Sunday, April 5, 2015

California mountain lions: Generating caring and justice with World University and School as expressions of these, potentially flourishingly, Caring and Loving wiki subject page, All the emerging WUaS Law Schools in multiple countries now, In the context of our Primate evolutionary biological history, WUaS is beginning to generate “electricity,” What was it like after Edison first generated electricity?, At WUaS could we generate caring and justice in learning and in courses, so that people feel the love and the justice, in the information exchange, like first feeling electricity's effects … what a wild idea … oh information technologies …

Generating caring and justice with World University and School as an expression of this, potentially flourishingly, re: 

Caring and Loving wiki subject page - 

{And see too: Loving Bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology):}

... all the emerging WUaS Law Schools in multiple countries now - 

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

... and especially in the context of Common chimps, Orangutans and Bonobos, metaphorically, as our closest genetic relatives … 

... and care and justice especially in a Quaker/Friendly/NtF senses.  


Two friends, whom I don’t know, in Stonefront Lodge are meditating right in front of me facing a wall … yay Harbin … The man just did headstand 10 minutes ago.


I think WUaS is beginning to generate “electricity.” I wonder what it was like when, after Edison first generated electricity, people wanted to feel this for themselves. In the 1890s, would they go to a electricity source, turn on the power and touch it, shocking themselves … and know that they had turned it on, and that they could feel it …

and similarly with WUaS could we generate caring and justice in learning and in courses, so that people feel the love and the justice, in the information exchange, like feeling electricity's effects … what a wild idea … oh information technologies … 



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