Thursday, February 28, 2013
Brain internet: Intellectual, brain-candy opportunities ahead {and wiki-now} with the 2,150 MIT OCW courses and 42 Yale OYC courses (both Creative Commons' licensed) at WUaS, for free, MIT-centric, university degrees, And fully engaged (work / play / create) ethos at WUaS ahead ... (e.g. vis-a-vis Google), "“Physically Together”: Here’s the Internal Yahoo No-Work-From-Home Memo ...," How can WUaS eventually hire for a fully-engaged, intellectual, work / play ethos and flourishing?, WUaS seeks intellectually passionate students, with great curiosity for free, MIT-centric degrees, applying first this autumn 2013, and with WUaS's first undergraduate class matriculating in the autumn of 2014
Intellectual, brain-candy opportunities ahead {and wiki-now} with the 2,150 MIT OCW courses and 42 Yale OYC courses (both Creative Commons' licensed) at World University and school, for free, MIT-centric, university degrees ...
... And fully engaged, intellectual, work / play / create ethos at WUaS ahead ... (e.g. vis-a-vis Google) ...
Vis-a-vis WUaS and Yahoo's recent change to require Yahoo staff to work together in a physical location beginning in June 2012 -
"“Physically Together”: Here’s the Internal Yahoo No-Work-From-Home Memo for Remote Workers and Maybe More" - -
and here are the 'Best Telecommuting Companies' ... ...
( esp. Cisco, Intel, Teach for America ) ...
with relevance for virtual World University and School ... ...
planning to hire MIT and great Universties' graduate students ...
to teach interactively online -
vis-a-vis the Conference Method - -
How can WUaS eventually hire for a fully-engaged, intellectual, work / play ethos and flourishing, and as a multi-national university?
WUaS seeks intellectually passionate students, with great curiosity (and great grades and transcripts are a bonus, perhaps reflecting a good study ethos) for free, MIT-centric degrees, applying first this autumn 2013 (, and with WUaS's first undergraduate class matriculating in the autumn of 2014 (
WUaS would like to become the MIT / Harvard of the Internet and in all 7,413 + languages and 204 + countries / places ...
global university,
Yale University
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Chimpanzee thinking: Law School developments at WUaS, Many Countries and Languages, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, One, WUaS 'umbrella' for law schools and teaching faculty in most countries will be potentially very helpful in the developing of legal questions in the information age
Hi Lil,
World University and School is a humongous vision and process. WUaS has a Nation States' main page (204+ countries per the Olympics) and focus, and eventually for online, C.C., Law Schools - - as well as a main Languages' page (7,413 + per "The Ethnologue") and focus - - which will inform some aspects of WUaS, C.C., Law School development in various countries - - as a beginning. Wikipedia is in 285 languages, by way of comparison, and we all are co-writing these millions of articles in many different languages, thanks to wiki information technologies.
I'm excited to see the development of the large, online, Digital Public Library of America ( which should appear this April 2013, in terms of legal resources, - for Americans it would seem at this point. It's already here at Library Resources at WUaS - - where we'll also aggregate other open library resources from the U.S. as well as other countries' and languages' library resources as they emerge online, hopefully in publicly accessible ways.
MIT OCW is Creative Commons' licensed, which refers to the licensing of the texts and media (emerging from copyright law, I newly learned at the Digital Copyright Stanford Law conference on Friday), and WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed, as well, so I think WUaS will have to become a content producer in the cases of the online, WUaS Law Schools and Medical Schools, but perhaps also develop collaborations with already existing Law Schools. There may be a few courses at C.C. MIT OCW that could contribute to a law degree only at this point. WUaS plans to develop both online, CC, Law Schools and online Medical Schools and in many countries and languages, and we're going to need some help!
While WUaS is degree-focused as one wing, and wiki-school focused as the other wing, it might be great to talk with the Open Law School folks.
One WUaS 'umbrella' for law schools and teaching faculty in most/all countries will be potentially very helpful in the developing of legal questions in the information age.
May I add you to both the a) open, hour-long, electronically-mediated, WUaS, monthly, business meeting, email list, as well as b) the WUaS, sporadic, email list?
