Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Water: Drinking the Harbin water which flows into the cold pool as subjective experiment

Drinking the Harbin water which flows into the cold pool as subjective experiment

Is there lithium in the water? I'm not sure. I haven't seen a chemical breakdown of what's in the water recently. I'll see if I can find the chemicals occurring naturally in the water, again. Someone at Harbin within the last year said something about there being lithium in the water here.

I drank 20 gulps of water at around 10:45 pm on January 19, 2010, and went to bed soon after. I didn't notice any effects of the water. Again, at around 12:45 pm in the afternoon, on January 20, drank 20 gulps and again did not notice any effect.

Does it make me happy, noticeably? No.

More research is needed.


How to go online right now to find the appropriate rigorous (science) studies on lithium and happiness?

I just googled "lithium in water and happiness" and found this study:

Schrauzer, Gerhard N. and Edmond de Vroey. 1993. Effects of nutritional lithium supplementation on mood - (springerlink.com/content/1686787278648j51). Nov. Biological Trace Element Research/Humana Press Inc.

This study suggests unambiguously that there are positive effects on mood from lithium.


Last year, I heard, while traveling through Ashland, Oregon, which has water with lithium in it, that it might make people happy. I didn't try the water there.


I went into the office and found a sheet which lists the minerals in Harbin's waters, which didn't include lithium.

Here are the minerals in the water listed on the Harbin handout:

Mineral mg/L

Bicarbonate 63.0
Calcium 9.0
Sodium 4.3
Magnesium 6.1
Chloride 2.4
Potassium *
Hydroxide 1.0
Carbonate 1.0
Sulfate 2.2

(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/01/water-drinking-harbin-water-which-flows.html - January 19, 2009)

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