Travel seems to focus the mind ('flow' experiences) in ways more sedentary life doesn't, for example, driving, getting from Pt A to Pt B - e.g the hippie trail from Massachusetts to India.
How would one program a robot avatar in a Second Life landscape, for example, to do 'Tourism things'?
An interesting project for a course?
Pick a wonderful, virtual destination and visit it ...
... What are discrete, specific, programmable and scriptable aspects to this?
For example, how would script dancing the limbo in virtual Trinidad, or virtual head stand in India, if the script didn't already exist in Second Life, so the end user had a rich experience of this in their bodymind, as one kind of discrete, scriptable touristic behavior, ?
'Beings Enjoying Life,'
'Tourism Studies,'
subjects at
For further traveling:
Here's World University & School's growing library resources' page - -
potentially with all online (with some focus on academic) libraries
in ALL languages,
to which we can add links,
or create our own library even -
click 'edit this page.'
( - February 28, 2011)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Elephant trunks entwined: With symbols {and tones}, How to cultivate a flourishing, loving bliss ecology, of human primates, over 10,000 seasons?'
With symbols {and tones} ...
'How to cultivate
a flourishing,
loving bliss ecology,
of human primates,
...over 10,000 seasons?'
(from the poem 'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding' -
offers an opportunity ...
( - February 28, 2011)
'How to cultivate
a flourishing,
loving bliss ecology,
of human primates,
...over 10,000 seasons?'
(from the poem 'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding' -
offers an opportunity ...
( - February 28, 2011)
global university,
loving bliss,
Pied avocet: In its warm pool and valley as place, Harbin's counterculture, as sociocultural processes, involves connecting in the pool area
Harbin ethnography:
... The central Harbin Hot Springs' Mainside area, while natural, countercultural-emergent and Bohemian, in many ways, is a hippy-human-constructed environment where human decisions about technologies, informed by a kind of Harbin vision, give shape to ways of life and ease in all of Harbin's immersive and generative beauty as place.
In its warm pool and valley as place, Harbin's 'counterculture,' as 'social' sociocultural processes, involves connecting and interactions between more than one person (as a defining characteristic, too, of emergent virtual worlds like Second Life these days - Boellstorff 2008:92), in the pool area, particularly, which is very visually oriented. Harbin's warm pool adds and complements many familiar and normative sociocultural processes in modernity, with clothing-optionalness, an warm aqueous environment, and a counter-culture, where people are free to cuddle and love each other, naked, outside and in a beautiful, natural place, or simply soak alone together with others in the Harbin warm pool, also all very visual, partly because talking doesn't occur, for example, in the wary pool. And in many ways, people see their own stuff at Harbin, that is, they see people they are uniquely attracted to, for example, or natural aspects of Harbin such as (what I call) the Dragon ridge-line from the warm pool on the other side of the valley, or the fig-tree-over-the-warm-pool's little jeweled treasures suspended from its branches. But Harbin in its hippy and Gestalt-Center-with-hot-springs' origins is about seeing the whole, and, even more, living this in the now (e.g. Ishvara, “Living the Future,” Harbin publications, 1996). To know Harbin involves all visitors and residents being (anthropological?) participant-observers – Seers (with a capital S in the Upanishads?) - in the pool area, for example, - in the going into and out of the pools, naked ,and in the now. And this visuality informs, socioculturally, the Harbin-family, the Harbin property as land and territory for this tribe of residents and visitors. In this interpretation, Harbin is partly about seeing/being our naked, attractive, natural selves, as well as seeing our own stuff, as human primates (an idea which not many people have at the fore of their minds) in the New Age, at ease in the pools, which the 1960s significantly opened the way for, counterculturally.
The ways in which the Harbin pool area, vision and nudity, or more accurately clothing-optionalness, are linked at Harbin, emerging out of a resistance to mostly Western, but also including many or most spiritual, cultural and religious traditions, hang ups and concerns about a covered body – of the 1960s, counterculture and the New Age. ...
( - February 28, 2011)
... The central Harbin Hot Springs' Mainside area, while natural, countercultural-emergent and Bohemian, in many ways, is a hippy-human-constructed environment where human decisions about technologies, informed by a kind of Harbin vision, give shape to ways of life and ease in all of Harbin's immersive and generative beauty as place.
In its warm pool and valley as place, Harbin's 'counterculture,' as 'social' sociocultural processes, involves connecting and interactions between more than one person (as a defining characteristic, too, of emergent virtual worlds like Second Life these days - Boellstorff 2008:92), in the pool area, particularly, which is very visually oriented. Harbin's warm pool adds and complements many familiar and normative sociocultural processes in modernity, with clothing-optionalness, an warm aqueous environment, and a counter-culture, where people are free to cuddle and love each other, naked, outside and in a beautiful, natural place, or simply soak alone together with others in the Harbin warm pool, also all very visual, partly because talking doesn't occur, for example, in the wary pool. And in many ways, people see their own stuff at Harbin, that is, they see people they are uniquely attracted to, for example, or natural aspects of Harbin such as (what I call) the Dragon ridge-line from the warm pool on the other side of the valley, or the fig-tree-over-the-warm-pool's little jeweled treasures suspended from its branches. But Harbin in its hippy and Gestalt-Center-with-hot-springs' origins is about seeing the whole, and, even more, living this in the now (e.g. Ishvara, “Living the Future,” Harbin publications, 1996). To know Harbin involves all visitors and residents being (anthropological?) participant-observers – Seers (with a capital S in the Upanishads?) - in the pool area, for example, - in the going into and out of the pools, naked ,and in the now. And this visuality informs, socioculturally, the Harbin-family, the Harbin property as land and territory for this tribe of residents and visitors. In this interpretation, Harbin is partly about seeing/being our naked, attractive, natural selves, as well as seeing our own stuff, as human primates (an idea which not many people have at the fore of their minds) in the New Age, at ease in the pools, which the 1960s significantly opened the way for, counterculturally.
The ways in which the Harbin pool area, vision and nudity, or more accurately clothing-optionalness, are linked at Harbin, emerging out of a resistance to mostly Western, but also including many or most spiritual, cultural and religious traditions, hang ups and concerns about a covered body – of the 1960s, counterculture and the New Age. ...
( - February 28, 2011)
Asian Beetle: Remember the comedy 'All in the Family'? w Archie Bunker & Mike, as white conservative, working class father and long hair son-in-law
Remember the comedy 'All in the Family'?
... with Archie Bunker and Mike, as white, conservative, working class father and long-hair son-in-law
... insight into a generational divide and long hair culture of the 70s
... funny,too :)
... will add as reference to WUaS counterculture or page.
(originally broadcast on the CBS television network from January 12, 1971 to April 8, 1979 ...)
All In The Family - Archie and the Editorial 1-3
All in the Family - Archie Bunker Meets Sammy Davis
( - February 28, 2011)
... with Archie Bunker and Mike, as white, conservative, working class father and long-hair son-in-law
... insight into a generational divide and long hair culture of the 70s
... funny,too :)
... will add as reference to WUaS counterculture or page.
(originally broadcast on the CBS television network from January 12, 1971 to April 8, 1979 ...)
All In The Family - Archie and the Editorial 1-3
All in the Family - Archie Bunker Meets Sammy Davis
( - February 28, 2011)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Elephants in Kenya: World University & School is Wiki-planning an online, virtual Law School - begin now - and an online Medical School
World University & School is Wiki-planning an online, virtual Law School -
begin now -
Here are the Wiki-beginnings of WUaS's Medical School and Hospital: You can visit the hospital in Second Life with a free, SL avatar.
You'll find both here
Some foci are internet law and medicine. How else might wiki-WUaS contribute to this conversation?
...'edit this page,' make an edit, and add something
( - February 27, 2011)
begin now -
Here are the Wiki-beginnings of WUaS's Medical School and Hospital: You can visit the hospital in Second Life with a free, SL avatar.
You'll find both here
Some foci are internet law and medicine. How else might wiki-WUaS contribute to this conversation?
...'edit this page,' make an edit, and add something
( - February 27, 2011)
global university,
Second Life
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Peruvian Corn: Fascinating conversation on the 'Human Genome Project: Ten Years After' w Harvard President Drew Faust (mod.), WUaS Genetics, Science
Fascinating, overview conversation (Feb. 22, 2011) on the
'Human Genome Project: Ten Years After'
with Harvard President Drew Faust (moderator)
and Harvard / MIT genetics' scientists posted here at wiki WUaS -
- where you can wiki-engage the conversation
and which you can also access from this page -
Here are new groupings of WUaS SCIENCE subjects -,
accessible from WUaS Subjects:
Like MIT OCW which you'll find here, these are resources, but where you can wiki-engage to teach & learn
- with a wiki-opportunity to conceive these anew.
