Saturday, January 10, 2015

Apricot: Minutes for Jan 10 2015 Monthly Business Meeting (and Agenda) for World University and School

January 10, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting Minutes for World University and School

Present: Larry Viehland, Scott MacLeod (head clerk and recording clerk)

(Jan 10, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School:

Minute –

CC WUaS will no longer use the CC MIT OCW name, but instead use words like "great universities' OpenCourseWare," or "highest quality STEM CC OpenCourseWare," or “best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare” to characterize WUaS, and also as WUaS accredits with the state of California via BPPE. See this MIT OCW-WUaS licensing clarification correspondence from yesterday, January 9, 2015 -  (In addition to planning to accredit on great STEM-centric OCW for online degrees in many large languages and most countries, what CC WUaS seeks to do also is create a wiki around highest quality sharable CC OpenCourseWare, such as CC MIT OCW and CC Yale OYC).

Minute –

WUaS plans to develop our main page - - probably with WordPress while developing a database of Universitians, including 
- adding a sample OCW lecture, e.g. Anand Agarwal
- guidestar label 
- integrating with Wikidata
- planning for certificates and degrees at WUaS, like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare

Minute –

AFSC Hive Meeting Spaces will continue to meet at AFSC / SFFM in San Francisco on 9th Street on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-12 ... All are welcome

Minute -
Scott will meet at AFSC / SFFM on Monday January 12 with Linda S about developing Zapotec languages at WUaS, and in Zapotec languages themselves ...

January 10, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting Agenda for World University and School

World University and School
{Open} Business Meeting – Agenda (hour-long meeting)
Saturday, January 10, 2015
9 a.m., Pacific Time

Email here if you'd like to participate:

1. Welcome and Greetings

1.1 News:

NEWSFLASH: In preparing the state of California's BPPE initial accreditation documentation based on MIT OCW -, the first undergraduate degrees WUaS is planning to offer are the Bachelor of Science degrees in a) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; b) General Science, and c) General Engineering, with more degrees to come.

WUaS will be giving a Reed College Paideia class on January 17th and 18th, as well as an outreach presentation to the Quaker Multnomah Monthly Meeting in Portland, OR, on January 16th. Here's the Reed College course description:

- MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School: How Reedies can wiki-teach here and eventually develop WUaS as interns

A Paideia course on how Reedies can teach and develop Creative Commons’ licensed WUaS, which is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, in wiki-subjects that they love. This course will share in a hands-on manner 1) how to curate, edit, add to and develop a WUaS wiki subject page to develop further expertise in that area, 2) how to start a new WUaS wiki subject page as a creative opportunity, 3) how to begin teaching in a Google + group video Hangout and 4) possibly in 3D interactive virtual worlds, if there’s interest and time.

Friendly MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki (editable web pages) World University and School presentation to MMM Friends, especially teens interested in free online college 

In this presentation and as a kind of Friendly leading, I'll share with Multnomah Friends particularly about the free planned undergraduate MIT OCW-centric degrees at startup Quaker-informed wiki online World University and School - (see the FGC video here for further information) - as well as other free Friendly creative wiki teaching and learning opportunities. Sharing and Q&A time in the second half of the hour. 

WUaS is planning to submit its curriculum this month to the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) in the state of California, if WUaS can raise the $5,000 fee as a tax-exempt donation this month. This is WUaS's main initial step to accreditation. Your donations are much appreciated.

Questions - for Peter B. Use of Name Office at MIT ... use of actual CC OCW course names in submitting courses to accrediting agencies?

Are these CC materials that are free use as course names? Can we use the course names?

Curriculum is now something concrete ...

start with certificate programs ... eventually turn this into degree programs via BPPE ...


WUaS Information Technologies and Data Plan is developing, with WUaS technical lead questions, the semantic web, artificial intelligence, machine learning and IBM Watson/BlueMix

and my own blog -

At this upcoming monthly business meeting, WUaS will adopt a new budget; if there's further significant activity by this autumn, we'll revise this budget.  


Thank you for joining the World University and School team. WUaS would like to invite you to participate in our hour-long, monthly, business meeting on Saturday, January 10th, beginning at 9 a.m., PST / 12 noon EST. 