Very nice to be in communication with you!
Best wishes,
On Mon 25/02/13 3:47 PM , Lil at UC Berkeley Law (Boalt) sent:
Hi Scott,
WUaS sounds very ambitious! I like it:-) Law school is definitely an area waiting to be disrupted, especially in the US, which is one of the few places in the world where it isn't an undergraduate degree.
Having taught copyright law on the web before, I can say that it is quite difficult to manage the varying jurisdictional issues. So even if you have fantastic materials from, say, Australia, they are not useful in the United States. And similarly, even if you have great materials from the US, they would not be useful in China (even setting aside the language barrier). So that is going to be a big challenge, and one you may have already thought about, to start with.
I'm also a little confused about making it "MIT OCW-centric." MIT doesn't have a law school, so as far as I know there are not many law related materials on their site. In fact, I don't know of any law schools that participate in the OCW/OER world at all!
However, I have talked to people at Peer 2 Peer University who are quite interested in building an Open Law School on their platform. It has hit the above snags (lack of open materials and jurisdictional differences) but if you are interested in working with them on making it a reality, I'd be happy to put you in touch.
Best of luck!
On 2/23/13 1:23 PM, Scott MacLeod wrote:Hi, Lil,
Nice to talk with you at the "Copyright in the Digital Age" symposium yesterday at Stanford Law. I enjoyed your panel and talk a lot, as well.
As a followup, here's the beginning, World University and School, Law School, wiki, subject page - with links to related, wiki pages including Creative Commons' Law, Copyright, Patenting, Intellectual Property, etc., - in English:
I've also added the symposiums videos to come - - link to WUaS's 'Copyright,' wiki, subject page - - in its 'Select Video and Audio' section.
WUaS would eventually like to develop, online, MIT OCW-centric, accredited Law Schools in many languages and potentially all countries.
Thanks again and looking forward to further communication.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
African Golden Cat: Jacques, living in the U.S., but from the Democratic Republic of Congo, writes "I wanted to catch up with you regarding a possibility of sponsoring 10 student from our junior college in the DRC."
Hi Scott,
I hope all is well with you and I wanted to catch up with you regarding a possibility of sponsoring 10 student from our junior college in the DRC.
Hi Jacques,
Thanks for getting back to me, and what a great idea! I enjoyed your Q&A in November 2012 at the little Canyon School after the showing of the film "Crisis in the Congo," which you'll also find here at the WUaS, DRC, wiki, Subject page, and which is also the beginning of Democratice Republic of Congo universities and schools - .
Sponsorship for online World University and School of DRC students in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) could mean that WUaS begins to focus developing an online
International Baccalaureate diploma ( ) and
The College at WUaS ( )
in some DRC languages, as well as open, wiki schools in DRC languages, for people-to-people teaching (e.g. via smartphone, web cameras), as well as for open educational resources as it emerges. WUaS may eventually network with
One Laptop per Child ($100_Laptop_-_MIT ), for example,
for OLPC computers and also eventually develop fiber-optic broadband ourselves in various countries (as part of WUaS's mission).
WUaS plans to focus on developing English diplomas and degrees first, then degrees and diplomas in U.N. languages (French, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese), and then other languages, especially in DRC / African languages, such as Lingala, Kikongo, Swahili, Tshiluba, for people-to-people teaching, even for people who are illiterate via handheld, smartphone video.
What languages do these DRC junior college students speak? Where in the DRC do they live? Do they have broadband and internet video access?
Let me know in writing your answers to some of these questions, perhaps before we speak on the phone.
Best regards,

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 1:20 PM, Congo Bolingo <> wrote:
Hi Scott,I hope all is well with you and I wanted to catch up with you regarding a possibility of sponsoring 10 student from our junior college in the DRC.Please feel free to call this evening after 5:30pm.
