Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Oreostemma alpigenum: Why is (or can be) Yoga so mind-expanding, do you think, - & re questions of consciousness (Harvard psychology/philosophy wise - what is consciousness, and how does it work? - but also conceptually India-wise)? ... where consciousness as awareness isn't, for example, reconcilable re the first (e.g. subjective experience - what you say, feel, and remember) and third person perspectives (e.g. what scientists neurologists, study, measure and model) ... and could we begin to explore these questions of how consciousness works anew in a realistic virtual earth for brain science ... am thinking Google Streetview with time slider with Tom Dean's brain modeling and at the atomic and cellular levels with an algorithm of quantum computing approach ... and by building out / making ... Communication itself about consciousness can be mind-expanding * * * J.S. Bach: The Violin Concertos ... Pt Nikhil Banerjee- Raga Latangi * * * Related wiki subjects at World Univ & Sch: Consciousness - Psychology - Philosophy - Classical Indian Music - India - Yoga - Johann Sebastian Bach

Why is (or can be) Yoga so mind-expanding, do you think, - & re questions of consciousness (Harvard psychology/philosophy wise - what is consciousness, and how does it work? - but also conceptually India-wise)?

... where consciousness as awareness isn't, for example, reconcilable re the first "I said" (e.g. subjective experience - what you say, feel, think, and remember etc) and third person "she he it observed and said" perspectives (e.g. what scientists, neurologists, brain scientists study, measure and model) ...

and could we begin to explore these questions of how consciousness works anew in a realistic virtual earth for brain science ... am thinking Google Streetview with time slider with Tom Dean's brain modeling and at the atomic and cellular levels with an algorithm of quantum computing approach ... and by building out / making ...

And, I find it fascinating how communication itself can expand one's understanding of consciousness - what a Yoga teacher talks about using a remarkable language of consciousness (often divine related) with roots in India, or how a piece of music communicates a kind of self-reported experience of expanded consciousness.

Communication itself about consciousness can be mind-expanding

and I'm curious where and how one might begin to observe this scientifically in the brain as well as modeling-wise ... when someone is reporting related conscious experiences.

Oreostemma alpigenum: Why is (or can be) Yoga so mind-expanding, do you think, - & re questions of consciousness (Harvard psychology/philosophy wise - what is consciousness, and how does it work? - but also conceptually India-wise)?, Bach Violin Concertos ~

https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1103008619543420930 -


You might enjoy these (very beautiful) Bach violin concertos: "J.S. Bach: The Violin Concertos" -

J.S. Bach: The Violin Concertos 

https://youtu.be/_ioc6sdgugo. And have you listened to much raga? (Am an appreciator of Nikhil Bannerjee's raga particularly from the '60s and '70s in Amsterdam and Berkeley (not sure why this is so) - & am just beginning to listen to this one -

Pt Nikhil Banerjee- Raga Latangi 

https://youtu.be/LAOxKBV8IkI - for the first time, and it's nice).

* * * 

Related wiki subjects at World Univ & Sch:

Consciousness -

Psychology -

Philosophy -

Brain_and_Cognitive_Sciences -

Brain Computer Interface -

Classical Indian Music -

India -

Yoga -

Johann Sebastian Bach -


* * *

Do you think the Doobie Bros' "LIsten to the Music" could also refer to inhaling, Patti and Barbara? :)


How to bring a kind of conception of consciousness explicitly into my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small piping CD ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/02/gobies-scott-macleods-honey-in-bag-cd.html ... (which word doesn't mean that much, for example, Duane Allman and Eric Clapton's amazing Studio Jam (1970) - 
https://youtu.be/9u_HmIg6V4M - but which album expresses an incredible duet of rock and roll inexplicit expression of consciousness in some ways), ... but possibly more like raga (with its explicit conceptions of consciousness from India explored in the music, I'd suggest) and in wondrous ways ... and possibly as a way to explore thinking through how "consciousness" - as awareness - works in the brain (and even across species - how far down the phylogenetic tree is not something I'll explore here) .. eventually doing this brain modeling in a realistic virtual earth ... e.g. https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/oreostemma-alpigenum-why-is-or-can-be.html (re Nikhil Bannerjee's raga here) ... and bringing 1st and 3rd person singular together ... And while Scottish piping doesn't engage the language of consciousness explicitly, in the way that I think Indian raga does, musically, there's much "Honey in the Bag" creative potential here and re a kind of Scottish understanding. But I also have in mind a musicality and lyricalness and expressive music that's moving ... jiggling the neurons re awareness in terms of a series of tones ... and observable even re brain / bodymind modeling.

Just searched on "consciousness in Angela and Victor's yoga" and found many mentions of awareness in this article - http://wildyogi.info/en/issue/interview-angela-farmer-and-victor-van-kooten-unique-way - from Angela. I suppose we could eventually begin to study Angela's inner body wanderings in such a modeling of consciousness series of unfolding questions and science. 

Re the interesting image (2 people running and mirroring upside down a trotting horse, the man's feet with the horse's hind legs, and the woman's feet with the horse's front legs, MAN running after the WOMAN) on the back of your Cavalia T-shirt Barbara, I looked them up, and found -
- and - 

Nice to see you both yesterday evening, and thanks for the hug Patti!

Warm musical cheers, Scott
https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1103070373224996864 -

* * *

You both are pretty 'content' I'd say, Barbara and Patti, ... and which is a Yoga word (a 'niyama' ) ... and which is relevant for Yoga / India thinking about consciousness too I think. ... now re the Web?

Contentment here too in these Yoga Anjali Hippy Notations ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html :)



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