Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Loggerhead Turtle: Tourism Studies' talks yesterday at UC Berkeley in the Anthropology Department, Tourism Studies in the Middle East, Arabic and Farsi languages, Egypt, Oman, and Iran, Endangered languages, Architecture and Landscape Architecture WUaS subjects
Dear Ami, Ama, and Scheherazade, and Nels and Ka,
Warm greetings.
Thank you for your edifying Tourism Studies' talks yesterday at UC Berkeley in the Anthropology Department ... http://www.tourismstudies.org/MiddleEast2013.htm.
Here's the beginning "Arabic language," wiki, subject page at World University and School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Arabic_language.
And here's the beginning "Egypt," wiki, subject page at World University and School ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Egypt.
Iran and Oman wiki pages to come ...
Each country page is the beginning of an MIT OCW-centric university or school at WUaS, and each of which will eventually be in the official language in your country, as well as in the dozens of other languages spoken there, each a wiki school, for people-to-people teaching and learning.
And WUaS plans to offer online, accredited-in-country, free, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT OpenCourseWare-centric University degrees in English and eventually Arabic.
Please start wiki subject pages in subjects you're interested in. You'll find, for example, both Architecture and Landscape Architecture subjects here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects - as well as two, Tourism Studies' pages.
Let's stay in communication!
Thanks so much Scott. What a great link.
Can I spread it out wide, or it is something under construction yet.
Thanks so much… and please keep in touch, always pleasure to share information and exchange knowledge.
Take Care.
Hi Ami,
Thanks. Please spread it around widely.
It is in its beginning phases, but this WUaS Egypt page URL - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Egypt - should forward to any new one.
WUaS plans to move from its current Wikia wiki (editable web pages) to Wikidata, which is a Creative Commons' licensed database currently being written for Wikipedia's 285 languages, WUaS plans to be in all 7,105 languages and 204 countries, each a wiki school, some with MIT OCW degrees in a variety of languages. The format will probably be similar to Wikipedia which is made in MediaWiki, as 'front end'.
But this 'Egypt,' wiki page will re-direct people to the new one in Wikidata in the future, and in Arabic eventually, with MIT OCW courses an important basis, also planned for Arabic. The current WUaS university's 577 pages in English, will be a model for those schools in other languages.
Looking forward to staying in touch! :)
I'm copying Ama and Scheherazade+ for information's sake.
That's great.
I would like to ask what is the format of the info.
I can provide some references about oman.
Hi Ama, (and Ami and Scheherazade)!
Thank you for your question about how World University is formatted, Ama!
WUaS is a wiki - so editable, web pages - and much like Wikipedia, with plans to use similar wiki protocols for editing to Wikipedia, which have developed over 10+ years, including citing references, anonymity, pseudonymity and real names, stewards for pages, temporarily locking controversial pages, etc., with the goal of excellence and knowledge generation and related flourishing conversation in online, wiki universities and schools. And WUaS is planning for all 7,105+ languages, and 204+ countries, and with an universal translator; Wikipedia, by way of comparison, is in 285 languages and we all made it.
Have you, (or Ama and Scheherazade), ever edited a page in Wikipedia, for example, in Arabic - http://ar.wikipedia.org/ - or in Farsi - http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/صفحهٔ_اصلی ? As you know, there's an opportunity at World University and School to teach and learn (in) the Arabic language - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Arabic_language - and this will eventually become a MIT OCW-centric, wiki university in both Arabic and in Farsi. That we all can become producers of information and knowledge due to the distributed nature of the internet, as networking technologies, now worldwide, is far reaching and great, and rewrites questions of authority vis-a-vis knowledge deeply embedded in most societies.
Please begin to teach to your web cameras, in Google + group video Hangouts, which both broadcast and are recordable, and add your teachings to WUaS! :)
I've just now created the new, Oman, wiki page at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Oman - which will eventually be in the Arabic language, as well as in the other living languages spoken in Oman, such as Balochi, Swahili, Urdu and German, as well as in the endangered languages Bathari, Harsusi, Hobyot, Jibbali, Khojki, Kumzari, Mehri, Zidgali, each a wiki school. Please edit it, by clicking edit this page, and adding the references you mentioned (perhaps we can all get together and I can show you how this works more specifically, although if you've edited Wikipedia you'll see how easy it is) ... perhaps you will even become the head of the its MIT OCW-centric university, and accredited, in English and Arabic (you are invited to WUaS's monthly business meeting)!
Would all three of you like, too, to be on the WUaS Arabic language and Middle Eastern countries' beginning committee?
I'll also add all three of you to the World University and School monthly business meeting email list, and, - upon your request - also to the WUaS, sporadic, email list, which can include some emails every day. Please let me know if you'd like me to add you to this second, email list.
Nice to be in communication, and looking forward to your further questions and ideas. WUaS especially welcomes your initiative in developing these universities and schools in your country and the languages in your country!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Southern elephant seal: Reshaping Manhattan’s Midtown, added this to both WUaS's 'The City' and 'Design' wiki pages, Princeton Journal Watch and Courses, "Jelani Aliyu (Nigerian who designed GM’s First Electric Car) Honoured With A National Award," "YouTube wins case against Viacom (again)," Programming and Android, Scotland
... added this -
- Reshaping Manhattan’s Midtown: Design School alumni describe plan for new, taller buildings in long-developed area ...
to both WUaS's 'The City' and 'Design' wiki pages ...
