Thursday, January 1, 2015

Salvia officinalis: Exploring writing a ballad birthday poem, "Demeter-Ma" ... Growing loving bliss, Connecting, harmonizing, nurturing and sharing a way ... and later in singing, song and music ...

Exploring writing a love ballad birthday poem that might get to "loving bliss," eventually with music ...
Sung to the Grateful Deads's Peggy-O - - to start ... for its meter and ideas-for-rhyming ... but this poem has assumed a more open exploratory form ... and am still exploring this ... 

May sing this further into ballad form ...


Loved to travel home and connect with ma mère
over this past Christmas and New Year,
to share.
So nice to be together in Pennsylvania state
Thanks for your nurture, love and care -
'tis really great!

Taking off for California, and leaving ma mère,
Our communicating changes back to "distance patterns," -
not so great!
Ma mère and I connect in oneness of being together ...
with understanding
Kindness, care and love in proximity
with thoughtful communication,

Let's try, ma mère, a regular video chat per time from afar.
And I hope you can return to sleep a little this morn, 
after your kind airport ride. And Happy New Year!
Connecting with harmony, nurturing with love - 
Takes a good ear.

Yea, Eliot, I went east - sometimes I'm really way over in India -
for the holidays. But Penna and my mother were great ...
Am grateful for the love of, and for, ma mère -
a great pairbondage. 
Ma, thanks for your nurturance and connecting, 
a kind of magic wand.

Pairbondage, John Money's word here , via these ideas, 
would love too to explore even marrying musical Athena or Artemis ... 
Connecting, harmonizing, nurturing and sharing a way
Thanks for your nurturance and connecting, day after day.

Baby steps is this regard ... A birth date with Athena? Dear Meg 
Happy Holidays! I just returned from Pittsburgh yesterday
(where I think you have some roots too), and came back to the SF Bay Area
here and there
Connecting, harmonizing, nurturing and sharing a way.

Christmas with my mother was great
but unfortunately my brother wasn't there, yet I'm glad
he was with his girlfriend who works in Thailand
but is based in Maine, and has a place 3 blocks away in Portland.

Looking forward to music-making in the New Year
(on Monday evenings, I play a kind of second piano -
mostly bass lines in left hand with thirds in my right presently -
to the main piano player who is great :),

for Scottish Country Dancers, n Berkeley, in beautiful St. Clements'
Episcopal Church hall near the Claremont,
as well as on the Scottish small pipes with this open band, and in other ways as well.
This Scottish Music is so melodic. 

Connecting, harmonizing, nurturing and sharing a way
Greetings to your folks. How were your Christmas and holidays?
Did you travel anywhere interesting like to India
(which we both visited last year around this time, Athena -
here's the India label in my blog - - for your reading enjoyment :).

What did you like about India, Demeter and Athena?
I sing about connecting here ... pairbondage, love and care, 
of birthdays and nurturing and growing loving bliss, as a pair,
Connecting, harmonizing, nurturing and sharing a way ... 


Some links about ballads as form ...


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