"Online MD psychiatry planned
(psychiatry for #QuakerMeetings from Friends' Hospital
https://friendshospital.com 215-831-4600 https://asylumprojects.org/index.php/Friends_Hospital #NontheistFriends) #CoronaVirusCOVID19 Psychiatry > https://psychiatrictimes.com/psychiatrists-beware-impact-coronavirus-pandemics-mental-health #WUaSPsychiatry ~"
Online MD psychiatry planned @WorldUnivAndSch >https://t.co/IXojOiQPGU— Scott_MacLeod_WUaS (@scottmacleod) March 7, 2020
(psychiatry for #QuakerMeetings from Friends' Hospitalhttps://t.co/hAAmkoMhAj 215-831-4600 https://t.co/v9gXAEBMEX #NontheistFriends) #CoronaVirusCOVID19 Psychiatry > https://t.co/I8iDSxXWXC #WUaSPsychiatry ~
Hi Mary, David (who is/was SFFM Board Member), Anita, Non-theist Friends, Jerry, Brig, Caleb (MD), Chris (former SFFM clerk), Rolene, Eric, NtFs, and Agnostic Quakers, Atheist Friends/Quakers, f/Friends, Family,
As a member of the RSOF, and with non-theist Friendly leanings, and having had a person from San Francisco Friends/Quaker Meeting (SFFM) say he was from Ministry and Counsel ask to meet me in a park for hiking along Skyline Drive in Oakland to talk on behalf of this committee, mention another woman in SFFM Quaker Meeting who was also on this committee (re legitimacy or collaborator even???), and then proceed to tell me his erotic fantasies for kids (his niece/nephew pulling his pants down - which hints at incest too), I don't know if I think Online Quaker Meetings would help prevent against such a subculture among Friends/ Quakers. He seemed also to be seeking to invite me onto this committee, or possibly similarly 'corrupt" or 'co-opt'??? me. And then, in a related vein which psychiatry would potentially help with I think, - observing a young person come on sexually to me, and onto another young person, I again don't know whether online Meetings would be protective to Friends / Quakers / individuals, newly in the context of the 'National Emergency' regarding the novel coronavirus (which may have many subtexts regarding protection of Americans, for example) that the US government declared yesterday, if such issues as I mention above aren't addressed by excellent psychiatrists, and potentially in a Quaker vein. There are other related issues I whistle-blew about at SFFM 2 or so years ago, and never addressed. (I realize there may have been mitigating circumstances with people from other countries involved at SFFM, and who may have been psychotic - as Friend Brigitte Alexander, touched on in an email to me a month or two ago ), that compounds these issues, for example. But I am concerned that SFFM and PYM as well haven't addressed these issues in a way that psychiatry could offer help for. (Brig's husband, George Alexander MD, was a brilliant psychiatrist, and with a fair amount of experience with Quaker Meetings and Quakers too, albeit an atheist, but has since passed away, and both Friends Caleb Alexander MD, as well as his mother Brig might have some good ideas in these regards and concerning finding a good psychiatric team and similar). There are some other instances of sexual misconduct with kids which I observed at SFFM I'm not mentioning here.