On Jan 31, 2013, at 7:50 PM, Scott MacLeod < > wrote:Hi Jacques,Thanks for your recent posting. Here's an email I sent to Rena about education in the DRC. I'm curious about your thoughts about this. Do you happen to know the DRC blogger on the WUaS Congo page?Hi R,
Thanks for your question about educational resources on CD for the DRC.World University and School is coming along in baby steps, and we'd like to matriculate our first, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT OCW-centric, undergraduate degree class, in English, in the autumn of 2014 (applying this autumn).Thanks so much for forwarding information about WUaS to the US lead for Congo Education work (of the Orinda-Lafayette Presbyterian Congo Team, or Friends of the Congo?)!What languages do you think would be most fruitful for educational resources in the DRC as these resources grow? WUaS is planning for all languages eventually, but, after college degree programs in English, starting with UN languages, and possibly Portuguese and Swahili, two lingua francas of Africa, early on, and eventually moving much MIT OCW into these languages at the high school/I.B., undergraduate/BA and graduate levels/Ph.D. And WUaS will plan for both handheld devices (relatively inexpensive) and CD and printable ones (see the "navigation section" at the WUaS Congo page), but I wasn't able to find any online, educational resources for the Congo on the web when I just looked. And WUaS would very much like to invite Congolese to become stakeholders and initiators in this WUaS, MIT-centric, WUaS process ... and to simply start teaching to the web at WUaS, in non-French languages.I did find this in Wikipedia, suggesting Belgium and resources in French would be something to build on:(In 2001 the literacy rate was estimated to be 67.2% (80.9% male and 54.1% female).[68] The education system in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is governed by three government ministries: the Ministère de l'Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel (MEPSP), the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire (MESU) and the Ministère des Affaires Sociales (MAS). The educational system in the DRC is similar to that of Belgium. In 2002, there were over 19,000 primary schools serving 160,000 students; and 8,000 secondary schools serving 110,000 students. Primary education is free and compulsory (Article 43 of the 2005 Congolese Constitution).[69]Gross enrollment ratios are based on the number of students formally registered in primary school and therefore do not necessarily reflect actual school attendance.[70] In 2000, 65 percent of children ages 10 to 14 years were attending school.[70] As a result of the 6-year civil war, over 5.2 million children in the country receive no education.[70])Presently WUaS's pages are places where we can all add open, online resources we know of, and even create them by starting a wiki, subject page - - or teaching to our web camera. We can also create other, new pages.WUaS's Congo, and related, pages (e.g. languages ,etc.) - - are wiki and thus open. As Congolese and other people learn of this, and as the WUaS wiki improves (we're moving soon probably to a new Wikidata wiki), resources on this page will grow. Perhaps a Sal Khan of Congolese educational resources in Congolese languages will emerge.the_Congo And perhaps J.I. might have some insight in to developing such resources.Best,Scott
Scott MacLeod
Founder & President
World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)
P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516
415 480 4577
Skype: scottm100
Google + main, WUaS pages: 108179352492243955816/posts
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Trifolium amoenum: WUaS in India, Law Schools and related, India subjects, Music
Dear Tika,
Likewise - very nice to meet you at the "Copyright in the Digital Age" symposium at Stanford Law, and thank you for forwarding my email to your friends in India.
Wiki, World University and School is already open for editing and open teaching (and learning), but WUaS is also planning to move to a new Wikidata wiki in the not-too-distant future which will make editing, creating and teaching yet easier and better than it is presently.
World University and School is seeking undergraduate applicants this autumn (application deadline January 1, 2014 at midnight Pacific Time) to matriculate online in the autumn of 2014 for free, MIT-centric, Creative Commons' licensed, U.S. accredited, bachelor degrees in The College at World University and School - - in English. In a sense The College at WUaS for free, undergraduate degrees is already expanding to India.
WUaS is planning to matriculate our first classes in these years - for bachelor (2014), Ph.D., (2015), law (2016 - U.S. law at this point), and M.D. (2017) degrees - in English, and is open to collaboration and initiative for other, online, MIT-centric degrees, in other countries and languages.
And here's the India, wiki page with its Links' section - (accessible here - - which will eventually become an university in itself potentially in a variety of languages in India. The links here will take you to some, beginning languages in India, in English, but will eventually be in those languages, as well; you can also access these initial languages at the 'Languages' wiki, subject page here - In this Links' section, you'll also find some initial, musical instruments in India, which you can also access in the WUaS Music School ...
