Free CC4
OCW.MIT.EDU -centric degrees @WorldUnivAndSch w new #WUaSaccreditation potential w #MSCHE w CC-4 LICENSED '#CSFirst #WithGoogle AT WUaS' & #GoogleEducation platforms may bring in 1000s more students for Free Bach PhD Law MD IB degrees
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Teachers deserve a thank you always. We're grateful for the impact teachers have made with #CSFirst and #CodeWithGoogle

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Co-Working Space at the Carnegie Library regarding CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric Wiki World University and School?
Scott MacLeod <> |
| Mon, Sep 19, 7:15 PM (18 hours ago)
| | |
to Larry, Claudia, Janie, Susan, John, styranj |
Dear Jen, (Richard, All),
Thanks so much for all the helpful information. Am excited that these opportunities exist, and Work CC-4
OCW.MIT.EDU -centric On-line Free Wiki World University and School will explore further. Am curious to create a growing WUaS community of people in Pittsburgh PA libraries who might be interested in free online degrees and Wiki people to people education, as well as regarding prospective Pittsburgh students who might be interested in free to students' Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, & IB degrees online from home.
I am curious about the Meeting room at the top of the stairs on the front of the building too. Is that available? And would or might holding a WUaS meeting in the Cafe be possible and announcing this too? My question is how to grow a great flourishing WUaS community somehow engaging further Carnegie Library - Main and other branches ' process.
As I think through further details regarding a Co-Working together space and Carnegie and other public libraries in Pgh - and thanks to your email - am wondering if it might be possible to hold and announce an outreach space, and meeting time even, on a regular basis when there might be many students (potentially high achieving students) in the building, and seek to develop this over time to make it successful for prospective matriculating students as well as volunteering to be WUaS Wiki Teaching and Learning and Editing the whole array of WIKI subject pages at Work World University and School -
Am reaching out also to Google in Bakery Square REGARDING WUaS and Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate as classrooms, and a Co-Working Space - and especially regarding Google Education Groups' India and for Indian students for Free to students' WUaS Bachelor degrees which courses might be of interest to prospective Pittsburgh students ... And such WUaS-Google Education collaboration further (WUaS is already in Google Education & classroom since 2015) ... could dovetail remarkably with reaching out to students and their parents for Free MIT OCW-CENTRIC degrees, in the Carnegie Library - Main and possibly in other branches too, as well as to volunteers and interested learners.
Found this video of you - and focusing on Pittsburgh. Glad it's online.
Will explore a possible initial time in some of these regards perhaps after I come back from moving my things back from California in early October, and with an initial reservation potentially in a most public space in the Main library somehow (in the Cafe?) when most people who might be interested are visiting the library.
Am also wondering how WUaS might be able to create online University libraries in collaboration with public libraries in the USA and such as the Carnegie Library in Oakland and those around the country too - (possibly in collaboration with Google Books even).
Thanks again so much,
In my moving from the SF Bay Area to Pgh, a New Accreditation opportunity for MIT OCW-CENTRIC WORLD UNIV AND SCH is emerging, a please see video -
Dear Larry and Kim,
WUaS just received the MSCHE accreditation video recording -
- from a week ago as mentioned in their emails.
Possible Accreditation study group, for we 3 to begin, biweekly, in person and online?
Monday, 9/19/22 recording of open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, 10 am ET
WUaS seeks to develop ~200 online world class #UniversityLibraries
in @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to develop ~200 online world class #UniversityLibraries in all ~200 countries in their main languages but also in all 7151 living languages, to support Free to students CC4
OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #WUaSDegrees, how can #MachineLearning help?
In a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries,
Scott MacLeod <>
Mon, Sep 19, 7:15 PM (18 hours ago)
to Larry, Claudia, Janie, Susan, John, styranj
Dear Jen, (Richard, All),
Thanks so much for all the helpful information. Am excited that these opportunities exist, and Work CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric On-line Free Wiki World University and School will explore further. Am curious to create a growing WUaS community of people in Pittsburgh PA libraries who might be interested in free online degrees and Wiki people to people education, as well as regarding prospective Pittsburgh students who might be interested in free to students' Bachelor, PhD, Law, MD, & IB degrees online from home.
