5:30 PM (0 minutes ago)
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Thanks, Houcemeddine (Monsieur or سيد او سيدي) & Sebastian, Peter, Denny, Wikdiatans and All again,
This email is a strategy, brainstorming, medicine and Google stake in Wikidata/Wikibase re 7.5 billion people as Wikidata Q-item #s' email, in response to some of your recent emails.
Brainstorming-wise, and taking a medical charting by MDs with Wikidata for psychiatry approach, and for 7.5 billion people on planet for psychiatry too - AND with planning for voice, and per wiki World Univ & Sch's recent laying "claim to create 7.5 Billion Wikidata Q's" email, how would this work with avatar bot electronic medical records?
Conceptually, here are some Avatar bots images re medicine - 'topbot' ...
- https://web.archive.org/web/20170831212017/https://www.topbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/ai_healthcare_challenges_800x350.jpg (with this image and one more heart in avatar bot image from MIT here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/oregon-coast-wuas-avatarbotelectronicme.html ). This first image contains a whole human avatar bot, a world map plus many other components of possible avatar bot electronic medical records - scaled large. (And brainstorming-wise, I'm also thinking in terms of Kaiser Permanente Health Maintenance Organization / health care provider with 1000s of MDs in the US in many US states as standards for charting for psychiatry in digital age as precedent in these regards).
Brainstorming-wise, and taking a medical charting by MDs with Wikidata for psychiatry approach, and for 7.5 billion people on planet for psychiatry too - AND with planning for voice, and per wiki World Univ & Sch's recent laying "claim to create 7.5 Billion Wikidata Q's" email, how would this work with avatar bot electronic medical records?
Conceptually, here are some Avatar bots images re medicine - 'topbot' ...
- https://web.archive.org/
So, for example, take epilepsy as a psychiatric condition, how would a psychiatrist MD medically chart epilepsy findings one medical appointment after another for a single patient over time? So, for example, here's an image of the 'frontal lobe epilepsy' -
https://web.archive.org/web/20181105175551/http://epilepsyu.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/frontal-lobe.png . And say this is an image of a patient's brain at the cellular (or the atomic) level. Potentially this image could be added to the above 'topbot' avatar bot (with its Wikidata Q-item number) with a date and in relation to that epileptic patient's other brain imaging thus far over time, and in video too - and potentially many MDs over time could add this to this patient's avatar bot electronic medical record as well. Wikidata could play a significant role in this scenario, by helping structure the data for labeling and retrieving data about what kind of epilepsy this image shows, and this patient has - https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9917-epilepsy-types-and-their-symptoms (see too https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/Epilepsy_and_psychiatric_disorders and https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/epilepsy-and-its-management-in-relation-to-psychiatry-2376-0281-1000121.php?aid=32022 ). So a hypothetical Tunisian psychiatrist could in this patient avatar bot electronic medical records as Wikidata Q-ttems' charting example create records in either French or Arabic (or any other of the ~300 languages in Wikipedia).
And furthermore, a Wikidata query by a Tunisian psychiatrist doctor MD or researcher scientist looking at related cases of eplepsy in Tunisia, for example, could ask Wikidata-wise "how many patients in Tunisia in 2010 had 'Frontal Lobe epilepsy'?" along with "where in Tunisia did these epileptic seizures take place?" - and along with psychiatry-wise "Are there ways to further localize and identify in this image specific parts of the brain in the frontal lobe where the seizure occurs together with behavior questions and with medication and treatment questions?" I think this would shape a new approach to Wikidata Bioinformatics. Brainstorming-wise further, in what ways could Wikidata / you / World University and School's Research and Tunisia Medical School at WUaS begin to do pilot studies in Tunisia with say 10,000 patients in one hospital over one year, some of whom had epileptic seizures with good imaging and data about these - each patient a Wikidata Q-item - as well as (what other aspects of the epilepsy data in Wikidata ie treatment, medication etc)? Google's TensorFlow could be used to analyze and especially learn via machine learning from these data via Wikidata.
Moving on from avatar bot electronic medical records re Wikidata and the above example, to Google's stake in Wikidata/Wikipedia re WUaS's claim 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item #, and UBI experiments, it was good to see in a recent Twitter post by John Palfrey (former Harvard Law Professor, and former Head of Phillips Academy Andover High School - and now newly President of the MacArthur Foundation based in Chicago, who's parents are both Harvard MDs), that Google protocols are coming under AntiTrust (anti-monopoly legal rulings in the US) scrutiny from the House of Representatives -
https://twitter.com/jpalfrey/status/1178312201993629696 . If Google's protocols become the way UBI experiments are explored (to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks) - each person of 7.5 billion people on planet earth a Wikidata Q-item - first in the USA then in many other countries with different legal systems, this would significantly affect Wikidata's / Wikimedia's strategy in new ways. Please remember that CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School donated itself to Wikidata for co-development in 2015, and received the WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 but that they're not yet interoperable, and that WUaS seeks to create Wikidata Q-item numbers for speakers in each of all 7,111 known living languages - each a wiki school at WUaS for open teaching and learning - and also for all 7.5 billion people, each a wiki teacher or learner at WUaS, in these regards.