( - February 26, 2011)
'Human Genome Project: Ten Years After'
with Harvard President Drew Faust (moderator)
and Harvard / MIT genetics' scientists posted here at wiki WUaS -
- where you can wiki-engage the conversation
and which you can also access from this page -
Here are new groupings of WUaS SCIENCE subjects -,
accessible from WUaS Subjects:
Like MIT OCW which you'll find here, these are resources, but where you can wiki-engage to teach & learn
- with a wiki-opportunity to conceive these anew.
( - February 26, 2011)
Deoxyribonucleic Acid,
global university,
Cuillin Mountains: How to co-generate a similar kind of bliss among a group of bagpipers, - that the Grateful Dead created with each other, Deadheads
How to co-generate a similar kind of bliss among a group of bagpipers, - that the Grateful Dead created with each other, as a kind of rock ensemble, and for Deadheads?
Learn from the 'Grateful Dead,'
Bagpipe Tutorials
in this, and other, WUaS Music subjects
(and in the World University Music School),
and Loving Bliss here -
( ?)
... could be fun :)
And it will be possible to jam with each other via these web sites digitally with other people or with music in video there, for example ...
I've heard very little improvisational (or privy or kitchen) bagpiping, especially as a group, but I'd like to (Erin Shaw in the Wicked Tinkers comes closest), especially Scottish.
... Gordon Duncan as solo player may be one great example of virtuosic privy / improvisational piping?
(See Bagpipe Tutorials' videos).
... Pipe music rarely improvises on a theme within a tune like the Grateful Dead do.
... How to improvise within a tune in Scottish piping (like the Grateful Dead do) - as practice, and 'ensemble'?
I'll post any videos you know of to WUaS Bagpipe Tutorials - :)
( - February 26, 2011)
Learn from the 'Grateful Dead,'
Bagpipe Tutorials
in this, and other, WUaS Music subjects
(and in the World University Music School),
and Loving Bliss here -
( ?)
... could be fun :)
And it will be possible to jam with each other via these web sites digitally with other people or with music in video there, for example ...
I've heard very little improvisational (or privy or kitchen) bagpiping, especially as a group, but I'd like to (Erin Shaw in the Wicked Tinkers comes closest), especially Scottish.
... Gordon Duncan as solo player may be one great example of virtuosic privy / improvisational piping?
(See Bagpipe Tutorials' videos).
... Pipe music rarely improvises on a theme within a tune like the Grateful Dead do.
... How to improvise within a tune in Scottish piping (like the Grateful Dead do) - as practice, and 'ensemble'?
I'll post any videos you know of to WUaS Bagpipe Tutorials - :)
( - February 26, 2011)
PolarCub: Bliss, let alone loving bliss, seems relatively unexplored in our knowledge- and freedom- oriented society, Conversation leads to innovation
Bliss, let alone loving bliss, (neurophysiologically, as you like it) seems relatively unexplored in our (quite) knowledge- and freedom- oriented society.
Conversation leads to innovation in knowledge generation, from ancient Greek philosophical dialogues to present day libraries and 'big university.'
... Given MDMA, let's bring bliss and conversation together to wiki-innovate here at 'Loving Bliss Eliciting' :
... and potentially in many other subjects ... :), for example.
Academic subjects can offer 'flow' - (an absorbed mind - which many report as 'enjoyment' per Csikszentmihalyi) - experiences, in so many ways.
How to 'build' on, and cultivate these, for bliss explicitly, in academia? Again: ...
This might help a lot of people!
... some academics are 'there' already.
( - February 26, 2011)
Conversation leads to innovation in knowledge generation, from ancient Greek philosophical dialogues to present day libraries and 'big university.'
... Given MDMA, let's bring bliss and conversation together to wiki-innovate here at 'Loving Bliss Eliciting' :
... and potentially in many other subjects ... :), for example.
Academic subjects can offer 'flow' - (an absorbed mind - which many report as 'enjoyment' per Csikszentmihalyi) - experiences, in so many ways.
How to 'build' on, and cultivate these, for bliss explicitly, in academia? Again: ...
This might help a lot of people!
... some academics are 'there' already.
( - February 26, 2011)
Five-headed Cobra: Yoga in a warm pool in virtual Harbin at home?
Yoga in a warm pool in virtual Harbin at home?
Asana in the bath tub while visiting the virtual Harbin warm pools?
World University & School is Wiki-developing a virtual Yoga School/Subject,
where we'll be able to wiki learn & teach delicious yoga movements in our own home -
Will Angela & Victor's yoga, for example, or yours, become easily and wonderfully accessible here
- inviting us inwardly and home?
( - February 26, 2011)
Asana in the bath tub while visiting the virtual Harbin warm pools?
World University & School is Wiki-developing a virtual Yoga School/Subject,
where we'll be able to wiki learn & teach delicious yoga movements in our own home -
Will Angela & Victor's yoga, for example, or yours, become easily and wonderfully accessible here
- inviting us inwardly and home?
( - February 26, 2011)
Angela and Victor yoga,
global university,
virtual Harbin,
Vineyard: Harbin as place as immersive, both watery & culturally, and in terms of attraction, a warm-water relaxation response, oneness, the natural
Harbin ethnography:
... Time for more Watsu to generate connectivity in oneness, now, in the warm pool, ethnographically.
While one starting point for this ethnography of Harbin as place is the 'visual,' as this chapter began, I understand Harbin as place in richly immersive ways, both watery and culturally, as well as in terms of attraction, as well as in terms of its warm-water relaxation response and related oneness, and, in some ways, as the natural. Harbin is beautiful in all these ways, and can be very erotic. Not only does 'visuality' play a significant role at Harbin, but so do many other qualities of the other four senses (some of which I examined, vis-a-vis the five senses in digital form, for example, in my “Gazing at the Box: Tourism in the Context of the Internet and Globalization” - MacLeod 2000 paper: While walking to the pool area along the village path to the pool area, you can smell the daphne (?), feel the fresh air, or rain, on your face, taste the ripe pear you had in your pocket, hear the creek, way below, rushing in winter, - all qualia of Harbin as place for me; sometimes while walking along this path I experience a kind of quality of trippiness – heightened, alive, imaginative and even somehow perception- and thought-transforming - in the wholeness of this trail, and walk, as I anticipate soaking in the warm pool with naked, cuddling Harbinites. And in the Harbin warm pool, a) seeing naked visitors and friends come in and out of the pool, most of whom are at ease and content, b) being among the fulsomely cuddling couples, of puddles or circles of friends, or cuddling or doing Watsu myself, c) smelling the daphne at pool's edge, or the Australian eucalyptus (?) leaves that occasionally drift into the pools, d) occasionally tasting ripe, brown figs that fall, or are picked, from the tree above, e) hearing the occasional sounds of enjoyment between cuddling couples, listening to the whisper of the wind, or the fall of a heavy rain in the warm pool, or the quiet exclamation of 'this is almost-too-hot' when people are going into the hot pool for the first time. Many of these are experienced in the easing warmth of the warm water which, for me, facilitates a kind of oneness. When the about 7 inches of snow fell on Thursday, February 17, 2011, and much clean, plant debris fell into the warm pool where the drains filled up quickly, with trees popping and cracking all over from the weight of the unusual snow, - all a form of naturalness, I and a handful of other folks hung out in the heart pool, heading into the warm pool after all the snow started to melt, - and I came to appreciate the clean, blue (sometimes green-ish, sometimes yellow or even a light bracken) color and naturalness of Harbin's warm pool, in contrast to the twig-filled, browning water, still clean and natural, but less-so than with Harbin's simple technologies of keeping the water lovely. The central Harbin Hot Springs' Mainside area, while natural, countercultural-emergent and Bohemian, in many ways, is a hippy-human-constructed environment where human decisions about technologies, informed by a kind of Harbin vision, give shape to ways of life and ease in all of Harbin's immersive and generative beauty as place.
In its warm pool and valley as place, Harbin's 'counterculture,' as 'social' sociocultural processes, involves connecting and interactions between more than one person (as a defining characteristic, too, of emergent virtual worlds like Second Life these days - Boellstorff 2008:92), in the pool area, particularly, which is very visually oriented. ...
( - February 26, 2011)
... Time for more Watsu to generate connectivity in oneness, now, in the warm pool, ethnographically.
