can I upload photos (& film) to google poly & make them 3D?
Does Poly support uploads other than OBJ?!forum/poly
'Poly currently only supports the Wavefront .obj file format'
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can I upload photos to google poly & make them 3D?— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) August 17, 2018
Does Poly support uploads other than OBJ?
'Poly currently only supports the Wavefront .obj file format'
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This is insane! Combination of expansion microscopy and lattice light sheet microscopy enables nanoscale resolution (molecular contrast) of the entire Drosophila brain! Betzig and @eboyden3 - 👇👇👇 here long-range tracing and stereotypy of neuron bundles in Drosophila.
This is insane! Combination of expansion microscopy and lattice light sheet microscopy enables nanoscale resolution (molecular contrast) of the entire Drosophila brain! Betzig and @eboyden3 - 👇👇👇 here long-range tracing and stereotypy of neuron bundles in Drosophila.— Jaime de Juan-Sanz (@JaimedeJuan) August 16, 2018
See, too:
Domestic pigeon: "what is google poly?,' virtual world building blocks, With Google Poly, searched on ‘pigeon’ … am very interested in creating virtual lab animals for experimentation eg pigeons, rodents, dogs, primates, drosophila, Experiment virtually - re non-harming - and e.g. re BF Skinner's experiments, #FilmTo3D > , Virtual Animal Behaviorism - a la BF Skinner's behaviorism / operant conditioning / schedules of reinforcement animal behavior experiments
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