Thursday, February 25, 2010

Himalayan balsam: Harbin ethnography for social science-oriented university undergraduate and graduate students, Magic Bus, Harbin wiki?

Harbin ethnography:

... Harbin's emergent cultural formation in unanticipated ways.

I would like this book to be read by not only anthropological and social science-oriented university undergraduate and graduate students, and also by a more general audience such as people who might buy Rory MacLean's “The Magic Bus: On the Road from Istanbul to India,” including Harbin residents. I also hope it will be read by scholars, students, and designers of virtual worlds, for is on-the-ground/virtual comparison. And I hope scholars in science, technology and society studies, as well as information technologists, will read this book. Those interested in the 1960s, counterculture, resistance movements, communitarianism, radical-political and utopian envisionings, and gardening, may also find helpful ideas here. Those who live in virtual worlds, such as Second Life, Open Simulator, Open Cobalt, and many others, may also find this book richly relevant to their lives. I hope also for many different groups of unanticipated readers. A Harbin wiki (editable web pages) may also emerge out of this book, significantly and colorfully created by Harbin residents, as both a form of new ethnographically-informed, group communication process about Harbin, as well as an online way to archive and generate ethnographic representation.

This book won't please all of these readers ...

( - February 25, 2010)

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