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ...
Princeton Journal Watch
... may add to academic journals' subject page at WUaS
... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ...
Cool ...
Want to take a Princeton class? You can with @Coursera. Check our offerings here:
https://www.coursera.org/princeton ...
added this here ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Courses ... and may integrate IT-wise ...
Great ...
"Jelani Aliyu (Nigerian who designed GM’s First Electric Car) Honoured With A National Award"
... added to the 'Electric and Hybrid Vehicles,' wiki, subject page at WUaS .... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ...
"YouTube wins case against Viacom (again)"
... added to the WUAS Copyright wiki page (with links to WUAS law schools in most countries) ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Copyright ...
"Code Digger Finds The Values That Break Your Code"
Interesting ... may add to the Programming wiki page at WUAS ...http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Programming ...
This one too ...
Android Programming Unleashed [Paperback]
B.M. Harwanihttp://www.amazon.com/dp/0672336286?tag=iprog-20&camp=213381&creative=390973&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=0672336286&adid=0TYRKSYJPGMESZ41TN76&&ref-refURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.i-programmer.info%2F
added to ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Programming ...
and ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Web_Page_Design_and_Production ...
Scottish identity questions in the USA ... http://m.scotsman.com/news/declaration-of-independence-wrong-for-scots-1-2912351 ... vis a vis Edinburgh's newspaper "The Scotsman" ... may add to http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Scotland ...
energy autonomy,
global university,
information technology,
Sunday, April 28, 2013
White Eared Pheasant: Houtan Park in Shanghai cleans river water, How will WUaS's online law school, accredited in China in Mandarin and various, other Chinese languages, potentially with Harvard Law School graduates who are Chinese nationals as teachers, help with Chinese environmental problems? ... See the beginning WUaS, law school
Houtan Park in Shanghai cleans river water
Harvard University
How will WUaS's online law school, accredited in China
in Mandarin and various, other Chinese languages,
potentially with Harvard Law School graduates
who are Chinese nationals as teachers,
help with Chinese environmental problems? ...
See the beginning WUaS, law school accessible online via
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Law ...
and the Environmental Engineering wiki school ...
global university,
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Milk shark: Cornell University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (CUAUV), added this to wiki WUaS Robotics, as well as to Marine Science, I hope we can underwater, throughout the whole ocean, digitally in virtual worlds with this and similar robots
Cool ...
added this ...
Cornell University Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (CUAUV)
http://cuauv.ece.cornell.edu/ ...
to wiki WUaS Robotics ...
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Robotics ...
as well as to Marine Science ...
... +
I hope we can underwater, throughout the whole ocean, digitally in virtual worlds with this and similar robots.
global university,
virtual worlds
Friday, April 26, 2013
Malayan tapir juvenile: Two, new, wiki subject pages at World University and School: Malaysia and Azerbaijan, Each is the beginning of an MIT OCW-centric university or school at WUaS, and each of which will eventually be in the official language there, as well as in the 13 or 137 other languages spoken there, each a wiki school.
Two, new, wiki subject pages at World University and School:
Malaysia and Azerbaijan
This is the beginning of the MIT OCW-centric Malaysian university or school at WUaS, and which will eventually be in the Malay language, as well as in the 137 other living languages spoken in Malaysia, each a wiki school.
This is the beginning of the MIT OCW-centric Azerbaijan university or school at WUaS, and which will eventually be in the Azerbaijani language, which belongs to the Turkic language family, as well as in the 13 other languages spoken in Azerbaijan, each a wiki school.
global university,
MIT language,
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Green sea turtle: As a MIT OCW-centric, startup World University and School, is WUaS ELITE?, WUaS seeks overachievers, such as do apply to and get into MIT, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Cambridge, etc., but esp., for example, those in wheelchairs and who might not have the financial resources to pay for M.H.Y.P.S.C. etc., WUAS will offer a 32 brain candy course requirement for MIT OCW undergrads and try to become Harvard and STEM MIT of the internet, So elite or 'POPULIST FOR OVERACHIEVERS' since WUaS is free and wiki and CC where anyone can create a course in any language?, Please tell Malaysians and Azerbaijanis on your upcoming trip that - WUaS is LAUNCHED, in English
As a MIT OCW-centric, startup World University and School, is WUaS ELITE?
Concerning the word elite ...
While WUaS is Creative Commons' licensed,
and will be C.C. MIT OCW-centric
(with 2,150 courses; Yale's 42 OYC courses are also C.C.), -
WUaS will be free on the degree side.
On the wiki-school side of WUaS, we can all teach to each other via web cams, creating subject pages, etc.
WUaS also seeks overachievers, such as do apply to and get into MIT, H., Y., P., Stanford, Cambridge, etc., but especially, for example, those in wheelchairs and who might not have the financial resources to pay for HYP etc. And WUaS would love to have Quaker physics' students, for example, who mght also apply to Haverford, etc ... especially for graduate degrees.
WUAS will offer a 32 brain candy course requirement for MIT OCW undergrads and try to become Harvard and STEM MIT of the internet, especially at the graduate level.