While one starting point for this ethnography of Harbin as place is the 'visual,' as this chapter began, I understand Harbin as place in richly immersive ways, both watery and culturally, as well as in terms of attraction, as well as in terms of its warm-water relaxation response and related oneness, and, in some ways, as the natural. Harbin is beautiful in all these ways, and can be very erotic. Not only does 'visuality' play a significant role at Harbin, but so do many other qualities of the other four senses (some of which I examined, vis-a-vis the five senses in digital form, for example, in my “Gazing at the Box: Tourism in the Context of the Internet and Globalization” - MacLeod 2000 paper: While walking to the pool area along the village path to the pool area, you can smell the daphne (?), feel the fresh air, or rain, on your face, taste the ripe pear you had in your pocket, hear the creek, way below, rushing in winter, - all qualia of Harbin as place for me; sometimes while walking along this path I experience a kind of quality of trippiness – heightened, alive, imaginative and even somehow perception- and thought-transforming - in the wholeness of this trail, and walk, as I anticipate soaking in the warm pool with naked, cuddling Harbinites. And in the Harbin warm pool, a) seeing naked visitors and friends come in and out of the pool, most of whom are at ease and content, b) being among the fulsomely cuddling couples, of puddles or circles of friends, or cuddling or doing Watsu myself, c) smelling the daphne at pool's edge, or the Australian eucalyptus (?) leaves that occasionally drift into the pools, d) occasionally tasting ripe, brown figs that fall, or are picked, from the tree above, e) hearing the occasional sounds of enjoyment between cuddling couples, listening to the whisper of the wind, or the fall of a heavy rain in the warm pool, or the quiet exclamation of 'this is almost-too-hot' when people are going into the hot pool for the first time. Many of these are experienced in the easing warmth of the warm water which, for me, facilitates a kind of oneness. When the about 7 inches of snow fell on Thursday, February 17, 2011, and much clean, plant debris fell into the warm pool where the drains filled up quickly, with trees popping and cracking all over from the weight of the unusual snow, - all a form of naturalness, I and a handful of other folks hung out in the heart pool, heading into the warm pool after all the snow started to melt, - and I came to appreciate the clean, blue (sometimes green-ish, sometimes yellow or even a light bracken) color and naturalness of Harbin's warm pool, in contrast to the twig-filled, browning water, still clean and natural, but less-so than with Harbin's simple technologies of keeping the water lovely. The central Harbin Hot Springs' Mainside area, while natural, countercultural-emergent and Bohemian, in many ways, is a hippy-human-constructed environment where human decisions about technologies, informed by a kind of Harbin vision, give shape to ways of life and ease in all of Harbin's immersive and generative beauty as place.
In its warm pool and valley as place, Harbin's 'counterculture,' as 'social' sociocultural processes, involves connecting and interactions between more than one person (as a defining characteristic, too, of emergent virtual worlds like Second Life these days - Boellstorff 2008:92), in the pool area, particularly, which is very visually oriented. ...
( - February 26, 2011)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Primates on land: Place, in this ethnography, is actual Harbin's valley, its Mainside area, its pools, - physical, material and experienceable
Harbin ethnography:
... In many ways, the physical place of the Harbin valley gave rise to new expressions of creativity and freedom, such as Watsu, as well as to Harbin identity and practices.
'Place,' in this ethnography, is actual Harbin's valley, its Mainside area, its pools and the pool area, and everything else on the the roughly 1700 acres of land which make up the Harbin valley and surroundings. Each of these four aspects, for example, as 'place,' are physical, material and experienceable, as has land been to human primates through thousands of generations of our ancestors' bodyminds, reproducing through time. Place is earth or land, and, at Harbin, its waters, too. You and I, from anywhere in this globalized world, can experience actual Harbin as place by traveling to and entering into the warm pool and doing Watsu with a friend there, or going to a dance in the Harbin conference center, or sleeping in a tent on a platform on the Meadow building side of the main Harbin road (as qualia, if you will). And Watsu, for example, emerging from Harbin's pools, has generated a network of practitioners around the world. You, the reader, however, may come to learn of Harbin Hot Springs, and its valley, as 'place,' through reading this act of ethnographic writing – this text or book - and thus symbolically, yet not physically in the sense above of Harbin as actual, material experienceable-to-bodyminds' land and waters. In this ethnography, I call this act of symbolic experiencing mediated by writing and reading, and other media, symbols or representations, experienced in your bodymind, a virtual experience. Later in this book we'll explore other aspects of virtual experiences and of the virtual, - many mediated digitally by placed-forming multimedia, that is by multimedia representations of land, physical, material landscapes, including interactive, digital depictions of material sunrise on the horizon, for example, from the virtual Harbin warm pool at the bottom of the Harbin valley. But the Harbin pools and the Harbin property are my ethnographic, grounded, place-based, field site, where I practice ethnographic field work, which I'm also calling 'water play,' or 'pool participant-observation,' in this ethnography, since this is a pools-centric interpretation of Harbin Hot Springs, which is relatively unexplored in the discipline of anthropology. In this ethnography, Harbin as place also gives new form to anthropological water play as participant-observation methodology. Time for more Watsu to generate connectivity in oneness, now, in the warm pool, ethnographically.
While one starting point for this ethnography of Harbin as place is the 'visual,' as this chapter began, I understand Harbin as place in richly immersive ways, both watery and culturally, as well as in terms of attraction, as well as in terms of its warm-water relaxation response and related oneness, and, in some ways, as the natural. ...
( - February 25, 2011)
... In many ways, the physical place of the Harbin valley gave rise to new expressions of creativity and freedom, such as Watsu, as well as to Harbin identity and practices.
'Place,' in this ethnography, is actual Harbin's valley, its Mainside area, its pools and the pool area, and everything else on the the roughly 1700 acres of land which make up the Harbin valley and surroundings. Each of these four aspects, for example, as 'place,' are physical, material and experienceable, as has land been to human primates through thousands of generations of our ancestors' bodyminds, reproducing through time. Place is earth or land, and, at Harbin, its waters, too. You and I, from anywhere in this globalized world, can experience actual Harbin as place by traveling to and entering into the warm pool and doing Watsu with a friend there, or going to a dance in the Harbin conference center, or sleeping in a tent on a platform on the Meadow building side of the main Harbin road (as qualia, if you will). And Watsu, for example, emerging from Harbin's pools, has generated a network of practitioners around the world. You, the reader, however, may come to learn of Harbin Hot Springs, and its valley, as 'place,' through reading this act of ethnographic writing – this text or book - and thus symbolically, yet not physically in the sense above of Harbin as actual, material experienceable-to-bodyminds' land and waters. In this ethnography, I call this act of symbolic experiencing mediated by writing and reading, and other media, symbols or representations, experienced in your bodymind, a virtual experience. Later in this book we'll explore other aspects of virtual experiences and of the virtual, - many mediated digitally by placed-forming multimedia, that is by multimedia representations of land, physical, material landscapes, including interactive, digital depictions of material sunrise on the horizon, for example, from the virtual Harbin warm pool at the bottom of the Harbin valley. But the Harbin pools and the Harbin property are my ethnographic, grounded, place-based, field site, where I practice ethnographic field work, which I'm also calling 'water play,' or 'pool participant-observation,' in this ethnography, since this is a pools-centric interpretation of Harbin Hot Springs, which is relatively unexplored in the discipline of anthropology. In this ethnography, Harbin as place also gives new form to anthropological water play as participant-observation methodology. Time for more Watsu to generate connectivity in oneness, now, in the warm pool, ethnographically.
While one starting point for this ethnography of Harbin as place is the 'visual,' as this chapter began, I understand Harbin as place in richly immersive ways, both watery and culturally, as well as in terms of attraction, as well as in terms of its warm-water relaxation response and related oneness, and, in some ways, as the natural. ...
( - February 25, 2011)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
In rainy Napa Oregon Valley I drive through merging worlds
In rainy Napa Oregon Valley I drive through merging worlds
In rainy Napa Oregon Valley
I drive through merging worlds,
of wet and green and beautiful
fresh gray natural
toward the even more
watery world of Harbin's
non-commune, communal pools.
(Bring this home yourself :)
Smiling while traveling
hair is soft
yet smiles
frequent enough.
What will emerge
this time
in Harbin world?
( - February 24, 2011)
In rainy Napa Oregon Valley
I drive through merging worlds,
of wet and green and beautiful
fresh gray natural
toward the even more
watery world of Harbin's
non-commune, communal pools.
(Bring this home yourself :)
Smiling while traveling
hair is soft
yet smiles
frequent enough.
What will emerge
this time
in Harbin world?
( - February 24, 2011)
Foxglove: Candide? Delightful tale :) of the Enlightenment by Voltaire (scandalous, too!), Auden's Labyrinth, A nontheistically friendly Bliss poem
Candide? Delightful tale :) of the Enlightenment by Voltaire (scandalous, too!)
... (but with a little Pan troglodytes' violence, too?) is at WUaS's Library Resources:
which invite you to add to them ...