So re Google's stake in Wikidata / Wikipedia further, and in that World Univ & Sch is both in Wikidata as well as in Google Education, I'm going to seek to add some of the above avatar bot images above to our new Google for Nonprofits' pages - g.page/world-university-and-school and g.page/world-university-and-school?share - and in seeking for WUaS to further develop with Wikidata Q-item numbers and re our unfolding WUaS Medical Schools and online teaching Hospitals - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital - for online clinical care. Brainstorming-wise, in what ways Houcemeddine and Sebastion and All re Wikidata and DBPedia and FreeBase might we further explore creating 10,000 avatar bot electronic medical records for 10,000 Tunisians each a Wikidata Q-item to explore developing this further? And in this pilot study vein too how might we start creating Wikidata queries on these 10,000 avatar bot electronic medical records for 10,000 Tunisians each a Wikidata Q-item re epilepsy, for example?
I touch on these Wikidata Q-items for each of all 7.5 billion people - in 3 ways to begin - in World Univ & Sch's Monthly Business Meeting Minutes from 21 September 2019 - https://scott-macleod.https://web.archive.org/web/
And furthermore, a Wikidata query by a Tunisian psychiatrist doctor MD or researcher scientist looking at related cases of eplepsy in Tunisia, for example, could ask Wikidata-wise "how many patients in Tunisia in 2010 had 'Frontal Lobe epilepsy'?" along with "where in Tunisia did these epileptic seizures take place?" - and along with psychiatry-wise "Are there ways to further localize and identify in this image specific parts of the brain in the frontal lobe where the seizure occurs together with behavior questions and with medication and treatment questions?" I think this would shape a new approach to Wikidata Bioinformatics. Brainstorming-wise further, in what ways could Wikidata / you / World University and School's Research and Tunisia Medical School at WUaS begin to do pilot studies in Tunisia with say 10,000 patients in one hospital over one year, some of whom had epileptic seizures with good imaging and data about these - each patient a Wikidata Q-item - as well as (what other aspects of the epilepsy data in Wikidata ie treatment, medication etc)? Google's TensorFlow could be used to analyze and especially learn via machine learning from these data via Wikidata.
Moving on from avatar bot electronic medical records re Wikidata and the above example, to Google's stake in Wikidata/Wikipedia re WUaS's claim 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item #, and UBI experiments, it was good to see in a recent Twitter post by John Palfrey (former Harvard Law Professor, and former Head of Phillips Academy Andover High School - and now newly President of the MacArthur Foundation based in Chicago, who's parents are both Harvard MDs), that Google protocols are coming under AntiTrust (anti-monopoly legal rulings in the US) scrutiny from the House of Representatives -
Google Draws House Antitrust Scrutiny of Internet Protocol https://t.co/TqmgXjUTDj— John Palfrey (@jpalfrey) September 29, 2019
So re Google's stake in Wikidata / Wikipedia further, and in that World Univ & Sch is both in Wikidata as well as in Google Education, I'm going to seek to add some of the above avatar bot images above to our new Google for Nonprofits' pages - g.page/world-university-and-
Thanks for your direct responses, Houcemeddine and Sebastian!
All the best, Scott
If Google's protocols become the way #UBIexperiments are explored (to distribute a #SingleCryptocurrency backed by % of ~200 countries' central banks) - all 7.5 billion people on planet earth a Wikidata Q-item at WUaS - these legal developments would reshape Internet finance law
If Google's protocols become the way #UBIexperiments are explored (to distribute a #SingleCryptocurrency backed by % of ~200 countries' central banks) - all 7.5 billion people on planet earth a Wikidata Q-item at WUaS - these legal developments would reshape Internet finance law https://t.co/Qt7Gg2Hh4K— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) October 1, 2019
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- http://
- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com
- http://scottmacleod.com
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Houcemeddine Turki
Free, #openaccess archived version at https://zenodo.org/record/3461198 https://twitter.com/Csisc1994/status/1179003175900270592 …
— Houcemeddine Turki (@Csisc1994) October 1, 2019