So elite or 'populist for overachievers' since free and wiki and CC where anyone can create a course in any language?
Great to talk this morning.
Please tell Malaysians and Azerbaijanis on your upcoming trip that -
WUaS is LAUNCHED, in English
For planning purposes, WUaS plans to accredit first in California on ...
MIT OCW Audio Video Courses:
http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ -
and classes will be in Google + Hangouts:
https://plus.google.com/hangouts -
which you'll find in the blog entry.
More soon about Operational Planning and talk with you this morning.
global university,
Stanford University,
Yale University
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Red howler monkey: Google's “Don't Be Evil” motto in digital spheres, and progressive, Quakerly (very) democratic WUaS, Friendly Process, World University and School's philosophy: “Do Good, Do Great, Do Care, - Information Technologically”
Getting together -
(here in
the Blue Room Cafe at Harbin, with its new, green chairs, and
transparent, glass, circular, bubble tables) -
a new blog entry
vis-a-vis Google's “Don't Be Evil” motto (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_be_evil) in digital spheres, and
progressive, Quakerly, (very) democratic World University and School.
(Need to add the primary color yellow, and I renamed the cafe “Blue
Room Cafe with Green chairs” or the “Blue Green Room Cafe” I
said to Amethyst, who is great, as we spoke a little).
I admire Google's
information technology innovations and good software that are
oriented toward the public good, much of which is free and works well
(seemingly in contrast to many other companies' products, where the
profit motive seems to cloud significantly benefitting the people
that purchase their goods), and Google is a profitable,
('advertising,' curiously) company. As a consequence of Google's “Do
No Evil” approach, I generally trust that Google employees, or
non-employees' people in the Google network, for example, won't get
into my Google accounts and delete or change things remotely, harming
my information technologies in the process. And similarly I generally
trust that Google won't get into my computer's hard drive remotely and
change things, for example, and cut off my internet access, as
appeared to happen just yesterday.
To rif with Google's
philosophy of “Do No Evil,” I'd like to inform World University
and School's organization, and information technologies, with the
philosophy of “Do Good, Do Great, Do Love, - Information
Technologically” both a little nontheistically f/Friendly/Quaker
informed (as ethos, discourse, culture and discernment process) as
well as evolutionarily biologically (as human primates for example). But at this time in history, as
a MIT OCW-centric, online, free, startup university, planned for all
languages and countries, with no employees or staff, WUaS, as I see
it (as its founder), is progressive and Quakerly, democratic process - "of a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives" from the Apple dictionary,
engaging a Friendly-informed meeting for business process, but
nontheistically, where WUaS business meetings' openness to WUaS community participation worldwide welcomes voices and ideas of all people involved with WUaS. The locus of decision-making, and by extension governance, is the WUaS monthly business meeting, with an invitation to participate.
In a recent, Quaker magazine
I received in the mail - “Western Friend: Plain Speech and Spirit
in the West,” March/April 2013 - entitled “On Power,” the back
cover has a note which reads:
“Notes on Quaker Culture
Inspired by Diana Forsythe
When reaching decisions in a
Meeting for Business, Friends shun consensus (a secular decision,
usually comprising the common acceptable part of the opinions brought
by those present). Rather, Friends seek the unity which is the result
of spiritual discernment of God's leading for the group, often an
unexpected decision transcending the opinions brought by those
As a nontheist f/Friend
myself (and founder of WUaS), and with questions/doubts/scepticism
about the word 'spirit,' yet with secular World University and School
engaging f/Friendly monthly meeting for business (now in Google +
group video hangouts, and formerly in Free Conference Call), and
scalable, Quaker process in general, adapted for colleges and
universities (WUaS hasn't begun to learn from Haverford, Swarthmore
and Earlham, for example, about Quaker process at the university
level), WUaS engages a decision-making process which seeks a kind of
unity, nontheistically and friendly informed, and which is radically
democratic, everyone having a voice, since welcoming, WUaS monthly
business meetings are open to all (2nd Saturdays of the
month at 9 am PT - simply email to participate - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com), and now mediated electronically and information
to participate in WUaS monthly business meeting
WUaS is LAUNCHED, in English
World University and
School's philosophy, or informal motto:
“Do Good, Do Great, Do Care, - Information
Technologically” or
“Do Good, Do Great, Do Love, - Information
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Carolina Parakeet: Singing City, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra at World University and School online? … and vis-a-vis Eric Whitacre's Skype, virtual choir, video examples at WUaS's Virtual Choir wiki page, WUaS plans an online virtual choir, and singing, and in many languages
Tonight (recently) was the performance of Singing City, an idea of Manfred Honeck's. Church and community choirs from all over the city and surrounding areas were invited to participate. It was held at the University of Pittburgh's Peterson Sport Center which held the sixteen hundred singers, a city-wide children's choir, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and probably about four thousand patrons. A guess about the numbers of patrons. It was fun. - lots of rehearsals. We sang movements from several choral pieces of Dvorjak, Verdi and Mahler. There were poetry readings. The acoustics were really tough - not what the audience thought, but Honeck kept us together and the musical was beautiful.
L, M
Hi M,
Sounds very fun, and thanks for the description :) ... inspiring for World University and School ... Might Manfred Honeck, for example, become WUaS's first, symphony conductor at the online
Symphony Orchestra at World University and School ...