So, I hope that the SF Quaker Meeting, and Pacific Yearly Meeting (and any other related Quaker Meetings - FGC, etc.?), can try (excellent) psychiatry, and regarding the law (state and federal), as well as management by the Boards of SFFM / PYM / FGC (realizing that not all Quaker Meetings have Boards). And I have the sense that these Meetings have not addressed their issues with sexual misconduct with children, for example. CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch is planning online psychiatry - and in all ~200 countries' official and main languages - but WUaS isn't there yet. For the time being, there's the ongoing potential to call Friends' Hospital in Philadelphia (it's the oldest continuously operated mental hospital in the US, since 1813, and is still operated in the manner of Friends in one way or another, I think) for assessments. Here's a related Tweet that's been posted for a week or two:
"Online MD psychiatry planned
(psychiatry for #QuakerMeetings from Friends' Hospital
https://friendshospital.com 215-831-4600 https://asylumprojects.org/index.php/Friends_Hospital #NontheistFriends) #CoronaVirusCOVID19 Psychiatry > https://psychiatrictimes.com/psychiatrists-beware-impact-coronavirus-pandemics-mental-health #WUaSPsychiatry ~"
Online MD psychiatry planned @WorldUnivAndSch >https://t.co/WVSmQmbi7g— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) March 7, 2020
(psychiatry for #QuakerMeetings from Friends' Hospitalhttps://t.co/A3VfmZsQrw 215-831-4600 https://t.co/vzRlLqjxIw #NontheistFriends) #CoronaVirusCOVID19 Psychiatry > https://t.co/lpkkWEAqJq #WUaSPsychiatry ~
( https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1236333540075163648?s=20
https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1236332250020458496?s=20 )
And again I'm very very impressed with adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Karriem Salaam http://fox29.com/good-day/355005577-video… and I'd think that Friends' Hospital has many excellent and skillful psychiatrists. A Tweet from 9 Sep 2018:
"How to prepare your kids for life on their own ahead of college - from Friends Hospital in Philadelphia, one of America's oldest hospitals:
Dr. Karriem Salaam gives some tips on preparing your children for life on their own. http://fox29.com/good-day/355005577-video … > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School … ~"
How to prepare your kids for life on their own ahead of college - from Friends Hospital in Philadelphia, one of America's oldest hospitals:— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) September 19, 2018
Dr. Karriem Salaam gives some tips on preparing your children for life on their own. https://t.co/XSDc9ptVFm > https://t.co/kIntwUgV5E ~
Since a National Emergency was called yesterday at the US federal level with regards to the 'corona' meme (replicating cultural unit), I wonder too whether there might an opportunity anew to begin addressing these Meetings' issues beginning early next week - potentially to the great benefit of the parties involved. Friends' Hospital's phone number again is 215-831-4600 for assessments.
(Thanks, Mary, for your online Meeting links, as well as for your Western Friends' Magazine email yesterday - https://mailchi.mp/d70bf38461d4/annual-report-fy2018-western-friend-6244620?e=002edc1fb4 ).
Friendly greetings, Scott
And here are 7 recent blog posts containing much about the novel CoronaVirus COVID-19, some of which are partially related:
Sexual selection in birds - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/sexual-selection-in-birds-thanks-to.html
Coronavirus - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/coronavirus-from-richard-dawkins-heres.html
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
7:10 PM (2 hours ago)
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Dear Brig & (son) Caleb Alexander (MD), Mary (editor of Western Friends' Magazine, an organ of west coast yearly meetings, and a friend), David (who is/was SFFM Board Member), Anita, Non-theist Friends, Jerry, Chris (former SFFM clerk), Rolene, Eric, NtFs, Atheist Quakers, Friends, Family, Ed Smyth MD at KP, and Jim O'Donnell MD at KP (but whose email may be incorrect - and who has great kids Emma and Audre) and Gabriel Ehri (editor of Friends Journal), All Quakers,
I'm writing to further follow up on my concerns about misconduct with children in the SF Quaker Meeting, and possibly in PYM, as well as in other Quaker organizations (FGC?, New England Yearly Meeting, PFM? ... ),
And it's partly out of this discourse that I think progress might be advanced. I've begun a blog entry today/yesterday in these regards - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/pan-troglodyte-pan-paniscus-online-md.html .