A nontheistically friendly poem :)
'The Labyrinth' by WH Auden
... Read this with another nontheistically friendly poem, my 'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding' below
... let's explore growing this biss :)
( - February 24, 2011)
Candide? Delightful tale :) of the Enlightenment by Voltaire (scandalous, too!)
... (but with a little Pan troglodytes' violence, too?) is at WUaS's Library Resources:
which invite you to add to them ...
A nontheistically friendly poem :)
'The Labyrinth' by WH Auden
... Read this with another nontheistically friendly poem, my 'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding' below
... let's explore growing this biss :)
( - February 24, 2011)
Gray wolves: Here are new groupings of World Univ & Sch SOCIAL SCIENCE subjects, and WUaS SCIENCE subjects
Here are new groupings of WUaS SOCIAL SCIENCE subjects - -
and WUaS SCIENCE subjects - -
under WUaS links part way down
and here:
Like MIT OCW which you'll find here, these are resources, but where you can wiki-engage to teach & learn.
... with a wiki-opportunity to conceive & create these anew ...
( - February 24, 2011) -
and WUaS SCIENCE subjects - -
under WUaS links part way down
and here:
Like MIT OCW which you'll find here, these are resources, but where you can wiki-engage to teach & learn.
... with a wiki-opportunity to conceive & create these anew ...
( - February 24, 2011)
Great Ape and Humans: Learning about other higher primates, World Univ & Sch's Primatology subject
For those concerned with conserving Great Ape habitat (, as well as learning about other higher primates, here's a resource: the Primatology subject page at wiki World Univ & Sch - which is academically focused and facilitates open teaching & learning resources.
Check out the Bonobo chimpanzee videos here, for example.
( - February 24, 2011)
Check out the Bonobo chimpanzee videos here, for example.
Australian researcher Vanessa Woods studies the co-operative nature of Bonobos
( - February 24, 2011)
Bonobo chimpanzees,
global university,
Old Growth: Added this Atlantic article on re-imagining the stodgy Law School to budding World Univ Law School, 1st Amendment Speech & the Environment
... Added this Atlantic article on re-imagining the stodgy Law School to World Univ & Sch's budding Law School
which you'll find here at
and here:
... How else might wiki-WUaS contribute to this conversation? ...'edit this page'
also added Joe Miller MD's self-published pamphlet 'What Good is Free Speech in the Closet' (Portland, OR) to the World University Law School. Joe, in the mid-1980s successfully used his 1st amendment rights to keep logging interests out of the Bull Run Reservoir (in Old Growth forest) which provides Portland with its water. Portland still has clean water, probably thanks to Joe Miller. Let me know if you have a copy, please -
( - February 24, 2011)
which you'll find here at
and here:
... How else might wiki-WUaS contribute to this conversation? ...'edit this page'
also added Joe Miller MD's self-published pamphlet 'What Good is Free Speech in the Closet' (Portland, OR) to the World University Law School. Joe, in the mid-1980s successfully used his 1st amendment rights to keep logging interests out of the Bull Run Reservoir (in Old Growth forest) which provides Portland with its water. Portland still has clean water, probably thanks to Joe Miller. Let me know if you have a copy, please -
( - February 24, 2011)
1st amendment,
global university,
Anthomastiscascade: Place significantly informs Harbin, as a kind of human technology vis-a-vis the warm pool and in contrast possibly to modernity
Harbin ethnography:
... While it may have sheltered lots of folks who didn’t want to work for long (? some) periods of time, this may not have been sustainable (i.e. worked out culturally), but it (Harbin) still may shelter some, defined partly by which residents have been on the land the longest” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, April 13, 2008).
While this interpretation of the Harbin pools as place in contrast to 'Modernities' may seem irrelevant, or even trivial (Boellstorff 2008:91), how place significantly informs Harbin, as a kind of human technology vis-a-vis the warm pool and in contrast possibly to modernity – as a kind of technology as discourse? :) - vis-a-vis hippies, counterculture and the 1960s offers very fruitful ways to understand Harbin Hot Springs, on-the-ground and in-the-waters, I here suggest. Reg's focus on coming to Harbin to learn Watsu as kind of goal in life - but not as a Harbin resident – gives voice to one personal expression of the importance of Harbin as place for an individual, vis-a-vis modernities; Reg lived in, and experienced, both the Netherlands and California as expressions of, or milieus of, modernity before coming to Harbin for Watsu. In this interpretation, Watsu (Dull, 2008 – Watsu was created by Harold Dull, with the Water Family - see their book “Watsu: Freeing the Body in Water and with Tantsu on Land,” for example), too, is a kind of communication technology, for coming into connection with oneself and the other. And Reg came to Harbin expressly to learn Watsu, and eventually to make a living from these skills. The form of Watsu itself, as practice, healing art and dance, often done nude at Harbin, although in bathing suits in some of the rest of the places where it is practiced around the world (e.g. Italy, Goa, Switzerland, etc.), is emblematic also of a significant water and place based practice (see Waters of Life video –, for example. Reg's negative reaction to modernity is perhaps emblematic of his interest in what I would call dropping out into Watsu. In many ways, the physical place of the Harbin valley gave rise to new expressions of creativity and freedom, such as Watsu, as well as to Harbin identity and practices.
'Place,' in this ethnography, is actual Harbin's valley, its Mainside area, its pools and the pool area, and everything else on the the roughly 1700 acres of land which make up the Harbin valley and surroundings. ...
( - February 24, 2011)
... While it may have sheltered lots of folks who didn’t want to work for long (? some) periods of time, this may not have been sustainable (i.e. worked out culturally), but it (Harbin) still may shelter some, defined partly by which residents have been on the land the longest” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, April 13, 2008).
While this interpretation of the Harbin pools as place in contrast to 'Modernities' may seem irrelevant, or even trivial (Boellstorff 2008:91), how place significantly informs Harbin, as a kind of human technology vis-a-vis the warm pool and in contrast possibly to modernity – as a kind of technology as discourse? :) - vis-a-vis hippies, counterculture and the 1960s offers very fruitful ways to understand Harbin Hot Springs, on-the-ground and in-the-waters, I here suggest. Reg's focus on coming to Harbin to learn Watsu as kind of goal in life - but not as a Harbin resident – gives voice to one personal expression of the importance of Harbin as place for an individual, vis-a-vis modernities; Reg lived in, and experienced, both the Netherlands and California as expressions of, or milieus of, modernity before coming to Harbin for Watsu. In this interpretation, Watsu (Dull, 2008 – Watsu was created by Harold Dull, with the Water Family - see their book “Watsu: Freeing the Body in Water and with Tantsu on Land,” for example), too, is a kind of communication technology, for coming into connection with oneself and the other. And Reg came to Harbin expressly to learn Watsu, and eventually to make a living from these skills. The form of Watsu itself, as practice, healing art and dance, often done nude at Harbin, although in bathing suits in some of the rest of the places where it is practiced around the world (e.g. Italy, Goa, Switzerland, etc.), is emblematic also of a significant water and place based practice (see Waters of Life video –, for example. Reg's negative reaction to modernity is perhaps emblematic of his interest in what I would call dropping out into Watsu. In many ways, the physical place of the Harbin valley gave rise to new expressions of creativity and freedom, such as Watsu, as well as to Harbin identity and practices.
'Place,' in this ethnography, is actual Harbin's valley, its Mainside area, its pools and the pool area, and everything else on the the roughly 1700 acres of land which make up the Harbin valley and surroundings. ...
( - February 24, 2011)
Harbin ethnography,
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Elephant: Harbin Watsu because “Modernity sucks” as Reg said, Dutch commitment to reclaim land from the sea, Harbin and the Long Term
Harbin ethnography:
... In my umbrella characterization of modernity, I include what is often referred to as post-modernity, as this term emerges with and relates to, loosely, hippies and counterculture.
“Modernity sucks,” as Reg said this morning in the (Harbin's Fern community) kitchen. He’s lived in Holland for 16 years, and is focusing on taking 320 hours of Watsu and water dance and healing dance credit hours so that he can become a Watsu practitioner at Harbin.
We were first talking about the Dutch commitment to reclaim land from the sea, which extends over 3 or 4 centuries, a very long-term cultural approach involving identity, group interests and place. We were then talking about the Internet, and how he sees it as a time-suck and limiting. I mentioned Global Voices Online (, which is an aggregator of blogs from countries around the world, a very populist and empowering technology to collect, translate, and make available the blogs/thoughts from people around the world on the ground. He was then observing how he didn’t like information technology’s negative effects. I wondered whether this emerged with industrialization’s telecommunications and transportation, all of which were dislocating vis-à-vis place-based, extended families, for example, and whether Harbin is a response to all of that, to modernity itself, emerging as it did from the 1960s and 1970s fabric of life, with life there centered around its pools and in the pool area.