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Symphony_Orchestra_at_World_University_and_School ...
vis-a-vis Eric Whitacre's Skype, virtual choir, video examples ...
... here at
WUaS's Virtual Choir wiki page ...
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Choir ?
WUaS plans an online virtual choir, and singing, and in many languages.
chamber music,
choral music,
global university,
Monday, April 22, 2013
Bali tiger: How to 'marry' two databases together?, E.g. Google Translate with Ethnologue, WUaS with Wikipedia, Similarly, how to combine, for example, Susan Anders' first CD set (3) "Singing Harmony by Ear" with, for example, digital feedback, paralleling the relatively new, speed limit signs that blink your speed back at you
How to 'marry,' or combine, two databases together?
For example, the new, 'Digibis - DPLA/Europeana Query' posts its results from these two libraries holdings together in parallel columns, upon searching on an item.
Digibis - DPLA / Europeana Query -
How to combine this with Library Resources at WUaS - (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Library_Resources), and in all, 7,105+ languages (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Languages).
How, for example, to combine "Google Translate" - http://translate.google.com/ - with "Ethnologue" and its 7,105+ languages - http://www.ethnologue.com/?
How, too, to combine World University and School in its upcoming, new, wiki form, with all entries in Wikipedia's 285 language - http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias - in the following, main areas, for example?
Languages (All)
Nation States (All)
You at WUaS
Educational Software
Library Resources
Hardware Resource Possibilities
Or, how to add, or combine, a translation system or languages to / with WUaS, beyond this approach in the Subject Template's 'navigation section' under Universal Translator of WUaS on all WUaS's 575 pages so far:
And how to make Creative Commons' licensed World University and School eminently 'marriageable' vis-a-vis other databases, and beyond the upcoming Wikidata's marriageability or combinability?
And in a similar vein, but on a different, MUSIC-MAKING topic:
How to combine, for example, Susan Anders' first CD set (3) "Singing Harmony by Ear" with, for example, digital feedback, paralleling the relatively new, speed limit signs that blink your speed back at you (in the SF Bay Area), if you're exceeding the speed limit, because they are able to measure your speed.
Does the information technology exist to get immediate, helpful-instrucctional feedback about one's singing with suggestions for improving it, that I could combine with Susan Anders' helpful and well laid out singing instruction in her CDs?
As I sing harmony along with her instruction in the car, could I, or someone, create a computer program which informed me, as feedback: sing through your forehead, or sharpen or flatten the tone of your singing of thirds to this melody, or round your tone, or improve your tone quality this way or that way?
I'd add such information helpful-programs-relating-to-Susan-Anders-Harmony-Singing-by-Ear to the World University Music School -
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School -
and to the Singing Harmony, wiki, subject pages at WUaS ...
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Singing_Harmony -
if I knew of them (and they may already exist).
All of this isn't easy yet with information technologies in the information age, this will probably become much easier, - and even with, for example, brainwave head sets, but not for some years I would guess (5-10 years?).
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Hawaiian monk seal: Support of creatively eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology especially as a community, Thinking here of learning from the Grateful Dead, or the Harbin warm pool, and perhaps from the remarkable amount of love I saw within the teen program in the Quaker Meetings in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland, as examples, but especially in a f/Friendly way vis-a-vis trust and caring, "Simple Gifts," How might we find and give the care, joy and support we would like and can receive {and give}?
Donald, Anne and Claire,
Per our conversation about taxes and money (all of which can be disjunctive, isolating, or estranging),
I'm feeling enough emotional support these months from
the large, urban, San Francisco Friends' Meeting community,
but not necessarily in terms of creatively eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology,
especially as a community,
(and also not in terms of WUaS).
I'm thinking here of learning from the Grateful Dead,
or the Harbin warm pool,
but especially in a f/Friendly way vis-a-vis
trust and care that rocks {quakes? :} and gathers,
with, as one, real, Quaker/F/friendly example,
perhaps the remarkable amount of love I saw within the
teen program between the
Edinburgh / Glasgow, Scotland, Meetings in 2003-2004
{Yay for Quaker kids}.
I see all of these as expressions of the
'valley of love and delight,'
in the old, Shaker/Quaker song,
"Simple Gifts," -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIrVwPdX60s -
but I'm wondering whether others among us are not.
Are people feeling supported / receiving enough support among us four?
How might we find and give the care, joy and support we would like and can receive {and give}?
Friendly regards,
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Barbary lion: Nice to co-create your website, Noguchi, WUaS would like also to link and curate all museums, in all languages and countries, as wiki, Code editors vis-a-vis Android
Hi Nao,
Nice to co-create your website ...
Some further ideas:
I enjoy Isamu Noguchi's art, aesthetic and was interested to see where and how he emerges on the web, as an example of contemporary, art-inspired, web design, and found ... http://www.noguchi.org/ ... and ... http://www.isamunoguchi.or.jp/gamen/e_home.htm ... and wonder vis-a-vis, for example, your interest in Laos and culture there, about thinking of developing your web site partly in terms of an online museum / cultural center (e.g. in a Google + Hangout), which you might then teach, hypothetically, to Laotians, so that they might become generators of their own online museums / cultural center, for example.