I'll add your gmail to both WUaS's sporadic email list, as well as to the open, electronically-mediated, monthly, business meeting, email list, unless you would prefer otherwise.
Best wishes,
Dear ScottIt was a pleasure to meet you and discuss your extremely interesting initiative. I am forwarding your email to some of my friends in India just to spread the word.If you ever decide to expand and develop the program to India, do let me know. I'm sure there will be several people who would love to contribute.Good luck with your project, and looking forward to staying in touch.Tika-----------LL.M. Candidate 2013Law, Science and Technology ProgramStanford Law School
Dear Tika,
Nice to talk with you at the "Copyright in the Digital Age" symposium yesterday at Stanford Law.
As a followup, here's the beginning, World University and School, Law School, wiki, subject page - with links to related, wiki pages including Creative Commons' Law, Copyright, Patenting, Intellectual Property, etc., - in English:
I've also added the link to WUaS's 'Copyright,' wiki, subject page - - in its 'Select Video and Audio' section.
WUaS would eventually like to develop, online, MIT OCW-centric, accredited Law Schools in many languages and potentially all countries.
Thanks again and looking forward to further communication.
Scott MacLeod
Founder & President
World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)
P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516
415 480 4577
Skype: scottm100
Google + main, WUaS page:
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
global university,
MIT language,
Stanford University,
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Moon walking: Wondrous communitas, - that is sociality - and whenever? Grateful Dead concerts that were great are a reference experience, for those who enjoy the Dead, How to create this at World University and School? Many Earlham College students, in my experience, for example, have come closest to expressing what I mean here in an academic context, How and why does communitas work in academia? It probably has partly to do with the qualities of flow experiences, I'm heading to Dance Church in Santa Cruz today :)
Wondrous communitas, - which is loving sociality and which rocks - and whenever?
Grateful Dead concerts that were great are a reference experience, for those who enjoy the Dead.
"Communitas is an intense community spirit, the feeling of great ... solidarity, and togetherness."
How to create this at World University and School?
Many, Earlham College students, in my experience, when we've talked, for example, have come closest to expressing what I mean here in an academic context.
How and why does communitas work in academia?
It probably has partly to do with qualities of flow experiences - an absorbed mind and challenge at the right level, - including creative ones.
I think Stanford University students have similarly opened far-reachingly to kinds of communitas, academically, especially in the 1960s and 1970s.
I'm heading to Dance Church in Santa Cruz today; there's something about alternative culture which can open the way to communitas :) ...
Grateful Dead - Fire On The Mountain 12-31-78
As I parked near Dance Church, Santa Cruz, I saw a few alternative folks, particularly women , in hippy clothes looking for parking, - their colorful clothing a good sign.
When I got to the side, glass door which is the main entrance for Dance Church in Santa Cruz, on the urban Front Street, which seemed to have a towel covering it, around 9:30 am, I was almost too shy to go in. A teenager about 15 years' old rode up on his small, stunt bike and kind of asked randomly to me but indicating inside "do you know if anyone in there has a charger I can charge my cell phone with?" I didn't. He went on, "Maybe I'll have to break into someone's car to charge it" and then rode off ...
There were a lot of dancing folks when I went in. A man whom I had seen at Harbin - maybe sixty five, tall, friendly demeanor, hippy, who may also be active with Unitarians, if I remember correctly - opened a basket smiling for a $10 donation, which I put in.
... and Dance Church was a kind of 'Wondrous communitas, - which is loving sociality and which rocks - and whenever' ... then ... the milieu created it and one could walk in, dance and turn it on ... a quality of communitas ... cool ...:)
And Dance Church was fun - had good energy ... the music and DJ, Patty, were good ... I danced and danced ...
At one side of the room, there was a kind of makeshift, hippy altar, with a basket with a sign that said ~
~ and some paper on the very low table to write these on, along with cards, not Tarot, but maybe vision cards ... pick one up, read it, riff with it, see what meaning it has in your life ... and nearby there was also some fresh, blooming cherry blossoms.
