Friday, September 30, 2022

White-throated needletail: Camped out near a corn field in Iowa, in driving across the US from the SF Bay Area to western Pennsylvania on an asylum journey ...


Arrived in Pittsburgh PA around 11pm ET, in driving across the US from the SF Bay Area to western Pennsylvania on an asylum journey ... 


Incubate @WorldUnivAndSch in 200 countries' main languages @sgkmacleod & all 7k languages @WUaSPress too @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for #FreeToStudents' CC4 -centric degrees 2 with #WUaSAvatarBots as speakers of 7k langs in #WUaSMetaverse w #GTranslate ~


7151 #Languages in #Metaverse

7151 #Languages in #Metaverse w #GTranslate ~ incubate @WorldUnivAndSch in 200 countries' main languages @sgkmacleod & all 7k languages @WUaSPress too @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for #FreeToStudents' CC4 -centric degrees 2 w #WUaSAvatarBots as speakers of


Incubate @WorldUnivAndSch
 in 200 countries' main languages @sgkmacleod & all 7k languages @WUaSPress too @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for #Freetostudents' CC4 -centric degrees 2 with #WUaSAvatarBots as speakers of 7k langs in #WUaSMetaverss w #GTranslate~



Incubate @TheOpenBand for #RealRealTime #MusicMaking & the #AllInstruments' in all 7k languages (@sgkmacleod) @WorldUnivAndSch in 200 countries' #WUaSDataCenters iterating for speed too @Google at #BakerySquare for #Freetostudents' #WUaSDegrees in music?


All people free universal education end poverty 

@WorldUnivAndSch INCUBATION w @GoogleAI #PghPA? 1) CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU-centric #FreeUniversalEducation degrees #Wiki for 2) 7.9 billion Peop. 2) 3) #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics #AgingReversal #WUaSLongevityGenetics?

* * * 

SF Bay Area, California to Pittsburgh PA

Hi Ma, Larry, All,

Screenings from Iowa. I'll potentially be in Pittsburgh this evening Ma, and All, on this Asylum journey, and am considering traveling to Cuttyhunk this weekend or midweek to get a few further things for the winter. Please too be very very careful too, Ma 

Friendly regards, abolition-ally, warmly, Scott

Just texted my mother last night + 

Hi Ma, How are you and how was your week? Was in Wyoming near Sarasota Hobo Hot Springs this morning in a National Forest, and am in eastern Iowa 772 miles away, having  begun driving around 5am PT in Wyoming due to the cold ... Interesting day but I'm tired ... Another 12 hour driving time day tomorrow, Friday, to start a storage unit on Saturday o. Pgh and return the truck in the afternoon. Interesting Tweets regarding Incubating World Univ & Sch  too ... :)    1 ) Incubated @WorldUnivAndSch by @Google ? at #BakerySquare for 1 year? 1) CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric free degrees w CC4 'CS First w Google #WUaS' #WUaSGoogleEducation for #MSCHE #WUaSAccreditation 2) #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics in #StreetView w #TimeSlider +

 ...2 ) Incubate @WUaSPress #WUaSEducationalSevicesStores by @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) as auth. carrier of 3 #WUaSLegoRobotics Kits w #TensorStore #WUaSRobotStores #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics in #StreetView w #TimeSlider 2) #WUaSAcademicPress in 7k langs  #GDocs #GTranslate~

... & 3 ) Incubate @HarbinBook #PhysicalDigital Physical #HarbinSimulacra & #RealisticVirtualHarbin #WUaSEthnography & for #FieldSite Generation w @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for Soaking #VirtualSoaking & Hanging Out, 2) in #StreetView w #TimeSlider w #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy #wuAsVR~

Tweets to all 6 Twitters - 

Incubated @WorldUnivAndSch by @Google ? at #BakerySquare for 1 year? 1) CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric free degrees w CC4 'CS First w Google #WUaS' #WUaSGoogleEducation for #MSCHE #WUaSAccreditation 2) #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics in #StreetView w #TimeSlider +

Need an activity for #WorldSpaceWeek? No need to planet! 

Launch a satellite, return rock samples, activate communications and more with these interstellar lessons:


Incubate @WUaSPress #WUaSEducationalSevicesStores by @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) as auth. carrier of 3 #WUaSLegoRobotics Kits w #TensorStore #WUaSRobotStores #RealisticVirtualEarthForLegoRobotics in #StreetView w #TimeSlider 2) #WUaSAcademicPress in 7k langs  #GDocs #GTranslate~

Introducing TensorStore, an open-source C++ and Python library designed for storage and manipulation of n-dimensional data, which can address key engineering challenges in scientific computing through better management and processing of large datasets.

No pic


Incubate @HarbinBook #PhysicalDigital Physical #HarbinSimulacra & #RealisticVirtualHarbin #WUaSEthnography & for #FieldSite Generation w @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for Soaking #VirtualSoaking & Hanging Out, 2) in #StreetView w #TimeSlider w #EthnoWikiVirtualWorldGraphy #wuAsVR~


Before and After. @harbinhotspring #HarbinHotSprings #ValleyFire

And may add a few further related Tweets re languages, music, and similar to @sgkmacleod @TheOpenBand @scottmacleod ... 

* * * *



Incubate @WorldUnivAndSch in 200 countries' main languages @sgkmacleod & all 7k languages @WUaSPress too @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for #FreeToStudents' CC4 -centric degrees 2 with #WUaSAvatarBots as speakers of 7k langs in #WUaSMetaverse w #GTranslate ~


7151 #Languages in #Metaverse

7151 #Languages in #Metaverse w #GTranslate ~ incubate @WorldUnivAndSch in 200 countries' main languages @sgkmacleod & all 7k languages @WUaSPress too @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for #FreeToStudents' CC4 -centric degrees 2 w #WUaSAvatarBots as speakers of


Incubate @WorldUnivAndSch
 in 200 countries' main languages @sgkmacleod & all 7k languages @WUaSPress too @Google at #BakerySquare? 1) for #Freetostudents' CC4 -centric degrees 2 with #WUaSAvatarBots as speakers of 7k langs in #WUaSMetaverss w #GTranslate~




All people free universal education end poverty 

@WorldUnivAndSch INCUBATION w @GoogleAI #PghPA? 1) CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU-centric #FreeUniversalEducation degrees #Wiki for 2) 7.9 billion Peop. 2) 3) #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics #AgingReversal #WUaSLongevityGenetics?


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