WUaS would like also to link and curate all museums, in all languages and countries, as wiki, - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Museums - as well as link, list and eventually possibly generate free, C..C. web museum design software. WUaS might partly do this with WUaS students in mind generating both their own museums / cultural centers, and in all languages and countries, and especially in the developing world. This could be linked to the Museums' page.
In addition, in thinking about generating and further designing your web site, it would be great to keep in mind
- coding for smartphones, i.e. Android OS, iPhone OS, C.C. digital glasses, and C.C. virtual worlds
- databases / SQL
- PayPal and online payment
- getting into Google Hangouts
While its good to learn as we are with KompoZer, Dreamweaver allows great drag and drop placement of elements such as your "art.html" link, for example, with precision.
Also, when I look at your new website in Android on my smartphone - www.naotosekiguchi.com (adding the www can help access your site in some browsers) - and compare it with mine in Android - http://www.scottmacleod.com/ - I see the benefits of centering everything, adding color, as well as bolding some text.
Here are some initial code editors and related information vis-a-vis Android ...
Just some various thoughts about building your art and website.
Fun to create with you.
global university,
information technology,
Friday, April 19, 2013
Atlas bear: The Digital Public Library of America Launches!!! ... http://dp.la ... AMAZING, EXCELLENT and WONDERFUL ... See, too: WUaS's beginning, Library Resources, wiki, subject page, The DPLA is also: a) an open platform for others to use, and b) offers applications, http://dp.la/apps, c) is accessible to anyone in the world with internet access, not just Americans, and d) draws on the resources of major, large libraries, which may grow in number, I hope WUaS may begin to engage the DPLA's platform with time, WUaS job production, The DPLA is wonderful vis-a-vis WUaS because they've just created an online, large-scale, scholarly library
The Digital Public Library of America Launches!
You'll find it and many, other, growing, library resources here at World University and School's beginning Library Resources, wiki, subject page:
(planned for 7,105+ languages)
Here are some references I've added to WUaS's Library page about the DPLA:
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Launches Today. 2013. [http://dp.la/info/2013/04/18/digital-public-library-of-america-dpla-launches-today/ Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) Launches Today]. April 18. dp.la/info/2013/04/18/digital-public-library-of-america-dpla-launches-today/.
Palfrey, John G. 2013. [http://jpalfrey.andover.edu/2013/04/18/the-launch-of-the-digital-public-library-of-america/ The Launch of the Digital Public Library of America]. April 18. Andover, MA: jpalfrey.andover.edu/2013/04/18/the-launch-of-the-digital-public-library-of-america/.
The DPLA is also
an open platform for others to use, for other libraries to use, and for other countries to use, and
offers applications,
is accessible to anyone in the world with internet access, not just Americans, and
draws on the book, sound and object resources of major, large libraries, which may grow in number:
"To date, the DPLA has partnered with six state and regional digital libraries and an equal number of large cultural heritage institutions— including the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Smithsonian Institution, the New York Public Library, and Harvard University—to provide access to millions of unique digital objects" (dp.la/info/2013/04/18/digital-public-library-of-america-dpla-launches-today/).
I hope WUaS may begin to engage the DPLA's platform, its search capabilities, its Harvard networks, its vision, as well as its Development resources, with time.
World University would like to become a significant, academic, job producer worldwide (compared with the DPLA which created 4, according to Palfrey - and which seem to be an impressive example of thrift, crowd sourcing libraries and networking) ... for which WUaS needs massive amounts of money.
The DPLA is wonderful vis-a-vis WUaS because they've just created an online, large-scale, scholarly library.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Endangered Species' Peaceable Kingdom?: WUaS Development and Quaker students and World University and School in the SF Bay Area, The College at WUaS, I.B. Diploma Programme, and Admissions' Department at WUaS
Hi Dorothy and John,
Thank you, Dorothy, for your email, and thank you, John, for proactively initiating our communication here, and your epistle to Dorothy.
I'm planning to be with Quaker kids at San Francisco Friends' Meeting this First Day, which is over around 12:30, and it would be great to meet in person with both of you.
Here are some possibilities:
Since Strawberry Creek Meeting is about 5 blocks from the Ashby BART station at 2701 Martin Luther King Jr Way Berkeley, CA 94703 (510) 524-9186, (in south Berkeley) John and I could come back from SFFM together (by car or BART) and I could invite you both for a coffee around 1:15, near the Strawberry Creek Meeting House, and John could return to SF via BART.
As an alternative, I've twice attended enjoyable, Woolman Semester events at Cindy (whom I'm copying in this email) and Peter T's home in Oakland, and it could be great to attend this one as well, especially since Quaker-informed, MIT OCW-centric, free (since C.C.) World University and School is planning both The College at WUaS - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School - (with students first applying this autumn 2013 and matriculating in autumn 2014) as well as an International Baccalaureate high school diploma programme perhaps beginning in 2015 (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_International_Baccalaureate_Diploma_and_Programme) - as online schools (Admissions' department - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School), and welcomes Friendly students (especially Quakerly creative and overachieving ones - e.g. think Henry Cadbury ... and John has two degrees from Harvard, one of which is from the Divinity School, where Henry Cadbury once taught, I think). I can potentially give John a ride back to BART in Oakland after this event.
