Monday, February 8, 2010

Figs: Harbin's wholeness - its Gestalt - which is a kind of experiential perfection - the waters & the valley, the climate, the clothing optionalness

Changes in perspective are emblematic of, and a part of counterculture.


At Harbin I hear Spanish spoken sometimes, besides English.


I sometimes find hints of Nicholson's "Somethings got to give" film at Harbin.


Wisdom in individuals in the place and freedom at Harbin.


At Harbin there are at least 14 films a week.


A social pattern I've noticed at Harbin:

There's a kind of hazing at Harbin upon 1st arriving as a guest, which I've noticed over the years. While not exacting hazing, a Harbin resident, for example, might even do something unthoughtful or slightly antagonistic, and then a beneficial serendipity often develops at Harbin following this initial slight negativity. Harbin's cattiness?


It's a warm weekend day beginning of fig leaves coming out.

Harbin has a wholeness - its Gestalt - which is a kind of experiential perfection - the waters and the valley, the climate, the clothing optionalness.

( - February 8, 2010)

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