Thursday, January 31, 2013

East African elephant: Quakers, Nonviolence Strategy, Peace and Social Justice Studies, and World University and School

Dear George Lakey, 

Nice to see you today (we met decades ago at Pendle Hill) and thanks for an engaging, afternoon session in the San Francisco's Mission district on 'Nonviolent Strategy'. I had to leave with something previously planned, but I wanted to communicate with you in writing about Quaker-informed, wiki, MIT OCW-centric World University and School, which is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, and which plans to offer Creative Commons' licensed, MIT-centric, online, university degrees - bachelor (2014), Ph.D. (2015), law (2016) and M.D. (2017) in addition to International Baccalaureate (2015-ish?) in English - accredited eventually in many languages, beginning with United Nations' ones, as well as be in 7,413+ languages and 204+ countries, as open, free, online, wiki schools. We engage Quaker business process for our monthly business meetings. WUaS would like to matriculate our first, MIT-centric, undergraduate class in 2014, with students applying this autumn 2013. You could think of WUaS as a nonviolent strategy, in and of itself. And WUaS is very interested in reaching out to Quaker High School and College students, in particular. Free, MIT, and Wiki (as well as CC) and Friendly ... will appeal to many.

Here are a few examples of peace-oriented, wiki, subject pages at  World University and School: 

WUaS's 'Peace and Social Justice Studies,' wiki, subject page - 

and WUaS's 'Ahimsa - Nonharming - Nonviolence - To avoid violence,' wiki, subject page -

And here are some WUaS's Quaker pages: 

There are many familiar academic subject pages at WUaS, in addition to the main, WUaS pages which you'll find here at "Three, main, I.T. foci at World University & School, Music School, Universal Translator, Virtual Harbin Hot Springs / Earth as 'classroom'" -

Looking forward to sharing ideas further.

With friendly regards,


I added the following books, databases and resources that George wrote on the board at this session in the WUaS Ahimsa, wiki page - -

Lakey, George. 2012. Toward a living revolution: A five-stage framework for creating radical social change. London, UK: Peace News Press.

Moyer, Bill, JoAmn McAllister, Mary Lou Finley, Steven Soifer. 2001. Doing Democracy: The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements. Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers.

Global Nonviolent Action Database. 2013. Global Nonviolent Action Database. Swarthmore, PA:


World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)

P.O. Box 442,   
(86 Ridgecrest Road), 
Canyon, CA 94516

Skype: scottm100

Google + main, WUaS page: 

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World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.