And Woolman Semester's gap, high school semester (http://woolman.org/ - which is accredited by WASC, and WUaS plans probably to accredit with WASC senior, after getting California state approval from BPPE) could dovetail very well with both WUaS schools (in English, to begin), in terms of Development as well as vis-a-vis Quaker students, and in a variety of other ways.
John, are you possibly available to travel to the East Bay this Sunday afternoon?
With F/friendly greetings,
global university,
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Dhole: World University and School links (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/ - http://scottmacleod.com - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university), MySQL Marinate! ... learn MySQL (structured queried language - so how databases are structured and how to use them)
World University and School
World University and School's main, subjects page:
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Subjects ...
(http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/ and
http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University) -
World University and School's blog:
http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/ -
World University and School's main, page at
http://scottmacleod.com/worlduniversityandschool.htm ...
(http://scottmacleod.com) -
scott-macleod.blogspot.com's global university label for World University and School:
like Wikipedia with MIT OpenCourseWare,
with free, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT-centric, accredited, university degrees
planned in many languages/countries for accredited, university degrees, and I.B. diplomas,
and also planned as wiki-schools in all 7,413+ languages and 204+ countries,
would like to deploy in Wikidata -
MySQL Marinate!
Found this interesting, online/virtual, free, very engaging 12-week study group, out of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to learn MySQL (structured queried language - so how databases are structured and how to use them), in a MeetUp which begins now (Monday), (and also began a previous time on January 1, 2013). We use the book Learning MySQL by Tahaghoghian and Williams, work in the beginning in github.
I'm hopeful this will open the way to developing World University and School in Wikidata.
global university,
MIT language,
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Salt Creek Tiger Beetles: Please share with your fellow Indonesians that WUaS is soft-launched, in English, perhaps by emailing them this WUaS blog entry, WUaS in Spain, first in English, and then in Spanish, as pilots?, WUaS languages' and countries' committee with Board Members' abroad
Hi Tito, (and G, J, S, and Universitians),
Great and thanks again for the reminder.
Please share with your fellow Indonesians that WUaS is soft-launched, in English, perhaps by emailing them this WUaS blog entry -
I'd like to put you in touch especially with our new, WUaS, Board member, G.N. (welcome!), who is originally from Malaysia, but lives in the Washington DC area, and, like myself, also went to Reed College (as well as Princeton, and has much international education and economics' experience). Govind has also expressed recently interest in developing WUaS in Malaysia, and perhaps Azerbijian and other countries. As I've mentioned in other emails, perhaps the three of us, as well as J (in Spain) and S (from Greece and in England) could form a committee to focus bringing WUaS to other countries, especially Indonesia, Malaysia, Spain, England and Greece, first in English.
J and S (haven't heard from you in a while - are you out there? :), are you interested in helping focus bringing MIT-centric WUaS in English to Spain, Spanish-speaking countries, England and Greece?
WUaS is seeking students to apply this autumn, and please share the above blog link that WUaS is soft-launched, and to keep an eye on this blog for further updates about applying (in Indonesia and elsewhere!)
Sorry you fell asleep the other evening in Indonesia, before monthly business meeting, Tito, and in planning for WUaS in Indonesia in English, and using the Conference Method (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning), WUaS will have to plan for this time zone difference.
J, (Board, and sporadic, email Universitians),
Thank you for your email here below, and I'm c.c. including publicly all the current, WUaS Board members in this reply.
Since you're on the WUaS Board, living in Spain, and Spanish is one of the priority/or first, United Nations' languages in which WUaS plans to develop after English, -
and launching in Spain in English could be a good precursor to WUaS launching in Spain in Spanish (and then WUaS launching in other Spanish lands),
for accreditation (bachelor, Ph.D., law and M.D., as well as the high school I.B. diploma)
and for the bookstore/computer store
for textbooks and intellectual resources (I hope we'll be able to plan for most contingencies in most countries - which comprise a lot of variables)
for free, CC, MIT OCW-centric, university degrees,
all the while growing as a wiki for people-to-people teaching and learning in all 7,413 languages (Wikipedia, by way of comparison, is in 285 languages) -
WUaS piloting in Spain with you on the WUaS Board has much merit.
"Greetings Scott, and the rest of the board.
I'm happy to see the progres of WUaS. To keep you updated on my activities, I'm working on a project, that shares part of the mission of WUaS. We are soon launching our pilot course.
Welcome also to G. The action plan suggested seems like the right foundation. Count on me to promote WUaS on Spain. I believe we can find methods.
I'm hopeful particularly that WUaS Board members in and from non-U.S. countries and non-English languages can facilitate together a flourishing World University and School on the WUaS languages' and countries' committee.
global university,
MIT language,
Reed College,
Monday, April 15, 2013
Eyeless Ghost Fish: Saw the film "Admission" (about Princeton University's Admissions' department and process), Helpful blueprint for the Admissions' department at WUAS, "Why should an overachieving high school student apply to WuaS, rather than Princeton?"
Saw the film "Admission" (about the Princeton University's Admissions' department and process) today in the SF East Bay hills at this theater ... It's an intelligent, well done film ... and a very helpful blueprint for the Admissions' department WUAS would like to materialize in the next, few months for overachieving, high school, student applicants to free WUaS ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School ...