Could Harbin take such an approach to the future (as the Dutch have)? Could it generate a kind of place-based, or pool-based, (hippie) identity that then has a kind of staying power over the centuries? In its ‘system’ aspects, where Harbin delivers a kind of experience that just emerged, but is kinds of also planned, and is social, and is a response to modernity, could Harbin create more profoundly the music that it’s been creating, for centuries ahead, and more resonantly?
Reg observed that the Dutch are very matter of fact, and I observed that they are very reason-oriented.
So, out of the wildness of the 1960s and early 1970s, Harbin, as place and hippy-organization, wants people to work, too, {when they become residents}. While it may have sheltered lots of folks who didn’t want to work for long (? some) periods of time, this may not have been sustainable (i.e. worked out culturally), but it (Harbin) still may shelter some, defined partly by which residents have been on the land the longest” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, April 13, 2008).
While this interpretation of the Harbin pools as place in contrast to 'Modernities' may seem irrelevant, or even trivial (Boellstorff 2008:91), how place significantly informs Harbin, as a kind of human technology vis-a-vis the warm pool and in contrast possibly to modernity – as a kind of technology as discourse? :) - vis-a-vis hippies, counterculture and the 1960s offers very fruitful ways to understand Harbin Hot Springs, on-the-ground and in-the-waters, I here suggest. ...
( - February 23, 2011)
... In my umbrella characterization of modernity, I include what is often referred to as post-modernity, as this term emerges with and relates to, loosely, hippies and counterculture.
“Modernity sucks,” as Reg said this morning in the (Harbin's Fern community) kitchen. He’s lived in Holland for 16 years, and is focusing on taking 320 hours of Watsu and water dance and healing dance credit hours so that he can become a Watsu practitioner at Harbin.
We were first talking about the Dutch commitment to reclaim land from the sea, which extends over 3 or 4 centuries, a very long-term cultural approach involving identity, group interests and place. We were then talking about the Internet, and how he sees it as a time-suck and limiting. I mentioned Global Voices Online (, which is an aggregator of blogs from countries around the world, a very populist and empowering technology to collect, translate, and make available the blogs/thoughts from people around the world on the ground. He was then observing how he didn’t like information technology’s negative effects. I wondered whether this emerged with industrialization’s telecommunications and transportation, all of which were dislocating vis-à-vis place-based, extended families, for example, and whether Harbin is a response to all of that, to modernity itself, emerging as it did from the 1960s and 1970s fabric of life, with life there centered around its pools and in the pool area.
Could Harbin take such an approach to the future (as the Dutch have)? Could it generate a kind of place-based, or pool-based, (hippie) identity that then has a kind of staying power over the centuries? In its ‘system’ aspects, where Harbin delivers a kind of experience that just emerged, but is kinds of also planned, and is social, and is a response to modernity, could Harbin create more profoundly the music that it’s been creating, for centuries ahead, and more resonantly?
Reg observed that the Dutch are very matter of fact, and I observed that they are very reason-oriented.
So, out of the wildness of the 1960s and early 1970s, Harbin, as place and hippy-organization, wants people to work, too, {when they become residents}. While it may have sheltered lots of folks who didn’t want to work for long (? some) periods of time, this may not have been sustainable (i.e. worked out culturally), but it (Harbin) still may shelter some, defined partly by which residents have been on the land the longest” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, April 13, 2008).
While this interpretation of the Harbin pools as place in contrast to 'Modernities' may seem irrelevant, or even trivial (Boellstorff 2008:91), how place significantly informs Harbin, as a kind of human technology vis-a-vis the warm pool and in contrast possibly to modernity – as a kind of technology as discourse? :) - vis-a-vis hippies, counterculture and the 1960s offers very fruitful ways to understand Harbin Hot Springs, on-the-ground and in-the-waters, I here suggest. ...
( - February 23, 2011)
Green Argus: Very funny, ... a little New Yorker history of the early information technology revolution (1914 Computer-Tabulating-Recording machine)
Very funny:
... a little New Yorker history of the early information technology revolution (1914 Computer-Tabulating-Recording machine).
( - February 23, 2011)
... a little New Yorker history of the early information technology revolution (1914 Computer-Tabulating-Recording machine).
( - February 23, 2011)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fly: This Guitar Four-hands is a great Model for Eliciting Loving Bliss, naturally & musically, as biological 'oneness,' playing tones together
If this is a great Model for Eliciting Loving Bliss, naturally & musically ...
İşte Gitarı Konuşturmak Ben Buna Derim
İşte Gitarı Konuşturmak Ben Buna Derim by dj_atheros
... as both biological oneness
(I would say their brains/bodyminds are synchronized)
and via playing tones together,
how to turn this into practice with the here & now?
Sing with a friend?
Become aware of your next breath or step, add music, and bliss in oneness?
What might we learn & practice from this to actually elicit bliss when & as we want?
They like each other
... they're touching,
they're skillfully making music on the same instrument
... they're harmonious
... they're blissing together, and mutually.
... Can I bliss while writing this for you, or you bliss while reading this, - all the while being at ease & coming in synch?
... just inquiring & gently thinking about this
... (which isn't as blissful as listening, perhaps due to the music they make, or we can make, or the affection we can generate with each other, for example) :)
( - February 22, 2011)
evolutionary biology,
loving bliss,
Monday, February 21, 2011
Mountain building: Seeking dedicated MediaWiki developer for WUaS for 3000-8000 languages, 200 countries, and with Universal Translator in mind
Seeking dedicated MediaWiki developer for WUaS for 3000-8000 languages ( and around 200 countries ( and with Universal Translator in mind (building on Google Translate)
... each language will become a school ... building on the English one ... with an invitation to everyone to help ...
This is a plum of an opportunity for skillful developers ... so much creative, programming potential :)
( - February 21, 2011)
... each language will become a school ... building on the English one ... with an invitation to everyone to help ...
This is a plum of an opportunity for skillful developers ... so much creative, programming potential :)
( - February 21, 2011)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Penguin migration: Sorbonne/ UC Berkeley, World Univ & Sch's beginning Tourism Studies' subject, Theorizing Tourism on-the-ground & Tourism online
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Cal Berkeley,
global university,
loving bliss,
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Croc-bird symbiosis: Would like to add to many World Univ & Sch Subject pages' how the internet is changing / affecting that subject, E.g. Economics
... would like to add to many World University & School Subject pages' academic consideration of how the internet is changing / affecting that subject -
... See, for example, the Economics' subject - - 'How the Internet is changing economics' as well as on when it or related is up again.
... Hi R!,
What's up with I continue to be eager to use the resources, and to add to it. Is it up in wordpress form yet? I wasn't quite clear about what the web developer you talked to said. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Scott
v frustrating. many urgent & imminent deadlines. help me find MediaWiki guru to hasten what will take me hours of research & tweaking to fix? have SQL backup, shoulda done XML as well. had to switch domain name servers & that alone took nearly 72 hrs to take effect. is at top of priorities, however have many top priorities right now >_<
... looking for dedicated MediaWiki developer myself, for WUaS for 3000-8000 languages and 200 countries and Universal Translator in mind ... Semantic Wiki email list?
update: things are progressing rapidly today. first restore, redirect domain & put back online, then make myriad backups, later will transfer to wordpress upon configuration of theme and content layout/connection scheme... you will be co-admin & visitors can register for full access & editing options.. scotty do you copy?
Great and thank you so, so much, Jenny ... reducing spam headaches at Webnographers is one main goal ...
( - February 19, 2011)
... See, for example, the Economics' subject - - 'How the Internet is changing economics' as well as on when it or related is up again.
... Hi R!,
What's up with I continue to be eager to use the resources, and to add to it. Is it up in wordpress form yet? I wasn't quite clear about what the web developer you talked to said. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Scott
v frustrating. many urgent & imminent deadlines. help me find MediaWiki guru to hasten what will take me hours of research & tweaking to fix? have SQL backup, shoulda done XML as well. had to switch domain name servers & that alone took nearly 72 hrs to take effect. is at top of priorities, however have many top priorities right now >_<
... looking for dedicated MediaWiki developer myself, for WUaS for 3000-8000 languages and 200 countries and Universal Translator in mind ... Semantic Wiki email list?
update: things are progressing rapidly today. first restore, redirect domain & put back online, then make myriad backups, later will transfer to wordpress upon configuration of theme and content layout/connection scheme... you will be co-admin & visitors can register for full access & editing options.. scotty do you copy?
Great and thank you so, so much, Jenny ... reducing spam headaches at Webnographers is one main goal ...
( - February 19, 2011)
Friday, February 18, 2011
South Sierra Wilderness: World University & School will BE THERE for Digital Natives
World University & School will BE THERE for Digital Natives -
Palfrey, J. & Gasser, U. 2008. Born digital: Understanding the first generation of digital natives.
