Sunday, January 18, 2015

Steam rising: where there's steam, there could be warm pools, Non- Alternative / Bohemian / Hippie / Beat feminine norms, from America?, We held our own course reading from Wikipedia, with a really interesting conversation :)

Hmmm, Kai, 

There's steam rising from the hot tub warm pool outside Chloe's front balcony ... where there's steam, there could be warm pools ... can't fly down there, don't know its guidelines for use, don't have a swimming suit, but could ubi sub ubi (lit., where under where ... or, here, wear underwear) ... Chloe's asleep, and I haven't showered yet ... hmmm Kai, what to do on this rainy cold January morning in Portland, Oregon (just across SE Steele Street and 30th from Reed)? Wander through doors and gates?

Hmmm, Kai, There's steam rising from the warm pool outside Chloe's front balcony ... near Reed.



I know it's too late, but YES go for it!!!! That hot tub is not in use enough!!! I'd be there every night, but not these girls. What's up with that? Modesty? Insecurity? ???????,???  Did chloe sign up for your workshop? She better have...



Non- Alternative / Bohemian / Hippie / Beat feminine norms, from America? ... Chloe said she's coming to my WUaS workshop ... :)

Ah, modernity ...

Hi from the basement of Eliot Hall where the fungus workshop facilitator didn't show up, but there were a bunch of young Reedies all sitting around ... and we held our own course reading from Wikipedia, with a really interesting conversation :)




Consumerist society seems to be a significant aspect of life in Portland, in Oregon, and all along the west coast (and as the information technology revolution continues to unfold), I'm observing while traveling ...  as the influences from the 1960s and '70s and '80s (when we studied at Reed) - of the questioning of this authority of consumerism in modernity, for example - seem to drift into the past, yet Portland still seems pretty progressive in its "woodwork." :)

Nice to visit with Chloe, and I'm glad she came to the WUaS talk ( at Reed yesterday :)




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