Matthew (who is a graduate student at MIT):
Why should an overachieving high school student apply to WuaS, rather than Princeton?
WUaS is planning to offer free, university degrees accrediting on MIT OCW in video and audio to start (e.g. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ - for planning purposes), so the courses, the STEM focus and the MIT faculty in these videos are different from Princeton's. And WUaS, like MIT OCW, is Creative Commons' licensed, as well as wiki, so WUaS is very open, in comparison with Princeton, as well, - with much creative potential for students in the WUaS wiki (we're planning to move to Wikidata). WUaS will also engage the Conference Method online (http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning) with these MIT OCW courses (in Google + Hangouts, for example) - like Reed College's undergraduate approach - so the approach to learning will be different from Princeton's. And WUaS would like to hire MIT graduate students, and grad students from other great universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Cambridge, etc., to facilitate the conference method online, with the above MIT faculty in video, which is different from Princeton, and WUaS will also build on MIT's engineering prowess and creativity, as well as aspiring-professor grad student creativity.
And of course, WUaS is MIT OCW and Wiki INTERNET-centric, where students will be able to be anywhere around the world with broadband studying, whereas Princeton isn't, and this shift of focus, of academic conversation and of resources is potentially profound (in addition to begin C.C. free).
(See, too, this blog entry to share with overachieving high school students who might be applying to college this autumn, as well as the blog itself:
Thanks for the good question.
Scott, I don't think you really answered the question. You say it will be "open" and "different". So? Are these automatically preferable? Will they overcome the disadvantage conferred by the lack of recognition of the value of the degree, compared with one from Princeton?
Scott: Good point, Deirdre ... But I think "free" and "MIT" are great answers to the Matthew's question 'why" ... And of course, WUaS is MIT OCW and Wiki INTERNET-centric, where students will be able to be anywhere around the world with broadband studying, whereas Princeton isn't, and this shift of focus, of academic conversation and of resources is potentially profound (in addition to being C.C. free), - which adds great convenience. Proof of value of the degree due to recognition will be something WUaS will seek to grow with time. And WUaS plans to be in all countries and languages, under one university umbrella, which will also grow the academic (degree) conversation in far-reaching ways.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Sterna antillarum: WUaS will probably partly standardize its 7,413+ language practices around "The Ethnologue," as well as standardize around Google Translate and Wikipedia's languages, Welcome to our New, WUaS Board Member!
If you are a high school student actively interested in applying to MIT OCW-centric World University and School in English, or know of one, this autumn 2013 - with complete applications due by January 1, 2014, at 12 pm Pacific Time - please email WUaS now at worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com with a brief letter just saying you're interested. Here's the link to the developing Admissions at WUaS page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School. International students are very welcome.
Dear Universitians,
Welcome, Govind Nair, to the World University and School Board. I added your name and your LinkedIn page here - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Foundation. Please glance at this and let me know if this information is correct (especially the languages you know) and what you'd like to have there.
Here is the YouTube URL from the today's 45 minute, open monthly business meeting in a G+ Hangout - https://www.youtube.com/edit?ns=1&video_id=kj5eBjXmO5Q - as innovative minutes.
I've also posted below the notes from today from the Google + text chat.
Scott et al,
Thank you and I look forward to working with you to realize this ambitious and ground-breaking initiative.
Scott, if the parentheses refer to fluent languages, you can please list me as follows:
Govindan ("Govind") Nair (USA, English, French, Spanish, Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia)
I have done a brief update on my LinkedIn to reflect my affiliation with WUaS and will amplify it with the link and will help in other ways to get the word, through my network, to others.
Again, with anticipation and enthusiasm,
Great and thanks for the updates. You speak fluently an impressive number of languages - (USA, English, French, Spanish, Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia) - and I added 'n's to the end of 'Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia' on the WUaS Foundation page for the languages you speak - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Foundation - so, 'Malaysian/Indonesian.' Is this correct usage for these languages?
I also just clarified the ideas you suggested in a Skype conference in text chat from about 2 weeks ago which I added to the WUaS Business Plan's idea section (see - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Business_Plan):
"Govind Nair suggests (April 2013): Business plan + proof of concept. Upstream U.S. based pilot with students, platform, operational + pedagogical delivery; Malaysia as a testbed for globalizing a MIT-centric education model - requires global sponsors. Find sponsors whose contributions would cover capital and operating costs of an initial 4 year pilot progam leading to MIT OCW-centric degree virtually delivered. Cost model + financing plan + model from operating and capital costs over 4 year program with financing plan. Map out marketing plan to concurrently develop or follow financing plan."
WUaS hasn't yet begun the 'Marketing Plan' wiki subject page, and let's think about doing this together.
Welcome to the WUaS Board!
1. Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia are the correct contemporary names of what were referred to previously (relic of colonial era) simply as Malay/Indonesian.
2. Glad to chat further in the coming two weeks before I leave for Baku (Azerbaijan) April 26-May 2nd.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I am a dual US/Australia national and you may wish to reflect that on the info. Oz is very big, as you know, in distance & online education. At some point, perhaps not immediately, I would be happy to reach out in this direction too to tap whatever interest & support we can find.