I am curious about the Meeting room at the top of the stairs on the front of the building too. Is that available? And would or might holding a WUaS meeting in the Cafe be possible and announcing this too? My question is how to grow a great flourishing WUaS community somehow engaging further Carnegie Library - Main and other branches ' process.
As I think through further details regarding a Co-Working together space and Carnegie and other public libraries in Pgh - and thanks to your email - am wondering if it might be possible to hold and announce an outreach space, and meeting time even, on a regular basis when there might be many students (potentially high achieving students) in the building, and seek to develop this over time to make it successful for prospective matriculating students as well as volunteering to be WUaS Wiki Teaching and Learning and Editing the whole array of WIKI subject pages at Work World University and School -
Am reaching out also to Google in Bakery Square REGARDING WUaS and Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate as classrooms, and a Co-Working Space - and especially regarding Google Education Groups' India and for Indian students for Free to students' WUaS Bachelor degrees which courses might be of interest to prospective Pittsburgh students ... And such WUaS-Google Education collaboration further (WUaS is already in Google Education & classroom since 2015) ... could dovetail remarkably with reaching out to students and their parents for Free MIT OCW-CENTRIC degrees, in the Carnegie Library - Main and possibly in other branches too, as well as to volunteers and interested learners.
Found this video of you - and focusing on Pittsburgh. Glad it's online.
Will explore a possible initial time in some of these regards perhaps after I come back from moving my things back from California in early October, and with an initial reservation potentially in a most public space in the Main library somehow (in the Cafe?) when most people who might be interested are visiting the library.
Am also wondering how WUaS might be able to create online University libraries in collaboration with public libraries in the USA and such as the Carnegie Library in Oakland and those around the country too - (possibly in collaboration with Google Books even).
Thanks again so much,
In my moving from the SF Bay Area to Pgh, a New Accreditation opportunity for MIT OCW-CENTRIC WORLD UNIV AND SCH is emerging, a please see video -
Dear Larry and Kim,
WUaS just received the MSCHE accreditation video recording -
- from a week ago as mentioned in their emails.
Possible Accreditation study group, for we 3 to begin, biweekly, in person and online?
Monday, 9/19/22 recording of open World Univ & Sch WUaS News and Q&A, 10 am ET
( & see too: @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress & wiki in all 7k languages @sgkmacleod > ~
WUaS seeks to develop ~200 online world class #UniversityLibraries
in @WorldUnivAndSch seeking to develop ~200 online world class #UniversityLibraries in all ~200 countries in their main languages but also in all 7151 living languages, to support Free to students CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric #WUaSDegrees, how can #MachineLearning help?
In a #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries,
develop ~200 online world class @WorldUnivAndSch #UniversityLibraries in all ~200 countries in their main languages with #NationalLibraries & #GoogleBooks project > ?
Also, see -
* * *
Co-Working Space at Bakery Square regarding CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -centric Wiki World University and School?
Dear Ma, Peter Norvig, Reshma and GEG PUNE AND India, All,
Am taking a chance and reaching out to Sundar Pichai, Peter Norvig, and Google Education Groups India and friends on Twitter -
Here are 3 past Bakery Square @Google Pittsburgh PA WUaS News and Q A recordings -
Again from a few hours ago -
"Dear Ma Pin Larry Viehland CFO ALL,
Well, I took the plunge and inquired about Work World University and School getting Co-working space in the Google office at Bakery Square (REGARDING too for example working together with Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records plus).
A little uncertain about how to do so, after talking about this in this morning 's WUaS News and Q A -
- I went into the 'formidable management office door' at Bakery Square, talked with a nice woman at the front desk, who said that the Google office was through the other nearby door outside, and to press the black button to talk with the receptionist there. She buzzed me in, and I said I was from MIT OCW -centric wiki World University and School, interested in Co- Working together, and left my name and (Google Education) email address (mentioning that this is a Google email), and the receptionist there said the manager of Google Pittsburgh office would get back to me at her convenience via email.
Appreciating relatively 'staid' Pittsburgh:)
Stay tuned,
Sincerely abolitionally Friendly regards Yogic-ally Warmly, Scott
Here's the video from yesterday's WUaS News and Q&A -
World Univ & Sch is moving its offices to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on the eastern seaboard of the USA, and the 2 CA legal entities too probably, from the address at the (federal) POB 442 Canyon CA 94516, (and also exploring, however, moving back into Canyon 94516 in the SF Bay Area in September of 2023, possibly).