Halfway through the dance, I wrote something on a sheet of white paper about
World University and School
(Google this)
like Wikipedia with MIT OCW
with free, C.C. university degrees,
and with people-to-people schools
in all 7, 413+ languages and 204 + countries.
Online, Free, Universal Education
which we can shape ...
& and a Music School / Jamming
for all instruments in all languages.
Love, S
At the end we all circled together sitting on the floor, most free from dancing ... perhaps 50 people, and shared what came up for us in the dance ... also in a kind of hippy inspired way ... movingly ...
... went to the Santa Cruz Art and History museum after this, - with quite a few 1960s' inspired exhibits - then drove back along W. Cliff Drive and the Pacific Ocean, seeing lots of surfers on a beautiful, February Day ... then back 1 hour and 40 minutes to the Bay Area ...
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Sprague's Pipit: How to bring the International Baccalaureate (IB) emphasis on teaching to MIT OCW video courses and online, and build, especially with the Conference Method?, Similarly, how to bring the Reed College's emphasis on teaching to MIT OCW, The Conference Method in a Google + Hangout, and related, seem to be one way to address this
How to bring the International Baccalaureate (I.B.) emphasis on teaching to MIT OCW video and audio courses (, and build on this, especially with the Conference Method, especially vis-a-vis
a) MIT OCW High School - - - and -
b) online?
WUaS International Baccalaureate Diploma and Programme
See the following, all of which are on the WUaS, I.B., wiki page:
About the International Baccalaureate®. 2013. About the International Baccalaureate®. (
RAMÍREZ, EDDY. 2008. American High Schools Try the International Baccalaureate Program. December 11.
(WUaS is planning I.B. degrees in the U.N. languages and a handful of other languages, especially for languages in Africa).
Similarly, how to bring the Reed College's emphasis on teaching to MIT OCW video courses and online, in MIT-centric 'The College at World University and School,' and Ph.D., degrees at WUaS?
The College at World University and School:
Ph.D. Degrees at World University and School:
Both institutions, I.B. and Reed, significantly, emphasize teaching.
An emphasis on great teaching seems to be lacking in the current conversation about online eduction, MOOCs and related fields.
The Conference Method in a Google + Hangout, and related, per Reed College, seem to be one way to address this:
Conference Method of Teaching and Learning:
How to come into conversation with the way Reed instructs its faculty to teach using the Conference Method, and develop this online, and dovetail this with I.B. approaches to teaching?
Lastly, how then to hire, for example, the MIT (and Harvard) graduate students to become online instructors in Google + Hangouts, etc., at World University and School to engage the Conference Method with MIT faculty here - - as the first WUaS faculty so that WUaS becomes an online MIT / Harvard (excellence) of the internet, - and in all 7,413 + languages and 204 + countries?
global university,
Reed College
Friday, February 22, 2013
Tarsier: "A vision of OCW for the future: In the wake of edX, where does OpenCourseWare fit?," added this to WUaS's Courses, wiki, subject page ... Lots ahead with MIT OCW and WUaS ...
"A vision of OCW for the future: In the wake of edX, where does OpenCourseWare fit?" ... ...
by the executive editor of The Tech, Deborah Chen,
February 8, 2013, Cambridge, MA: ...
added this to WUaS's Courses, wiki, subject page ... ...
Lots ahead with MIT OCW and WUaS ...
Thursday, February 21, 2013
African Blackwood tree sprout: New, English Horn, wiki, subject page in the WUaS Music School, Looking forward to playing online when the internet gets faster with fiber optic everywhere, enjoyed playing Piobaireachd {classical bagpiping music} last summer at Friends General Conference {Quaker} with symphony player on her English Horn who improvised, Very fun and sounded good, English Horn Solo from Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 "From The New World" Mvt. II Largo, J.S.Bach Cello Suite Nr.1 Prelude BWV1007 (English Horn/Cor Anglais Transcription)
Just created an English Horn, wiki, subject page - -
in the WUaS Music School - -
looking forward to playing online when the internet gets faster with fiber optic everywhere :)
... enjoyed playing Piobaireachd {classical bagpiping muisc}
last summer at Friends General Conference {Quaker}
with symphony player on her English Horn
(like an oboe and also with a double bladed reed)
who improvised ...
very fun and sounded good ...
would like to explore further, and eventually over the fast internet ...
and added the following to the new, English Horn, wiki page at WUaS.