Check out this great remix of Palfrey and Gasser's book ...
WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware
with an INVITATION to digital natives to help build WUaS
building is fun ...
( - February 18, 2011)
Palfrey, J. & Gasser, U. 2008. Born digital: Understanding the first generation of digital natives.
Check out this great remix of Palfrey and Gasser's book ...
WUaS is like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware
with an INVITATION to digital natives to help build WUaS
building is fun ...
( - February 18, 2011)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Whale flying: Rainy night in Lake County in heading in to Harbin
Whale flying: Rainy night in Lake County in heading in to Harbin
Rainy night in Lake County
in heading in to Harbin ...
Blue moonlight on wet road
illuminating the behind
through the rear view mirror.
I stop for beauty.
Mozart sounds ... what
musical conceptions!
and from long ago,
yet here so now, -
away we go
all over that space
of virtuosity,
I slow in, in wonder,
to Harbin,
soon to soak.
Traveling here,
another poem is coming,
expression finding
flower form
like water traveling
up from ground,
seeking pool to warm
and seep into
all those
inner, bodymind recesses,
that welcome ease
and flourish in.
There's freedom & agency
in writing poems -
to write what one likes,
to sing the song
one wants to,
to fly in the warmth
of word music,
intimate, lyrical & free -
and inhabit those
rosy spheres,
or what you will,
which differs from
the freedoms
of being a Doctor,
a M.D.,
or an Anthropologist,
with their languages.
Exploring other
languages & spheres
is possible
with these knowledges,
but these freedoms
aren't inherent in
knowledges' discourses.
Poetry writing offers
an autonomy -
but by which especially! ...
when you find
your voice
of poetry ...
Snow in the morning -
beautiful snow
on the evergreens
above the creek
over the bridge
to the Conference Center,
out the door of my car,
where I awake,
in quiet, wintery Harbin ...
bodymind music with Harbin.
I see in this falling snow
among the conifers, -
in nature, -
a beautiful philosophy of
Gia-fu Feng's 'Tao te Ching,'
which flourishes
with Jane English's photos ...
Up to the pools
'cause it's cold out,
and the day is alive.
(Edited, posted here in blog, and significantly extended on March 2, 2011)
( - February 17, 2011)
Rainy night in Lake County
in heading in to Harbin ...
Blue moonlight on wet road
illuminating the behind
through the rear view mirror.
I stop for beauty.
Mozart sounds ... what
musical conceptions!
and from long ago,
yet here so now, -
away we go
all over that space
of virtuosity,
I slow in, in wonder,
to Harbin,
soon to soak.
Traveling here,
another poem is coming,
expression finding
flower form
like water traveling
up from ground,
seeking pool to warm
and seep into
all those
inner, bodymind recesses,
that welcome ease
and flourish in.
There's freedom & agency
in writing poems -
to write what one likes,
to sing the song
one wants to,
to fly in the warmth
of word music,
intimate, lyrical & free -
and inhabit those
rosy spheres,
or what you will,
which differs from
the freedoms
of being a Doctor,
a M.D.,
or an Anthropologist,
with their languages.
Exploring other
languages & spheres
is possible
with these knowledges,
but these freedoms
aren't inherent in
knowledges' discourses.
Poetry writing offers
an autonomy -
but by which especially! ...
when you find
your voice
of poetry ...
Snow in the morning -
beautiful snow
on the evergreens
above the creek
over the bridge
to the Conference Center,
out the door of my car,
where I awake,
in quiet, wintery Harbin ...
bodymind music with Harbin.
I see in this falling snow
among the conifers, -
in nature, -
a beautiful philosophy of
Gia-fu Feng's 'Tao te Ching,'
which flourishes
with Jane English's photos ...
Up to the pools
'cause it's cold out,
and the day is alive.
(Edited, posted here in blog, and significantly extended on March 2, 2011)
( - February 17, 2011)
Nurturing Wilderness: A nurturing World Univ & Sch? Free, high quality, building-on/re-conceiving of education because we all create it
A nurturing, INTERNET World University & School?
Free, high quality, building-on/re-conceiving of education because we all create it -
e.g. Immune Attack high school-level video game about the immune system here:
- and as a meta-directory of resources for all -
... and because education should be free
... WUAS seeks focused students for some matriculating classes beginning in 2014 ...
Teach, Add, Learn - like Wikipedia with MIT OCW
((February 18, 2011)
Free, high quality, building-on/re-conceiving of education because we all create it -
e.g. Immune Attack high school-level video game about the immune system here:
- and as a meta-directory of resources for all -
... and because education should be free
... WUAS seeks focused students for some matriculating classes beginning in 2014 ...
Teach, Add, Learn - like Wikipedia with MIT OCW
((February 18, 2011)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Damselfly: A Great, INTERNET, research university, breath by breath, is model & goal for WUaS, focusing first on Brain, Language, Medicine & Comp Sci
A Great, INTERNET, research university - -
breath by breath,
is model & goal for WUaS (like MIT & top 5 but online & wiki)
focusing first on Brain/Bodymind, Language, Medicine & Computer Science
... with an invitation to engage
World Univ & Sch is wiki-building on Open Course Ware - like MIT OCW, Yale OYC, Berkeley Webcast, Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE) ... in virtual worlds ...
and through collaboration, to start
... from a startup.
Check out the new book 'Unlocking the Gates' (Princeton) about Open Course Ware, again -
World Univ & Sch plans to wiki-aggregate great Open Course Ware and make possible interactive courses in virtual worlds.
We're in a 'Ford Model T' - early - stage of Internet development ... there's a lot still ahead!
Mozilla Firefox, Google Books, Craigslist, OpenOffice, Global Voices Online & Wikipedia are all models of high quality, open, helpful, FREE software which are models for World Univ & Sch, and most can be found at WUAS,
WUAS is like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware.
( - February 16, 2011)
breath by breath,
is model & goal for WUaS (like MIT & top 5 but online & wiki)
focusing first on Brain/Bodymind, Language, Medicine & Computer Science
... with an invitation to engage
World Univ & Sch is wiki-building on Open Course Ware - like MIT OCW, Yale OYC, Berkeley Webcast, Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE) ... in virtual worlds ...
and through collaboration, to start
... from a startup.
Check out the new book 'Unlocking the Gates' (Princeton) about Open Course Ware, again -
World Univ & Sch plans to wiki-aggregate great Open Course Ware and make possible interactive courses in virtual worlds.
We're in a 'Ford Model T' - early - stage of Internet development ... there's a lot still ahead!
Mozilla Firefox, Google Books, Craigslist, OpenOffice, Global Voices Online & Wikipedia are all models of high quality, open, helpful, FREE software which are models for World Univ & Sch, and most can be found at WUAS,
WUAS is like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware.
( - February 16, 2011)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Lodoicea maldivica - biggest seed: When I think of Harbin as place, the pools are most significant, and the softening that goes on there
Harbin ethnography:
... Harbin's gatehouse is the in-out portal to this hippie-'system,' or counterculture-cum-system, of getting in touch with your warm pool self, and of living the future (Ishvara, “Living the Future,” Harbin publications, 1996), and to a kind of place-based freedom, especially in relation to the 'modernities,' as milieu, from which people are coming.
“When I think of Harbin as place, the pools are most significant, and the softening that goes on there, tucked as the pools are in a pretty little canyon very distant from the activity of a metropolis or modernities 'out there,' is quite unique” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, May 30, 2008). For anthropologist James Clifford, modernity, characterized by rootlessness, mobility, alienation, scattered traditions, craziness, and disorder (Clifford, 1988:3-4), entails historical uncertainty and undermines concepts of cultural ‘essence.’ Modernity, in this book, refers to ways of life that emerges from everything since Gutenberg's press and printing, the Enlightenment, and the industrial revolutions, including consumerism, and how these processes may effect people in the everyday - what some hippies might call Babylon - but informed by a myriad of readings and constructions of modernities in the social sciences. “By 'countercultural,' I mean those human articulations that reflect the radicalism - political, sexual, psychedelic, communitarian, artistic - of the 1960s and early 70s which heralded, and creatively explored, widespread envisionings of possibilities to change society for the better against the powerful, and against corporate interests, as well as in response to limitations of cultural traditions and modernity (e.g. consumerism). Significant and widespread aspects of society were touched by this thinking, and far-reaching use of L.S.D., also called acid, may have lead to the expanding the consciousnesses of a generation, thus furthering counterculture, and exploding the 60s, in a way that previous generations of alternative folks and precursors to hippies didn't have access to. By one account, much of this began because mostly white, middle class youth had time on their hands to protest against the war in Vietnam and for civil rights, engaging their first amendment rights of freedom of speech and free expression (a U.C. Berkeley Ph.D. who is a professor of sociology in a Canadian university in 1999). From this emerged a variety of ways of life and thinking, practices, traditions, organizations and institutions, including Harbin Hot Springs and the Rainbow Gathering, for example” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, June 10, 2008). In my umbrella characterization of modernity, I include what is often referred to as post-modernity, as this term emerges with and relates to, loosely, hippies and counterculture.
