Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Warblers - Protonotaria-citrea: FEATURE: "Governments Fulfil their Commitment: Access and Benefit-Sharing Treaty Receives Required Number of Ratifications to Enter into Force," FEATURE: "Should international refugee law accommodate climate change?," WUaS Nation States' page, beginning WUaS Law School (in English), with law schools planned for all countries, Ocean and Climate Change plan page

FEATURE: Governments Fulfil their Commitment: Access and Benefit-Sharing Treaty Receives Required Number of Ratifications to Enter into Force

Thanks Lance for this. I think all of the World University and School law schools -

World University and School Law School (in English) - -

planned for all nation states -

Nation States at WUaS - -

under one WUaS umbrella, and their law faculty members, will certainly focus on international treaty questions.


FEATURE: Should international refugee law accommodate climate change?

Thanks Lance for this. In terms of climate change/global warming, and planning to reverse it even -

Ocean and Climate Management Plan wiki page at WUaS- -

I think all of the World University and School law schools -

World University and School Law School (in English) - -

planned for all nation states -

Nation States at WUaS - -

under one WUaS umbrella, and their law faculty members, will certainly focus on  international refugee law questions.



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