly all current 679 wiki pages at WUaS, and inter-lingually, with qLabel.

This early seed phase of WUaS might also be a time, Jim Spohrer, IBM Global University Director, to think about anticipating, and building in, language data sets, Watson, Cognitive Computer and algorithms.

As a Grand Challenge, what would all of you suggest for "Language Identification" capabilities to help boost Watson on BlueMix?

(You'll find the above here: International Society For Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) - - and here - Cognitive Systems Institute - Thoughts about this "Language Identification capabilities to help boost Watson on BlueMix" Grand Challenge? Please email Thank you, Scott (


IBM Watson (and Bluemix), introduced by IBM CEO Ginni Rometty:

Replay: IBM Watson Group Launch Event Jan. 9 in New York


Google & Artificial Intelligence: 


Resources emerging here at Artificial Intelligence at WUaS (first in English, then in other languages):

Exciting to develop early World University and School with Artificial Intelligence.



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