This month we'll meet in Free Conference Call. 

The Free Conference Call number is - (605) 562-0020 - and the 
Access Code is - 369-349-832.

The agenda for the upcoming January 10th, 2014 WUaS, monthly, business meeting is here - .

1.2 Minutes

2. Committees

2.1 Planning committee

see Master plan and Business plan below


2.2 Finance

Treasurer's report for December 2015


2.3 Information Technology

CC MIT OCW has asked CC WUaS to move away from having advertising on our WUaS pages with CC MIT OCW courses on them, such as are on the Wikia wiki pages where WUaS is currently hosted - as soon as possible. 


WUaS needs to develop our main page - - probably with WordPress while developing a database of Universitians
- adding sample lecture
- guidestar label 
- integrating with Wikidata
- plan for certificates with "Best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare"


Per MIT OCW's request, WUaS also needs to move to CC Wikidata / Wikibase / MediaWiki et. al. accessing WikiCommons - as soon as possible.

- integrating with
- plan for certificates with "Best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare"


Per MIT OCW requests January 9, I've updated key licensing and name questions on CC WUaS's key wiki "SUBJECT_TEMPLATE" - - which should eventually "pipe through" to all WUaS wiki pages in all 7,000 + languages as WUaS begins to develop inter-lingually and grow in Wikidata/Wikibase.


From Jim S. at IBM: 
University faculty who are accessing Watson's free APIs and doing
interesting things in student projects are getting preference for IBM faculty awards.   Do you have faculty and students who can access those free APIs on Bluemix and do interesting projects?  For example, one of the APIs does language identification.  If I find any faculty interesting in helping with WUaS, I will let you know.

2.4 WUaS Outreach


Spring 2015 planning

- plan for certificates - "Best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare"
- plan for degree programs
- what can we do without the $5000?

- apply to BPPE and pay initial fees - getting on the web sites

- apply to WASC senior and pay initial fees -

- apply to Common Application and the NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) - in January 2015

- staff member Kathy H?


January 17 and 18, 2015 at Reed College:

- MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School: How Reedies can wiki-teach here and eventually develop WUaS as interns


January 16, 2015 at Multnomah Monthly Meeting, the unprogrammed Quaker Meeting in Portland, Oregon:

Friendly MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki (editable web pages) World University and School presentation to MMM Friends, especially teens interested in free online college 

offer sampler course from "Best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare"

show Anand Agarwal's first video talk from "Circuits and Electronics"?

put this video example on WUaS's website for outreach on the main page that a visitor would stumble across ... in lieu of "student life" ...

make it foolproof ...

2.5 Hiring planning

2.6 Fundraising

- Laura M. ?

2.7 Nominating committee

Seeking committee members, facilitators and recorders

2.8 Languages' and Countries’ committee

Meeting at AFSC / SFFM on Monday January 12 at 9 am with Linda S about Zapotec languages ...

- add resources

- start in Zapotec - first non-English language page at WUaS?

2.9 Accreditation committee

Consideration of BPPE degree program drafts, thanks to Larry, and after hearing from MIT OCW yesterday

- Scott - BPPE forms - question marks in red

WASC senior

Common Application / NACAC - how to get on their list of schools? Costs?

Become member of NACAC for Common Application


NEWSFLASH: In preparing the state of California's BPPE initial accreditation documentation based on MIT OCW -, the first undergraduate degrees WUaS is planning to offer are the Bachelor of Science degrees in a) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; b) General Science, and c) General Engineering, with more degrees to come.