Brigitte, and Caleb (MD), thanks for your email today to me, about your thoughts for responding to sexual misconduct with children (as paraphilia potentially - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovemap ), for example, in Quaker Meetings, which I've added below. And thanks for acknowledging explicitly that it occurs in Quaker Meetings (an important first step in psychiatry, I understand), and naming the pathology (or ? ... a better term than sexual misconduct or paraphilia?), I think some might say. And since you came from Germany at age 4 to Quakers in Philadelphia, and attended Quaker schools, and then MIT, I appreciate your perspective as a refugee (and Holocaust survivor as well) especially. I'll add that I've felt like a refugee from a deeply wrong-doing SF Quaker Meeting at times in recent years, and wonder how to protect innocent children there into the future. Perhaps we can all develop a conversation about how to stop this situation among Friends, at SFFM, and even as a kind of, or expression, Quakerly conscientious objection. And I'm learning also about approaches to such issues for MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School - about how to stop situations that potentially harm people, and turn them into victims? Further thoughts, all? And I do think of this as a psychiatric issue (protecting children from sexual predators), rather than an issue of autonomy of Quaker Meetings (which you suggest today, Brig), that can be addressed best and to the benefit of many parties by excellent psychiatry. By calling Friends Hospital out of the state of California and asking for an assessment, I think there's much potential to protect kids in a way that might not be possible by seeking medical support in the SF Bay Area.
Brig, to refresh your memory about what you wrote on Friday, December 13, 2019, here's a quote:
... and I've included both of your emails Brig, in their entirety too below - and both of which are about the SF Quaker Meeting, I think as well.
So, again, and regarding assessments from Friends' Hospital, or similar, and regarding both US federal law, and CAlifornia state law, - and potentially even Kaiser Permanente or similar, Jim, and Ed. And please see too -
How to prepare your kids for life on their own ahead of college - from Friends Hospital in Philadelphia, one of America's oldest hospitals:
Dr. Karriem Salaam gives some tips on preparing your children for life on their own. http://fox29.com/good-day/355005577-video … > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School … ~"
Dr. Karriem Salaam gives some tips on preparing your children for life on their own. http://fox29.com/good-
Since a National Emergency was called on Friday, March 13, 2020, at the US federal level with regards to the 'corona' meme (replicating cultural unit), I wonder too whether there might an opportunity anew to begin addressing these Meetings' issues beginning early next week - potentially to the great benefit of the parties involved. Friends' Hospital's phone number again is 215-831-4600 for assessments. I'm concerned with protecting Quaker kids (and regarding one ~10 year old, D.S., for example, who looked abused when I knew him in First Day School at SFFM, but for which I don't have evidence).
(And thanks, Mary, for your online Meeting links, as well as for your Western Friends' Magazine email yesterday - https://mailchi.mp/d70bf38461d4/annual-report-fy2018-western-friend-6244620?e=002edc1fb4 ). Thank you.
Friendly greetings, Scott
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Sun 3/15/2020 10:20 AM
Hello Scotty,
I gather you are well and continuing your pursuits on the West Coast.
Re the latest one, about pedophilia in Quaker meetings, I can't recall what I wrote before but here are some thoughts now:
1. Each Meeting is autonomous and every situation is different - thus there is unlikely to be a universal solution.
2. A Meeting first has to be alerted to a problem and try to determine whose problem it is, the person's or the Meeting's.
3. Depending on that, there are usually local resources that can be marshaled to address the problem.
4. Friends Hospital has undergone many changes since the 80's when all three of our kids worked there for a year. It is no
longer a Quaker, free standing institution but part of one of the larger medical systems. That does not preclude it having
able staff, but that similar able staff exists in S.F. No reason to call F.H.
5. If you think this is a special problem of Quaker meetings you could try writing an article for the Friends Journal and see if the editors agree.
6. Personally I think this situation exists in many areas of our society. Most parents try to teach their children how to protect
themselves against exploitation, unwanted touching, etc.
7. In Pittsburgh Meeting adults who have contact with the children are screened. I don't know the full protocol.
Have you seen your mother's new home ? Moving is such a big job.