English Horn Solo from Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 "From The New World" Mvt. II Largo
Cor Anglais ...
J.S.Bach Cello Suite Nr.1 Prelude BWV1007 (English Horn/Cor Anglais Transcription)
Here's a lovely, YouTube, Oboenwelt channel:
chamber music,
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Harbin Hot Springs' grape leaf over heart pool: Wine films, a) Film, b) Film - Documentaries, and c) Film Making, wiki subjects at WUaS, Will we begin to create vineyards, wineries and viticulture in virtual worlds? ... and make d) Machinima, in-world videos / films of this?
I've seen these enjoyable, wine films at Harbin Hot Springs {traveling through the amazing Napa Valley vineyards to get there} in the past year, plus one more film that took place in Bordeaux France during the revolutions around 1815 (but which name I can't find online now).
"Bottle Shock"
The milieus of wine-cultures, and viticultures can be fascinating. There can be freedom in wine, especially in the neurophysiology.
And here are some more vineyard films ...
Movies of the Vine – Nine Films About Wine
Top 10 wine movies
W. Blake Gray, Chronicle Staff Writer
Published 4:00 am, Thursday, June 22, 2006
Here are the Film - -
Film - Documentaries - -
and Film Making - -
wiki subjects at World University and School,
with an invitation to edit a film, or create a page.
Will we begin to create vineyards, wineries and viticulture in virtual worlds? ... -
and make Machinima, in-world videos / films of this - ? :)
Here's an example of a machinima:
The Making of Virtual Harbin Hot Springs as Ethnographic Field Site in Second Life & Open Simulator - by Scott MacLeod in April 2009
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Red deer hinds: Bagpipe recordings of 'Amazing Grace' and 'Scotland the Brave,' Recording is so easy with G+ Hangouts and Youtube!, Three, GREAT, new PIobaireachds added to WUaS's Pibroch page, and here's the Bagpipe Tutorials' wiki page with growing resources
Hello, Ian!
I've added recordings of Amazing Grace and Scotland the Brave that I just made after our lesson to my piping web page here: .
Their URLs are also:
Amazing Grace
Scotland the Brave
While I'm glad to have these recordings up on my website with an in-tune instrument, it's time to move outside when the flowers / azaleas are blooming for recording and for a different relationship to the mic / computer, sound-wise, as well as perhaps shut the curtains, and wear my kilt.
Good to have this feedback loop of recording working with an in tune instrument as well, - thanks to you - for learning's sake ... and it's all so easy with G+ Hangouts and Youtube!
I'm also posting these to my G+ page - - and both publicly and to different circles (e.g. Bagpiping with about 30 people in it presently, and WUaS) and groups (WUaS) as I learn how this social networking site works - G+ is cool and great.
Here's a Fettes College pupil's web page of mine from 1976-1977 when I lived in Edinburgh, with mention of my piping there - - as well as a blog entry of mine about this, and which also has a Willie Morrison interview and Donald MacPherson piping - .
On with musicality, building stamina and bliss through piping :)
Three, new PIobaireachds added to WUaS's Pibroch page -
MacColl, Angus. 2012. [ 2012 Glasgow Angus Mac Coll piobaireachd Piping Center]. (The Battle of the Pass of Crieff). Glasgow, Scotland: National Piping Centre.
Lament For The Viscount of Dundee
MacLeod, Roddy. 2012. [ 2012 Glasgow Roddy MacLeod Piobaireachd Piping Center]. (Lament For The Viscount of Dundee). Glasgow, Scotland: National Piping Centre.
The End of the Great Bridge
Morrison, Fred. 2012. [ 2012 FIL Lorient Fred Morisson Pibroc'h]. (The End of the Great Bridge). L'orient, France: FIL Lorient.