- WUaS can no longer use language such as "accreditation documentation based on MIT OCW" ... per MIT OCW

3. WUaS Master Plan

4. WUaS Business Plan

5.  WUaS Board

- is looking for a new Board member, or Quaker Meeting, to focus WUaS fundraising

6. New WUaS pages and updates

a. Updates:

b. New pages:

Zapotec_languages -

Semantic_Web -

Identity -

Space_Law -

c. Blog entries:

Riccia species: "University faculty who are accessing Watson's free APIs and doing interesting things in student projects are getting preference for IBM faculty awards," Free IBM Watson Developer Cloud APIs, Artificial_Intelligence, Educational_Software, Languages (planned for all 7000 plus), Modeling, WUaS_Universal_Translator

Rowan berries: Licensing clarification from MIT OCW for WUaS, Highest quality STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare WUaS, MIT OCW's email and WUaS's reply

Star Thistle: Tolkien film … JRR Tolkien '1892-1973' - A Study Of The Maker Of Middle-earth ... with many interviews of his son, Christopher, "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings," the Harbin warm pool, and World University and School, each as "source"?, New Year's Harbin field notes, Added this video and related conversation from Google + Creative Writing wiki page/school at WUaS -

Epilobium: Harbin, Pool heating - {for Watsu, water shiatsu, for home?}, Want to sing more, and just for learning, and eventually sharing?

Silene species: Holistic terms and conditions ... and for WUaS? Thanks, MIT OCW Terms, Admissions at WUaS, Honor Principle, Education, Start a new Subject wiki page at WUaS, How and why I add images from NATURE and evolutionary biology to this blog

Abies nebrodensis: January 10, 2015 Monthly Business Meeting for World University and School - Thank you!

Picea omorika: WUaS Presentation and Courses at Reed College's Paideia (, and Multnomah Monthly Meeting, the unprogrammed Quaker Meeting in SE Portland in January, Ways in which WUaS is Quaker-informed

Senecio: Playing piano - ideas, and doing it too, J.S. Bach piano playing Youtubes at WUaS's Bach page, John Palfrey talking in this inspiring panel and including about Andover Academy (the "Harvard" of high schools), Sal Khan, Khan Academy and digital dashboards, A computer application for feedback at WUaS for flourishing technically and happiness-wise in learning?, A teacher might be a parallel sharer of feedback, Creative time here creating WUaS ... :)

Calendula species: WUaS technical lead questions and the semantic web, artificial intelligence and IBM Watson, WUaS Information Technologies and Data Plan

Salvia officinalis: Exploring writing a ballad birthday poem, "Demeter-Ma" ... Growing loving bliss, Connecting, harmonizing, nurturing and sharing a way ... and later in singing, song and music ...

Saponaria: Dear Angela & Victor, P, A & L, Yoga, For a kind of bliss generation, I'm looking forward to music-making in the New Year, Loving bliss label in my blog, Harbin ethnographic manuscript, Liking your blog posts Angela and Victor ...

Ribes species: Instruction for graduate students to become teachers, and now online in group video conferencing, (and even with developing A.I. information technologies?), Reed College's conference method extended ... to all academic courses, including and especially STEM and science courses?, Music performance classes too? WUaS would like to explore doing this online in group video and explicitly for a) science courses, b) the interactivity with teachers, and c) especially for the connecting with faculty

Rhamnus: Thank you so very much for your $ tax-deductible donation to MIT OCW-centric World University and School. What a nice surprise yesterday! I've added your name to "Acknowledgement of Giving to WUaS" ... Tourism Studies at WUaS

Melaleuca species: How to best incentivize the main "Research" focus - - and in all 7106+ languages and 240 + countries at MIT OCW centric WUaS?, Really making a difference with their research and publishing, Stanford Economics' Professor Nicholas A. Bloom, WUaS seeks to model the development of its various online accrediting universities on unprogrammed Quaker Meetings' distributed monthly meeting process ... worldwide ... so not very hierarchical at all, yet also where clerks of these WUaS meetings play a facilitating role, including in incentivization for research

Verticordia plumosa and species: What is most fun in music-making fun? And how to build on this? video examples of this? ... eventually ... * And how to build on this explicitly for eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology in many many qualities of bodymind biochemistry ... ?

Radula jonesii and species: MELTDOWN AT THREE MILE ISLAND, Documentary Of 1979 Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident, where my father had been installed as Secretary of Health 12 days earlier, WUaS's Nuclear Science and Engineering, World University Law School

Pears and blossoms: Exploring guiding an a cappella singing group of friends somewhat improvisation-ally and heading explicitly even toward exploring eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology via music-making?, Continuing to explore thinking out of the box ... with a focus of inquiry on eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, here, for example ... And online, in real, real time, with time? Here are some virtual choir examples from composer Eric Whitacre ...