Govind, and Universitians,
Great. Govind, I added your other country of citizenship, Australia, besides USA to the WU Foundation page.
Board members: what countries are you citizens of, besides the ones WUaS has listed - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Foundation?
(Stef, Are you a citizen of the UK, as well as Greece?)
WUaS will probably partly standardize its 7,413+ language practices around "The Ethnologue" since this book and web site names and lists all 7,413 of these (each of which languages will become wiki schools, for open teaching and learning in those languages) - http://www.ethnologue.com/country/MY - and for the WUaS Universal Translator - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator - as well as standardize around Google Translate and Wikipedia. It says 'Standard Malay' is spoken in Malaysia, and Indonesian is spoken in Indonesia. What do you think?
No 'n' at the end of Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia.
global university,
MIT language
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Missouri mussels: World University and School monthly business meeting 13 April 2013 in video ... and as Minutes, And here, too, is World University and School's Video Channel
World University and School monthly business meeting 13 April 2013
... and as Minutes
And here's the April 13th, 2013 agenda from World University and School's blog:
And here, too, is World University and School's video channel:
Friday, April 12, 2013
Bufo houstonensis: Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir Live … :) with large Skype chorus ... (they decided to embrace the 1 second latency in video Skyping for chorus) ... focusing on bliss, and flourishing, for singers and musicians, especially, and looks forward to internet real, real time music making
Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir Live …
http://www.ted.com/talks/eric_whitacre_virtual_choir_live.html …
:) with large Skype chorus ...
added it to World Univ & Sch's Virtual Choir wiki Subject ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Virtual_Choir ...
(they decided to embrace the 1 second latency in video Skyping for chorus) ...
WUaS wants to have weekly choral, chorus and group play singing,
focusing on bliss, and flourishing, for singers and musicians, especially,
and looks forward to internet real, real time music making
(for the Music School, and jamming, too ...
In terms of making music in Skype and G + group, video Hangouts and embracing the latency, I've recently learned in online Skype lessons with Scotland that one piper can lead and the other can follow a second later or so in unison. It's not playing together with nuance, but it's a good workaround for current internet technologies and the state of 'real time.'
choral music,
global university,
loving bliss,
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Tree boa: UNIVERSITIAN NEWS, WUaS, Open, Online Monthly Business Meeting Announcement
Dear Universitians,
I'm glad to say WUaS has just received the contact information for Legislator S.B. in the California State Assembly, and her office, from Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom's office, as WUaS begins the accreditation process with the California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education agency (BPPE), as well as Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC senior). Just to begin this accreditation process, WUaS will pay these two agencies $15,000.
If you are a high school student actively interested in applying to free, online, Creative Commons' licensed, MIT OCW-centric World University and School in English, or know of one, this autumn 2013 - with complete applications due by January 1, 2014, at 12 pm Pacific Time - please email WUaS now at - worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com - with a brief letter just saying you're interested.
Here's the link to the developing Admissions' office at WUaS page - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Admissions_at_World_University_and_School .
Thank you for joining the World University and School team. WUaS would like to invite you to participate in our hour-long, monthly, business meeting this Saturday, April 13th, beginning at 9 a.m., Pacific Coast Time / 12 noon East Coast Time.
This month we'll meet online in a Google + video hangout, (with its 2 channels for communication, via group video and group text chat, opening opportunities for communication). And this month, I'll send out a second email a few minutes prior to 9am, to our entire WUaS email list with the actual web address / URL of the Google + group video Hangout.
You'll also find the Hangout posted here - https://plus.google.com/u/0/115890623333932577910/posts - at WUaS's G+ profile page findable by searching in Google + on worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com . Here's an example of a WUaS Google + video hangout meeting, - "World University and School, Student, Board / Team's 1st meeting 3 Nov 2012" ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR0y7Z4saHI - and a good overview of WUaS, from a Stanford Coursera course I took in last autumn called "Startup Boards: Advanced Entrepreneurship" on World University and School's YouTube video channel https://www.youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch .
The agenda for the upcoming business meeting is at: http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2013/04/april-13-2013-monthly-business-meeting.html .
The Treasurer's report for March 2013 is attached.
The next, open, hour-long, WUaS, monthly business meeting is on Saturday, May 11, 2013 in a Google + Hangout.
World University and School is looking for a new, Board member to focus on fundraising, and to actually bring in significant monies for WUaS, which you'll see on the above agenda.
Concerning this WUaS team email list, we'll generally send out an email once a month. If you'd like to receive more frequent, sporadic, WUaS emails, please reply to this email telling me so. If you could, please REPLY with UNSUBSCRIBE, or an alternative email address, if you wish NOT to receive WUaS's emails, or receive them in a different email account, - and WUaS would be very grateful.
Free, online, wiki WUaS, like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, is planned for all 3,000-8,000 languages and for around 200 countries, with free degrees accrediting on MIT OpenCourseWare+, and will help many, many people.
Thank you again for your interest in helping grow World University and School.
All the best,
Scott MacLeod
Founder & President
World University and School
(like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware)
P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516
415 480 4577
Skype: scottm100
Google + main, WUaS pages:
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
Please contribute, and invite friends to contribute, tax deductibly, via PayPal and credit card:
World University and School is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'remove' in the subject line. Thank you.
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