Thursday, August 16, 2018

South China tiger: can I upload photos to google poly & make them 3D?, "This is insane! Combination of expansion microscopy and lattice light sheet microscopy enables nanoscale resolution (molecular contrast) of the entire Drosophila brain!," See, too: Domestic pigeon: "what is google poly?,' virtual world building blocks, With Google Poly, searched on ‘pigeon’

can I upload photos (& film) to google poly & make them 3D?
Does Poly support uploads other than OBJ?!forum/poly
'Poly currently only supports the Wavefront .obj file format'
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This is insane! Combination of expansion microscopy and lattice light sheet microscopy enables nanoscale resolution (molecular contrast) of the entire Drosophila brain! Betzig and @eboyden3 - 👇👇👇 here long-range tracing and stereotypy of neuron bundles in Drosophila.


See, too:

Domestic pigeon: "what is google poly?,' virtual world building blocks, With Google Poly, searched on ‘pigeon’ … am very interested in creating virtual lab animals for experimentation eg pigeons, rodents, dogs, primates, drosophila, Experiment virtually - re non-harming - and e.g. re BF Skinner's experiments, #FilmTo3D > , Virtual Animal Behaviorism - a la BF Skinner's behaviorism / operant conditioning / schedules of reinforcement animal behavior experiments


Searched on 'endangered species around Harbin, China' ? (Siberian Tiger)


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