“Modernity sucks,” as Reg said this morning in the (Harbin's Fern community) kitchen. ...
( - February 15, 2011)
... Harbin's gatehouse is the in-out portal to this hippie-'system,' or counterculture-cum-system, of getting in touch with your warm pool self, and of living the future (Ishvara, “Living the Future,” Harbin publications, 1996), and to a kind of place-based freedom, especially in relation to the 'modernities,' as milieu, from which people are coming.
“When I think of Harbin as place, the pools are most significant, and the softening that goes on there, tucked as the pools are in a pretty little canyon very distant from the activity of a metropolis or modernities 'out there,' is quite unique” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, May 30, 2008). For anthropologist James Clifford, modernity, characterized by rootlessness, mobility, alienation, scattered traditions, craziness, and disorder (Clifford, 1988:3-4), entails historical uncertainty and undermines concepts of cultural ‘essence.’ Modernity, in this book, refers to ways of life that emerges from everything since Gutenberg's press and printing, the Enlightenment, and the industrial revolutions, including consumerism, and how these processes may effect people in the everyday - what some hippies might call Babylon - but informed by a myriad of readings and constructions of modernities in the social sciences. “By 'countercultural,' I mean those human articulations that reflect the radicalism - political, sexual, psychedelic, communitarian, artistic - of the 1960s and early 70s which heralded, and creatively explored, widespread envisionings of possibilities to change society for the better against the powerful, and against corporate interests, as well as in response to limitations of cultural traditions and modernity (e.g. consumerism). Significant and widespread aspects of society were touched by this thinking, and far-reaching use of L.S.D., also called acid, may have lead to the expanding the consciousnesses of a generation, thus furthering counterculture, and exploding the 60s, in a way that previous generations of alternative folks and precursors to hippies didn't have access to. By one account, much of this began because mostly white, middle class youth had time on their hands to protest against the war in Vietnam and for civil rights, engaging their first amendment rights of freedom of speech and free expression (a U.C. Berkeley Ph.D. who is a professor of sociology in a Canadian university in 1999). From this emerged a variety of ways of life and thinking, practices, traditions, organizations and institutions, including Harbin Hot Springs and the Rainbow Gathering, for example” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, June 10, 2008). In my umbrella characterization of modernity, I include what is often referred to as post-modernity, as this term emerges with and relates to, loosely, hippies and counterculture.
“Modernity sucks,” as Reg said this morning in the (Harbin's Fern community) kitchen. ...
( - February 15, 2011)
Harbin ethnography,
Fallen tree: I'm sad to say that the wiki (editable web pages) about Virtual Ethnography, has been taken down
I'm sad to say that the wiki (editable web pages) on Virtual Ethnography, on which I did 99% of the aggregation of bibliographic resources and editorial work -
adding a great number of books, academic papers, syllabi, videos and some scholarly, digital tools -
has been taken down.
These are some of the pages:
I've posted some of these resources to this blog in the past (here, for example: from August 2009), but a great deal is lost - possibly half of the bibliographic references that I've posted since that time.
In contacting the person :) who started it numerous times (5-7), she told me she would try to put it up again, or in another form as a wordpress blog, for example, but this hasn't happened yet. I use, and add to it, regularly, and have been needing to use it for an upcoming paper I have been planning to give on Tourism and the Internet, but unfortunately, this wiki, or these resources, aren't up again.
Such an ongoing, wiki bibliography, on virtual ethnography, can be enormously useful to all kinds of scholars and people, especially over time, so it's being unavailable, since at least around January 20, 2010, is not only a loss to many people, but also to me.
What 'larger' processes might account for this?
It's hard to say, but perhaps it reflects a move away from free, open sharing of scholarly materials, a kind of mini-closing of one, wiki resource.
If it is a result of some kind of arbitrariness, and even a kind of wrong, in taking it down, unbeknownst to the person who started it, this kind of thing has a long history on the internet, - and, often, what goes around comes around, on the web, too.
I had added so much to it on the principle of open, wiki-sharing.
I'm hoping it's saved at the WebArchive, Library of Congress, or in another Nation State's web-archiving efforts, or in other venues, and that it will re-surface at some point, so that I can continue to add to it.
Make backups, look for 'Terms of Service,' and be careful how you invest your research time.
As with open, wiki World University and School, I very much see the benefits of sharing academic resources, especially about the web, and for innovation, and would love to see a flourishing of such (serious, knowledge-oriented) wikis and resources, in all kinds of ways.
Such open sharing of knowledge-resources, and idea-exchange, is, arguably, what has led to ongoing innovation (hacking, too, especially) in the IT revolution (via proprietary/copyrighted information, in libraries, too), in conjunction with ownership processes (e.g. Benkler's "The Wealth of Networks" (Yale UP), which you can read for free here, for example).
( - February 15, 2011)
adding a great number of books, academic papers, syllabi, videos and some scholarly, digital tools -
has been taken down.
These are some of the pages:
I've posted some of these resources to this blog in the past (here, for example: from August 2009), but a great deal is lost - possibly half of the bibliographic references that I've posted since that time.
In contacting the person :) who started it numerous times (5-7), she told me she would try to put it up again, or in another form as a wordpress blog, for example, but this hasn't happened yet. I use, and add to it, regularly, and have been needing to use it for an upcoming paper I have been planning to give on Tourism and the Internet, but unfortunately, this wiki, or these resources, aren't up again.
Such an ongoing, wiki bibliography, on virtual ethnography, can be enormously useful to all kinds of scholars and people, especially over time, so it's being unavailable, since at least around January 20, 2010, is not only a loss to many people, but also to me.
What 'larger' processes might account for this?
It's hard to say, but perhaps it reflects a move away from free, open sharing of scholarly materials, a kind of mini-closing of one, wiki resource.
If it is a result of some kind of arbitrariness, and even a kind of wrong, in taking it down, unbeknownst to the person who started it, this kind of thing has a long history on the internet, - and, often, what goes around comes around, on the web, too.
I had added so much to it on the principle of open, wiki-sharing.
I'm hoping it's saved at the WebArchive, Library of Congress, or in another Nation State's web-archiving efforts, or in other venues, and that it will re-surface at some point, so that I can continue to add to it.
Make backups, look for 'Terms of Service,' and be careful how you invest your research time.
As with open, wiki World University and School, I very much see the benefits of sharing academic resources, especially about the web, and for innovation, and would love to see a flourishing of such (serious, knowledge-oriented) wikis and resources, in all kinds of ways.
Such open sharing of knowledge-resources, and idea-exchange, is, arguably, what has led to ongoing innovation (hacking, too, especially) in the IT revolution (via proprietary/copyrighted information, in libraries, too), in conjunction with ownership processes (e.g. Benkler's "The Wealth of Networks" (Yale UP), which you can read for free here, for example).
( - February 15, 2011)
Chimpanzees - both species: Primatology Literature in conversation with Anthropology academic literature? Why not?
I'm curious why, (or whether), any(?) Primatology academic literature - - hasn't come into conversation with Anthropology academic literature - - (especially sociocultural anthropology) with an invitation to add to these wiki subjects at WUaS ...
There are so many parallels - from field work, as method, on ...
Why don't anthropologists look at humans as human primates (whatsoever?) who are comparable with Bonobo chimpanzees or common chimpanzees, for example?
( - February 15, 2011)
There are so many parallels - from field work, as method, on ...
Why don't anthropologists look at humans as human primates (whatsoever?) who are comparable with Bonobo chimpanzees or common chimpanzees, for example?
( - February 15, 2011)
Precipice Lake: It's CONVERSATION around innovation - in the information technology sphere, especially - which has lead to astounding INNOVATION
It's CONVERSATION around innovation - in the information technology sphere, since, for example, the transistor in '47 and chips in the 1950s - which has lead to ongoing, astounding further INNOVATION.
... Academic 'conversation' has a form ('conference-style' idea-sharing, lectures, publishing academic papers, etc.) that also develops (it happens over time via libraries, significantly). World University & School, with graduate student instructors in virtual worlds, for example, and professors' talks video-streamed there, that makes possible FURTHER innovative conversation - :).