And here's the Bagpipe Tutorials' wiki page - -
with growing resources, and for open teaching and learning.
with growing resources, and for open teaching and learning.
global university,
Monday, February 18, 2013
Gray whale: Debating the Value of College, Great piece in the New Yorker by Harvard English Professor Louis Menand, Added to 3 of WUaS's wiki, subject pages: 1) The College at WUaS, 2) Theories of Learning, and to 3) The Bookstore / Computer Store (New and Used) at WUaS
Great piece in the New Yorker by Harvard English Professor Louis Menand on reasons for college ...
Menand, Lous. [2011. LIVE AND LEARN: Why we have college ...]. June 6. New York, NY: The New Yorker. ...
I've added it to 3 of WUaS's wiki subject pages ...
The_College_at_World_University_and_School - and ...
Theories_of_Learning - ... and ...
Bookstore_/_Computer_Store_(New_&_Used)_at_WUaS - ...
Menand's piece will be the center of a discussion at a Reed College alumni gathering in SF in about a week, and is also highly relevant to WUaS as we grow.
Northern Gray Whale: An email to incoming Reed College President Kroger on the Conference Method Online, WUaS, 'How can we Reedies extend the great benefits of the Conference Method online to WUaS?' Added Harvard, English, Professor Louis Menand's 2011 New Yorker piece, which you've encouraged us to read for the upcoming Reed gathering, "LIVE AND LEARN: Why we have college," - to 3 of WUaS's wiki, subject pages: 1) The College at WUaS, 2) Theories of Learning, and to 3) The Bookstore / Computer Store (New and Used) at WUaS
Dear President Kroger,
Here are some questions I just posed to - - for your upcoming, Reed gathering on 27 February 2013 in San Francisco.
How can we Reedies extend the great benefits of the Conference Method, having engaged it over 4 years of study, via the web and internet, particularly the learning and teaching which occurs with people-to-people interaction as conversation, including the conversations each of us develop with texts, in the Reed experience?
Here's a wiki (editable web page) at World University and School for open teaching and learning about the Conference Method - - and especially online.
I ask this question in developing World University and School (WUaS), which is like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare, and which builds directly on Reed College's approach to undergraduate education. WUaS is MIT-centric, Creative Commons' licensed, and plans to free, offer, online, accredited, bachelor, Ph.D., law, and M.D. degrees, (as well as MIT OCW High School-centric, International Baccalaureate diplomas), beginning with a matriculating, undergraduate class in 2014 (so students will apply this autumn 2013). WUaS would like to become the MIT / Harvard of the internet and in many languages and countries, as well as is planning wiki-schools in all 7, 413 + languages and 204 + countries for people-to-people teaching and learning; Wikipedia is in 285 languages by way of comparison. MIT OCW's 2,142 courses are a great opportunity on which to accredit, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
As examples of how WUaS works, and perhaps of a kind of extended conference method as learning conversation,
I've added Harvard English Professor Louis Menand 2011 piece, which you've encouraged us to read for the upcoming Reed gathering,
"LIVE AND LEARN: Why we have college," - -
to three of WUaS's wiki, subject pages:
1) The College at World University and School -,
2) Theories of Learning -, and to
3) The Bookstore / Computer Store (New and Used) at WUaS - -
since Menand touches on all these themes, and for the piece's relevance for learning to these pages.
An aspect of the creative potential of WUaS, as an expression of conference method itself, is that anyone can create a wiki, subject page at WUaS, in a field they like. And, of course, people can develop communities around these wiki pages that are eventually face-to-face (e.g. G+ Hangouts +), both for degrees and in an open way.
Further, in what ways might Reed College's conference method help us to answer some of the questions posed - - for our 27 February 2013 Reed Alumni gathering in S.F., about a) what we valued most at Reed, b) about careers after Reed, and c) about new, intellectual / academic directions for Reed (perhaps with career-potential in mind), vis-a-vis Menand's theories, and might the internet/web/information technology help extend our arguments about edifying responses to these questions in new ways? World University and School may be an aid in response to all of these questions -
World University and School's hopes that its eventual, MIT OCW-centric, Ph.D., law and M.D. degrees will benefit Reedies.