All the best, Brigitte
Friday, December 13, 2019
Hi Brig, thanks, and seems like too that psychoanalysis at the same time could be of benefit to the intensely conflicted, who might also be perpetrating sexual misconduct toward kids in QuAker Meetings and re organized pedophilia even (about which I blew the whistle) - with potential significant harm to kids. (Am not sure whether this would be called psychosis or not).
Good wishes for 2020, and Season's Greetings,
Some related links:
How effective is Lacanian psychoanalysis?
From this one example we can see that the insistence of the Lacanian on psychoanalysis as a kind of insoluble existential crisis could be understood as brave, extremely liberal and even subversive: for the Lacanian, what society wants just fades away, it has no currency.
From this one example we can see that the insistence of the Lacanian on psychoanalysis as a kind of insoluble existential crisis could be understood as brave, extremely liberal and even subversive: for the Lacanian, what society wants just fades away, it has no currency.
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On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 8:50 AM Scott MacLeod <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Brig, and Caleb,
> (Caleb & Martha Johnson Alexander <galexan9@jhmi.edu>)
> Nice to hear from you, Brig, and thank you for your email. Would you think swimming or Yoga asana (eg standing poses) would be more advantageous for wobbly wellness, and especially if genetic therapies make it possible to live beyond the 122 years of Jeanne Calment, the oldest documented known French woman? (See, too - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity ).
> The language and practices of psychiatry as applied to Quaker Meetings, and other religious organization has much merit to my way of thinking. But whether it be psychosis or pedophilia in Meetings, or churches, or mosques or synagogues, etc., it seems valuable to my way of thinking to seek to protect kids from becoming victims, when possible. (As I was writing this, my smart phone's emergency alert system went off for the first time in what seems like a few years - not sure why in the real time connectivity of the internet). And I write this as a whistle-blower about such issues in the SF Quaker Meeting (in 2017).
> Am interested in an ongoing way how psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis, newly online, could of help to both victims and perpetrators, as well as be studied for efficacy in new ways (since psychoanalysis could be the only therapeutic modality that works, when nothing else works in the psychiatric 'tool kit,' including talk therapy, re the value of language as information technologies between bodyminds). (And World Univ & Sch is interested in doing academic research into some of these questions - especially the efficacy of Lacanian psychoanalysis, online, but also psychiatry in many ways and in many languages).
> Season's Greetings to you as well, Brig. And congratulations on your growing extended family. Am glad to say I just sent the 4th book I've written "To the dance or the pools? ~ Virtually! ... " to the publisher. It's in review, and should be public in 72 hours! :) (.... https://www.amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity ...) Am heading to Pgh over Xmas and to DC soon thereafter to visit extended family with my mother. Will you all be together over Xmas at Crosslands?
> With good wishes for 2020, and Season's Greetings, Scott
> Scott
> Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
> To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~ scottmacleod.com
> scott-macleod.blogspot.com
> --
> Scott MacLeod
> http://scottmacleod.com/
> World University and School
> http://worlduniversityandschool.org/
> P.O. Box 442,
> (670A Ridgecrest Road),
> Canyon, CA 94516
> 415 480 4577
> scott@scottmacleod.com
> Skype: scottm100
> ________________________________
> From: gitte234@verizon.net <gitte234@verizon.net >
> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 6:17 PM
> To: scottmacleod100@hotmail.com <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com >
> Subject: troubles in meetings
> Scott,
> Meetings having problems with a psychotic or troublesome individual is nothing new. It happened in Pgh Meeting and
> others that I have heard of. Usually the Meeting community has the resources among its members to figure out
> the best course of action or non-action. Sometimes local law enforcement has to be called in (rarely). ....It has
> nothing to do with psychoanalysis and can't be resolved long-distance. - so pull in your antennae !
> Season's greetings to you, Scott. I hear you will be in Pgh for Christmas - maybe the last time in the house in which
> you grew up. I'm wobbly well and the extended family is well too. Becca became a grandmother recently and I a
> great -grandmother.
