Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tigers: WUaS UNIQUENESSES, Real-time online CONVERSATION in virtual worlds, Ever-improving, educational information technologies, Free degrees

The possibilities for real-time online CONVERSATION in virtual worlds about ideas (in courses, too - in voice and text chat),

ever improving educational information technologies, &

FREE, highest quality degrees e.g. MIT OCW (K-12 is free in the U.S.)

that makes World University & School unique.

Free, on-the-ground Harvard doctoral degree at WUaS's FREE DEGREE SECTION on the Courses' page, for example: .


We're kind of at the Ford Model T stage of the Web ...

Here's an high school level example of learning about the Immune System as video game:

And there's also so much more FREE Educational Software here: The internet is going to continue to become wilder and greater for decades ahead.


As we move to our next wiki from, search technologies to aggregate the WEALTH of TEACHING & LEARNING RESOURCES here, such as MIT OCW, Khan Academy, and all these Great Universities - - as well as the Library Resources & Museum pages, et al. will become KEY.

( - January 27, 2011)

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