Sunday, January 31, 2010

Badrinath Waters: Is culture a process - evolutionarily - of group inference around Identity, Modernity, Language, Counterculture, - Yoga Conference

Scott: Is culture a process - , evolutionarily - of group inference around tradition, ethnicity, subculture, and identity (some main concepts in anthropology which are sometimes juxtaposed with modernity, nation states and globalization, as well as the Network Society), where language is a key modality informing such inference? (Are each of these expressions of troopbonding, that is bonding together in groups, evolutionarily - John Money [1988]?) What anthropology papers explicitly address this?

Hippie friend online: No

Scott: ... neither in counterculture nor Hinduism, as well, where questions of agency (orangutans as an example of primate agency) become very involved - when I am that you are ... om tat sat ( ... profound empathy/sympathy makes for wild relatedness - don't know of any related anthropological papers, though.


The yoga conference in the Regency Hyatt in San Francisco, which I passed through today, had a lot of yoga products ...

Yogis today in the Bay Area are entrepreneurial!

And, unfortunately, I didn't see Angela and Victor at this conference ... ~

( - January 31, 2010)

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