> Good wishes for 2020.
> Brigitte
> (Caleb & Martha Johnson Alexander <galexan9@jhmi.edu>)
> Nice to hear from you, Brig, and thank you for your email. Would you think swimming or Yoga asana (eg standing poses) would be more advantageous for wobbly wellness, and especially if genetic therapies make it possible to live beyond the 122 years of Jeanne Calment, the oldest documented known French woman? (See, too - https://scott-macleod.
> The language and practices of psychiatry as applied to Quaker Meetings, and other religious organization has much merit to my way of thinking. But whether it be psychosis or pedophilia in Meetings, or churches, or mosques or synagogues, etc., it seems valuable to my way of thinking to seek to protect kids from becoming victims, when possible. (As I was writing this, my smart phone's emergency alert system went off for the first time in what seems like a few years - not sure why in the real time connectivity of the internet). And I write this as a whistle-blower about such issues in the SF Quaker Meeting (in 2017).
> Am interested in an ongoing way how psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis, newly online, could of help to both victims and perpetrators, as well as be studied for efficacy in new ways (since psychoanalysis could be the only therapeutic modality that works, when nothing else works in the psychiatric 'tool kit,' including talk therapy, re the value of language as information technologies between bodyminds). (And World Univ & Sch is interested in doing academic research into some of these questions - especially the efficacy of Lacanian psychoanalysis, online, but also psychiatry in many ways and in many languages).
> Season's Greetings to you as well, Brig. And congratulations on your growing extended family. Am glad to say I just sent the 4th book I've written "To the dance or the pools? ~ Virtually! ... " to the publisher. It's in review, and should be public in 72 hours! :) (.... https://www.amazon.com/
> With good wishes for 2020, and Season's Greetings, Scott
> Scott
> Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
> To a global, virtual, free, open, {future degree- & credit-granting}, multilingual University & School for the developing world and everyone, as well as loving bliss ~ scottmacleod.com
> scott-macleod.blogspot.com
> --
> Scott MacLeod
> http://scottmacleod.com/
> World University and School
> http://
> P.O. Box 442,
> (670A Ridgecrest Road),
> Canyon, CA 94516
> 415 480 4577
> scott@scottmacleod.com
> Skype: scottm100
> ______________________________
> From: gitte234@verizon.net <gi
> Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 6:17 PM
> To: scottmacleod100@hotmail.
> Subject: troubles in meetings
> Scott,
> Meetings having problems with a psychotic or troublesome individual is nothing new. It happened in Pgh Meeting and
> others that I have heard of. Usually the Meeting community has the resources among its members to figure out
> the best course of action or non-action. Sometimes local law enforcement has to be called in (rarely). ....It has
> nothing to do with psychoanalysis and can't be resolved long-distance. - so pull in your antennae !
> Season's greetings to you, Scott. I hear you will be in Pgh for Christmas - maybe the last time in the house in which
> you grew up. I'm wobbly well and the extended family is well too. Becca became a grandmother recently and I a
> great -grandmother.
> Good wishes for 2020.
> Brigitte
* * *
Nation states' borders start popping up newly ... and ...
in terms of thinking through further implications of the novel novel #CoronaVirusCOVID19 meme ...
Hi, Bill,
Thanks for your email, and moi aussi.
Here's a follow up on the containment idea, regarding law, and nation states too ...
With novel #CoronaVirusCOVID19 are all ~200 nation states & their developing law structures getting a jump start, thus containing potentially aggressive nations? Did this #Corona #ViralMeme event successfully contain US, China, Russia etc as nation states https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States?
With novel #CoronaVirusCOVID19 are all ~200 nation states & their developing law structures getting a jump start, thus containing potentially aggressive nations? Did this #Corona #ViralMeme event successfully contain US, China, Russia etc as nation states https://t.co/LRKdU7cdv4?— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) March 15, 2020
Cheers, Scott
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