Asiatic lion: Happy Holidays, and Poetry from 2014, too!

Populus species: WUaS would like to design into our online open wiki schools the spirit of Cuttyhunk from the CYC song, for example ... "So give three cheers for Cuttyhunk, Our spirits all are free ... ' , Sailing, How to generate in the information technology design {building on online educational successes already} for a kind of WUaS freedom of spirit, and flourishing, that many kids have experienced learning to sail on Cuttyhunk

Pleurotus nebrodensis: Reed College's Paideia in Jan 2015, Teaching a course about WUaS there, WUaS is planning to go the CC free route as a CC MIT OCW-centric wiki, "This Country Just Abolished College Tuition Fees"

Pleiomeris canariensis: Call for chapters to a new book "Digital Kenya | The new generation of entrepreneurs", Kenya World University and School, New "select call for chapters" section on the main WUaS SUBJECT TEMPLATE wiki page for open editing -

Picconia excelsa: BPPE (state of California initial accreditation), MIT OCW Audio-Video courses - , Posted below a list of MIT OCW audio-video courses to submit to the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) in the state of California, and as the first step for WUaS accreditation in English, "Admissions" at WUaS, There are a lot of engineering, STEM and business courses here, and California gets MIT for free

Pau-bronco: Just heard a fascinating Artificial Intelligence's IBM Watson talk, Asked "how could I engage Watson to ask what can I ADD to a particular WUaS wiki article or to a MIT OCW course," What AI and machine learning can "POINT TO" is Linked Open Data, Add AI to our online WUaS bookstore planned for all 7,106 languages and 242 countries, Adding AI to virtual worlds, and for the making of virtual Harbin as part of a virtual earth? Find a donor to offer a matching grant, say $1 for every reference which someone wiki-adds to a WUaS page?

Myrica: Reed College Solstice party conversation and WUaS overview, 2 wings - a) Wiki schools in 7,106+ languages and b) CC MIT OCW-centric university degrees, "WUaS Universal Translator," "Music School," "Future" wiki subjects at WUaS, WUaS is planning to leave our current Wikia wiki ... and WUaS is planning to offer free (since CC) online degrees per, for example, "This Country Just Abolished College Tuition Fees" ...

Aquilegia columbine: Added 4th Business Plan prong under Strategies at WUaS Guidestar page - Academic_Press_at_World_University_and_School ... fifth prong is lessons around CC Music School, Bookstore / Computer Store (New & Used) at WUaS

Moehringia: "Love" in loving bliss - and generatively? ... Some characteristics of love in its best senses, Here are some wiki schools for this at WUaS - Caring and Loving - and Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology), {And how would agency as intentional causation (in philosophical senses) work vis-a-vis generating the "love" in loving bliss and in contemporary society and with information technology?}

Minuartia: Growing online face-to-face community, "Making Distance Students part of the Harvard Community!", developing online face-to-face real time classes to facilitate online related community - You at World University," "Admissions_at_World_University_and_School#World_University_and_School_Links," Russian language WUaS

Milkwort (Polygala): Minutes for Dec 13 2014 WUaS open monthly business meeting - Thank you!

Annual Appeal, Open WUaS monthly business meeting, tomorrow 12/13 at 9am PT

7. SF f/Friends/Quaker WUaS developments

January 16, 2015 at Multnomah Monthly Meeting, the unprogrammed Quaker Meeting in Portland, Oregon:

Friendly MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki (editable web pages) World University and School presentation to MMM Friends, especially teens interested in free online college 

AFSC Hive Meeting Spaces will continue to meet at AFSC / SFFM in San Francisco on 9th Street on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-12 ... All are welcome

Meeting at AFSC / SFFM on Monday January 12 with Linda S about Zapotec languages ...

8. Closure

9. Next Meeting - Saturday, February 14, 2015, 9 am Pacific Time

Scott MacLeod

President and Head Clerk

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization, both effective April 2010.



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