Also, World Univ & Sch reached out to Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai yesterday via Twitter, as well as to Peter Norvig, and Google Education Groups India and friends, in email with the following -
Again -
"Dear Ma Pin Larry Viehland CFO ALL,
Well, I took the plunge and inquired about Work World University and School getting Co-working space in the Google office at Bakery Square (REGARDING too for example working together with Google Street View with time slider Maps Earth TensorFlowAI Translate with realistic Avatar Bots Electronic Medical Records plus).
A little uncertain about how to do so, after talking about this in this morning 's WUaS News and Q A -
- I went into the 'formidable management office door' at Bakery Square, talked with a nice woman at the front desk, who said that the Google office was through the other nearby door outside, and to press the black button to talk with the receptionist there. She buzzed me in, and I said I was from MIT OCW -centric wiki World University and School, interested in Co- Working together, and left my name and (Google Education) email address (
mentioning that this is a Google email), and the receptionist there said the manager of Google Pittsburgh office would get back to me at her convenience via email.
Appreciating relatively 'staid' Pittsburgh:)
Stay tuned,
And here are 3 past Bakery Square @Google Pittsburgh PA WUaS News and Q A recordings -
And as you may have read or heard, a new accreditation opportunity - - for World Univ & Sch may be emerging with the Middle States' Commission on Higher Education (regarding moving WUaS to Pennsylvania), having just attended a workshop with 2 vice presidents -
"Navigating Follow-up Reports and Follow-up Visits (MSCHE)" ... - and Larry and Kim Viehland and I may be forming a study group - (where self study is also a Yoga process, interestingly) - for this both online and physically. If interested in participating, please let me know.
Sincerely abolitionally Friendly regards Yogic-ally Warmly, Scott
re accreditation -
Dear Larry and Kim,
WUaS just received the MSCHE accreditation video recording -
"Navigating Follow-up Reports and Follow-up Visits (MSCHE)"
- from a week ago as mentioned in their emails.
Possible Accreditation study group, for we 3 to begin, biweekly, in person and online?
* *
Moving back in to Canyon circuitously
Dear Ma, Pin, Larry, Ed, John, David, All,
Greetings from the Asylum place in Pittsburgh PA and about to reserve a $2650 Budget Transit Cargo van one way (getting ?18 mpg?), El Cerrito CA to Pittsburgh PA, for Monday September 26 to move back to the east coast of the country (over a 3150 U-Haul truck getting 12 mpg).
Just texted my mother -
"I miss some of my books, but not all of them, Ma, and think I'm going to rent the Budget Van (336 cu feet?) over the U-Haul truck (440 cu ft) ... Where my things may take up just less than 332 cu ft... And jettison and trash some things to the Goodwill in El Cerrito CA if possible on Monday September 26 if possible ... Like the large box of an evaporative cooler, & books too - per your downsizing thinking. Thoughts about this? Love you

, Scott "
If I somehow were able to move back into Canyon 94516 again on September 1 2023 in about a year, and get the 670 A Ridgecrest Rd Canyon place for a song on possibly ~1.5 acres of land, I would conceivably put everything back into van (a Toyota Proace Electric Autonomous Vehicle van - which could even tow a Boston whaler or a trailer under 300 pounds) and drive west. This would be moving circuitously back into Canyon to say the least. I could also see somehow getting a house in Pittsburgh PA and raising a family here in this relatively staid Pittsburgh PA place.
Developing Work World University and School and with accrediting and potentially a Google Co+Working together place would be part of this and just emailed Larry and Kim about this new accreditation video recording and opportunity ... WUaS just received the MSCHE accreditation video recording -
from last week and see below.
Thoughts on this Asylum journey across the country and in calling for abolition of the illegal drug and sex industries internationally and their latent networks are violence and in WUaS seeking to protect people in planning to code for all 7.9 billion people on planet each a Wikidata WIKIBASE Wikimedia PIN #?
About to reserve a Budget Cargo van and to move WUaS Corporation and Work World University and School into new 'offices' in Pittsburgh PA.
Sincerely abolitionally Friendly regards Yogic-ally Warmly Scott
Dear Larry and Kim,
WUaS just received the MSCHE accreditation video recording -
- from a week ago as mentioned in their emails.