I look forward to meeting you and to this conversation.
Best wishes,
- Scott
WUaS plans also to build on Reed College's approach to academics with its own Honor Code, emerging from this wiki, subject page - - as well as a required, online, Freshman Humanities' course, emerging here - - and perhaps in collaboration with Reed itself, if at all possible, (as well as a required, online, Freshman, biology class with a programming component, junior qualifying exams, and Senior Thesis).
global university,
Reed College,
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Firefinches: New, Ghana, wiki, subject page at WUaS, Harvard talk with Berkeley professor, Jenna Burrell, on ethnography of the global internet via cafes, Also talk of online bookstores and commerce in Ghana, Ethan Zuckerman liveblogged this talk
New, Ghana, wiki, subject page at WUaS ... ...
which is the beginning of an online Ghanian university,
and which welcomes / needs OCW resources and funding ...
WUaS may eventually accredit in Ghana for online degrees in English (the official language)
and become wiki schools in other languages there. ...
to which I added the following:
"Invisible Users: Youth in the Internet Cafes of Urban Ghana"
Jenna Burrell, Assistant Professor in the School of Information at UC Berkeley may be archived.
This online, Harvard talk focused on ethnography of the global internet via cafes in Ghana ...
... Jenna also talked of online bookstores and commerce in Ghana ...
which I found relevant for WUaS's upcoming, online, bookstore / computer store ...
Ethan Zuckerman liveblogged this talk:
Cal Berkeley,
global university,
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Wildest little orchid: Post Valentine's Day invitation to a date with your own relaxation response which can be a very delicious process to cultivate daily, ~ like kissing your inner bodymind ... {And here's World University and School's wiki, "Consciousness" subject ... with a thought-provoking conference happening online right now for the next few days}
Post Valentine's Day invitation to a date with your own relaxation response ... ... ...
which can be a very delicious process to cultivate daily, ~
like kissing your inner bodymind ...
{And here's World University and School's wiki, "Consciousness" subject ... ...
with a thought-provoking conference happening online right now for the next few days}.
Daniel Dennett -"A Phenomenal Confusion About Access and Consciousness"
Consciousness Online 5th annual, online conference:
Friday, February 15, 2013
Red Cuillin, Isle of Skye: My new, Fettes College, pupil's web page from 1976-1977, Further correspondence with Fettes in Edinburgh, Scotland, Piper's Persuasion: William Morrison, Donald Macpherson performs at the Piping Centre in Glasgow
My new, Fettes College, pupil's web page from my time there in 1976-1977:
Dear Gordon,
In 2010 you kindly agreed to the details below being featured on the Fettes College website (
Please would you confirm you are still happy to be included in Fettes People and, if so, would you like to update any details?
Thank you for your help,
Dear Dawn,
Thanks. I confirm that I am still happy to be included in Fettes People.
I attended Fettes from 1967-1977, and not 1977-1978, per the web page. Could you please update this detail?
Is Mr. Preston still actively the head of Fettes records? (I have his email as Is this correct?). Greetings to him!
Thank you,
Scott (Gordon)
Thank you Scott and will ensure the website is updated with the years you attended Fettes.
Mr Preston is still actively undertaking the role of Keeper of the Register and has popped in to the OFA office three times this week.
He can be contacted by email and always loves to hear from OFs.
With best wishes,
Above is further, recent correspondence with with Mrs. Dawn Beaumont at Fettes, in Edinburgh, Scotland since this blog post on April 21, 2010:
Red Cuillin: Fettes College, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1976-1977, Old Fettesian Notes and World University
Piper's Persuasion: William Morrison - Episode 4 - We meet the renowned piper and solo piping adjudicator William Morrison. Willie is from the Uists and speaks about his early tuition and influences and then goes on to discuss his competition days and prizes. ... ...
Great, ethnomusicological interview ... Willie Morrison is a 'great.'
Donald Macpherson performs at the Piping Centre in Glasgow on August 10, 1999
... added this Donald MacPherson's piping -
. ... donaldmacpherson.m4v ... :) - to ... ... :)
global university,
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