And virtual worlds, for example, allow for both group-text-chat, where a document can be saved with multiple lines of reasoning (everyone having written at once:), and voice chat, - as well as video-streaming into virtual worlds; avatar-mediated virtual world communication adds something ... and you can group-build things out of virtual objects called prims in Second Life ... lots of ways to innovate conversationally with CONVERSATION ... At a fairly 'high' academic and scientific level, scaled to all languages, people might generate a LOT of innovation at World University and School and in virtual worlds ... not to mention via academic publishing ...
But it seems like there are a fair number of processes that get in the way of such conversations - everything from 'controlling processes' (knowledge discourses and money/media/educational systems) to lack of focus or access to teaching and learning resources among learners.
( - February 15, 2011)
... Academic 'conversation' has a form ('conference-style' idea-sharing, lectures, publishing academic papers, etc.) that also develops (it happens over time via libraries, significantly). World University & School, with graduate student instructors in virtual worlds, for example, and professors' talks video-streamed there, that makes possible FURTHER innovative conversation - :).
And virtual worlds, for example, allow for both group-text-chat, where a document can be saved with multiple lines of reasoning (everyone having written at once:), and voice chat, - as well as video-streaming into virtual worlds; avatar-mediated virtual world communication adds something ... and you can group-build things out of virtual objects called prims in Second Life ... lots of ways to innovate conversationally with CONVERSATION ... At a fairly 'high' academic and scientific level, scaled to all languages, people might generate a LOT of innovation at World University and School and in virtual worlds ... not to mention via academic publishing ...
But it seems like there are a fair number of processes that get in the way of such conversations - everything from 'controlling processes' (knowledge discourses and money/media/educational systems) to lack of focus or access to teaching and learning resources among learners.
( - February 15, 2011)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Lionfish: A Valentine's Day poem ... 'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding,' Grateful Dead's Going Down the Road Feeling Bad
A Valentine's Day poem
... 'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding' :
... Happy Valentine's Day :)
... Check out the great version of the Grateful Dead's 'Going Down the Road Feeling Bad' toward the bottom of this poem :)
( - February 14, 2011)
... 'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding' :
... Happy Valentine's Day :)
... Check out the great version of the Grateful Dead's 'Going Down the Road Feeling Bad' toward the bottom of this poem :)
( - February 14, 2011)
Grateful Dead,
Harbin Hot Springs,
loving bliss
Tortoises in the mist: Harbin Hot Springs, Freedom, Agency, All Languages, Linguistics, Universal Translator
There's freedom at Harbin (
- agency -
here's a poem about this, in part-
'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding': ... :)
There's freedom at WUaS - building on MIT Open Course Ware as academic standard - and making possible open, wiki- Teaching & Learning in a free & friendly way ... invitation to add a subject ... - a people-ideas opportunity :)
People are freely teaching & learning online in so many ways
... and WUaS will aggregate these as a wiki-metadirectory, in 3000-8000 languages
... Wikipedia, the online wiki-encyclopedia, by way of comparison, is in around 272 languages ...
are there 8000 languages??? Wow!
... There are 6,900 and some languages, according to 'The Ethnologue'
plus human-invented languages, 'dead' languages, (computer languages, etc.).
World University & School - -
will help to identify ALL of them, and wiki-facilitate teaching & learning resources in them, too :)
Invitation to add a language, and a school :)
Here's The Ethnologue's web site -
World Univ & Sch would also like to build on Google Translate and 2 or 3 other parallel projects to develop a Universal Translator, based on the WUaS Languages' page :)
Good intro to linguistics? See World University & School Linguistics' subject - - and particularly Victoria Fromkin et al.'s 'Introduction to Language' :)
( - February 14, 2011)
- agency -
here's a poem about this, in part-
'I do choose to write the muse of bliss unfolding': ... :)
There's freedom at WUaS - building on MIT Open Course Ware as academic standard - and making possible open, wiki- Teaching & Learning in a free & friendly way ... invitation to add a subject ... - a people-ideas opportunity :)
People are freely teaching & learning online in so many ways
... and WUaS will aggregate these as a wiki-metadirectory, in 3000-8000 languages
... Wikipedia, the online wiki-encyclopedia, by way of comparison, is in around 272 languages ...
are there 8000 languages??? Wow!
... There are 6,900 and some languages, according to 'The Ethnologue'
plus human-invented languages, 'dead' languages, (computer languages, etc.).
World University & School - -
will help to identify ALL of them, and wiki-facilitate teaching & learning resources in them, too :)
Invitation to add a language, and a school :)
Here's The Ethnologue's web site -
World Univ & Sch would also like to build on Google Translate and 2 or 3 other parallel projects to develop a Universal Translator, based on the WUaS Languages' page :)
Good intro to linguistics? See World University & School Linguistics' subject - - and particularly Victoria Fromkin et al.'s 'Introduction to Language' :)
( - February 14, 2011)
Harbin Hot Springs,
Himalayan valley: As place, I sometimes anthropologically interpret Harbin as a kind of countercultural 'system,' or metaphorical, human, 'ecosystem'
Harbin ethnography:
... As a kind of landscape-based, moving, musical prelude to the 'world' of Harbin Hot Springs ahead, driving in on this beautiful road is a harbinger of the transition to a different place, a liminal, clothing-optional hot springs' retreat center, which is Heart Consciousness Church (HCC) in 2011.
As place, I sometimes anthropologically interpret Harbin as a kind of countercultural 'system,' or metaphorical, human, cultural 'ecosystem,' in its valley, in the context of a milieu that emerges out of the 1960s. People come to Harbin, enter through the gate, having entered the visual beauty around Harbin after leaving Middletown, CA, head into the pools – immerse themselves, get Harbinized, hang out with other people who are naked in and around the pools and pool area, and at Harbin in general, and then leave Harbin. In this sense, Harbin produces 'Harbinization,' or the Harbin experience – even as a kind of soft, earth-based 'technology'. Actual Harbin, in this sense, also creates something a little like what the Grateful Dead create; in the pools, the experience of being in that place is like the 'space,' and the bliss, the Grateful Dead create with their music (recordings, too), which people love. But there are so many people who come through the gate here, that, to generalize for many people about the Harbin experience is to possibly omit a variety of experiences. Nevertheless, I would hypothesize that the immersive experience of the warm pool probably elicits the relaxation response, a similar, biological effect for all, and which is integral to the Harbin experience. Harbin's gatehouse is the in-out portal to this hippie-'system,' or counterculture-cum-system, of getting in touch with your warm pool self, and of living the future (Ishvara, “Living the Future,” Harbin publications, 1996), and to a kind of place-based freedom, especially in relation to the 'modernities,' as milieu, from which people are coming.
“When I think of Harbin as place, the pools are most significant, and the softening that goes on there, tucked as the pools are in a pretty little canyon very distant from the activity of a metropolis or modernities 'out there,' is quite unique” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, May 30, 2008). ...
(February 14, 2011)
( - February 14, 2011)
... As a kind of landscape-based, moving, musical prelude to the 'world' of Harbin Hot Springs ahead, driving in on this beautiful road is a harbinger of the transition to a different place, a liminal, clothing-optional hot springs' retreat center, which is Heart Consciousness Church (HCC) in 2011.
As place, I sometimes anthropologically interpret Harbin as a kind of countercultural 'system,' or metaphorical, human, cultural 'ecosystem,' in its valley, in the context of a milieu that emerges out of the 1960s. People come to Harbin, enter through the gate, having entered the visual beauty around Harbin after leaving Middletown, CA, head into the pools – immerse themselves, get Harbinized, hang out with other people who are naked in and around the pools and pool area, and at Harbin in general, and then leave Harbin. In this sense, Harbin produces 'Harbinization,' or the Harbin experience – even as a kind of soft, earth-based 'technology'. Actual Harbin, in this sense, also creates something a little like what the Grateful Dead create; in the pools, the experience of being in that place is like the 'space,' and the bliss, the Grateful Dead create with their music (recordings, too), which people love. But there are so many people who come through the gate here, that, to generalize for many people about the Harbin experience is to possibly omit a variety of experiences. Nevertheless, I would hypothesize that the immersive experience of the warm pool probably elicits the relaxation response, a similar, biological effect for all, and which is integral to the Harbin experience. Harbin's gatehouse is the in-out portal to this hippie-'system,' or counterculture-cum-system, of getting in touch with your warm pool self, and of living the future (Ishvara, “Living the Future,” Harbin publications, 1996), and to a kind of place-based freedom, especially in relation to the 'modernities,' as milieu, from which people are coming.
“When I think of Harbin as place, the pools are most significant, and the softening that goes on there, tucked as the pools are in a pretty little canyon very distant from the activity of a metropolis or modernities 'out there,' is quite unique” (MacLeod, Harbin Field Notes 2007-2008, May 30, 2008). ...
(February 14, 2011)
( - February 14, 2011)
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