Possible Accreditation study group, for we 3 to begin, biweekly, in person and online?
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws. If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.
* * *
[codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (Thursday 9/15 @1.30p PT): Neopolis; SpeedLegal (via Zoom)
Hi Hans Paul, Stanford's Roland Vogl, Hank Greely, all,
Greetings from Pittsburgh PA 15221 and potentially regarding moving forward into 670 Ridgecrest Rd Canyon 94516, 10 miles East of Berkeley, again on September 1, 2023, in order to develop the World Univ and Sch Academic Medical Center with Warm Water Cure and Physical-Digital experiments and WUaS Longevity Genetics' Institute too. Thanks for your Speed Legal presentation in Stanford Law CodeX last week. I'm including my complete email below to you and Roland with a few of the beginning WUaS Law Schools planned online in all ~200 countries and in their main languages, and some other WUaS law schools (eg like Space Law), since I didn't add them to Speed Legal's email form, as part of my CodeX questions in text regarding Creative Commons' Law, particularly CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU AND CC-3 OYC.YALE.EDU law. How would Speed Legal parse THESE new forms of CC law with your developing AI software (and is it correct that you are not a lawyer - but Roland and Prof Hank Greely, a Yale Law School alum here are)?
Meeting for a brief call could be
good. How about on Wednesday 9/21/22 or Thursday, 9/22, at 10 am Pacific Time, 1 pm ET, or similar?
I included your Stanford Law CodeX presentation in the WUaS Agenda and News for Work World University and School and the WUaS Corporation this past Saturday (3rd Saturdays of the month, hour long and open), FYI - We also talked briefly about this as you may see in the video of this WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Saturday 9/17/22. Glad to be using the phrase 'CC-4 OCW.MIT.EDU -CENTRIC' in some of our new outreach materials printed to paper. Thanks again for your email.
Best wishes, Scott
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - 221 East End Ave Pittsburgh PA 15221
Sat 9/17/22 Agenda and News for open World Univ & Sch and WUaS Corp Monthly Business Meeting
[codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (9/15 @1.30p PT): Neopolis; SpeedLegal (via Zoom)
Thanks, Hans Paul, Roland and Speed Legal!
Here are the questions I asked again -
How does Speed Legal work with CC-4 LICENSED MIT OCW-CENTRIC resources? For example, CC4 -centric Wiki WORLD UNIV AND SCH ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER With Warm Water Cure and the 200 online Law Schools is seeking to build from these resources eg here -
And how about other forms of CC Creative Commons' Law like CC3 YALE Open Yale Courseware - ...?
How could Work World University and School grow with these resources regarding CC-4 LICENSED MIT OCW-CENTRIC WORLD UNIV AND SCH Free to students'online degrees planned in all the countries and in their main languages? thanks again, Scott
Thanks again for your Stanford Law CodeX Speed Legal work and presentation.
Best wishes, Scott
Hide quoted text
Welcome to fall! Our first CodeX group meeting of the academic year is
this Thursday (September 15), from 1:30p to 2:30p PT, via
Zoom -
please note new access info below. Our meetings continue to be held remotely.
Sebastian Windeck, COO, and
Michael Mansfeld, CEO,
neopolis. Neopolis aims to help lawyers and legal professionals draft documents in a collaborative manner by supporting simultaneous co-authoring and transparent version control.
Hans Paul Pizzinini, Co-founder & CEO,
SpeedLegal. SpeedLegal is designed to help C-suite executives, general counsel, and other busy professionals verify that their contract terms comply with market standards.
- Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President, CEO & Professor
World Univ & Sch (WUaS) - PO Box 442, Canyon, CA 94516
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws. If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.
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American War in Vietnam is a precursor to this thought experiment, w 2-3 million Vietnamese murders, ~59000 Americans dead - & #PeaceMovement-wise. Here Russia's gas/oil & natural resources drive conflict on #WebMedia Some 14,000 Ukrainians died, ?Russians To preempt #WW3 re Law?
In conversation
Just thinking..Russia holds about 20% of Ukraine's territory. For the contiguous US, that would be like Canada occupying PA, OH, IN, MI, IL, WI, MN, IA, NE, SD, & ND. (Similar industrial/rural split, too, plus access to the world via Great Lakes/Black Sea).
We'd be unhappy, too.
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