Hi Universitians,
* As you know, World University and School is open and receiving undergraduate applications for this autumn 2014 for free (since C.C.) MIT OCW-centric bachelor's degrees.
Students will be taking 32 of these courses over 4 years - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ - for free (C.C.) and MIT-centric, online, accrediting, WUaS undergraduate degrees, in English, (then in other languages - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses/ ).
The College at World University and School -
This is great, fascinating and exciting, - and WUaS has gotten no press about this.
Classes will initially meet in Google + Hangouts, and registration will occur in Google Docs ...
Here's information about how to apply:
Admissions at World University and School
(I've posted the above here - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2014/01/receiving-applications-at-wuas-for-this.html - and here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2014/01/sedge-wren-world-university-and-school.html ).
WUaS is quite an unobserved, remarkable opportunity for students - free and MIT (not endorsed by MIT). Please let prospective students you know know.
* Here's the slideshow presentation I gave to the Society of Auditors in Chennai, India, on January 15th - 'India Presentation to the Society of Auditors in Chennai, on January 15, 2014 - 'World University and School' and India' - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2014/01/presentation-to-society-of-auditors-in.html .
* These open, WUaS, monthly business meetings, in the manner of Quakers, are one way WUaS is very democratic, with an invitation to participate. (WUaS's wiki-ness - editable web pages - is another, important way).
Thank you for joining the World University and School team. WUaS would like to invite you to participate in our hour-long, annual, business meeting this Saturday, February 8th, beginning at 9 a.m., Pacific Coast Time / 12 noon East Coast Time.
This month we'll meet online in a Google + group video hangout, (with its 3 channels for communication, via group video, audio and group text chat, opening opportunities for communication). And this month, I'll continue to send out a second email a few minutes prior to 9am PT, to our entire WUaS email list with the actual web address / URL of the Google + group video Hangout, as well as send a third email after business meeting with WUaS Minutes.
You'll also find the Hangout posted here - https://plus.google.com/u/0/115890623333932577910/posts - at WUaS's G+ profile page findable by searching in Google + on worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com . Here's an example of a WUaS Google + video hangout business meeting from April 2013, - "World University and School monthly business meeting" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kj5eBjXmO5Q . You'll find other good examples as well as a good overview of WUaS, from a Stanford Coursera course I took in autumn 2012 called "Startup Boards: Advanced Entrepreneurship" on World University and School's YouTube video channel - https://www.youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch - and here -http://scottmacleod.com/papers.htm . WUaS's active blog is here - http://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com .
The agenda for the upcoming, February 8th, 2014 WUaS, monthly, business meeting is here:
I'm attaching the treasurer's report from January 2014.
The next, open, hour-long, WUaS, monthly business meeting is on Saturday, March 8th, 2014, and is also WUaS's annual business meeting, in a Google + Hangout.
For people on the sporadic, somewhat frequent, WUaS, email list, or who wish to be. WUaS is going to start posting actively to both the WUaS Google Group (world-university-and-school@googlegroups.com ), and the WUaS Yahoo Group (worlduniversityandschool@yahoogroups.com ), both of which allow for daily and weekly digests. Please join these groups for daily and weekly digests.
World University and School is looking for a new, Board member to focus on fundraising, and to actually bring in significant monies for WUaS, which you'll see on the above agenda.
Concerning this WUaS team email list, we'll generally send out business meeting emails once a month. If you'd like to receive more frequent, sporadic, WUaS emails, please reply to this email telling me so. If you could, please REPLY with UNSUBSCRIBE, or an alternative email address, if you wish NOT to receive WUaS's emails, or receive them in a different email account, - and WUaS would be very grateful.
Free, Creative Commons' licensed, online, wiki WUaS, like Wikipedia with MIT OCW, is planned for all 3,000-8,000 languages and for around 240 countries, with free degrees accrediting on C.C. MIT OpenCourseWare+, - and will help many, many people.
World University and School would like to become the MIT / Harvard of the Internet, and in all 7,105+ languages and 242+ countries, with online, Creative Commons' licensed MIT OCW-centric, university degrees.
Thank you again for your interest in helping grow World University and School.
All the best,
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